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Hi there~~mod from Wmf's modding/Taiko queue many diffs >.<

  1. Your taiko diff has no background now
  2. Recommend to disable Letterbox during breaks because of short breaks is not suit for this effect.
  3. A small advice: i'd like to change "Normal" to "Standard" if IIDX diff name is selected :>
  1. 00:31:306 (1) - try to adjust the curve here? the next is the same suggestion.

    Frankly, double middle nodes could make your slider more smooth:) i know it will take more works but imo, it's better to choose that if slider is longer than three times of circle's radius (including head & end).

    and many other sliders i will give same suggestion, so won't mention it again :)
  2. 01:24:771 (2) - move next NC to here?
  3. 01:31:900 (1,2,3,4) - unnecessary overlaps here :<
emm....maybe too many spinners which could be the hardest object for beginners, try to reduce the amount next time plz :)

  1. 00:09:919 (1,1) - i suppose it's a bad style for a normal diff....>.<
  2. Pretty a nice diff ~~ but it looked like a Hard diff ... not normal ... despite the bpm is 202, it's too hard for newbie players....
  3. and, you'd better add creator's name before diff name if it is a GD :)
  1. 00:49:127 (1,2,3,4,5) - the beats here heard weird because you may miss a note at 00:49:424 - , and 00:49:573 - is a end not start. So try this beat or similar?
  2. 01:19:870 (8) - the slider end on the start of next bar make your beat heard off....imo, it's better to avoid this situation.
  3. 01:34:276 (1) - Invisible reverse arrow
  1. 00:40:811 (1) - a low speed slider follow stream maybe not a good idea...but anyway, just up to you :>
Nothing much to say about this diff :)

  1. 00:14:078 (7) - i suppose it's better to divide into a slider and then a note on downbeat with NC for next bar~
  2. 00:27:370 (4) - actually it's a 1/6 but not 1/4 here....
  3. 00:44:969 (1,2) - not a good stream style...
  4. 00:59:820 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i prefer sliders here :) suppose more suit for music
  5. 01:10:216 (1,2,3,4,5) - pay a attention to stack leniency here...and also the next one
  6. 01:55:885 (4,5,6) - another bad stream style :<
  7. 02:02:419 (3) - 1/6 here >.<
  8. 02:06:355 - i suppose the hp drain is too high at this consider to reduce HP by 1?
really cooool~~~good work~

generally a good mapset :) good luck with rank~
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Scorpiour wrote:

Hi there~~mod from Wmf's modding/Taiko queue many diffs >.<

  1. Your taiko diff has no background now - Updated!
  2. Recommend to disable Letterbox during breaks because of short breaks is not suit for this effect. - Removed!
  3. A small advice: i'd like to change "Normal" to "Standard" if IIDX diff name is selected :>
  1. 00:31:306 (1) - try to adjust the curve here? the next is the same suggestion. - Changed!

    Frankly, double middle nodes could make your slider more smooth:) i know it will take more works but imo, it's better to choose that if slider is longer than three times of circle's radius (including head & end).

    and many other sliders i will give same suggestion, so won't mention it again :)
  2. 01:24:771 (2) - move next NC to here? - Fixed!
  3. 01:31:900 (1,2,3,4) - unnecessary overlaps here :<
- Changed!
emm....maybe too many spinners which could be the hardest object for beginners, try to reduce the amount next time plz :) - Okay! Thank you for the advice :3

  1. 00:40:811 (1) - a low speed slider follow stream maybe not a good idea...but anyway, just up to you :> - I think this part is bit slow than other parts in the song~
Nothing much to say about this diff :)

generally a good mapset :) good luck with rank~
Thank you for Modding~ :3
add "electro gothic" and "lincle kingdom" to tag

also i suggest using various hitsounds in long streams. normal spamming sounds bad :o
안녕하세요~ 모딩큐에서 왔어요
모든건 제안으로써 무시하셔도 좋습니다 :D

없습니다 :D

Nothing I think :)

01:37:246 (3) - 마지막 슬라 포인트 1그리드만 아래로
01:38:434 (7) - 이건 마지막꺼 오른쪽으로 1그리드
01:52:098 (1,3) - 일치 시키면 어떨까요?
01:53:286 (1,3) - ^

