아bbj0920 wrote:
01:30:526~ Frobe (probably he joined suddenly)
아bbj0920 wrote:
01:30:526~ Frobe (probably he joined suddenly)
비싼모딩 ㄳ-Chata- wrote:
키아이 타임 왠만하면 맞춰주세요 태고랑 콜랍이 완전도 아니고 미묘하게 틀린게 맘에안듬
bpm이 변해 모든 타이밍 섹션이 어긋나있음. 다시 맞추세요
[Collab Extream]
00:03:617 (1) - 시작점 피니시
00:05:401 (9) - 끝부분 피니시
00:48:698 (6) - 시작점 피니시
00:49:995 (5) - 피니시
01:09:779 (1) - 시작점 피니시
01:20:158 (1) - ^
01:47:077 (1) - ^
01:49:671 (1) - ^
01:51:617 (2) - 01:52:266 (2) - 시작점 휘슬 해제
00:19:833 (3) - 스페이싱
00:44:158 (2) - nc 해제 혹은 00:44:482 (1) 에도 NC
01:17:239 (1) - (4)와(5)의 스페이싱만큼 떨어뜨려주시고
01:24:374 (2,3) - 복붙을 써서 모양을 맞춰주세요
테스트 플레이 주요 미스 포인트
00:10:428 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) 스페이싱이 너무 넓음. 키아이 파트보다요.
01:41:239 (1,2,1,2,1,2) 'ㅅ'....
별문제는 안보이네요
모딩 감사합니다.Asgard wrote:
osb 파일 두개나있네요 하나 삭제해주세요
리드인 전부 2로 설정해주세요 태고 포함
bpm 전부 185로 맞춰주세요
-Collab Extream
- 00:05:400 (9) - 너무 아래에 있어서 화면밖으로 아웃됨
- 00:16:588- 00:21:615 이부분 너무 이상해서 제스탈대로 함 바꿔봤어요 코드는 아래 있어요 한번 봐보세요
osu파일에 기본부분찾아서 지우고 넣으시면 됩니다SPOILER128,128,16588,6,0,B|128:88,1,40,6|0
136,128,24615,2,0,B|216:128,1,80- 00:39:937 (1,2,1,2) - 모양좀 다듬어주세요
- 00:44:153 (1) - 뉴콤보 제거
- 01:20:473 (2,4,2,4) - 보기 너무 힘들어요.. 약간씩만 거리 띄어주세요
에러들 수정해주세요
00:02:644 - 00:03:293 슬라이더 추가
- 00:05:238 똑같이 슬라이더
- 00:07:833 ^
- 01:18:852 (3,4,5,6) - 보기 어려워요.
이거 난이도 아무생각없이 만드신거 같은데.. 솔직히 말하면
다시 만드는거 추천드려요
이지인지 노말이지 모르겠음 ㅠㅠ
어떻게 이걸 다잡아냄;;; ㄳ;; 부러움 모딩잘해서Ra-s wrote:
어드밴스 마저 완성해주면 이 포스트 수정해서 모딩해줌
난이도 이름이 음...
Basic,Advanced,Extreme로 깔끔하게 하는게 좋음. 사실 이런게 더 많음.
맵코멘트에다가 제작자랑 콜라보레이션파츠 써놓고
modded in IRC
키아이 다른난이도랑 똑같이해라SPOILER16:31 <Ra-s> : np
16:31 *Dark Fang is listening to (Tatsh - HEAVENLY MOON)[http://osu.ppy.sh/s/46706]
16:37 <Ra-s> : irc모딩
16:37 <Ra-s> : 점 쓸때없이 많음 ㅡㅡ
16:38 <Ra-s> : 더 더러워보여 그러면
16:38 <Ra-s> : 00:02:320 (3) - 예를들어 이런것들
16:38 <Ra-s> : 끝에가 꼬뿌라졌음 약간
16:38 <Ra-s> : 그냥 점3개가 나음 완변하게 만들거 아니면
16:39 <Dark Fang> : '3'
16:39 <Ra-s> : 00:12:697 - 이구간은 소프트로 바꿔라
16:39 <Dark Fang> : 베이직?
16:39 <Ra-s> : ㅇㅇ
16:39 <Ra-s> : 00:23:074 (1) - 박자가 안맞음
16:40 <Ra-s> : 걍 지워라 이 노트
16:40 <Dark Fang> : dz
16:40 <Ra-s> : 샘플링에 노트 맞추려하다니
16:40 <Dark Fang> : ㅇㅋ
16:40 <Ra-s> : 00:42:532 (3) - 시작점 휘슬
16:40 <Ra-s> : 00:43:829 (1,2) - 시작점 각각 휘슬
16:41 <Ra-s> : 00:50:314 (1,2) - ^
16:41 <Dark Fang> : 머리에만 히ㅜ슬?
