
Shimotsuki Haruka - EXEC_HYMM_BATTLESPHERE/.#Finnel extracti

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年10月30日 at 23:46:57

Artist: Shimotsuki Haruka
Title: EXEC_HYMM_BATTLESPHERE/.#Finnel extracting
Source: Ar tonelico III
Tags: pieces qoga knell of ar ciel tyria impossiblexu beren aabc271 ts8zs
BPM: 150
Filesize: 6452kb
Play Time: 02:40
Difficulties Available:
  1. aabc's Taiko (4.83 stars, 766 notes)
  2. Beren's Hard (4.88 stars, 482 notes)
  3. impossiblexu's Normal (3.14 stars, 186 notes)
  4. Insane (5 stars, 643 notes)
  5. Ts8zs' Easy (2.19 stars, 143 notes)
Download: Shimotsuki Haruka - EXEC_HYMM_BATTLESPHERE/.#Finnel extracting
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

[Insane] by Mystica
[Hard] by beren
[Normal] by impossiblexu
[Easy] by ts8zs
[Taiko] by aabc271

maybe my last map


Download: 21809 Kitamura Eri With Mariya Ise With Hayami Saori - Yume Obono.rar
Topic Starter

eveless wrote:


喂歌名和artist还没改啊 等RIN大搞完了hitsound我再修整下SB在调些东西一起fullsubmit

NatsumeRin wrote:

压力。红空那套行不行。。。 其实我试过但是normal各种不合适咦
只有前面的一小段soft. 好吧NTR你是无敌的 RIN大人辛苦了嗯
18:26 <ts8zs> : 最后这个转盘不合适= =?
18:27 <ts8zs> : 话说不是有另外一张么=w=
18:30 <ts8zs> : 最后那个转盘直接掐掉好了= =
18:33 <Mystica> : 怒吃飯晚上給你mod
18:34 <ts8zs> : 首先有个问题- -
18:35 <ts8zs> : 滑条倍数只能有3个
18:35 <ts8zs> : 01:05:744 (1) - 这个unrankable
18:37 <ts8zs> : 00:10:944 (4) - 这个滑条摆成半圆然后下一个放中间?
18:40 <ts8zs> : 01:18:144 (1) - 尾巴加上什么音效之类的?clap?
18:42 <ts8zs> : 02:28:801 (1) - 这个真的没问题么?我不确定……
18:43 <ts8zs> : hard↑
18:47 <ts8zs> : insane↓
18:47 <ts8zs> :
18:48 <ts8zs> : 00:40:344 (9) - 这个回摆有点突兀
18:49 <ts8zs> : 00:59:744 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,1) - 这是上古图的摆法了= =
18:49 <ts8zs> : 话说好早之前的图啊= =
18:57 <ts8zs> : 01:36:194 - 这里加个note
18:59 <ts8zs> : 01:42:944 (7) - 这里变成0.5滑条然后变成向下的怎么样= =
18:59 <ts8zs> : 01:45:381 (7,8,9,1,2,3) - rank图这种不常见
19:05 <ts8zs> : 00:26:944 (10) - 上下颠倒下?
19:06 <ts8zs> : 01:19:881 (4,5) - 换成三往返
19:08 <ts8zs> : 01:20:444 - 01:32:444 - 把没有人声的Finish去掉
19:10 <ts8zs> : Easy↓
19:10 <ts8zs> : 01:32:444 -
19:10 <ts8zs> : 往返
19:14 <ts8zs> : 00:25:944 - 去掉
19:18 <ts8zs> : 就这样吧懒得动了QAQ
Athena Tennos
A-tan's mod.....M4M~


[impossiblexu's Normal]
00:10:544 (3,4) - overlap不是很好看~试试这样?~

01:02:944 (1,2) - 这里的距离~~~嘛。。。。

02:11:658 (2) - 移动到x:264 y:256?~然后02:13:372 (1) - 移动到x:264 y:40?~

[Beren's Hard]
01:07:044 (4) - 删掉这个note?~然后把01:06:744 (3) - 延长到这个时间上?!~感觉那个地方没有明显的节奏。。。总是会漏按~
01:08:344 (3,4) - ^
01:19:506 (1,1) - 这两个的距离~~~~hmm.....也许可以在拉开一点。。。老是按快~just suggestion~

00:04:344 (4,5,6,7,8) - 向←移一格?~
00:38:544 (3,4) - 改成一个slider?!~。。。。每次都在这里卡一下~xD....手指按不过来。。。orz~

Good Luck~

话说考完试了么0.0.~~~final exam~xD~
[impossiblexu's Normal]
01:38:444 (1,2) - Try this instead to better fit the music:

[Beren's Hard]
00:08:144 (8) - Move this slider to 00:08:044 and add a note at 00:08:344 to better fit the music.
00:10:944 (4,5) - Not a neat pattern, I suggest the 5 note be placed outside the slider, maybe like this:
00:29:944 (1) - Here, the gold combo color is used to indicate a slowdown in the slider velocity. However,
00:33:344 (1,2) - the gold combo color here is used to indicate s speedup in the slider velocity. For better readability, I suggest using different combo colors for speedups and slowdowns. Same goes for the rest of the map.
01:11:544 (3) - Make this slider begin at 01:11:444 and end at 01:11:644 to fit the music better.
01:56:444 (1,2,3,4) - As a player, I found triplets placed at the endpoint of the slider that chronologically do not immediately follow the end of a slider to be very confusing to read. I suggest you place the triplet (2,3,4 notes) somewhere else. (I know this particular bit of modding sounds a little confusing; if you can't fully understand what I mean by this, contact me via forum PM or message me in-game and I'll try to explain more clearly. Sorry for not being able to give a better explanation :<)
02:31:372 (4) - Listening to the music without the notes, I felt that the end of this slider was not necessary to have a normal hitsound. Like the rest of the slider, use the soft hitsound for the end of this slider.

00:43:144 (5,6,7) - Use 1/6 instead of 1/4 here to better fit the music.
00:49:544 (6) - Try and put a repeating 1/6 slider here instead of a none-repeating 1/4 slider. The rhythm is 1/6, so it fits the music better. A suggestion would be:
02:28:801 (1,2) - Try this to better fit the music:
02:35:872 (2,3,4) - Use 1/6 instead of 1/4 here to better fit the music.

