
Jefaischierlesgens - La Triforce de la Poop

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on dimanche 4 janvier 2015 at 12:34:35

Artist: Jefaischierlesgens
Title: La Triforce de la Poop
Tags: the legend of zelda cd-i ytpmv
BPM: 165,98
Filesize: 16085kb
Play Time: 02:07
Difficulties Available:
  1. 123Lunatic (3,69 stars, 303 notes)
  2. Hard (2,68 stars, 226 notes)
  3. Normal (1,94 stars, 138 notes)
  4. Novice (1,01 stars, 55 notes)
Download: Jefaischierlesgens - La Triforce de la Poop
Download: Jefaischierlesgens - La Triforce de la Poop (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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Et pas besoin de bouger l'offset, c'est déja synchro.
Ah, et en fait, l'Easy avec que des sliders, c'est rankable?
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dialgadu77 wrote:

Ah, et en fait, l'Easy avec que des sliders, c'est rankable?
Plein de diffs fullsliders sont rankées. :V
A l'origine 'devait pas y avoir de single notes en Easy mais BUG oblige, y'en a et c'est horrible ><

Sinon j'ai un doute mais à vérifier. Je demanderai carrément au créateur s'il peut me passer la vidéo originale, pour moins de qualité perdue. >U

_Gezo_ wrote:

dialgadu77 wrote:

Ah, et en fait, l'Easy avec que des sliders, c'est rankable?
Plein de diffs fullsliders sont rankées. :V
A l'origine 'devait pas y avoir de single notes en Easy mais BUG oblige, y'en a et c'est horrible ><

Sinon j'ai un doute mais à vérifier. Je demanderai carrément au créateur s'il peut me passer la vidéo originale, pour moins de qualité perdue. >U
Wait, la limite pour une map avec vidéo, c'est combien de mo?

EDIT: Sinon, j'peux pas faire une diff standard?
Topic Starter

dialgadu77 wrote:

Wait, la limite pour une map avec vidéo, c'est combien de mo?

EDIT: Sinon, j'peux pas faire une diff standard?
24 iirc

sinon non, y'a plus qu'une place et Musty doit la prendre (sauf s'il se désiste)

_Gezo_ wrote:

dialgadu77 wrote:

Wait, la limite pour une map avec vidéo, c'est combien de mo?

EDIT: Sinon, j'peux pas faire une diff standard?
24 iirc

sinon non, y'a plus qu'une place et Musty doit la prendre (sauf s'il se désiste)

Ok pour la taille (J'mappe un truc et la vidéo prend pas mal de place, pour ca)
Hi Jezo. \;D/ Taiko modding here


-Letterboxes afsdafsdfadfafsd, no breaks so whatever, you know what to do
-Soft hitsounds? Are you sure? Soft hitsounds are a bit different when using default skin ;x I suggest Normal 60%

[Taiko Oni]
LOL couldn't find many things... the diff itself is almost perfect and fits veeeeeery well
Just some asdasdasd observations/suggestions here:

00:28:716 (2) - d
00:29:800 (3) - k
00:38:746 (1) - k
00:49:318 - here sv suddenly goes to x0,75.. I suggest use 0,80 and place an inherit sectin with 0,90 here: 00:49:138
00:52:933 (3) - k? o:
00:54:740 (2) - ^
01:35:583 - x1,6 wow. It's ok, but the first time I played it, this sudden change took me by surprise. I also personally hate when I see a sv change on a 1/4 pattern, so [~nazi~] better if you delete 01:35:493 (2) and put an x1,30 inherit here: 01:35:403, now it looks very beautiful now and isn't so "WOW" when you see it.
also 01:40:102 - x1,4 here and 01:41:005 - x1,20 because 1,60 to 1,00 overlaps a little and again it's a sudden change
01:41:186 (4) still overlaps a little with 01:41:367 (1) but for me it's not a big problem... you can change it with an x1,10 inherit here: 01:41:186 but isn't reeeeally necessary imo ;x (it's just more ~beautiful~ if you do) [/~nazi~]
01:54:108 (1) - k?
From 01:54:108 to 02:07:391 - The same sv thing. No need to decrease the sv at the end (since it's the end, hurr) but would be very cool.