16:41 <Ra-s> : 00:58:097 (2) - 몸체휘슬 없애
16:41 <Ra-s> : ㅇ
16:41 <Ra-s> : 01:01:989 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 왜 휘슬 없냐
16:42 <Ra-s> : 01:11:718 (4) - 노란선임 왜? 파란선인데
16:42 <Ra-s> : 가운데 리턴부분 파란색눈금에 닿아야해
16:42 <Ra-s> : 좀 늘려얗마
16:42 <Ra-s> : 01:17:555 (1,2) - 시작점 휘슬 각각
16:42 <Ra-s> : 01:18:852 (1) - 휘슬
16:43 <Ra-s> : 01:22:095 (2) - 시작점,끝점 휘슬
16:43 <Ra-s> : 01:24:041 (2,3) - 시작점 휘슬 각각
16:43 <Ra-s> : 01:26:635 (2) - ^
16:43 <Ra-s> : 01:27:932 (1,2) - ^
점 쓸때없이 많음. 모양만 더러워보임. 점 많은데 슬라이더가 완벽하지 않으면 모양이 뭉개져버려서 별로임. 점은 최소한으로 하는게 좋음
어드밴스에서 bpm185에 비해서 연타가 좀 많음. 플레이스타일은 사람마다 제각각임. 낮은난이도 파면서 더타같은거 전혀 안하면서 고bpm곡을 안하고 고정확도를 노리는사람의 예같은경우는 분명 Hard난이도인데도 bpm에따라 난이도가 천차만별임. 이건 원래 어쩔 수 없지만 그래도 격차는 최소환으로 해야함. 5연타를 초과화지 않는게 좋음. 3연타까지는 괜찮고 5연타도 사실 별로 좋지 않음.
00:42:374 (1) - 00:42:536에서 시작. 끝나는 지점은 같게
00:44:482 (3,4,5,6,1) - 다른사람한테 한두번쯤이라도 지적오면 바꿔야함. 이건 어드밴스.
01:24:536 - 노트추가
01:37:022 (1) - NC제거
01:49:671 (1) - NC제거, 앞에있는 01:47:077 (3) - 는 NC 없는데 여긴 왜 NC?
01:53:563 (1) - NC제거
Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
00:02:320 (1) - NC제거
00:11:077 (5,6,7,8) - 이 패턴 한두번 지적 더오면 몽땅 없애버려야함
00:30:860 (1) - NC제거
00:42:374 (1) - 00:42:536에서 시작. 끝내는지점은 똑같게
00:44:158 (1) - NC제거
00:57:293 (3) - 00:57:698는 노래에 없는소리. 00:57:617에서 끝내거나 00:57:779 (4) - 를 지우고 여기서 끝나게 해야함
01:17:239 (1,1) - 둘중하나 NC제거
01:45:455 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 무조건 빼라. 밸런스 파괴 패턴임.
01:48:374 (1,2,3,4) - 이것도 한두번 더 지적오면 빼버려야함
Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
모딩 몇번 더 받고 또 부르세요
모딩 감사합니다..- i N o R i - wrote:
딱히...제가 건들일건 없네여...워낙...잘 설정하셔서..
요기두 괜찮네여..
[Frobe's Advanced]
Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
00:50:644 (2,3) - http://puu.sh/pJ4j 이렇게 어떤가요..?
01:04:266 (4,1) - 요기사이 간격 조금 더 떨어진 것 같네여
Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at:
01:11:239 (2,3) - 여기부분 먼가 간격이 약간...다른거에 비해 다른듯..? 하네여..
태고는....제가 못건들겠네여...박자감이 워낙없어서....ㅠ
키아이는 거둘뿐!B-1B wrote:
01:19:779 - ~ 01:40:995 - 이부분은 곡의 하이라이트 부분으로 들리는데 그동안 쭉 키아이를 넣는게 어때?
[Frobe's Advenced]
AR8 => AR6?7? 이런 AR은 인세인급에나 넣는거지 하드에는 적합하지 않습니다.
00:01:671 (3,4) - 이 슬라이더 계속 아래로 가던게 갑자기 바뀌네요? 하드를 플레이할만한 유저에게는 헷갈려 틀리기 쉽습니다.
00:34:428 (4,5,6,7) - 하드 난이도 플레이할만한 유저가 5연타를 제대로 쳐낼수 있을까요?
01:13:022 (3,4) - 음.. 이런 패턴은 하드에선 좀..
01:15:617 (4,5) - ^
01:48:374 (1,2,3,4) - 하드에서 5연타는 좀.
+ 슬라이더 변속은 하드난이도를 플레이할만한 유저를 당황시킬것 같습니다. 빼시는게...
그나저나... 짧은 키아이를 잘쓴것 같네.
Good Luck
thanks![CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:
from my queue
- 3.02?