I see great potential in this mapset, with the right creativity this could turn into a masterpiece. Good luck with this!
Topic Starter

Athena Tennos wrote:

A-tan's mod.....M4M~

hmm~没有kiaitime可以么。。?~0.0~ 可以的OTL

00:04:344 (4,5,6,7,8) - 向←移一格?~ 好像現在剛好對稱?
00:38:544 (3,4) - 改成一个slider?!~。。。。每次都在这里卡一下~xD....手指按不过来。。。orz~ OTL 所以是難點啊 看後面再有人說的話就改

BG已经PM了~我拿不定主意。。如果没有中意的就ignore掉吧~ 噗 我會說好多AT2么 依然很謝謝啊~
Good Luck~

话说考完试了么0.0.~~~final exam~xD~ 考完了XD

ts8zs wrote:

18:26 <ts8zs> : 最后这个转盘不合适= =?
18:27 <ts8zs> : 话说不是有另外一张么=w=
18:30 <ts8zs> : 最后那个转盘直接掐掉好了= =
18:33 <Mystica> : 怒吃飯晚上給你mod
18:34 <ts8zs> : 首先有个问题- -
18:35 <ts8zs> : 滑条倍数只能有3个
18:35 <ts8zs> : 01:05:744 (1) - 这个unrankable
18:37 <ts8zs> : 00:10:944 (4) - 这个滑条摆成半圆然后下一个放中间?
18:40 <ts8zs> : 01:18:144 (1) - 尾巴加上什么音效之类的?clap?
18:42 <ts8zs> : 02:28:801 (1) - 这个真的没问题么?我不确定……
18:43 <ts8zs> : hard↑
18:47 <ts8zs> : insane↓
18:47 <ts8zs> :
18:48 <ts8zs> : 00:40:344 (9) - 这个回摆有点突兀
18:49 <ts8zs> : 00:59:744 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,1) - 这是上古图的摆法了= =
18:49 <ts8zs> : 话说好早之前的图啊= =
18:57 <ts8zs> : 01:36:194 - 这里加个note
18:59 <ts8zs> : 01:42:944 (7) - 这里变成0.5滑条然后变成向下的怎么样= =
18:59 <ts8zs> : 01:45:381 (7,8,9,1,2,3) - rank图这种不常见
19:05 <ts8zs> : 00:26:944 (10) - 上下颠倒下?
19:06 <ts8zs> : 01:19:881 (4,5) - 换成三往返
19:08 <ts8zs> : 01:20:444 - 01:32:444 - 把没有人声的Finish去掉
19:10 <ts8zs> : Easy↓
19:10 <ts8zs> : 01:32:444 -
19:10 <ts8zs> : 往返
19:14 <ts8zs> : 00:25:944 - 去掉
19:18 <ts8zs> : 就这样吧懒得动了QAQ

KRZY wrote:

00:43:144 (5,6,7) - Use 1/6 instead of 1/4 here to better fit the music.
00:49:544 (6) - Try and put a repeating 1/6 slider here instead of a none-repeating 1/4 slider. The rhythm is 1/6, so it fits the music better. A suggestion would be:
02:28:801 (1,2) - Try this to better fit the music:
02:35:872 (2,3,4) - Use 1/6 instead of 1/4 here to better fit the music.

a little uncertain with 1/6 beat.let me think.
I see great potential in this mapset, with the right creativity this could turn into a masterpiece. Good luck with this!
some mod fix yeh.easy leave to xu.Thanks for your guys

[*]From BakaHuang & TTTTTTTTTTTT's modding queue

[*][impossiblexu's Normal]

00:08:544 - 这里用个soft的finish吧

[*][Beren's Hard]

00:48:144 - 微下移一些,碰到hpbar了
02:16:801 - 再外移些..现在有些完全遮住了 x 204 y 72
02:28:801 - 这个移动些位置,sliderfollowcircle近一半出屏幕了 看起来很不舒服的..


01:00:344 - 这里起的一些4分1 note..有些突然吧,每个应该往里收两格,不过这样就破坏了排列了,不过这里的排列样式也太方方正正了吧..和图的其他部分感觉不够统一协调


good luck!
Hey ^^

[impossiblexu's Normal]

  • Diff set:
    4/6/5 for easiest diff in mapsett o.o?
    this one rly should be much lower for 160 bpm song....
  1. 00:02:144 (1) - this one bug i guess, add NC manually here
  2. 00:08:544 (1) - should be some kind of finish here (custom or not custom, but smth should added imo )
  3. 00:08:344 - 00:14:744 why not use same SC1 clap here ?
  4. 00:10:944 (4) - a bit not good loking overlap, mb change shape ?
  5. 00:45:744 (4) - x:116 y:276 just to make it blanket
  6. 00:40:544 - 00:52:744 this part, i guess it would be fine if you add whistle on every big white tick
  7. 01:02:944 (1) - remove NC here, ur previous NC all 4-5 this one is short, also NC here 01:04:544 (3) - fitts much better, cause changing of music
  8. 01:02:944 (1,2) - do this ? for better looking and avoid changing spacing from 0.9 to 1.1
  9. 01:38:444 (1,2,3) - move them all in the middle ? haha
  10. 01:53:444 (5) - missed whistle i guess o.o!
  11. 01:56:444 (3) - why not add whistle at both tail and head ?
  12. 02:30:515 (1) - x:176 y:176 blanket

    I would increase volume overal...ecpecially at those parts wich dont have SC1 clap and NC2 finish
    +Ai mod showing some spacing errors o.o?

[Beren's Hard]
  1. 00:01:944 (1) - for hard diff it will be better if you remove this note
  2. 00:16:544 (1,2,3) - i prefer to see larger spacing here, to prevent notes touching each other
  3. 00:18:744 (3) - hmm a bit close to next slider, better to move it
  4. 00:22:944 (1,2,3) - well same here
  5. 00:29:944 (1) - this one is quite confusing actually and NC dont help to see changing in SV, mostly because music dont give you any clue that this slider will be slower then others (same goes to ur next slow slider)
  6. 00:40:544 - 00:53:244 this part surrely need some hitsounds.....i almost dont hear that normal-hitnormal....try to copy hitsounds from [Insane] diff.
  7. 01:05:744 (1) - this slider 1/8 slider TAT, 2 MAT/BAT said its unrankable, 1 said its ugly and better to fix it, so i guess you got 3 good reasons to change it xD, 1 of the option is increase SV here to prevent stacking head and tail of the kickslider, or just use different pattern.
  8. 01:18:144 (1) - this NC is really unnecessary, u already showed rhytm changing on this antijump 01:17:344 (1) -
  9. 01:17:344 (1,2,1) - as i said before, increasing spacing here looks much better
  10. 01:19:226 (1,2,1) - unnecessary NC u will get same msg from MAT/BAT about NC spam
  11. 01:27:194 (5,6,7,8) - personally i think triple at #6 note fits better
  12. 01:30:475 - u can try to add note here, i think 5 note stream sounds good here o.o!
  13. 01:31:694 (3) - if u change playback rate to 25% u will clearly hear that there is no sound at 01:32:350, i suggest you to remove 1 arrow here
  14. 01:35:256 (5) - grid left, to prevent overlap
  15. 01:36:006 (2,3,4,5,6) - hmm, mb do this ? its also fit music + its much easier ==!
  16. 01:42:944 (1) - mb mute tail o.o?
  17. 01:57:569 (5) - since changing rhytm starts here, so why not start NC from this note o.o?
  18. 01:59:658 (6) - NC here 100%, changing music
    02:25:801 (3,4,5,1) - dont like this triplet, mb duplets o.o?
  19. 02:32:122 - plz move this green line to 02:32:229 because last tick of this slider 02:31:372 (4) - sounds not good ==
  20. 02:38:444 (1,2,3) - hmm mb, a bit large jump for hard diff
  21. 02:39:086 (5) - NC here i guess
  22. 02:40:372 (1) - i prefer to add note here 02:40:372 and start spinner at 02:40:801 cause changing in music starts here o.o!

    I could say smth like * hey AR-8 OD-7 is too high for [Hard] diff in 160 bpm song*, but i wont say that cause this diff is [Insane], high amount of triplets/streams/jumps, its just not a good way to make [Hard] diffs like that....
    But as additional Insane this diff is very good !