00:23:583 (6) - 1그리드 오른쪽으로

00:28:335 (7) - 4 그리드 왼쪽 3그리드 위쪽 ( 스트림 패턴 둥글게 하실계획이였으면 이게 좀더 낫지 않을까요? )
00:54:474 (7) - 2그리드 오른쪽 1그리드 아래
01:02:197 (1,4) - 서로 일치 시키면 어떨까요?
01:15:860 (3) - 1그리드 왼쪽
01:30:117 (3) - 마지막 슬라이드 포인트 1그리드 왼쪽
02:04:573 (7) - 1그리드 오른쪽

맵 완성도가 엄청나네요 ㅎㄷ;;
노래도 마음에 들고 xD 빨리 랭크 되라고 star!
Sorry for being very late again >_<

bossandy wrote:

Hi hi~ Request from my queue~
[ Normal]
  1. HP-1? I think it is too high now >_< Yep
  2. 00:50:018 (2) - Use whistle instead of clap may follow the music more? I don't think clap here sounds good Whistle + Clap instead (:
  3. 00:56:256 (3) - This slider isn't really symmetrical , I try to make a symmetrical slider!
    Leaving as is >_<
  4. 01:01:751 (4,1) - Make them like this rhythm , They will have a better flow because the slider flow the long tone! Ah, personally want to keep the symmetry here (:
  5. 01:12:890 (4,1) - High suggetion to delete circle 1 and add a repeat on slider4 , the music still loud 01:13:484 ~ 01:14:078 But I want that stack :3
  6. 02:10:144 (5) - Change to a slider and end at 02:11:091 like "Beginner diff" Yep
Scorpiour : Made the spinner appear 1/2 after instead of 1/4 (: (not adding creator's name because Extra and Hyper doesn't have creator's name on it xD)

Thanks both~
Hi,mod request from my queue.

01:12:890 - It is noisy when it is 60%. Add timing point,volume 40%
01:57:890 - add circle
01:59:078 - ^
02:03:385 (7) - slider end point, 02:03:533 is better.

01:57:890 - add circle
01:59:078 - ^

01:09:325 - Volume is too small when it is 20%.The volume of this timing point is changed to 60%.



Ryu* is so good <3
nice map
good luck~
I don't want to stack
hi from my mod Q


00:56:256 - omg make this slider more symmetric
01:14:078 - ^


01:30:117 - make this slider more symmetric
01:41:405(1,2) - hm sliders with 2 repeats very confused on this speed/ maybe you make so


01:03:979 - i think mabe add note here
01:34:276 - make this slider symmetric





It's all :oops: good luck~~
Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:

00:31:306 (1) - try to avoid overlap like this?
02:06:355 (1) - change to 2.0x here so that SV will be similar to previous part?

I think SV is high for a Normal. So you'd better change main ds to 0.8x to avoid jump.
01:03:385 (1) - change to a slider?
01:21:207 (3) - curve it to fit (4) better?

00:13:187 (4) - don't like the slider like this because it end on long white tick and cause a slip of downbeat.
01:09:028 (1) - decrease once repeat and add a note? It will add more sense of hit.
01:19:573 (7) - ctrl+r? will flow better.
01:53:731 (2) - try to avoid to put head under 01:53:286 (1)?
02:03:979 (1,4) - avoid the little overlap?


00:56:256 (3) - use some pattern like this?

That's all I can find. GL~
Hi \ôvô/
Sorry, this mod is more small than usually.

[In General]
Why there's no Kiai times... It would be good to atleast have one here : 01:15:266 to 01:36:652

Nothing to say.

There's one unsnapped timing point here : 01:54:013
00:53:583 : That's a pretty nice slider.
01:09:028 (4) - You should add a clap here to keep the consistency.

00:20:018 (2) - I'm suggesting you to add a finish here.

02:10:144 (5) - Delete the whistle.

Unsnapped timing point here : 01:14:053

Sorry if the mod was useless.
Shohei Ohtani

It took me like, 5 hours to actually get started on modding this.

Tick Rate 2!~
00:33:385 (2) - Flip this horizontally so the repeat is easier to see. Or just do something, the repeat is hard to see atm.
00:35:761 (2) - ^
00:41:702 (4) - Make this curve more notable, right now, it just looks weird
00:45:266 (2) - Same as before
00:56:256 (3) - Not symmetrical!~. Try moving the 2nd sliderpoint a bit to the right.
01:14:053 - Unsnapped green section~

Sexy~. It's like, it's hard but it's not stupid jumpy or anything.