- 01:25:347 (1) - touch hp bar
- 00:01:995 (4,5,6,7) - 5 sliders + 1 note + 1 long slider is better to play
- 00:05:239 (7) - ^
- 00:10:104 (1) - spacing is too close
- 01:08:158 (7) - I think stacking 7 under 6 is better to play...
- 01:39:293 (2) - move to (224,224)
that's all o__o
- 00:11:077 (5) - add finish at end?
- 00:32:482 (2) - add clap?
- 00:55:833 (2,3) - larger spacing here ? don't stack to the slider
- 01:35:725 (1) - I don't like it ._.
- 01:53:563 (3) - why slider
Good luck~
Oh.... sry..... thxRegou wrote:
Mmm maybe I'll just put it here. O__O (I made it few hours before)
I use tick rate 2 since if I use tick rate 1 my diff will have 722 combo only lolEDIT: make new changes%^&*(&^& I'm still making changes on it lol sorrySPOILERrrr I just use the all timeline from Extreme diff and make some changes...
Haha,it's fineDark Fang wrote:
Oh.... sry..... thxRegou wrote:
Mmm maybe I'll just put it here. O__O (I made it few hours before)
I use tick rate 2 since if I use tick rate 1 my diff will have 722 combo only lolEDIT: make new changes%^&*(&^& I'm still making changes on it lol sorrySPOILERrrr I just use the all timeline from Extreme diff and make some changes...
I have so many diff now...
have a good time
Thanks!Byakugan249 wrote:
Alright let's see what I can find.
Bold: Unrankable/must fix
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
The lead in time is inconsistent. it should be the same for all diffs. i suggest setting it to 1000 because i find it odd that it's set to 993.
disable the countdown because it doesn't fit with the song.
Increase the Hp by 1. you're making this diff too easy for players to clear.
00:01:022 (1) - *nazi* this slider can look a lot smoother. as it stands it looks bad when the end of the slider points down.
00:02:320 (3) - extend the slider to a 2/1 slider like (1) to follow the instrumental properly, or add a repeat on this slider. same reason about the instrumental.
00:04:914 (3) - ^
00:12:698 (1) - same as 00:01:022 but just that this slider can look smoother than this.
00:14:320 (1) - hmm i think that this is a NC bug. if it is then remove the NC on this because of you make (1,2) a combo alone, beginners won't know where to go next.
00:28:266 (3) - add a whistle at the sliderbody since you have it on (3) at the previous combo.
00:35:239 (1) - same as 00:12:698. I suggest making this slider like (3) so that it'd flow nicer to the next note.
00:41:239 (2) - if you're trying to stack this slider on the end of (2), do it perfectly. it kind of gets in the way during gameplay.
00:55:509 (3,4) - IMO this might be confusing for players. since the 2nd circle is coming up, players would most likely let go of (3) which they'll find out that it's a repeat slider and a circle. so to make it easier, space it out so that it'd look less confusing for players.
01:11:077 (3,4) - it's following the DS but the problem is that it'd be hard for players to make it to the opposite direction., so to make it easier, do Ctrl+R for (4) so that it'd be easier for beginners where to go.
01:11:725 (4,1) - the spacing is inconsistent. it's at 1.33 and the default DS is at 1.00. follow the DS so that it'd look easier for beginners.
[Frobe's Advanced]
00:02:320 (5,6,7) - too easy because it's stacked in 1 place. so space this out while going back and forth to make it fun and challenging.
00:04:914 (5,6,7) - ^
00:55:995 (2) - this wave can look a lot smarter.
00:08:806 (1) - *nazi* move this down a bit to avoid the overlap.
01:31:995 (3,4) - IMO this looks too easy because players can clear this easily, so extend the jump like this to challenge players this way and to make it fun as well.
01:32:806 (3,4) - ^
01:39:941 (2) - if you see during gameplay, this barely looks like a curved slider, so curve it properly to make it show that it'd a proper curved slider.
i guess that's it. sorry about the short mod. i was too tired to mod since it's night where i am. anyways GL
... 스토리보드가 아마도 필요할거라니...Dark Fang wrote:
I need SB....(Maybe)
thxBeatofIke wrote:
Request from modding queue, but I can't find any suggustions. Sorry!![]()
300,52,58104,2,0,B|375:19|467:141|415:205,1,240,0|001:09:779 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - er... maybe it is just me but it seems you overused whistle here, it's noisy.
haha5957 wrote:
다큰 빵's request in #korean
01:07:499 (2) - grid leftfix
01:15:121 (2,3,4) - 여기에 점프가 있잖아요, 01:09:769 (1,2) - 여기도 점프가 있고.. 그런데 01:16:256 (1,2) - 여기에는 점프가 없어요.