  1. 00:07:144 (1,2,3,4) - wow im sure at 100% that jump pattern should starts a bit earlier o.o!
  2. 00:11:544 (6,1,2,3) - hmm, same here, i prefer to see jump on white tick, i think it fits music very good here so mb (extend 00:10:944 (5) - a bit and add jump note at 00:11:744 ?
  3. 00:26:144 (7) - NC here i guess, its a bit long compare to others + some BGmusic changes here
  4. 00:38:744 (5,6,7) - what i wanted to see here o.o
  5. 00:53:244 (8,1) - some unexpected jump here, i think u can easy remove 00:53:244 (8) - cause there is no sound at BG music here
  6. 00:56:344 (1,2,3) - all previous triplets placed correctly in the middle so mb do sam for this o.o?
  7. 01:04:344 (1,1,1,1) - hmm, some unnecessary NC spam here....mb u can figure it out o.o?
  8. 01:36:194 - it was rly strange when i heard this note but didnt saw it www (+note)
  9. 01:38:444 (9) - NC here
  10. 01:57:944 (1,1,2,3) - combine them in 1 combo color ?
  11. 01:59:658 - 02:13:372 this part a bit strange ussage of NC
    01:59:658 (4) - first NC should starts here cause changing in music then add NC on every big white tick (its rly fit here o.o!)
  12. 01:59:658 (4) - i think u should add smth on the head of slider
  13. 02:06:515 (4) - same here
  14. 02:08:229 (7) - whistle i guess ? like u did here 02:01:372 (1) -
  15. 02:16:801 (5) - NC here like u did 02:23:658 (1) -
  16. 02:25:372 (4) - NC
  17. 02:40:372 - prefer to add note here and start spinner from 02:40:801 - cause music changes and start fade here o.o!


  • #A bit strange to see such high diff set in easiest diff, if impossiblexu dont want to change it i think u will need another 1.5-2 star diff
    #Same with Beren's diff, its not hard.....its insane, and AR-8 OD-7 obviously to high in [Hard] diff for 160 bpm song.....
    #Audio lead in 3000 is way too much, 1500 is enough, also make sure to keep this in every diff, cause right now impossiblexu's diff dont have any o.o
Mystica prooooo \o.o/
Good luck :)
Topic Starter



01:00:344 - 这里起的一些4分1 note..有些突然吧,每个应该往里收两格,不过这样就破坏了排列了,不过这里的排列样式也太方方正正了吧..和图的其他部分感觉不够统一协调

其余没什么了.. 這段不知道如何改看看下面情況

good luck!

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

Hey ^^

  1. 00:07:144 (1,2,3,4) - wow im sure at 100% that jump pattern should starts a bit earlier o.o! actually not know how to do it well...leave for suggestion
  2. 00:11:544 (6,1,2,3) - hmm, same here, i prefer to see jump on white tick, i think it fits music very good here so mb (extend 00:10:944 (5) - a bit and add jump note at 00:11:744 ? 00:11:544 (6,1) - this place is normal distance.I just make jump at 00:12:344 (4,5) - this
  3. 00:26:144 (7) - NC here i guess, its a bit long compare to others + some BGmusic changes here yeh added
  4. 00:38:744 (5,6,7) - what i wanted to see here o.o yeh change to another part
  5. 00:53:244 (8,1) - some unexpected jump here, i think u can easy remove 00:53:244 (8) - cause there is no sound at BG music here oh my careless
  6. 00:56:344 (1,2,3) - all previous triplets placed correctly in the middle so mb do sam for this o.o? yeh.I haven't noticed that
  7. 01:04:344 (1,1,1,1) - hmm, some unnecessary NC spam here....mb u can figure it out o.o? k.some change
  8. 01:36:194 - it was rly strange when i heard this note but didnt saw it www (+note) where my lost note!
  9. 01:38:444 (9) - NC here some change
  10. 01:57:944 (1,1,2,3) - combine them in 1 combo color ? yeh
  11. 01:59:658 - 02:13:372 this part a bit strange ussage of NC some change
    01:59:658 (4) - first NC should starts here cause changing in music then add NC on every big white tick (its rly fit here o.o!)
  12. 01:59:658 (4) - i think u should add smth on the head of slider
  13. 02:06:515 (4) - same here
  14. 02:08:229 (7) - whistle i guess ? like u did here 02:01:372 (1) -
  15. 02:16:801 (5) - NC here like u did 02:23:658 (1) -
  16. 02:25:372 (4) - NC
  17. 02:40:372 - prefer to add note here and start spinner from 02:40:801 - cause music changes and start fade here o.o!
    all fixed except last.cause I think that more fit..


  • #A bit strange to see such high diff set in easiest diff, if impossiblexu dont want to change it i think u will need another 1.5-2 star diff It's hard to find someone to do the easy >_>
    #Same with Beren's diff, its not hard.....its insane, and AR-8 OD-7 obviously to high in [Hard] diff for 160 bpm song..... haha.beren is humankind
    #Audio lead in 3000 is way too much, 1500 is enough, also make sure to keep this in every diff, cause right now impossiblexu's diff dont have any o.o 3000 makes people have more time to prepare I think..may wait other suggestion.
Mystica prooooo \o.o/
Good luck :)
God like modder cRyo[iceeicee] :)
Thanks you guys.
Snowy Dream
Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
[Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn:]
- [Beren's Hard] : 3000
- [impossiblexu's Normal] : 0
- [Insane] : 3000

[impossiblexu's Normal]
00:25:944 (3) - delete
00:45:744 (4) - try to move to x:128 y:280

[Beren's Hard]
Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
01:53:544 - snap to 01:53:537
00:18:744 (3) - try to move away from 00:18:144 (2)
00:25:144 (3) - ^?
00:33:744 (2) - move to x:512 y:212
00:45:144 (1) - try to jump?
01:11:744 (1) - why 1/8?
01:14:944 (1) - too noisy :<
02:16:801 (1) - suggest moving to x:160 y:92

00:04:044 (2) - spacing略小
00:06:144 (3) - 建议和(8)重叠
00:07:744 (4) - .-. 对称没错啦 不过这样感觉不好看.. 被00:06:544 (5) 挡一下总感觉...
00:40:344 (9) - 移动到x:136 y:240
01:05:544 (1) - 和下面的重叠?
01:19:881 (4) - spacing呢=-=
02:22:372 (8) - 考虑加个note?
Great Mapset
Good Luck :3
from modding queues~
There are my opinions, so you need not follow.
If you won't use SB, I suggest you delete your osb file.
02:40:801 (1) - too long

02:40:801 (1) - fade out(like Insnae)

You must set Kiai Time!
00:25:144 (3) - separating slider and circle is better.
00:28:544 (4,5) - not natural
00:30:344 (1) - remove NC
01:09:744 (2,3,4) - not good placement.
01:34:506 (2) - separate slider and circle.
01:36:006 (2) - ^
02:06:086 (1) - remove NC
02:06:515 (3) - add NC
02:16:801 (1) - separate slider and circle.
02:19:158 (2) - ^
this diff look like Insnae...