01:22:989 (3) - NAZI: Stack with previous (6)
01:31:306 (2) - NAZI: Stack with previous (4)'s end
01:53:731 (2) - Move this so it isn't overlapped by (1)'s slidertrack
01:59:820 (3) - NAZI: Stack with previous (3)

00:47:939 (3) - Slightly touches HP bar
01:40:811 (4) - Remove whistle on end of slider
01:40:811 (4) - add clap on end of slider
01:54:028 - Unsnapped green section!~

Claps on 2 and 4! >3<~
00:33:682 (5) - Make this into 2 sliders or something


popner wrote:


I think SV is high for a Normal. So you'd better change main ds to 0.8x to avoid jump. xD
01:03:385 (1) - change to a slider? as I said in previous mod, I want to keep (4,1,1)'s symmetry (:
01:21:207 (3) - curve it to fit (4) better? ok~

CDFA wrote:

00:47:939 (3) - Slightly touches HP bar I want to keep symmetry here, personally xD
01:40:811 (4) - Remove whistle on end of slider
01:40:811 (4) - add clap on end of slider It's fine imo, whistle sounds more dramatic here :3
01:54:028 - Unsnapped green section!~ Snapped (:

Gabe wrote:

There's one unsnapped timing point here : 01:54:013 Snapped~
00:53:583 : That's a pretty nice slider. Thank you (:
01:09:028 (4) - You should add a clap here to keep the consistency. ok~
Thanks all~
이 스타일은 하나 스페이싱을 바꾸라고 지적받으면 개 멘붕을 받을 수 밖에 없나보다...뒤에 부분이 전부 이어져있어서 한두칸도 이동하기가 어렵다...부분리맵을 해야하나 ㅠㅠ
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Gabe wrote:

Hi \ôvô/
Sorry, this mod is more small than usually.

[In General]
Why there's no Kiai times... It would be good to atleast have one here : 01:15:266 to 01:36:652 - I'll discuss about it with guest mappers

02:10:144 (5) - Delete the whistle. - Fixed

Sorry if the mod was useless.
thank you for modding~
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Katty Pie wrote:

hi from my mod Q


01:30:117 - make this slider more symmetric - Changed
01:41:405(1,2) - hm sliders with 2 repeats very confused on this speed/ maybe you make so - X

It's all :oops: good luck~~

popner wrote:

Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:

00:31:306 (1) - try to avoid overlap like this? - I'll consider about it x_x
02:06:355 (1) - change to 2.0x here so that SV will be similar to previous part? - X

That's all I can find. GL~

thank you for modding you both~ :3
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

CDFA wrote:

It took me like, 5 hours to actually get started on modding this.

Tick Rate 2!~
00:33:385 (2) - Flip this horizontally so the repeat is easier to see. Or just do something, the repeat is hard to see atm.
00:35:761 (2) - ^
00:41:702 (4) - Make this curve more notable, right now, it just looks weird
00:45:266 (2) - Same as before
00:56:256 (3) - Not symmetrical!~. Try moving the 2nd sliderpoint a bit to the right.
01:14:053 - Unsnapped green section~

Sexy~. It's like, it's hard but it's not stupid jumpy or anything.

01:22:989 (3) - NAZI: Stack with previous (6)
01:31:306 (2) - NAZI: Stack with previous (4)'s end
01:53:731 (2) - Move this so it isn't overlapped by (1)'s slidertrack
01:59:820 (3) - NAZI: Stack with previous (3)

00:47:939 (3) - Slightly touches HP bar
01:40:811 (4) - Remove whistle on end of slider
01:40:811 (4) - add clap on end of slider
01:54:028 - Unsnapped green section!~

Claps on 2 and 4! >3<~ - Changed in some parts
00:33:682 (5) - Make this into 2 sliders or something - Fixed

Just posting to say that I'll mod the taiko tmr
Will edit this later when I mod
And Rika will bubble this after the taiko has been fixed :3 ~

Now I have to revise my exam. 03:07 here ;w;
Kawayi Rika
Yes ~ I checked your mapset ~ can't find anything issue

But taiko i'm not sure ~ so aabc271 will mod taiko for tomorrow ~

Fix aabc's mod after find me ~
2nd offset is too late for me.
Try 126350? it's better to me or please check it with some mat/bat