무튼 잡설 버리고 결론부터 말하자면 01:16:256 (1,2) - 여기서도 점프를 하고싶은 느낌이에요죄송합니다 전체적인 난이도나 분위기가 그런쪽으로 이끌어 가더라고요
예를들어 01:20:148 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 이부분을 보시면 이 부분은 점프가 알맞은 부분에 규칙적으로 잘 들어가있는데, 위에 언급된 부분같은 경우는 좀 불규칙하고 랜덤한 점프였다는 느낌이 강해요.^
01:32:472 (1,2,3,4) - 이전 점프에 비해 조금더 멀리 뛰고싶은 느낌인데 같은부분에 같혀있어서 으앙해요. 좀더 넓은 공간을 흐르듯 스치는 점프를 만들면?^
01:42:202 (1,2,3,4) - 바로 전부분과 음악의 변화도 없고 계속 단타를 치고싶은 부분이에요. 01:43:499 (1) - 이 부분부터는 음악의 느낌이 다르니 패턴도 달라도 괜찮지만요.저부분 모두 단타를 넣으면 아마 가비맵처럼 이상해질겁니다.
01:53:229 (1,2,3) - 예를 들면 삼각형모양의 점프를 치고싶어지는 부분이에요이것도 맵의 전체적인 난이도 문제로...
전반적으로 괜찮네요 헤헤
good fang ^-^thx ^-^
00:30:526 (2) - 이런 서클들을 이전 서클과 겹치게 잘 패턴들을 조종해서 미세한 부분들에 신경써주는것을 제외하면 괜찮은것같아요이전은 무리더라도 다음노트와는 곂치게 하엿습니다. 지적감사합니다
죄송해요 귀찮아요(우울):3
화이팅 다큰빵님 'ㅁ'/'ㅁ'/ !!!
Leorda wrote:
Hi thereHi
* I heard that one taiko diff are unrankable.... Maybe add one more taiko diff?![]()
one Taiko diff is not unrankable :3that's rule apply to after 7/29 submit maps
00:12:040 (1) - This slider isn't that great, make a same slider as 00:13:985 (3)?fix, that's more pretty
00:58:418 (1) - Remove new combofix.
00:21:850 (1) - End at 00:23:715?of course
00:41:067 (4,5,1) - Not stack correctly with head slider (look at test mode for proof). I suggest you to move further away from itwell.... I think that's okay, sorry..
01:30:526 (1) - 0,5x slider after streams are make the break flow. Try something else?sorry
, I think that's good
01:35:715 (1) - ^^
That's all I got, hope it's help!thx
thx >w<kajiyatta wrote:
hi from #modreq
me likes this song 33 almost suggestions
AR4 seems a bit faster , OD3 seems good I think
00:11:391(3) 1 grid down?
01:29:229(2) like this? it's more hitable for newbie I think.
01:52:904 add a note?
Hit Sonud
00:16:580(1) add whistle at head? I hear back sounds.
00:18:850(4) x:256 y:212 ?
01:30:850(1) it's a bit closer, so try to replace? e.g.)
01:46:094(1) DS error?
00:21:769(4) delete this note and start spinner this better I think. it fits with music.
Frobe's Advanced
me likes this diff =3
00:11:067(3) remove 1 repeat and add anote?
Hit Sonud
00:44:472(3,4) add whistle at the head?
wow, really pro map for your 1st map@@ awesome!
00:26:310(2) try this?
Hit Sonud
01:28:256(6) add whistle at the end?
that's all. so Excellent map, go Rank and star!
All fix, thankskajiyatta wrote:
Frobe's Advanced
me likes this diff =3
00:11:067(3) remove 1 repeat and add anote?
Hit Sonud
00:44:472(3,4) add whistle at the head?