02:37:372 (7,1) - add and remove NC
01:50:444 (8,1) - ^
02:02:229 (1) - remove NC
02:03:086 (3) - add NC
02:04:801 (1) - remove NC
02:06:515 (4) - add NC
02:08:229 (1) - remove NC
02:09:944 (3) - add NC

Good luck!!
我想试试easy diff不要期待啊( # ▽ # ) finished 音效你下吧……我搞不懂你那个音效……其实这样挺好?(slap
yooooo Beren tells me to mod...

how cute

impossiblexu's Normal
00:00:544 - 00:01:744 - You want nothing here? Not even a slider? lol
00:16:544 (3) - 00:22:944 (3) - It would be better as somthing else...?
01:04:544 (3,4,5,6) - Could use new combo somewhere
02:18:515 (3) - Make better please ahaha

Beren's Hard
Even with OD so low, I feel you could make some parts easier...
00:13:744 (3,4,5,6,7) - This dosen't have to be a stream...
00:29:944 (1) - End at 00:30:344 - please
00:36:344 (1) - ^
01:01:344 (1,1) - Move to X:184 Y:84 for perfect aliignment with 01:04:944 (1,2) - (you may also want to move 01:02:144 (1) - closer now ^^)
01:08:644 (4) - Useless note
01:17:344 (1,2,1) - Make this all just green combo
01:43:319 - Make this timing point Soft please :o
02:16:801 (1) - Start somwhere else? So hidden..
02:25:801 (3,4,5,6) - Unpredictable spacing

00:01:944 - Why not use this sound?! lol so cute
00:04:344 (4) - 00:05:144 (8) - center please
00:19:344 (6) - Remove whistle ;)
00:26:544 (3) - Add whistle
00:40:244 (8) - Delete note
01:43:319 - Make this timing point Soft please :o
01:45:662 (1) - New combo should not start on a blue tick, I would suggest remove new combo all together
Topic Starter
yeh...fixed the mod already..sorry for not post it because I've edit the post and It get closed when I finish it...It takes me half an hour >_>
I got lazy to edit again so sorry for not post.
thank your guys kiiwa hibarirailwayz and Snowy Dream
For ts8zs:
我去看看那皮膚如何 >_>
话说标题的斜线后面是不是有个点 EXEC_HYMN_BATTLESPHERE/. 这样
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

话说标题的斜线后面是不是有个点 EXEC_HYMN_BATTLESPHERE/. 这样
沒吧 我記得我直接copy的ost裏面的名稱

Topic Starter

ts8zs wrote:

圖裂了 >_>

Mystica wrote:

ts8zs wrote:

圖裂了 >_>
Topic Starter

ts8zs wrote:

Mystica wrote:

圖裂了 >_>
3slider速度只是guide line 如果運用的好而且十分出彩的話可以無視的
oh boy, Ar tonelico!

EXEC_HYMM_BATTLESPHERE/#.Finnel extracting
yes, really, that's a double M...
vgmdb evidence, for what it's worth

add "Kazuki Yanagawa" and "gust"? those are the composer and the company that made the game

uh... that's Saki :P oh well

[Beren's Hard]
00:29:944 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - The stacking in this section is weird...
00:36:344 (1,1,2,3) - ^ :/
00:37:344 (1,2,3) - yeah, maybe play around with stack leniency
01:19:881 (1,2) - kinda confusing?

[impossiblexu's Normal]
00:29:344 (3) - imo would be better as a 1 beat slider and then a 1.5 beat slider, maybe something like this? i dunno
01:03:744 (2) - why didn't you just copy (1) and horizontal flip? :P
02:08:229 (2) - I don't get what rhythm this slider goes to

[Tz8zs's Easy]
01:21:944 (4) - combobroke because I couldn't see the repeat :( please change it, that's really not OK in an Easy
if you change that one thing this is one of my favorite Easy diffs ever!

yeah, this definitely deserves a star
来mod神曲顺便给个星 :)


  1. 00:40:344 (9) - (9)在这个位置很难看清, 加上(7)那地方哈的一声很容易打下50, 我觉得把(8)去掉然后jump过去是不是打着舒服点
  2. 00:40:844 - 上面改了的话这里三连换到这里吧0.0 图
  3. 00:43:144 (5,6,7) - 这地方是1/6 0.0
  4. 00:45:844 (3,4) - o.o这不对啊
  5. 00:57:544 (9,10) - 没摆好等间距
  6. 这jump段好!
  7. 01:42:944 (7) - 尝试下1.5倍速这个滑条然后用这种形状
  8. 01:54:944 (1) - 碰血条了(好像不好改o.o)
  9. 02:35:872 (2,3) - 这也是1/6... 可以给成note+1/6 slider+长slider什么的。。。

  1. 00:21:344 (1) - 倒数第二个点, 再往外拖点。。
  2. 00:29:944 (1,1,2,3) - 手动叠一下 (play mode看下就明白o.o)
  3. 00:36:744 (1,2,3) - ^ 开stack4的话这种是会乱掉的...
  4. 00:43:144 (4,5,6) - 1/6 repeat slider怎么样>_>
  5. 我觉得这么多spaced stream会给挑diff spread的;_;
  6. 01:21:569 (6) - 这根本看不清啊。。。。
  7. 01:34:694 (4) - 这里没必要吧别乱用
  8. 01:42:756 (6) - 往左下放点
  9. 02:01:372 (1) - 这是故意没叠还是不小心的;_;
  10. 02:04:801 (4,1) - blanket
  11. 02:22:801 (2) - 转向稍慢 (开25%听, 我觉得这样很好了, 但是如果能够刚好卡到那个点上会有更好的feel)

  1. 00:10:544 (3) - blanket..?
  2. 24clap无法直视...
  3. 00:22:944 (3) - 对称好点
  4. 00:25:744 (2,3,4) - blanket.. 要不然直接放下面也好
  5. 00:40:544 (1,2) - 这一段, 说好的24clap呢
  6. 02:36:086 (5) - blanket
  7. 02:40:801 (1) - 可以的话像Beren/Insane diff那样加一堆绿线吧

  1. 太2
  2. 不过那几个3/4梗挺有趣的呢wwwwwwwww
  3. 01:21:944 (4) - 你这是自寻死路
  4. 然后你看看人家Beren diff几条绿线, 你的diff几条绿线, 音效认真点做>_>
祝rank ^^

Dusty wrote:

oh boy, Ar tonelico!
[Tz8zs's Easy]
01:21:944 (4) - combobroke because I couldn't see the repeat :( please change it, that's really not OK in an Easy
if you change that one thing this is one of my favorite Easy diffs ever!

yeah, this definitely deserves a star

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

来mod神曲顺便给个星 :)

  1. 太2 ……你是来找茬的么
  2. 不过那几个3/4梗挺有趣的呢wwwwwwwww你是真心来找茬的么
  3. 01:21:944 (4) - 你这是自寻死路 好吧^这个后面好难改^
  4. 然后你看看人家Beren diff几条绿线, 你的diff几条绿线, 音效认真点做>_>提供的音效搞不懂……反正现在这样也不错?
祝rank ^^
后面整个都要动啊 靠!= =b
ts8zs 修复了一处重叠
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

来mod神曲顺便给个星 :)