[Taiko Muzukashii]

Again, coundn't find many things and blablabla

00:20:041 (3) - d?
00:23:475 (4) - ^
00:28:716 (2) - ^ also, same as Taiko Oni, LOL
00:36:306 (2) - ^
00:48:957 (2) - k
01:37:029 (1) - ^
01:51:487 (5) - ^
01:57:993 (7) - ^
02:03:053 (1) - ^

[Taiko Kantan]

Kantan, LOL. It's hard to find something to change in a Kantan

01:05:583 (4) - d
01:33:415 (2) - k
01:36:306 (2) - d
01:48:596 (3) - ^
02:02:330 (2) - ^

that's all, o3o
good luck
Topic Starter

[Luanny PhNyx] wrote:

Hi Jezo. \;D/ Taiko modding here


-Letterboxes afsdafsdfadfafsd, no breaks so whatever, you know what to do fixd
-Soft hitsounds? Are you sure? Soft hitsounds are a bit different when using default skin ;x I suggest Normal 60%
// don't give a crap about default

[Taiko Oni]
LOL couldn't find many things... the diff itself is almost perfect and fits veeeeeery well
Just some asdasdasd observations/suggestions here:

00:28:716 (2) - d Nah, the "ce" has the same pitch as "et", and the drum sound does not change at all
00:29:800 (3) - k Same as above, the "Tous les" is lower-pitched than "vrais guerr-", then "-iers" becomes low-pitched.
00:38:746 (1) - k
00:49:318 - here sv suddenly goes to x0,75.. I suggest use 0,80 and place an inherit sectin with 0,90 here: 00:49:138
00:52:933 (3) - k? o:
00:54:740 (2) - ^ something like a kick, dunno. If it was sounding like a sidestick I'd agree :V
01:35:583 - x1,6 wow. It's ok, but the first time I played it, this sudden change took me by surprise. I also personally hate when I see a sv change on a 1/4 pattern, so [~nazi~] better if you delete 01:35:493 (2) and put an x1,30 inherit here: 01:35:403, now it looks very beautiful now and isn't so "WOW" when you see it. Agreed for everything but not the deletion of the note, so I put *1,45 section. Stream is not complex at all, so it's okay for that kind.
also 01:40:102 - x1,4 here and 01:41:005 - x1,20 because 1,60 to 1,00 overlaps a little and again it's a sudden change
01:41:186 (4) still overlaps a little with 01:41:367 (1) but for me it's not a big problem... you can change it with an x1,10 inherit here: 01:41:186 but isn't reeeeally necessary imo ;x (it's just more ~beautiful~ if you do) [/~nazi~]
01:54:108 (1) - k?
From 01:54:108 to 02:07:391 - The same sv thing. No need to decrease the sv at the end (since it's the end, hurr) but would be very cool.

[Taiko Muzukashii]

Again, coundn't find many things and blablabla

00:20:041 (3) - d?
00:23:475 (4) - ^ Applied on the previous note.
00:28:716 (2) - ^ also, same as Taiko Oni, LOL
00:36:306 (2) - ^
00:48:957 (2) - k
01:37:029 (1) - ^ + finish
01:51:487 (5) - ^
01:57:993 (7) - ^
02:03:053 (1) - ^ + finish

[Taiko Kantan]

Kantan, LOL. It's hard to find something to change in a Kantan

01:05:583 (4) - d
01:33:415 (2) - k
01:36:306 (2) - d Dunno why but I find k - k - k - k k d better :x
01:48:596 (3) - ^
02:02:330 (2) - ^ Same as 2 above LOL

that's all, o3o
good luck
Plop, désolé pour le retard ;~;
Je sais pas vraiment modder les Taiko, donc je pourrai pas t'aider a les améliorer, désolé :/

Le mp3 a un bitrate de 320kbps, ce qui est pas rankable :<
Il faut qu'il soit au maximum a 192kbps
Etant donné que t'es une feignasse que je suis génial et super généreux, voila ton nouvel mp3 réencodé !

