Hi there~~mod from Wmf's modding/Taiko queue
oh...so many diffs >.<


generally a good mapset
good luck with rank~
oh...so many diffs >.<
- Your taiko diff has no background now
- Recommend to disable Letterbox during breaks because of short breaks is not suit for this effect.
- A small advice: i'd like to change "Normal" to "Standard" if IIDX diff name is selected :>
- 00:31:306 (1) - try to adjust the curve here? the next is the same suggestion.
Frankly, double middle nodes could make your slider more smooth:) i know it will take more works but imo, it's better to choose that if slider is longer than three times of circle's radius (including head & end).
and many other sliders i will give same suggestion, so won't mention it again - 01:24:771 (2) - move next NC to here?
- 01:31:900 (1,2,3,4) - unnecessary overlaps here :<

- 00:09:919 (1,1) - i suppose it's a bad style for a normal diff....>.<
- Pretty a nice diff ~~ but it looked like a Hard diff ... not normal ... despite the bpm is 202, it's too hard for newbie players....
- and, you'd better add creator's name before diff name if it is a GD
- 00:49:127 (1,2,3,4,5) - the beats here heard weird because you may miss a note at 00:49:424 - , and 00:49:573 - is a end not start. So try this beat or similar?
- 01:19:870 (8) - the slider end on the start of next bar make your beat heard off....imo, it's better to avoid this situation.
- 01:34:276 (1) - Invisible reverse arrow
- 00:40:811 (1) - a low speed slider follow stream maybe not a good idea...but anyway, just up to you :>

- 00:14:078 (7) - i suppose it's better to divide into a slider and then a note on downbeat with NC for next bar~
- 00:27:370 (4) - actually it's a 1/6 but not 1/4 here....
- 00:44:969 (1,2) - not a good stream style...
- 00:59:820 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i prefer sliders here
suppose more suit for music
- 01:10:216 (1,2,3,4,5) - pay a attention to stack leniency here...and also the next one
- 01:55:885 (4,5,6) - another bad stream style :<
- 02:02:419 (3) - 1/6 here >.<
- 02:06:355 - i suppose the hp drain is too high at this part....so consider to reduce HP by 1?
generally a good mapset