  1. 00:40:344 (9) - (9)在这个位置很难看清, 加上(7)那地方哈的一声很容易打下50, 我觉得把(8)去掉然后jump过去是不是打着舒服点 因為是一個整體啊>_> 嘛 看看下面反應如何
  2. 00:40:844 - 上面改了的话这里三连换到这里吧0.0 图
  3. 00:43:144 (5,6,7) - 这地方是1/6 0.0 事實上聽的的確有1/6的成份但是鑒於前方後方都是1/4在這突然變的話真心略坑....看看其他人怎麼說
  4. 00:45:844 (3,4) - o.o这不对啊 同上
  5. 00:57:544 (9,10) - 没摆好等间距 修正了些位置
  6. 这jump段好!
  7. 01:42:944 (7) - 尝试下1.5倍速这个滑条然后用这种形状 好主意
  8. 01:54:944 (1) - 碰血条了(好像不好改o.o) 目測問題不大
  9. 02:35:872 (2,3) - 这也是1/6... 可以给成note+1/6 slider+长slider什么的。。。

祝rank ^^

For dusty:
change the title >w< Thanks for check
懒得quote了 :P
ts8zs 求下音效……
Topic Starter

ts8zs wrote: 求下音效……
別 我自己最近又忙又偷懶還是交給你了(拍
Nikaidou Ai
Aichan's modding
Red = Very important
Blue = Somewhat important
Black = Just suggestions
Grey = Ignorethis

[baozi's Eazy]
另外SV略高 建议0.8-1.0左右 不然打着比后面那个normal难(真是奇葩)
00:53:344 (1) - 01:04:544 (6) - 这里有些蓝线为了对称就比较舍本逐末 00:54:644 (2) 01:01:044 (2) 这两个甚至不在节奏上
00:57:344 (4,5,6) - 没对称
01:04:144 (5,6) - ^
01:21:944 (3) 01:27:944 (3) 01:30:944 (3) 01:33:194 (2) - 这遮挡杀新手 建议改掉
01:41:256 (4,5,6) - 这什么 差评 不要这样遮挡
01:43:881 (1) - 建议用转盘 而且不改的话这本身就比较难看
01:47:819 (3) - 这遮挡违反一个规则:不要和别的滑条的路径重合
01:52:319 (1,2) - 节奏略奇怪 建议改成1拍或2拍的滑条
BPM变成140以后(即最后一部分)的排列不太用心 比如 02:37:372 (4,5,6) ;还有一堆直线长条 整体来看不够和谐
不我觉得我就是建议你remap你也不会听的 不过remap真的不用太久 re吧

[xu's Normal]
00:02:944 (3,4) - 不对称
00:07:344 (4,5,6) - 形状丑了点 建议减小slider的曲率并且做得更对称
00:08:544 (1) - 可以再向下倾斜 像↙(坡度大概20度)
00:21:344 (1,3) - 这两个形状……
00:27:744 (1,2) - 这里完全可以用S:C1,节奏为:whistle - clap - whistle - clap 然后下一个slider用S:C2
00:30:944 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:34:544 (1,2) - ^
00:39:944 (3,4) - 调大音量
01:31:506 (6,7) - 不是很切合节奏的感觉 建议改成一个圈+一个twice repeated slider
01:42:944 (2) - 似乎可以用Soft的finish代替?
01:52:694 (3) - + whistle

[Beren's Hard]
00:29:944 (1,1,2,3) - 意义不明且不是很好看……不如用5连代替
00:36:344 (1,1,2,3) - ^
00:59:744 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - SV变化太快 如果要用这个梗建议放成同一方向
01:11:144 (2) - 减少一个reverse
01:27:756 (9) - +NC
01:27:944 (1) - -NC
01:29:444 (1) - 读图不能
01:30:756 (9) - +NC
01:30:944 (1) - -NC
01:54:756 (4,5,1) - NC问题同上

00:14:944 - 00:26:944 - 这一段建议SVx0.75,毕竟不是难点段 稍微慢下来切合节奏也可以
01:00:344 (4,5) 及同类跳 - 差评
01:45:381 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 排列略奇怪
[baozi's Eazy]
HP2OD2对一个Easy来说比较适合 fixed
另外SV略高 建议0.8-1.0左右 不然打着比后面那个normal难(真是奇葩)奇葩就奇葩吧3mod1pcSS就当这么个难度好了……反正新手也该练练了
00:53:344 (1) - 01:04:544 (6) - 这里有些蓝线为了对称就比较舍本逐末 00:54:644 (2) 01:01:044 (2) 这两个甚至不在节奏上在节奏上啊=w=?你仔细听听?不要听人声……这可是本图亮点之一啊!
00:57:344 (4,5,6) - 没对称 严格按照DS=w=
01:04:144 (5,6) - ^^
01:21:944 (3) 01:27:944 (3) 01:30:944 (3) 01:33:194 (2) - 这遮挡杀新手 建议改掉目测你说的是旧的
01:41:256 (4,5,6) - 这什么 差评 不要这样遮挡目测同上
01:43:881 (1) - 建议用转盘 而且不改的话这本身就比较难看目测也是
01:47:819 (3) - 这遮挡违反一个规则:不要和别的滑条的路径重合我囧^
01:52:319 (1,2) - 节奏略奇怪 建议改成1拍或2拍的滑条反正滑条嘛也不用在意会怎样……第一拍在"呀"上就ok
BPM变成140以后(即最后一部分)的排列不太用心 比如 02:37:372 (4,5,6) ;还有一堆直线长条 整体来看不够和谐和谐得很我觉得=w=最后掉了的话会闹心的……而且节奏限制摆在那里我也没招=w=
不我觉得我就是建议你remap你也不会听的 不过remap真的不用太久 re吧re过后半部分你明白么
太鼓譜面終於做好了 :3
( 我是應 CBB 要求代做太鼓, 他現在 AFK 了 )
有點遲完成, 抱歉 > <

aabc's Taiko
Taiko BG

ps : 太鼓 BG 因為 title 太長的關係, 所以只使用 title 前半, 如果不可以的話請 PM 我



Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn:
- [Beren's Hard] : 3000
- [impossiblexu's Normal] : 3000
- [Insane] : 3000
- [Ts8zs' Easy] : 0


01:45:381 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 这我不太确定 01:45:569 (3) - 这里NC会比较清楚吧
00:43:110 (5) - Unsnapped circle.