Apparamment l'offset a l'air d'être le même chez moi, ce qui semble un peu étrange, du coup j'suis pas très sûr o.o
Regarde si c'est ok chez toi aussi

Évite le combo color gris, ça peut être gênant en multijoueur (même couleur que quand on fail)
Utilise ça plutôt :

Combo2 : 0,128,255

[Gezo's Poot Poop]

00:31:879 (12) - Supprime ce cercle, ce triplet sonne vraiment mal ici
00:43:897 (2) - Uwah, ce slider est vraiment vicieux, je m'attendais pas a autant de repeats ;~;
C'est qu'un avis personnel, mais je te recommande de supprimer un repeats sur le slider, et d'ajouter un cercle a la fin du slider
(un truc comme ca : )
00:45:975 (3,4,5,6) - J'ai l'impression que ce stream est juste la pour overmapper, supprime le et ajoute un cercle a 00:46:065 et a 00:46:246.
00:50:222 - Je trouve que ca sonne mieux si tu fait quelque chose comme ça : (j'ai supprimé un cercle et j'ai)déplacé les éléments suivant)
01:48:957 (8) - Finish au début du slider ?


Le truc qui me gène sur cette diff, c'est que les cercles/sliders sont littéralement collé entre eux, ça fait pas joli et en plus ça peut rendre la lecture de certaines patterns un peu trop difficile, comme celui la : 01:10:282 (5,6,7,8) :/

00:39:198 (4) - Ce finish sonne un peu bizarre ici
01:42:933 - Ajoute un break ici, évite de laisser des grands espace vide si possible, y a rien de pire pour un joueur qui a un peu de mal de fail a cause du hp drain.


00:26:909 (1) - No new combo
00:29:800 (4) - What ? Un clap ici ? o.o
00:45:343 (3) - Ce slider colle pas vraiment a la musique, fait quelque chose dans ce style a la place :
01:12:451 (1) - No new combo
01:17:511 (1) - ^
01:42:731 - Ajoute un break ici, même raison qu'avant


00:41:367 (2) - Clap au début du slider
01:13:673 - Ajoute un break

C'est tout pour cette fois :3
Good luck patate !
Topic Starter

Fight69 wrote:

Plop, désolé pour le retard ;~; feignasse va :D/
Je sais pas vraiment modder les Taiko, donc je pourrai pas t'aider a les améliorer, désolé :/ no prob, j'ai des modders taiko sous la main

Le mp3 a un bitrate de 320kbps, ce qui est pas rankable :< merde j'ai pas remarqué ça, en plus comme je te l'ai dit je devais le voir parce que j'étais convaincu que ce serait pas du rankable mais je suis feignasse
Il faut qu'il soit au maximum a 192kbps je sais je sais t'inquiètes pas XD (s'pour ça que quand j'fais un rendu de mes songs c'est 128/160/192 now)
Etant donné que t'es une feignasse que je suis génial et super généreux, voila ton nouvel mp3 réencodé ! C'est génial, je prends le mp3 !

Apparamment l'offset a l'air d'être le même chez moi, ce qui semble un peu étrange, du coup j'suis pas très sûr o.o
Regarde si c'est ok chez toi aussi à vérifier

Évite le combo color gris, ça peut être gênant en multijoueur (même couleur que quand on fail) c'est pas vraiment le même gris mais ok
Utilise ça plutôt :

Combo2 : 0,128,255

[Gezo's Poot Poop]