01:20:167 (1,2) - Select them and 1 grid right for symmetry with 01:20:761 (3)
01:32:791 (5) - Finish on the head
01:33:533 (2) - ^

00:40:885 Remove break because arrows appear during the player is still playing/spinning
00:50:315 The same ^
01:40:216 (2) - You could to curve this slider to create a blanket with 01:38:137 (2)

I think SV with this jumps and low AR is really high for a normal diff :\ I suggest you to decrease it a bit
00:50:315 Same thing I wrote in beginner
01:17:642 (1) - Move to x:68 y:240 to create a blanket with 01:17:048 (4)?
01:18:236 (2) - If you follow above, overlap it with 01:16:454 (3)
01:54:177 (4) - Almost touches hp bar, move it down?

02:06:355 Remove green line since there is already the red line o.o

01:45:563 (3) - Overlap with 01:44:375 (3)?

Please I love the another. You are a pro mapper.
Good luck Reisen, gogo rank :3

Chewin wrote:

2nd offset is too late for me.
Try 126350? it's better to me or please check it with some mat/bat Agree about this - @Reisen : Already fixed this in my diff (:

I think SV with this jumps and low AR is really high for a normal diff :\ I suggest you to decrease it a bit >_<
00:50:315 Same thing I wrote in beginner Removed~
01:17:642 (1) - Move to x:68 y:240 to create a blanket with 01:17:048 (4)?
01:18:236 (2) - If you follow above, overlap it with 01:16:454 (3) Fixed both~
01:54:177 (4) - Almost touches hp bar, move it down? Ah, no for this one :3
Thanks Chewin, useful mod :3
(again, to Reisen, I agree with Chewin's offset and already used it)
이번껀 알아서 고쳐줘. 쉬우니까 All Fixed로
Edit : General 요소는 난 안건드리까 알아서!
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Chewin wrote:

2nd offset is too late for me.
Try 126350? it's better to me or please check it with some mat/bat

01:20:167 (1,2) - Select them and 1 grid right for symmetry with 01:20:761 (3)
01:32:791 (5) - Finish on the head
01:33:533 (2) - ^

00:40:885 Remove break because arrows appear during the player is still playing/spinning
00:50:315 The same ^
01:40:216 (2) - You could to curve this slider to create a blanket with 01:38:137 (2)

I think SV with this jumps and low AR is really high for a normal diff :\ I suggest you to decrease it a bit
00:50:315 Same thing I wrote in beginner
01:17:642 (1) - Move to x:68 y:240 to create a blanket with 01:17:048 (4)?
01:18:236 (2) - If you follow above, overlap it with 01:16:454 (3)
01:54:177 (4) - Almost touches hp bar, move it down?

02:06:355 Remove green line since there is already the red line o.o

01:45:563 (3) - Overlap with 01:44:375 (3)?

Please I love the another. You are a pro mapper.
Good luck Reisen, gogo rank :3
Thank you for modding bro~ :D it was really helpful!
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein
also Fixed CDFA 's and Gabe 's Modding in Extra! Thank you guys~ :D
OK ~ So now I'm coming for the taiko mod, as said in my earlier post :3
Let's go ~~

Blue~ Critical issues. You must fix this
Purple~ It's better to fix this
Pink~ Suggestions only. Change only if you want to



00:00:415 ( 1 ) - I think changing this to x0.5 ( no speed difference ) will be better as the song is softer at the beginning ~

01:56:850 ~ 02:01:603 - I personally find this a bit too fast, and I can't react well even retrying. I know it is for increasing difficulty, but I guess sth like x1.25 is enough .__.

02:01:603 ~ 02:03:979 - ^

02:04:721 ~ 02:06:350 - Well, x2.0 is unnecessarily fast imo. Basically that part needs memorization or else I'll just miss all Orz
I prefer making the following changes ( Rate of increase / 2 ). This can create speed-up effects and keep the difficulty reasonable :
  • 02:04:721 : x1.25 -> x1.13
    02:04:870 : x1.5 -> x1.25
    02:05:018 : x1.75 -> x1.38
    02:05:167 : x2.0 -> x1.5