Hi there~~mod for request~~
please reply this post to tell me where you fixed or not, thanks :>

  1. 根据其他的diff设定,Easy和Normal的Audio Lead-in应该放在1000比较合适
  2. 另外我觉得这张BG不适合开Letterbox——正好把额头挡住一条……
  1. 00:53:344 (1) - 有些莫名的节奏,应该是1/2或者1/1的折返而不是3/4
  2. 00:54:644 (2) - 这个从蓝线开始的折返也完全没有道理,这里的节奏正常来说不应该是这样么……
  3. 00:59:744 (1,2,3) - ^
  4. 01:18:944 (1) - 直角拐的不好看,感觉弯成和前面类似45度或者60度的都会好一些
  5. 01:44:819 (2,1) - 这种直来直去的地方也不是很舒服……
  6. 01:57:944 (1) - ^,建议如图
  7. 02:03:086 (2,3) - 依然是直角拐弯的问题……不觉得这么放很僵硬么…………后面也一样,不重复说了

  1. 00:10:944 (4) - 感觉上这里可以带一点弧度,不会显得太生硬
  2. 00:40:544 (1,2) - 这两个也是感觉可以带一点点弧度或者形状,不用这么直来直去的……不是很好看
  3. 00:50:944 (3) - (nazi)形状歪了
  4. 01:05:744 - 我觉得这段结束在这里刚刚好,Break可以延迟到01:06:144 - 开始但是多了个Slider的话就感觉有一点拖沓了不够干净
  5. 01:12:544 (1,3) - 依然是不太好看的大直线…………
  6. 01:37:694 (6,1,2,3) - ^
  7. 01:44:444 (2) - ^,其实我觉得,这种直线和3号圈的搭配效果真的很一般……除非特别合适,哪怕加一个折线也能让视觉效果好很多~这一点上Easy的直线比你用的要好一点
  1. 00:07:944 (7,8) - 这里可以考虑合成一个reverse slider~
  2. 01:10:244 (4,5) - Stream中间这两个突然没了打击音感觉不太舒服
  3. 01:40:506 - 感觉这里可以加个note或者把前面slider延长到这里结束

  1. Slider Tick Rate 2? SV这么高的话STR1有一点空的样子
  2. 00:40:344 (9) - 顺着方向下来的话感觉这个应该在144:240附近
  3. 00:59:744 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I want you 即视感…………这么放有点…………2
  4. 01:36:006 (7,8) - 交换下位置的话打起来更舒服一点~
  5. 01:39:569 (4) - ctrl+r for better flow?
  6. 01:45:381 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - wa...wat happened here...
  7. 02:23:658 (1) - 这种的……我能吐槽你slider没认真拉形状么……其实有很多这种的不过这个算是很明显的一个……
  8. 02:33:729 - 感觉上这里可以加个note~
That's all~~~star & good luck with the rank =v=
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

Hi there~~mod for request~~
please reply this post to tell me where you fixed or not, thanks :>

  1. 根据其他的diff设定,Easy和Normal的Audio Lead-in应该放在1000比较合适 都3000吧避免各种事情233
  2. 另外我觉得这张BG不适合开Letterbox——正好把额头挡住一条…… 修正
  1. 00:53:344 (1) - 有些莫名的节奏,应该是1/2或者1/1的折返而不是3/4 他是压后面的声音倒也不是不可 只不过音效配的有点.
  2. 00:54:644 (2) - 这个从蓝线开始的折返也完全没有道理,这里的节奏正常来说不应该是这样么…… ^
  3. 00:59:744 (1,2,3) - ^ ^
  4. 01:18:944 (1) - 直角拐的不好看,感觉弯成和前面类似45度或者60度的都会好一些 鉴于他后面大量使用这种类型就还是不修改了
  5. 01:44:819 (2,1) - 这种直来直去的地方也不是很舒服…… 已修
  6. 01:57:944 (1) - ^,建议如图
  7. 02:03:086 (2,3) - 依然是直角拐弯的问题……不觉得这么放很僵硬么…………后面也一样,不重复说了

  1. 00:10:944 (4) - 感觉上这里可以带一点弧度,不会显得太生硬 感觉略是老许的风格到还看得过去
  2. 00:40:544 (1,2) - 这两个也是感觉可以带一点点弧度或者形状,不用这么直来直去的……不是很好看 ^
  3. 00:50:944 (3) - (nazi)形状歪了 fixed
  4. 01:05:744 - 我觉得这段结束在这里刚刚好,Break可以延迟到01:06:144 - 开始但是多了个Slider的话就感觉有一点拖沓了不够干净 我感觉是提前一点好所以修正了下
  5. 01:12:544 (1,3) - 依然是不太好看的大直线………… ^
  6. 01:37:694 (6,1,2,3) - ^
  7. 01:44:444 (2) - ^,其实我觉得,这种直线和3号圈的搭配效果真的很一般……除非特别合适,哪怕加一个折线也能让视觉效果好很多~这一点上Easy的直线比你用的要好一点