Thanks for moddingSonnyc wrote:
모딩 드려요~ ㅇㅅㅇ 별 너무 많으신듯 어여 장판 잡으세요
00:38:634 (4) - 슬라이더 속의 휘슬은 없애주세요Fix
01:09:769 (1) - 그냥 생각이지만 상하 대칭이 아닌게 아쉽네요..Nope
01:20:148 (1) - 시작에 피니시 추가 끝에 박수는 왜 안넣으셨나요? 의도라면 두시고 실수면 뒤의 비슷한 사항도 고쳐주세요~of course
01:39:607 (2) - 끝에 피니시?fix
01:42:202 (2) - 클랩 삭제^
01:43:499 (1) - 시작과 끝에 클랩 삭제^
01:52:904 (2,3) - 시작에 클랩?nope
-- 비기너와 달리 박수가 없군요 ㅇㅅㅇ
00:04:904 (3) - 리버스. 디스탄스 따위..of course and adjust next notes
00:07:499 (3) - ^^
00:16:580 (5) - 좀 더 왼쪽으로 움직이길 추천합니다fix
00:56:472 (3) - 휘슬 삭제nope i heard HL sound at that
01:07:823 (2) - 시작에 피니시oops, Fix :3
01:08:472 (3) - 피니시 삭제nope
01:36:040 (1) - (4)에 겹치는게 좋을 거 같습니다. 이후의 스페이싱은 알아서..Fix
Frobe's Advanced:
00:11:067 (3) - 1/8 슬라이더로 바꾸는건 어떨까요nope
00:32:148 (1) - 끝의 클랩 삭제Fix
00:32:958 (4) - 중간의 휘슬 삭제nope
00:42:526 (1) - 피니시 삭제Fix
01:08:472 (1) - ^nope
01:53:229 (1) - ^nope
00:21:850 (1) - 님의 난이도와 동일하게 00:23:634에서 끝내세요Fix xD
00:30:040 (3,4,5,6,7) - 연타가 적당하지 않은듯 합니다 (5,7) 삭제Fix
01:23:715 (5) - 1칸 위로Fix
01:45:121 (2,4) - ctrl+Rnah
어려운 맵 모딩은 가능하지만 정작 매핑이 안되는![]()
:OO cheer up
Thanks for moddingNoHitter wrote:
- 00:13:985 (3) - I suggest you reverse this (Ctrl+G) for better flow.sure. Fix
- 00:47:715 (2,3,4) - Make these into a repeat slider first, so that beginners can catch the rhythm first. You can use notes after that.of course I use repeat slider instead circle
- 00:59:391 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2) - IMO these combos should be placed 1/1 back, so that the notes will hit the downbeats. The rhythm is more distinct there. You can extend 01:07:823 (2) into a 1/1 slider.I fix and adjust them
- 01:21:769 (2,3) - [nazi] Move these right by one grid, so the slider blankets them better. You may want to adjust 01:22:742 (1) too.sure
- 00:21:121 (3) - I suggest you reverse this (Ctrl+G) for better flow.sure
- 00:37:337 (1) - IMO this looks better if you flip the slider vertically like this.Fix
- 00:42:526 (3,4,1,2,3) - May I suggest a pattern like this? It flows better.sure
- 00:46:418 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest you start with the repeat sliders like the ones in 00:49:012 (1) first to familiarize players with the rhythm.OK fix
- 00:59:391 (1) - Placing it like this looks better IMO. Being centered between the two sliders.sure fix
- 01:40:904 (1,2) - [nazi] The overlap doesn't look good.fix and adjust
- 01:53:229 (1) - Don't see a reason why you need to new combo this. Remove new combo.OK
[Frobe's Advanced]
- 00:10:094 (1,2,3) - I suggest you change the pattern to this. It looks neater.Fix
- 00:17:877 () - Map this break! There's really no reason not to.I consider that
- 00:26:148 (2) - [nazi] The overlap doesn't look good IMO.Fix
- 00:36:526 (3) - I suggest you reverse this (Ctrl+G) for better flow.OK fix
- 01:13:012 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - The pattern here doesn't really play well since it looks really clumped up.OK I fix it. keep to Frobe's pattern
- 01:17:229 (4) - Would look better like this IMO.OK fix
- 01:25:012 (4) - Same as above. Like this.Fix too
- 01:48:364 (5,6,7,8) - Why not use a slider instead for consistency? You've been using sliders up until now.nope. ond day Frobe said me "I like that's pattern and othes too"
- Note: Regarding the kiai, flashes may be used but they fit the song as they emphasize the x1.50 speed parts.
- 00:10:742 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - kkddkkkkk fits the music better here.Fix
- 00:15:283 (3) - k here. You've been using k to emphasize the music similar to these parts. [Like in 00:12:688 (3) and 00:14:634 (3)]Sure
- 00:19:175 (1) - Same as above.
- 00:44:472 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - ddkkddkkk for more variation? You've already used ddddkkkkk.no. I think that's good
- 00:54:850 () - d. I can hear a distinct beat here.add a note
- 01:08:148 (7,8,1,2,3) - kdkdd or kdkdk? Fits the music better IMO.sure. I'm going to use kdkdk
- 01:17:067 () - d. I don't see why you left this part blank. There's a beat there.OK add a note
- 00:05:229 (9) - Move one grid left then reverse? Flows better IMO.I think better now
- 00:09:445 (4) - I don't really recommend anti-jumps, but it fits the song here.
- 01:24:688 (3) - I suggest you place this where (1) was. It flows nicely!No change by that. but I replace that note due to your advice
- 01:44:796 (1,2,3,4) - Why not space these equally like this?Fix that
Thanks for moddingLou-kun wrote:
Slider Vocalist need to go slower.