Suggested patterns
Suggestions only. Change them only if you want to ~

00:54:325 ( 2 ) - Blue note ? imo this fits the pitch of music more ~


Can't find any more as the hitsounds are nicely placed ~
I can see that you really put your efforts in creating nice hitsounds & patterns. Good job :)

The map is nice overall ~

Only the x1.5 & x2.0 parts are breaking the diff spread

Others look good, esp hitsounds :3

I like how it's mapped. Keep it up ~~

Rating : 8/10 ( +1 : Hitsounds, +0.5 : Notes arrangements -1 : x1.5 & x2 part - Combo breaker & widening difficulty spread)

Star and good luck ~ ;)

aabc271 wrote:

OK ~ So now I'm coming for the taiko mod, as said in my earlier post :3
Let's go ~~

Blue~ Critical issues. You must fix this
Purple~ It's better to fix this
Pink~ Suggestions only. Change only if you want to



00:00:415 ( 1 ) - I think changing this to x0.5 ( no speed difference ) will be better as the song is softer at the beginning ~
? I already have used x0.5 sv at that point @w@; edit: resnap error :o btw, fix ;w;

01:56:850 ~ 02:01:603 - I personally find this a bit too fast, and I can't react well even retrying. I know it is for increasing difficulty, but I guess sth like x1.25 is enough .__.
ok.. fix ><

02:01:603 ~ 02:03:979 - ^

02:04:721 ~ 02:06:350 - Well, x2.0 is unnecessarily fast imo. Basically that part needs memorization or else I'll just miss all Orz
I prefer making the following changes ( Rate of increase / 2 ). This can create speed-up effects and keep the difficulty reasonable : :|
  • 02:04:721 : x1.25 -> x1.13
    02:04:870 : x1.5 -> x1.25
    02:05:018 : x1.75 -> x1.38
    02:05:167 : x2.0 -> x1.5


Suggested patterns
Suggestions only. Change them only if you want to ~

00:54:325 ( 2 ) - Blue note ? imo this fits the pitch of music more ~


Can't find any more as the hitsounds are nicely placed ~
I can see that you really put your efforts in creating nice hitsounds & patterns. Good job :)

The map is nice overall ~

Only the x1.5 & x2.0 parts are breaking the diff spread

Others look good, esp hitsounds :3

I like how it's mapped. Keep it up ~~

Rating : 8/10 ( +1 : Hitsounds, +0.5 : Notes arrangements -1 : x1.5 & x2 part - Combo breaker & widening difficulty spread)

Star and good luck ~ ;)

thx for nice mod, aabc :)
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein
Final Update for Being Bubbled! :D
Random mod is random



Not much to say really, but I think there's too many sliders and not enough circles. Up to you.


This looks quite challenging for a Normal. I know this is supposed to be challenging, as it is one of the Lincle bosses, but still the spacing seems a tad high to me. CS-1 should be better.

00:09:919 (1,1) - why is this here?
The map should begin at 00:12:296 in my opinion. This really isn't needed.

[Taiko DS]

I couldn't really master the end, so I asked Nashmun to test it. His impressions are in italic.

00:50:315 (1) - Why is there a speed-up here?
01:47:345 - From this point on and until the end of the map, the streams seem really random with hitsound placement.
01:56:850 - The speedups really suck. They're only there for added difficulty and don't actually bring anything to the map. Please remove them.


All in all this is fine, but there's a lot of sliders and not enough circles. Some of it was hard to read too because you cluttered patterns.

[Another] There is a HUGE gap in difficulty between the Hyper and this. Since you have another difficulty above this, consider making it easier.

Many of your sliders are straight. Consider using curves more often? It'll look better.

Some of the jumps are really exaggerated for 200+bpm imo, especially the ones using symmetry. Even [Extra] has smaller jumps but is harder because of the streams.
00:21:207 (1) - I read that as a 1/2 slider
00:35:167 (1,2) - Couldn't see that pattern until too late
01:50:910 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this is a bit excessive IMO, even for a diff that high. It was not fun to play.


Nothing to say here really, it's just some pure dksslqj goodness. The deathstreams look okay (a bit iffy about the sharp turns sometimes), this is readable, and if I could play it without missing every second, I'd say this is pretty fun.

An okay map imo, not really my style, but it was readable, fun for the most part, but it has a few spread issues especially with Another which should be way easier than it is now.

