
Minori Chihara - Terminated (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mercredi 3 octobre 2012 at 21:22:58

Artist: Minori Chihara
Title: Terminated (TV Size)
Source: Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon
Tags: opening elements garden
BPM: 156
Filesize: 12223kb
Play Time: 01:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,19 stars, 86 notes)
  2. Hard (4,77 stars, 177 notes)
  3. Normal (3,59 stars, 110 notes)
Download: Minori Chihara - Terminated (TV Size)
Download: Minori Chihara - Terminated (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 1st Beatmap

Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon's opening
Enjoy ^^

Redownload if you get it before 17 August 2012

31/07 - New Audio file/Video file/Background
10/08 - New tags/New Audio file
11/08 - New Audio File with better quality. Reencoded FLAC
17/08 - New Combobursts
03/10 - Updated Combobursts
Topic Starter
-Easy added
-Some corrections in the Normal+, principally with notes overriding others
Hello #modrequest~

I might be wrong in some places so good at English text, please refer to the still permitting

This proposal seems to be what is written below, and be better fixed in the music of all

Please delete file osb

Please disable the countdown of the story board

The black color combo is because basically does not use, people dislike

Please preview is set to 00:59:344 (1) - points

It has become 1/3 beat snap driver, also Please correct to 1/4, the music is made of 1/4 basically

Please change the audio from 50% to 80%

There is a video of AVI, Please correct size limit of the video is made ​​up to 800 * 600
Also, please cut them in his voice is so bad video

Easy then, please set as follows: a high degree of difficulty because it is

Circle Size -1
Approach Rate -1

Somewhat unreasonable, but because the difficulty of the hard-handed, this is too difficult

HP Drain Rate -1
Circle Size -2
Approach Rate -1

I think there has to set the slider velocity is 2.00, about 1.50 to 1.80 and it is safe if there is hard but is not common
This MOD will end for now
I hope that it will be with poor English, I think that you managed to read

GOOD LUCK! :oops:
Topic Starter
Thanks, I'll fix that ^^

And you haven't got a worse English than me (and I'm french :p )

Just strange for the video: I have a WMV video with 800*600, strange you don't have it.

For the Easy, I thought it too, but I waited for someone's opinion.

Thanks for the help ^^
hi ! I tried to modding but poor  :)

00:28:575 (5) - New Combo.
00:35:690 (3) - this slider is better to long until 00:36:267
00:40:979 - Insert break time.
00:47:037 (5) - New Combo.
01:08:575 (6) - New Combo.

00:13:190 (4) - New Combo.
00:31:652 (5) - New Combo.

00:32:421 - Add Circle.
00:36:075 (5,6) - Here is the best slider from Circle.
00:42:806 - Add Circle.
00:43:190 - Add Circle.
00:43:575 - Add Circle.
00:46:844 - New Combo.

nice map :)
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Thanks, I'll fix it when I finish my mod ^^
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ArtBox wrote:

Please preview is set to 00:59:344 (1) - points
How do I fix that? I didn't find how to do that in Osu forums.
Once again, Hello~

I'm sorry, you might not have had a little unscrupulous :?

This is because there is a item called Timing on how to get on the screen to open the Edit,
they may say item (set Current position as preview point) When you press it,
Will be set automatically according to the press if Moraere (according to the time it out so that the bottom of the screen Edit) you want to set time

The answer that you do not know if there is still something in the content if I wrote an order,
send a PM in the game, if you send him a message in the official way :oops:

Postscript (Do not enter kudosu)
Topic Starter

ArtBox wrote:

they may say item (set Current position as preview point) When you press it,
Will be set automatically according to the press if Moraere (according to the time it out so that the bottom of the screen Edit) you want to set time
I have probably missed that item :?
Thanks for the help ^^

Edit:That's done, thanks, I didn't see it and I could put a Kiai mod too ^^
from your mod queue

  1. Timing Section should be used for changing BPM, OFFSET only.
    You have to replace next red line to green line.
  2. Offset - 7065?
  3. You had better use Distance snap more.
    I think there are some spaces that don't match with rhythm in your map.
  4. Use same combo color through all diff.
  5. Unify start and end line of kiai time.
  1. 00:08:382 ~ 00:10:113 - put some notes
  2. 00:11:459 ~ 00:11:459 - ^
  3. 00:42:229 ~ 00:43:959 - ^
  4. 01:20:882 ~ 01:22:805 - ^
Topic Starter
-Changed the Offset
-Replaced some notes in Normal and Easy
-Set combo colors in Normal (they weren't changed before, I don't know why)
-Added notes in Normal

Thanks h-728 ^^

Know problems:
-Size of the video background (800*600)
I'll fix it when the re-encoding will work. It puts black lines around the video when I resize it.
Hello :3

00:10:141 (1) - Distance snap it so it is not covered by the previous slider.
Other then that I would say the Easy is OK but it would help to use distance snap everything
If the snap puts the beat to far away change the Grid level.
View> Grid Level

00:23:408 (3) - Have it underneath the slider end point exactly By changing the grid level.
00:28:023 (5) - ^^
00:44:276 (2) - Sounds offbeat
01:10:143 (2) - ^^
Same with Distance snapping (Grid level)