Plus you can add you'r own skin to make it popular.![]()
one day I consider that. but I know that's not need for my map
Needs at least one spinner for the multiplayer and online rankings.OK. but I have spinner at all diffs
A:Because, in Mutliplayer some people spin better than others, That will cause them to win. And in online rankings, If you didn't add the spinner many people will be in the same rank.
The one that I didn't talk about is totally perfect. Keep on mind my comments.
I know you did put them in all you'r difficulties that's why I am telling you. And you are welcome. ^_^Dark Fang wrote:
Thanks for moddingLou-kun wrote:
Slider Vocalist need to go slower.
Plus you can add you'r own skin to make it popular.![]()
one day I consider that. but I know that's not need for my map
Needs at least one spinner for the multiplayer and online rankings.OK. but I have spinner at all diffs
A:Because, in Mutliplayer some people spin better than others, That will cause them to win. And in online rankings, If you didn't add the spinner many people will be in the same rank.
The one that I didn't talk about is totally perfect. Keep on mind my comments.
Thanks for good moddingintoon wrote:
SPOILER20:33 intoon: 제가 여기다 일단 적어드릴테니 님 모딩 끝나고 읽어보세여
20:33 intoon: 참고로 익스트림만..
20:34 intoon: 00:02:148 (6,7,8,9,10) - 다른모양 추천드림
20:35 intoon: 00:06:202 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ 00:06:850 (5,6) - 점프가 필요없는부분같아서 그래요
20:36 intoon: 00:24:364 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 여기 지루해요
20:36 intoon: 00:38:634 (1,2,3,4) - 애매하네요 2하고 3을 일정한 거리를 쓰던지 아예 점프로 만들던지 둘중하나
20:38 intoon: 00:43:823 (1,2,3,4) - 다른모양 추천하고싶어요 (개인적으로)
20:38 intoon: 00:45:445 (2,3,4,5,6) - 스냅은 상관없이 거리가 일정하지않아요....
20:39 intoon: 00:48:688 (4) - 노트 1개 change가 나을거같아요 00:49:499 (2,3) - 여기처럼..
20:40 intoon: 01:01:985 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 다른모양 추천드림 매우 많이........
20:40 intoon: 모양이라기보단 배치....
20:40 intoon: 01:07:175 (1,2,3) - 단타 6개가 훨~씬 나아요
20:42 intoon: 01:30:526 (1) - 여기 왠만하면 하얀색이던 검은색이던 여기만 특별한 컬러쓰세요, (여담이지만 린이
20:42 intoon: 이런거 좋아해요) 가비 따라하는거같긴한데 어쩔수 없어요
20:42 intoon: 01:30:526 (1) - ^
20:42 intoon: 01:38:310 (1,2,3) - 다른모양..
20:42 intoon: 01:38:958 (4,5,6) - ^
20:43 intoon: 01:43:823 (1,1) - remove nc
20:44 intoon: 01:53:229 (1,2,3) - 왠만하면 점프로 바꾸세요, 뭐 개인적 취향이시라면 할말은 없는데 점프만드는쪽의
20:44 intoon: 훨씬 나아보이네요..
20:44 intoon: =End=
simple irc modding
Thanks for moddingNatsumeRin wrote:
00:16:580 (1) - remove sliderwhistle?Fix
01:07:175 (1) - http://puu.sh/1dYNm too get it tight maybe? the music is quite strong and i think some kind of emphesis is needed.Sure. I fix that
01:51:283 (1) - no. the hitsounds is too quiet and i don't see the need to do so.I think too
In general, i think the sliders in this diff could be made in a more pretty way. Even it's an Easy i think you could put more effort on it.;w;
00:01:013 (1,2,3) - glad to see you could use such organized beats. It could be made better if you place the notes according some kind of rules. now it seems a bit loose (i mean, make 1/2/3 looks more like "in a group")OK fix that
00:54:202 (1) - honestly, a bit ugly, you surely could think some better ways for a slider...Fix that
00:58:094 (3) - ^^
01:35:067 (5) - remove the reverse, and it shows a "stop" effect at the beats, i think this fit the music better.OK
[Frobe's Advanced]
00:07:499 (5,6) - why not 4 circles as before.Fix
00:11:067 (3) - remove a reverse and add a note at 00:11:391 ?I think that's for Finish
00:24:364 (1) - this part...i kinda doubt about it because music is not that 1/2 all the time, the 3/4s should be something you could consider, or use some 3/4+1/4 would also make it better imo.I can't dare to touch that o_o
01:01:985 (1) - for this part you should really look at the extreme diff for the note choices... notes are very obviously "3 in a group" (even in the jubeat game itself), but i don't have such feeling when playing this one.I fix that
The problem in this diff is... it looks not a map for this song. Or say this is something i don't like.D:
00:11:715 (1) - maybe 0.75x would be already enough. too short sliders looks not that good imo.OK I use 0.75x sv
00:12:850 - add a note?I think that's not good
00:24:364 (1) - 6*3/4 sliders in a row just makes this exciting part in a boring way. try to use various of way in this part, based on the main beats.That's good idea. but I follow main beat now.