If you are not going to make any changes, please do not kd this post.
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein
probably no change x_x sorry color :/
eh that's okay.
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ everything looks better now ~

Good luck with cool rank ~

Oh my god *-*

Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Kawayi Rika wrote:

OK ~ everything looks better now ~

Good luck with cool rank ~

yay~ thank you!!
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Chewin wrote:

Oh my god *-*

Let's do it > <
It's time to keep practicing like I did before ! :D!!
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Frostmourne wrote:

It's time to keep practicing like I did before ! :D!!
> < go for it!!!
Go go go go!
I have to practice this song before it ranks lol
Can't see anything on that background X_X
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Charles445 wrote:

Can't see anything on that background X_X

do you mean no BG there or need to fix combo colours :3?
uhm... is only me or in the tags i see only the full name of Ryu* and not the one of Starving Trancer. so... why not insert in the tags his full name? (who is Yusuke Ceo) (is only a stupid suggestion. can be ignored. =))
Ooooooooooooooh... Let's go!!!!
Few things

00:19:424 (1,1) - Too soon after spinner.
00:28:929 (1,1) - Same
01:12:890 (1,1) - Same
01:34:276 (1,1) - Same
01:54:474 (1,1) - Same

AR +1

Getting someone to look over the taiko right now.
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Charles445 wrote:

Few things

00:19:424 (1,1) - Too soon after spinner. - Changed into note
00:28:929 (1,1) - Same - ^
01:12:890 (1,1) - Same - Shorten spinner's length
01:34:276 (1,1) - Same - ^
01:54:474 (1,1) - Same - ^

AR +1 - Fixed

Getting someone to look over the taiko right now.
i'll fix those few hours later~ and edit this

EDIT : All Fixed~ Thanks :3
Charles asked me to look at the taiko.

There are 3 things I want to point out.

The opening of the map is overmapped. There is no sort of beat at all, yet you decided to place one. You should consider mapping to the melody at this point because there is no beat to focus on. Or you could just remove this all-together, seeing as the osu! diffs did not map this point.

Overuse of finishers. You used way to many finishers in this map. Finishers are ment to be placed on beats that have a FINISH SOUND in the music. Throwing them all around the map is not a good idea. Of course it is a good idea if the song has tons of finish sounds. So I suggest you tone down some of the finishers.

The speed up at the end concerns me. Not that is does not fit, but it's not consistent. You need to either make it one speed up total, or remove it. Because changing the speed of the notes in those short periods of time is confuseing and throws readability out the window.

Although with these flaws you did a very good job mapping this and I really enjoyed it.
Don't KD this btw.
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

MMzz wrote:

Charles asked me to look at the taiko.

There are 3 things I want to point out.

The opening of the map is overmapped. There is no sort of beat at all, yet you decided to place one. You should consider mapping to the melody at this point because there is no beat to focus on. Or you could just remove this all-together, seeing as the osu! diffs did not map this point.

Overuse of finishers. You used way to many finishers in this map. Finishers are ment to be placed on beats that have a FINISH SOUND in the music. Throwing them all around the map is not a good idea. Of course it is a good idea if the song has tons of finish sounds. So I suggest you tone down some of the finishers.

The speed up at the end concerns me. Not that is does not fit, but it's not consistent. You need to either make it one speed up total, or remove it. Because changing the speed of the notes in those short periods of time is confuseing and throws readability out the window.

Although with these flaws you did a very good job mapping this and I really enjoyed it.
Don't KD this btw.
KDS said :

1. Even if it's little bit unfit to Beat of Song, this degree is quite fine i think. also i like this part!

2. Think about 'Ryougen no Mai' 's Patterns :3

3. Honestly , if no speed change here , i think it's really really boring.

Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein
Mods so far : Standard - 18 Taiko - 4
Hi, from my queue! Sorry for the lateness...

00:41:999 - This whole combo didn't work too well with me, so how about THIS. I've placed a repeated slider before your combo starts, changed the other slider to the same one as I've added and done apprpiate shape of the next slider + the spacing. (5) can be snapped to near the middle :)

This is too hard for a normal, I would name it Normal+?
02:07:613 - Select the whole combo and CTRL + J

00:13:038 (3) - Whistle at the end sounds quite good
00:32:642 (2) - Make this shape symmetrical, so both ends the same x value on the grid.

Another and Extra I didn't find anything, hope you get this rebubbled - it seems like a fine rank map there :)
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Jebok wrote:

Hi, from my queue! Sorry for the lateness...