  1. Slider Tick Rate 2? SV这么高的话STR1有一点空的样子 2的话音效有点..而且1的话看起来问题也不大
  2. 00:40:344 (9) - 顺着方向下来的话感觉这个应该在144:240附近 最后打一个绕圈隐藏中间
  3. 00:59:744 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I want you 即视感…………这么放有点…………2 啊哈哈哈我蠢B不解释
  4. 01:36:006 (7,8) - 交换下位置的话打起来更舒服一点~
  5. 01:39:569 (4) - ctrl+r for better flow? 应该是跟下面那个ctrl+r的
  6. 01:45:381 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - wa...wat happened here... 折返连打233
  7. 02:23:658 (1) - 这种的……我能吐槽你slider没认真拉形状么……其实有很多这种的不过这个算是很明显的一个…… 不我只是为了一点点的弧度有弯曲感啊
  8. 02:33:729 - 感觉上这里可以加个note~ 感觉是顿下比较好...看看下面怎么说
That's all~~~star & good luck with the rank =v=
thanks for your mod
21:30 Mystica: yo
21:33 Mystica: 你先mp吧闲了叫我
21:34 LKs: .
21:34 LKs: 哦我想起来了
21:34 LKs: 嗯
21:45 LKs: 来
21:46 Mystica: 噢好
21:47 LKs: 我得重下图?
21:47 LKs: 你np瞎
21:47 *Mystica is editing [ Shimotsuki Haruka - EXEC_HYMM_BATTLESPHERE/.#Finnel extracting
21:49 LKs: 有个外国人还在跟我聊
21:49 Mystica: 233干什么在
21:49 LKs: 他一直想当mat
21:50 LKs: 但又干过不少黑历史
21:50 Mystica: 是在求你推荐么233 来爆个ID
21:50 LKs: 现在犹犹豫豫
21:50 LKs: bass
21:50 LKs: 倒不是
21:50 Mystica: bassandy?
21:50 LKs: bass
21:50 LKs: 就这个
21:51 Mystica: 感觉没打过交道
21:51 LKs: 嗯
21:51 LKs: 这人比你新
21:52 Mystica: 噗那就鼓励上呗只要是还可以的话
21:53 LKs: 他这人扭扭捏捏
21:53 LKs: 没意思
21:53 LKs: 咦我怎么下载失败
21:53 LKs: 等等
21:53 Mystica: 。
21:53 Mystica: 扭扭捏捏?对自己不自信还是啥
21:53 Mystica: 要么我这打包发你?
21:53 LKs: 差不多
21:54 LKs: 不用了
21:54 LKs: 我记得我上次
21:54 LKs: modpost
21:54 LKs: 给你改了一些细节然后传了osu?
21:54 Mystica: 嗯
21:54 Mystica: 我好像是替换了直接?
21:54 LKs: 好
21:54 LKs: 反正我看也就是各种nazi
21:54 LKs: 只要图看着干净那就ok
21:54 Mystica: 嗯 关键是beren和easy有点略不放心
21:55 LKs: 。我忘了 那俩难度怎么了
21:55 Mystica: beren怕被挑略难 easy纯粹是因为新人gd不放心质量啊
21:55 LKs: 包子神。。
21:55 LKs: 那人不靠谱
21:55 LKs: 无视他的各种gd和gd tiako就好
21:56 Mystica: 没事反正他afk现在我改图
21:56 LKs: hao聊完了
21:57 Mystica: 想想BAT又是难事我靠好难抓
21:57 LKs: 没事
21:57 LKs: 现在泡图少
21:57 Mystica: 那还好
21:58 LKs: 00:20:544 (4) -
21:58 Mystica: I?
21:58 LKs: 或许把之后的绿线放到这里
21:58 LKs: 嗯
21:58 LKs: 放到slider结尾
21:59 Mystica: 好
21:59 LKs: 00:30:344 (6) - 间距距离5有点远
22:00 LKs: 00:43:110 (5,6,7) - 你整首歌里没用1/6吗
22:00 Mystica: 没用1/6基本
22:00 LKs: ok
22:00 LKs: 01:04:544 (1) -
22:00 LKs: 这间距会不会有点远
22:01 Mystica: 233你改成1/6了那个位置?
22:01 LKs: .
22:01 LKs: 没改
22:01 LKs: 我没改节奏
22:01 Mystica: 。不对啊我也没动过节奏
22:01 LKs: 我就是问问lol
22:01 LKs: 这是1/4没错
22:01 Mystica: lol 还是1/4好点
22:02 LKs: 01:04:544 (1) - 这个可以放近点 123的间距倒不用考虑太多
22:02 LKs: 放多进你考了次
22:02 Mystica: 好
22:02 LKs: 考虑
22:02 Mystica: 其实也就是要2,3的跳感 1往下放了
22:03 LKs: 01:27:850 (1,2) - 这看着有点别扭
22:03 LKs: 812
22:03 LKs: 不过我也不知道怎么改
22:04 Mystica: 感觉弧度问题?
22:04 LKs: 我是觉得nc
22:04 LKs: 不管也罢
22:04 LKs: 01:45:381 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这个是我有点由于的
22:04 Mystica: 那我就nc在这里了01:27:194 -
22:05 LKs: en
22:05 Mystica: 这个点感觉略遮么?但是至少看起来感觉不错还?
22:06 LKs: 看着是可以
22:06 LKs: 我是猜蠢bat会怎么想
22:06 LKs: 我现在mod就是猜这里bat会不会管
22:06 Mystica: 蠢BAT:太蠢了所以unrank
22:08 LKs: 换beren难度
22:08 Mystica: 嗯
22:08 LKs: 反正你那个难度我就那里不确定
22:08 LKs: 00:20:144 (3) -
22:08 LKs: beren这个slider目测有人会说看不清箭头和方向
22:08 LKs: 建议reserve
22:08 LKs: reverse
22:09 LKs: 咦
22:09 LKs: 00:26:544 (2) - 这里有点蛋疼
22:09 Mystica: 不过感觉倒没遮挡到啊?
22:09 LKs: 没法改了
22:09 LKs: 那不改了
22:09 Mystica: 233她做的感觉这样体系略多
22:10 LKs: 嗯
22:11 LKs: 00:53:344 (1,2) -
22:11 LKs: 这里一系列的12都可以whistle的感觉
22:12 LKs: 或者你怎么加点变化也行
22:12 Mystica: 感觉光是1上加好点
22:13 LKs: hao
22:13 Mystica: 全部(1)上怒加whistle
22:13 LKs: 嗯
22:15 LKs: 然后说个题外话 color的两个灰色
22:16 Mystica: 嗯
22:16 LKs: 感觉可以灰度差异再大一点
22:16 LKs: 白的白一点灰的黑一点
22:17 Mystica: 好 我去调下rgb
22:17 LKs: 这个你最后调也行
22:18 Mystica: .我靠我的I怎么消失了
22:18 LKs: .lol
22:18 Mystica: 不对你修改的那文件得多老了都不是一个下面了
22:18 LKs: what
22:19 Mystica: 你post上去那个文件啊
22:19 LKs: 额
22:19 LKs: 你怎么会丢
22:19 LKs: 删了回收站里也有
22:20 Mystica: 不不就是自动生成了个新的不在文件夹内 就是信息不对啦 我修改过一次信息
22:20 LKs: 有点乱
22:20 LKs: 交给你了
22:21 Mystica: 嗯
22:24 Mystica: 好完成
22:24 LKs: 好
22:26 LKs: normal貌似没问题
22:27 Mystica: 嗯 老许专注normal easy30年
22:27 LKs: 找低难度gd认准xu
22:27 Mystica: 老许常年合作伙伴无忧
22:27 LKs: 他现在还玩?
22:27 Mystica: afk了吧 时不时上上
22:28 LKs: 00:33:344 (4) -
22:28 LKs: 用finish有点耳聋
22:28 LKs: easy
22:28 LKs: 换成clap好点
22:28 Mystica: 好 改了
22:29 LKs: 00:54:644 (2) -
22:29 LKs: 蓝线起
22:29 LKs: 目测要跪
22:29 Mystica: 。问题这个地方略难改啊
22:30 LKs: 换成一个note一个slider
22:30 LKs: slider少一个折返
22:30 LKs: 00:54:544 (2) -
22:30 LKs: note
22:30 LKs: 00:54:944 (3) - slider
22:31 LKs: 01:01:044 (2) - 同理
22:31 Mystica: 好
22:33 LKs: 这easy也还好
22:34 Mystica: 那就好
22:34 LKs: 貌似没了
22:34 Mystica: 太鼓1diff没问题吧
22:35 LKs: 嗯
22:35 LKs: 你改了传就好
22:35 Mystica: 好我看一遍都 没问题我就上传了叫你
22:35 Mystica: 你savelog还是我来

taiko难度没改letterbox 同关掉 关掉m我

bubbled. good luck, old map

Coming modders: 01:45:381 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is the point that i'm not very sure in Insane. Feel free to bring your opinions out here
such a wierd title. :O
Modding as requested!

Lower the Lead-in time to 1 or 1.5, 3 is way to long of a wait.

00:03:144 (4,5,6) - This is 1/6 not 1/4. You should change this to a 1/6 slider or even a stack if you want.
00:06:444 (4,5) - ^
00:09:644 (5,6) - ^
00:38:244 (1) - I would delete this note. The constant stream sounds ugly and floods the music with those custom hitsounds, and if you slow down the song you'll hear no beat there connecting the two streams. (If you do this make sure you move the new combo to 00:38:344 (2) - )
00:39:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Honestly this would be better with a slider. But if you want to keep the stream it should start on 00:39:944 (5) - because that's where it actually makes sense musically. 00:39:544 (1,2,3,4) - Have no music to represent a stream.
01:14:944 (4) - Now I didn't have a problem with these sliders when you did them previously but this one isn't working so well. After it ends there is an awkward pause that leaves the player unsure of whats going to happen next. (Unlike before when these holds lead right into another note) If you swap this for a slider that turns up to the next stream it would play better. Also you could make the slider .50, it would fit very well.
01:18:944 (1,2) - Try making these note stacks instead. These can get easily mistaken for a slider-stream jump.
01:38:819 - add a note here? The stop kills your flow and momentum.
01:39:569 (4) - Reverse this? Could make a nice jump into the next combo.
01:42:944 (7) - New combo? Represents the speedup slider and a combo fits here anyways with the downbeat.
01:54:944 (1) - Touching HP bar. >_>