01:00:040 (3,4) - move right a bit so the spacing looks more comfortable.Fix
01:07:175 (1) - the idea here expressed kinda enough, but i thnk you could do more at the "skill" part. (for example: use 1.2x, make the direction change a bit, larger the spacing http://puu.sh/1dZa4)sure i try make large spacing
01:20:148 (1,2,1,2) - still, i like the idea you showed, but don't you feel after you stress those "parts", as a whole they are a bit separated? though it may be a too much task for new mappers but still want to mention it here.I consider that, but not now.
Thanks for modding-Kirito wrote:
#korea에서 부탁하셨습니당.
(조언을 별로 하지 못 해서 ㅈㅅ합니당..)
01:48:364 - Combo Add?Fix
00:25:661 (4) - NC?nope
00:28:256 (4) - NC?^
00:42:526 (3) - NC?Fix
01:09:769 (1,1,1,1) - 흰색선에 맞춰보는게 어떠신지?컨셉..
01:10:742 (2,2,2,2) - Combo Add?nope
01:39:607 (3) - NC?^
[Frobe's Advanced]
01:31:175 (2) - NC?OK
01:36:364 (2) - NC?^
01:39:607 (3) - NC?^
01:47:067 (1) - NC?no
00:05:877 - Combo Add?아니되오!
00:08:472 - ^?^
완벽한 난이도...![]()
닭빵님 이 맵 좋아욧! 빨리 랭크되시길!!헉 감사해요!
HelloSCV wrote:
IRCSPOILER19:34 Dark Fang: 브레이크타임 매꿧는데 혹시 그부분만 모딩 가능하신가요?
19:34 HelloSCV: 넹
19:35 *Dark Fang is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/150494 Tatsh - HEAVENLY MOON [Frobe's Advanced]]
19:35 Dark Fang: 00:11:715 -
19:35 Dark Fang: ~ 00:21:445 -
19:38 HelloSCV: 박자 말인데
19:38 HelloSCV: 00:17:229 (7) -
19:38 HelloSCV: 노트추가
19:38 HelloSCV: 00:18:202 (3,4) -
19:38 HelloSCV: 삭제
19:39 Dark Fang: 스레에도 irc 모딩 올려주시면 감사합니다
19:39 HelloSCV: 넹
19:39 HelloSCV: 00:18:850 (4) - 00:18:526 (3) -
19:39 HelloSCV: 추가?
19:39 HelloSCV: 아 물론 슬라이더로 하셔도 좋구요
19:39 HelloSCV: 00:19:175 (1) - 1/1 슬라이더로?
19:40 HelloSCV: 굳이 잡자면 이정도
Thank you!NoHitter wrote:
Rechecked and bubbled!
Good luck.
Garven wrote:
Tick rate 2 fits this song bestI'll keep tick rate
00:24:364 (1) - This is really soon after a spinner for an Easy - especially one with such a low star rating. It might be best to map through it.fix
00:56:796 (1) - This slider could look better. The curve is a little sharp and uneven.I trim that note
01:07:175 (3,4) - This has high potential to be quite confusing for newer players. It's fairly fast and quite short with more than one repeat with a note one beat afterward. I recommend you rethink this.hmm.. fix. longer than now
01:51:283 - I think a crescendo (gradual increase in volume) would work great here instead of keeping it all at a low volume.OK fix
00:08:796 (1,4) - I recommend you either stick with 3-hit sliders or 5-hit sliders. This is like that short slider from the Easy - Even though this is a Normal you still want to keep things at least consistent with the harder techniques used for this tier of difficulty.hmm... well.. I fix 00:08:796 (1) - this note. but keeping (4)
00:18:850 (4) - Maybe delete considering how tranquil the melody line is hereI delete that note
00:30:850 (3) - This flows better ctrl + h'd. If you do this, you'll have to ctrl + h pretty much everything up until 00:44:472 (3) -fix
00:59:391 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe instead of having straight 1/1 rhythms here during this calm bridge, have a more stagnant rhythm such as this?Fix. but I use other rhythm
01:38:310 (1) - Same suggestion at this part. Maybe a simpler and smoother rhythm to transition better.^
01:30:850 (1) - That's... kinda weird. Probably best to keep it all at the same SV.hm..ok fix
01:36:040 (2) - ^^
HP drain is too high. It's too hard to recover health from a mistake.change HP drain
00:09:445 (4) - Way too close to 3. Increase that spacing please.ok
01:35:715 (1) - You'll need tick rate 2 for these sliders anyway.I'll keep tick rate
OK fixGarven wrote:
For the Insane, you must have tick rate 2 if you want those .5x sliders.