00:31:879 (12) - Supprime ce cercle, ce triplet sonne vraiment mal ici ok
00:43:897 (2) - Uwah, ce slider est vraiment vicieux, je m'attendais pas a autant de repeats ;~; je savais pas comment faire pour garder le "vage" de sauvage qui fadeout en écho, j'ai fait comme ça par défaut :/, mais fixed v
C'est qu'un avis personnel, mais je te recommande de supprimer un repeats sur le slider, et d'ajouter un cercle a la fin du slider
(un truc comme ca : )
00:45:975 (3,4,5,6) - J'ai l'impression que ce stream est juste la pour overmapper, supprime le et ajoute un cercle a 00:46:065 et a 00:46:246. en gros tu me demandes de virer les blue ? :D - M'enfin je vois pas comment je peux mapper "je suis Olivier de Carglass" en gardant le 1/4, j'ai mis ça par intuition. Fixed quand même avec un pattern moins serré
00:50:222 - Je trouve que ca sonne mieux si tu fait quelque chose comme ça : (j'ai supprimé un cercle et j'ai)déplacé les éléments suivant) :D/
01:48:957 (8) - Finish au début du slider ? écoute, poutrquoi pas ? :D


Le truc qui me gène sur cette diff, c'est que les cercles/sliders sont littéralement collé entre eux, ça fait pas joli et en plus ça peut rendre la lecture de certaines patterns un peu trop difficile, comme celui la : 01:10:282 (5,6,7,8) :/ le gros problème est la SV, j'ai mal commencé en mettant 1,6 pour la plus haute diff, et donc j'ai mis 1,2 là, très petite SV pour une hard dans mes habitudes :/

00:39:198 (4) - Ce finish sonne un peu bizarre ici fix
01:42:933 - Ajoute un break ici, évite de laisser des grands espace vide si possible, y a rien de pire pour un joueur qui a un peu de mal de fail a cause du hp drain. fix, osu! est un troll il me sort des breaks n'importe quand mais pas là :D


00:26:909 (1) - No new combo fx
00:29:800 (4) - What ? Un clap ici ? o.o del'd
00:45:343 (3) - Ce slider colle pas vraiment a la musique, fait quelque chose dans ce style a la place : fixed, ça rend mieux je trouve
01:12:451 (1) - No new combo del'd nc
01:17:511 (1) - ^ ^
01:42:731 - Ajoute un break ici, même raison qu'avant même chose


00:41:367 (2) - Clap au début du slider oups, oublié XD
01:13:673 - Ajoute un break même chose

C'est tout pour cette fois :3
Good luck patate ! le poireau c'est rigolo
00:14:620 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - The sliders look like beats, might be confusing for a [normal].

Very good.

No Problems found

Gezo's Poop
No Problems found.
Topic Starter

LesTrucsRose wrote:

00:14:620 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - The sliders look like beats, might be confusing for a [normal].
I tried to replace them with normal circles, it works good too ! Fixed.

Thanks for modding !
As requested.


  • Inconsistency in Tags:
    Maybe some people will search your name as "Gezo", so you could add it to tags.


  • 00:14:620 (1,2,3,4,5,6) Too confusing for normal players... maybe delete (1,2,5,6) and add sliders instead?
    00:20:403 (3) NC
    00:46:427 (4) ^


  • 01:00:885 (1,2,3) Better if they make a mini-jump and 3 stack with 2.

    Nice diff overall, but if you could add some jumps will be better.


  • 02:01:427 - Copy / Paste from 01:49:861, I'd like to see a few new patterns here

    btw, Nice Diff.

Topic Starter

iMercurial wrote:

As requested.



  • 00:14:620 (1,2,3,4,5,6) Too confusing for normal players... maybe delete (1,2,5,6) and add sliders instead? Okay, so on that part I'm very confused. I tried with C-S-S-C, let's see.
    00:20:403 (3) NC ok
    00:46:427 (4) ^ ok


  • 01:00:885 (1,2,3) Better if they make a mini-jump and 3 stack with 2. Nice suggestion you've given ! Applied.

    Nice diff overall, but if you could add some jumps will be better. It was originally a Light Hard.


  • 02:01:427 - Copy / Paste from 01:49:861, I'd like to see a few new patterns here remapped.

    btw, Nice Diff.


1. You may want to delete timing at 00:09:198, 00:31:909, and 00:31:969
2. 00:48:596 (3) - ctrl+h to keep the flow. Don't forget to move this to the original place.