[Beren's Hard]
Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at: 01:53:544

00:01:944 (1) - Delete this note to keep consistent with the Insane. Having a note 1/2 away from the end of a spinner is too close for a Hard anyways.
00:29:944 (1) - This needs to be 1/2, the slider tail should land on the white tick to stay on beat. This is also too hard to understand for a hard diff.
00:36:344 (1) - ^
01:06:744 (3,4,5,6,7) - This does not fit the music at all. Listen closely and you'll hear the beat goes: You're skipping over the blue tick with a slider and completely missing the rhythm of the music. This applies for every other time you do this: 01:08:344 (3,4,5,6) - , 01:10:144 (3,4,5,6,7,1) -
01:11:144 (2) - Again you've got the wrong rhythm here.
01:12:544 (1) - Why did you stop using the custom hitsound kick here? This part sounds super empty without it.
02:16:801 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - You've also got the rhythm here completely wrong. Please follow the melody's rhythm, this will cause too much confusion.
02:23:658 (1,2,3,4) - ^

That's all. No issues with the Normal and Easy. Good taiko as always aabc!
Fix this up and i'll give you your bubble back.

MMzz wrote:

Modding as requested!
[Beren's Hard]
Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at: 01:53:544 fixed

00:01:944 (1) - Delete this note to keep consistent with the Insane. Having a note 1/2 away from the end of a spinner is too close for a Hard anyways.fixed
00:29:944 (1) - This needs to be 1/2, the slider tail should land on the white tick to stay on beat. This is also too hard to understand for a hard diff.fixed
00:36:344 (1) - ^fixed
01:06:744 (3,4,5,6,7) - This does not fit the music at all. Listen closely and you'll hear the beat goes: You're skipping over the blue tick with a slider and completely missing the rhythm of the music. This applies for every other time you do this: 01:08:344 (3,4,5,6) - , 01:10:144 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - fixed
01:11:144 (2) - Again you've got the wrong rhythm here.fixed
01:12:544 (1) - Why did you stop using the custom hitsound kick here? This part sounds super empty without it. ?
02:16:801 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - You've also got the rhythm here completely wrong. Please follow the melody's rhythm, this will cause too much i like this design
02:23:658 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^
thank you
Topic Starter

MMzz wrote:

Modding as requested!

Lower the Lead-in time to 1 or 1.5, 3 is way to long of a wait. ok.1.5s may more fit

00:03:144 (4,5,6) - This is 1/6 not 1/4. You should change this to a 1/6 slider or even a stack if you want. actually I don't wanna use 1/6 here cause I find some player to test,Most feels 1/4 fit more.
00:06:444 (4,5) - ^
00:09:644 (5,6) - ^
00:38:244 (1) - I would delete this note. The constant stream sounds ugly and floods the music with those custom hitsounds, and if you slow down the song you'll hear no beat there connecting the two streams. (If you do this make sure you move the new combo to 00:38:344 (2) - ) good idea
00:39:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Honestly this would be better with a slider. But if you want to keep the stream it should start on 00:39:944 (5) - because that's where it actually makes sense musically. 00:39:544 (1,2,3,4) - Have no music to represent a stream. um...I think this stream just make a feel isn't it?
01:14:944 (4) - Now I didn't have a problem with these sliders when you did them previously but this one isn't working so well. After it ends there is an awkward pause that leaves the player unsure of whats going to happen next. (Unlike before when these holds lead right into another note) If you swap this for a slider that turns up to the next stream it would play better. Also you could make the slider .50, it would fit very well. the slder follows the rhyme yeh.this pattern also comes from the map anizaki-suzaku .I think players may play it well01:18:944 (1,2) - Try making these note stacks instead. These can get easily mistaken for a slider-stream jump. ok.
01:38:819 - add a note here? The stop kills your flow and momentum. ummm.I think the break is the higtlight of this rhyme..Also make people remind this/
01:39:569 (4) - Reverse this? Could make a nice jump into the next combo. good idea
01:42:944 (7) - New combo? Represents the speedup slider and a combo fits here anyways with the downbeat. k.
01:54:944 (1) - Touching HP bar. >_> some grid down

That's all. No issues with the Normal and Easy. Good taiko as always aabc!
Fix this up and i'll give you your bubble back.
Thanks for your modding :)
Good luck.
00:30:544 - add a note here
00:44:144 (4) - nicely done!
00:54:544 (2,3) - no stacking notes in Easy. too hard for beginners.
00:56:144 (4,5,6,7) - this is a very confusing pattern for new players
01:00:944 (2,3) - no stacks
01:03:744 (5,6,7) - confusing pattern

00:07:744 (5) - this'd flow a bit better if you moved it to be above 4,6:

looks good

00:18:744 (3) - move this out from under 2
00:25:144 (3) - ^
00:28:944 (5) - ^ 4
00:59:744 (1,1,1,1,1) - the varying slider velocities...I suppose they are meant to look cool but they really arent.
01:36:006 (2) - move out from under previous slider
01:42:944 (1) - this is illegal as it currently stands. make the wiggle wider
01:54:006 (2) - move out from under 1
02:10:801 (2) - extend this to the blue tick to fit the music maybe?
02:16:801 (1) - move out from under previous slider
The reason you don't want notes under slider track is because its visually unappealing and disrupts the flow of your map.

01:07:344 (7) - these very short repeats are totally unnecessary
01:08:944 (6) - ^
01:13:744 (6) - ^
01:14:944 (4) - ^
If it weren't for all the overmap this would be a very nice map. As it is, you could stand to take out 50-100 combo ~.~
Topic Starter

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

00:30:544 - add a note here it follows the lrc
00:44:144 (4) - nicely done!
00:54:544 (2,3) - no stacking notes in Easy. too hard for beginners. It's easy to see for a easy diff.
00:56:144 (4,5,6,7) - this is a very confusing pattern for new players it follows the distance.
01:00:944 (2,3) - no stacks ^
01:03:744 (5,6,7) - confusing pattern ^

00:07:744 (5) - this'd flow a bit better if you moved it to be above 4,6: follows.

00:18:744 (3) - move this out from under 2
00:25:144 (3) - ^
00:28:944 (5) - ^ 4
00:59:744 (1,1,1,1,1) - the varying slider velocities...I suppose they are meant to look cool but they really arent.
01:36:006 (2) - move out from under previous slider
01:42:944 (1) - this is illegal as it currently stands. make the wiggle wider
01:54:006 (2) - move out from under 1
02:10:801 (2) - extend this to the blue tick to fit the music maybe?
02:16:801 (1) - move out from under previous slider
The reason you don't want notes under slider track is because its visually unappealing and disrupts the flow of your map.

01:07:344 (7) - these very short repeats are totally unnecessary nya.It fits.
01:08:944 (6) - ^
01:13:744 (6) - ^
01:14:944 (4) - ^
If it weren't for all the overmap this would be a very nice map. As it is, you could stand to take out 50-100 combo ~.~
Thanks for your mod but no change ;)

Shimotsuki Haruka <3 Gratz :3
"Genius" combo colours. =\
Snowy Dream

_Kiva wrote:

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