00:41:999 - This whole combo didn't work too well with me, so how about THIS. I've placed a repeated slider before your combo starts, changed the other slider to the same one as I've added and done apprpiate shape of the next slider + the spacing. (5) can be snapped to near the middle :)

This is too hard for a normal, I would name it Normal+?
02:07:613 - Select the whole combo and CTRL + J

00:13:038 (3) - Whistle at the end sounds quite good
00:32:642 (2) - Make this shape symmetrical, so both ends the same x value on the grid.

Another and Extra I didn't find anything, hope you get this rebubbled - it seems like a fine rank map there :)
EDIT : All fixed in Hyper diff
Back again!

00:19:424 (1) - Extend the spinner to 00:21:801 - and delete 00:22:395 (1), then put a new combo on 00:22:989 (1)
00:28:929 (1) - Extend the spinner to 00:31:306 - and delete 00:31:900 (1,2) , then put a new combo on 00:32:494 (3)
01:15:266 - Add circle
01:15:563 - Add circle

I'm gonna give my own thoughts on this since nothing was changed.

The beginning really really is over-mapped. Even for a taiko it doesn't make much sense. If I played taiko more often I'd much prefer it start at 00:12:296.

Also the speed up at the end... my god, it's hard enough, you don't need to make it unreasonably hard. Keep everything 1.00x there's no need for a speedup.

Extra needs no changes (although the ending is particularly difficult and will kill a lot of players)
Another needs no changes
Hyper needs no changes (somehow blue tick kicksliders work in this...)
Normal needs no changes

After these changes I can supply a bubble, or you can get someone else to bubble and I will rank. Mapset's almost ready, just need those quick tuneups to Beginner and the Taiko.
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Charles445 wrote:

Back again!

00:19:424 (1) - Extend the spinner to 00:21:801 - and delete 00:22:395 (1), then put a new combo on 00:22:989 (1)
00:28:929 (1) - Extend the spinner to 00:31:306 - and delete 00:31:900 (1,2) , then put a new combo on 00:32:494 (3)
01:15:266 - Add circle
01:15:563 - Add circle

I'm gonna give my own thoughts on this since nothing was changed.

The beginning really really is over-mapped. Even for a taiko it doesn't make much sense. If I played taiko more often I'd much prefer it start at 00:12:296.

Also the speed up at the end... my god, it's hard enough, you don't need to make it unreasonably hard. Keep everything 1.00x there's no need for a speedup.

Extra needs no changes (although the ending is particularly difficult and will kill a lot of players)
Another needs no changes
Hyper needs no changes (somehow blue tick kicksliders work in this...)
Normal needs no changes

After these changes I can supply a bubble, or you can get someone else to bubble and I will rank. Mapset's almost ready, just need those quick tuneups to Beginner and the Taiko.
Beginner - All fixed.

Taiko - Since it has 1.25x in the middle of map , so i left 1.13x and 1.25x. everything except those is removed. Removed whole things

(p.s - I sent Bubble Request to Kawayi Rika, But if she reject it , Just Bubble my map thanks :3)

EDIT : Waiting Kawayi Rika's Bubble~ :3
Kawayi Rika
Aright fixed 445's mod ~

Looks better now ~ Rebubbled!~

Congratz Reisen! /o/
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Aright fixed 445's mod ~

Looks better now ~ Rebubbled!~

yay~ thx!!
Ok, this is ready to go!

Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein

Charles445 wrote:

Ok, this is ready to go!

thank you Charles~ yay!!
congrats, great set. 8-)
Ash Cat
Have a Cat:
Kawayi Rika
Omedeto udong ><
gratz Reisen :D
congrats! :)
Fun song
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein
thank you Ladies & Gentlemen!! xD
Gratz, really fun to play.
Congratulation! (:
Strawberry! GZ~ :)
-s u i r e n-
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein
Thanks~ :D :D
축하합니다! 벌써 저 잡으셧네요 ㅋ...

좋은 맵 더 만들어 주세요 ㅎㅎ
congrats :>
My reisen <3 Congratz *-*
Great! :D
nice :D
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein
Thank you all~!! Now i'm going to focus on my Pending maps~
Good Job KDS on this Taiko diff.. Really nice~
Song Funny :D
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