1. You may want to delete timing at 00:09:198, 00:31:909, and 00:31:969
2. 00:45:343 (3) - Clap at kickback.

1. You may want to delete timing at 00:09:198, 00:31:909, and 00:31:969

=Gezo's Poop= TIME TO FLEE
1. You may want to delete timing at 00:09:198, 00:31:909, and 00:31:969

=Taiko Kantan=

=Taiko Muzukashii=
1. 00:47:330 (1) - Delete. You may want to give them some rest. This is still Muzukashii, don't make them frustate D:

=Taiko Oni=
This is what I called Party hard.

Awesome mapset. Good luck <3
Topic Starter

Loli Cjj wrote:

1. You may want to delete timing at 00:09:198, 00:31:909, and 00:31:969 Nope for the first one, and okay for the second. I need to keep the 0,5x section for all diffs :V
2. 00:48:596 (3) - ctrl+h to keep the flow. Don't forget to move this to the original place. Impossible in order to keep the spacing ;_;

1. You may want to delete timing at 00:09:198, 00:31:909, and 00:31:969 Look at easy
2. 00:45:343 (3) - Clap at kickback. Fixed

1. You may want to delete timing at 00:09:198, 00:31:909, and 00:31:969 Look at easy

=Gezo's Poop= TIME TO FLEE
1. You may want to delete timing at 00:09:198, 00:31:909, and 00:31:969 Look at easy

=Taiko Kantan=

=Taiko Muzukashii=
1. 00:47:330 (1) - Delete. You may want to give them some rest. This is still Muzukashii, don't make them frustate D: my X18 ;_____________________________; *add note somewhere*

=Taiko Oni=
This is what I called Party hard.

Awesome mapset. Good luck <3
je suis ton pere I don't understand french
Topic Starter

Jenny wrote:

je suis ton pere I don't understand french
Ich bon ihr Vater asgdfsa?

_Gezo_ wrote:

Jenny wrote:

je suis ton pere I don't understand french
Ich bon ihr Vater asgdfsa?
c'est plutôt "bin", non?
Topic Starter

dialgadu77 wrote:

c'est plutôt "bin", non?
shhhhhh c'est une typo
Tout ce que j'entend c'est : Trop petit.
J'ai surtout pas envie de savoir ce qui est trop petit, hein.
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

Tout ce que j'entend c'est : Trop petit.
J'ai surtout pas envie de savoir ce qui est trop petit, hein.
wuuuuuuuuuuuut? Tu confonds avec "mon petit".
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:


_Gezo_ wrote:

Kurai wrote:

I don't understand nothing of what are you saying, but LOOK THERE, A SEGA MASTERSYSTEM! ♥
Mah boi, MON PETIT, Mein Junge.

Finished your requested Taiko Futsuu.

It's just named "Taiko Futsuu" instead of "Dunskin's Taiko Futsuu" because it looks better in your mapset.
Please add "darkdunskin" to the Tags and write something like "Taiko Futsuu by DarkDunskin" in your Headpost.
That's all for today, I'll mod the other Taikos tomorrow :D
Topic Starter

DarkDunskin wrote:

Mah boi, MON PETIT, Mein Junge.

Finished your requested Taiko Futsuu.

It's just named "Taiko Futsuu" instead of "Dunskin's Taiko Futsuu" because it looks better in your mapset.
Please add "darkdunskin" to the Tags and write something like "Taiko Futsuu by DarkDunskin" in your Headpost.
That's all for today, I'll mod the other Taikos tomorrow :D
I'll make a taiko BG with any image you'll provide for me. Thanks !
I just made a Standard-Taiko-BG for you~

I'm sorry that I have to disappoint you with the Taiko mod though.
Exam-time starts in about 5 days and I need to catch up with learning since I was ill the last weekend -.-
00:42:098 (4) - Maybe new combo? Or dont have the anti jump.
02:01:796 (4,5,6,7) - Don't overlap sliders like this, moving it 1cm doesnt help it become readable.