Garven wrote:
00:24:364 (1) - This is still soon after the spinner. Maybe adding a circle at 00:21:769 - and 00:23:067 - will work betterI use circle instead spinner. I won't add circle at 00:23:067 - (if that have problem. I'll fix)
01:51:283 - You should apply that same crescendo you did in Beginner here (and the Taiko and Extreme)fix at Basic, Extreme.cuz lower sound is unplayable at taiko.
감사합니다 >ㅅ<Wreath wrote:
랭크 화이팅!! >ㅅ</
Thanks for moddingMelophobia wrote:
01:08:472 (5) - This note cannot be muted, move green line to 01:08:553 -Fix
01:08:553 (1) - Since spinner end doesnt follow anything, it would be better to remove finish. also use soft sampleset instead.OK I use soft sampleset.
01:30:526 (1) - Better to use 0.75x instead. this is pretty confusing imo not only because change of slider speed is sudden but because 0.5x looks the same as 1.0x sliders. anyway it's fitting very well with the song so it's up to you.hm.. keeping now
01:35:715 (1) - ^^
00:51:445 - Since there's an extra bass drum in this section, add a note here?add note :3
01:08:472 (1) - Since spinner end doesnt follow anything, it would be better to remove finish. also use soft sampleset instead.same as above
01:48:364 (5,6,7,8) - Change them into a kick slider? there's no long stream like this elsewhere so it's much harder than the rest of difficulty~Fix ~
00:21:769 (1) - This spinner is too loud compared with other diffs. try to mute itOK
00:13:985 (3) - This combo is kinda long, so how about adding newcombo here?OK add newcombo
00:37:337 (1,2,3) - Considering that This difficulty is based on 1/1 of whitetick, This is too hard for beginners imo, change them into a slider or at least change (2,3) to a slider.hm.. keeping now.
00:41:229 (2,3) - for the same reason as above, CTRL+G for better rhythm and adjust placement. there wont be much difference but it will be much easier for beginners to get 300well.. Fix that
Nice first map. Fix whatever you want and call me back for a recheck
Thank you Melophobia!Melophobia wrote:
Rechecked via IRC, and we added a spinner in the Beginner diff and fixed some minor stuff. And now everything looks fine to me! great first map :3log21:46 Melophobia: Hello :3
21:46 Dark Fang: Hello
21:46 Melophobia: i would like to ask you a quiestion before rechecking
21:47 Melophobia: there's no spinner in Beginner diff, but i think it would be best if you could find a way to add one
21:47 Melophobia: what do you think?
21:47 Dark Fang: hm...
21:48 Dark Fang: OK I will add spinner in Beginner diff
21:48 Melophobia: Thanks :3
21:48 Melophobia: i will rebubble after rechecking
21:48 Melophobia: i think Garven will do the rest
21:48 Dark Fang: i think too
21:57 Melophobia: sorry, i would like to recheck via irc now
21:57 Melophobia: do you have some time to do?
21:57 Dark Fang: OK
21:58 Melophobia: in Extreme
21:58 Melophobia: 00:21:769 (4) - Finish is too loud, whistle is better imo
22:00 Melophobia: in Basic
22:00 Melophobia: 00:01:013 (1) - Finish
22:00 Melophobia: 00:06:202 (1) - ^
22:01 Melophobia: everything else looks fine now, i will recheck again after fixes
22:02 Dark Fang: OK all fix
22:02 Melophobia: update please :3
22:02 Dark Fang: upload ~.
22:03 Dark Fang: wut.. I got an error
22:03 Dark Fang: stopping at 22.2%
22:03 Melophobia: maybe restart osu!?
22:03 Dark Fang: OK
22:03 Melophobia: i have gotten it once
22:03 Melophobia: yeah
22:04 Dark Fang: Finish ~
22:04 Melophobia: ok!
22:04 Dark Fang: btw I really thank you ~ :3
22:04 Melophobia: my pleasure :3
22:05 Melophobia: ah
22:05 Melophobia: 00:21:769 (1) -
22:05 Melophobia: need to be muted
22:05 Melophobia: in Beginner
22:05 Dark Fang: oh
22:06 Dark Fang: update ~ thank you for checking sound xD
22:06 Melophobia: hm
22:07 Melophobia: i think the following notes appear too suddenly
22:07 Melophobia: considering the level of this difficulty
22:07 Melophobia: i mean 00:24:364 (1) -
22:08 Dark Fang: Can I replace near by spinner?
22:08 Melophobia: nah just uneasy about recovery time
22:08 Melophobia: maybe
22:08 Melophobia: end the spinner at 00:23:067 - instead?
22:09 Dark Fang: hmm.. that's great
22:09 Melophobia: update it once again please
22:10 Dark Fang: update
22:11 Melophobia: ok
Enjoy my first bubble