Thats all I got really, everything else was alright, I guess. Still not sure what I just played.
Topic Starter

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

00:42:098 (4) - Maybe new combo? Or dont have the anti jump. Alright for NC. I don't know how I can take that pattern structure as it is just changing drastically the map until the spinner !
02:01:796 (4,5,6,7) - Don't overlap sliders like this, moving it 1cm doesnt help it become readable. I wanted to make reverse-stacked sliders but I dunno if this is a good idea. Putting in my "possible changes" list

Thats all I got really, everything else was alright, I guess. Still not sure what I just played.
Thanks for modding!
Que pouvons-nous faire?
Let's see what I can do about these Taiko diffs.

  1. BPM should be 83 instead of the doubled 166 that you have.
  2. Try offset 8851; current offset is audibly early based on the clap hitsounds you're using.
  3. One thing you seem to be forgetting in all your diffs is that in the background, every second and fourth beat is a snare, which should always be represented by k, unless for a good enough reason. I'll start with the easier two Taiko diffs for now.
  1. Great to see the 1/1 in the beat snap divisor.
  2. 5/1 patterns are in excess. In a Kantan difficulty, 5/1 patterns are used as cadences, and the 3/1 patterns should be there, but not as frequently as you have it. The kind of object density you're looking for is more along the lines of this example for an intro section.
  3. 01:05:230 (3,1,1,2,1) - Patterns like this don't really belong in a Kantan diff. Consider this if you're alternating: k right hand, d left hand, k right hand, then you have to switch left hand to k, then you have to switch right hand to d. The amount of switching the beginner has to do may be overwhelming.
    Additionally, ddddd, ddddk, ddkdd, kdddd and their opposites are really the only ones (I feel) are appropriate for Kantan, if you're using a 5-note pattern.
  4. I'll have to come back to this one after difficulty level has been brought down.
  1. Futsuu not starting in the same place as the other Taiko diffs? Additionally, you're using too many 1/2 patterns. Tone them down.
  2. 00:24:025 - Add d here.
  3. 00:27:098 (1) - Remove; 4/2 patterns aren't really that friendly in this difficulty.
  4. 00:29:989 (2) - Remove; 9-note pattern is too long.
  5. 00:43:363 (3) - Remove; would make next 5-note pattern easier.
  6. 00:43:543 - Use either ddkdd or ddddk.
  7. 00:44:808 (1,2) - DD not appropriate; the screams really aren't what you're looking to map here. Try this (2) is K:
  8. 00:46:435 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Repeated use of 2/2 patterns are not appropriate in this difficulty.
  9. 01:06:676 (3) - From here to 01:12:459 (2) - I feel is mapped really messy.
  10. I'll have to come back to this one after difficulty level has been brought down.
Lemme know when these two diffs are handled and I'll look at the other diffs.
Topic Starter

those wrote:

Let's see what I can do about these Taiko diffs.

  1. BPM should be 83 instead of the doubled 166 that you have. Though you are right, I feel like the song is more 166 BPM (I have an habit, I blink my eyes at each beat I feel in the song, and they end up plinking at that speed)
  2. Try offset 8851; current offset is audibly early based on the clap hitsounds you're using. Fixed.
  3. One thing you seem to be forgetting in all your diffs is that in the background, every second and fourth beat is a snare, which should always be represented by k, unless for a good enough reason. I'll start with the easier two Taiko diffs for now. My style is just too weird actually, to avoid the boring k's at every snare I tend to put either a k, either a d... I've got the weirdest style ever T_T
  1. Great to see the 1/1 in the beat snap divisor.
  2. 5/1 patterns are in excess. In a Kantan difficulty, 5/1 patterns are used as cadences, and the 3/1 patterns should be there, but not as frequently as you have it. The kind of object density you're looking for is more along the lines of this example for an intro section.
  3. 01:05:230 (3,1,1,2,1) - Patterns like this don't really belong in a Kantan diff. Consider this if you're alternating: k right hand, d left hand, k right hand, then you have to switch left hand to k, then you have to switch right hand to d. The amount of switching the beginner has to do may be overwhelming.
    Additionally, ddddd, ddddk, ddkdd, kdddd and their opposites are really the only ones (I feel) are appropriate for Kantan, if you're using a 5-note pattern.
  4. I'll have to come back to this one after difficulty level has been brought down.
    All fixed
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