00:08:796 (5) - Its being overlapped (Grid level)
00:08:988 (1,2,3,4,5) - Invert
00:24:950 (6) - Have directly under previous slider (Grid level)
00:38:411 (2) - Its personal space bubble has been broken without need.
01:01:873 (7) - Should be directly under previous slider end
01:08:604 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Distance snap this combo
01:15:719 (3) - Should be directly under previous slider end
Thats it for this mod ^_^"
Most of its good but that spacing...
When I first heard this beatmap I hated the song but after modding it I now love it.
Topic Starter
Thanks for the help ^^

Now the notes are properly placed under the sliders and most of the distance problem is corrected.
Hello~~ M4M

IMO - > my opinon

Time Kiai:
Are Inconsistency is Easy 01:16:968 another diff's is 01:16:872 pleasse make same all diff's

Are Inconsistency is Normal 00:07:064, BPM of 156,000 another diff's is 00:07:065, BPM of 156,000 need +1 lol also don't forget resnap all note

Normal have on countdowm but is is useless this song pleasse off countdowm

Name diff's:
You not need Put normal+ is confuse just remove + and full submit

Combo color:
You have 5 color is not need lot just use 3 or 4 like this is make more sense don't forget all diff too


you normal and hard the end mapping is 01:26:487 so easy should be too end because this 3 diff's is you so should be same


OD is too hard try -1OD most better

00:13:218 (6,7) - Inconsistency spacing and why? click at 00:13:218 (6) you will see this the next combo (7) is 1.16x another is 0.96x on easy you never do it random spacing just consistency spacing because this diff is easy not hard or insane so to help newbie pass it so yeah, fix spacing pleasse. (you use grid level 1 so is very hard fix spacing pleasse use Grid level 3 or 4 most better)
00:19:372 (1,2) - again Inconsistency spacing fix pleasse also if you fix this you need carefully spacing at 00:20:911 (3) remenber just make consistency spacing
01:07:065 (5,1) - that very hard most better if out more space
01:16:295 (5) - the lyrics end is 01:16:872 not 01:16:968

you use grid level 1 that very hard fix spacing and bad gameplay but not bad because you did follow lyrics anyway you need change grid level 3 or 4 this then pleasse fix spacing all notes and sliders


you not need + just remove

if this diff is normal you setup difficult is very hard most better use this also if you change this well you gonna remap this map because spacing will be change... is you decision

00:07:036 (1) - is unsnapped you need resnap this note is important pleasse
they are lot unsnapped Resnapp all note pleasse
01:16:296 (1,2,3) - on stack is hard for this normal most better is unstack like this IMO
01:23:989 (2) - just remove this slider and add spinner start at 01:23:987 end at 01:25:910 most better and funny IMO
01:20:143 (4,5) - hard try this most better for this diff normal

Same happened Inconsistency spacing fix all spacing


again lot unsnapped, resnapp all note

try this most better IMO

00:45:527 (9,10) - when i play this make me confuse you need fix spacing

Same happened Inconsistency spacing above
Í can't really mod big because have lot Inconsistency spacing you need fix all diff's, i konw you are new mapper so just keep it work, Big work
that all i think pleasse some mod you can't understand because my eng is suck pleasse ask me in-game i will try explain better
also you need questions or something or help just ask me in-game i can explain better ;)
good luck and bye bye
star because you did work hard just keep it !
Yop ! M4M, c’est parti !
Note que tout ce que te dis ne sont que des suggestions, libre à toi de les suivre ensuite ou pas 
Je m’excuse d’avance si tu trouve que je nazi mod un peu trop ^^


- Passe ton grid level à 3, ça t’aidera à régler les quelques problèmes d’alignement qu’il y a ^^
- Utilise plus le distance snap, surtout pour tes easy & normal diffs, je te conseille de revérifier chacune de tes notes car quand je l’ai fait, il m’a quasiment tout décalé.
- Rajoute des hitsounds, car s’il n’y en a pas, ta map n’est pas rankable


- / !\ Cette difficulté se termine plus tôt que les 2 autres, et ce n’est pas rankable
- Le distance snap est primordial pour une easy diff, et là tu auras besoin de tout remapper (enfin, décaler) ou presque.

00:08:988 (3,1,2) - Globalement c’est pas aligné ici, après si c’est voulu my bad ^^
00:12:834 (5,6) - Alignés avec le 4 ?
00:13:218 (6) - Slider symétrique ?
00:14:757 (7) - Reverse une fois de plus ?
00:20:526 (2) 00:22:449 (1) - - Juste deux exemples pour te montrer que la distance c’est pas trop ça ^^
00:24:372 (4) - Allonge le d’un tick ?
00:25:526 - Add circle ?
00:27:065 (4) - Allonge le d’un tick ?
00:31:295 - Add circle ?
00:32:834 (3) - Allonge le d’un tick ?
00:34:372 - Add circle ?
00:36:680 (4) - Allonge le d’un tick ?
00:37:834 (1) - Slider symétrique ?
00:40:911 (3) - Alignement ?
00:40:911 (3) - Je pense que pendant ce break il y aurait de la place pour des notes, surtout que la note avant le break est placée juste au début d’une parole ^^
00:48:988 - Add circle ?
00:51:295 - ^
00:50:141 (1,2) - Je trouve les 2 formes pas très complémentaires, je pense que tu pourrais faire quelque chose de plus structuré, surtout si tu rajoutes une note entre les 2 comme je te l’ai suggéré.
00:51:680 (2) - Allonge le d’un tick ?
00:59:372 (1) - ^
01:00:911 (2) - ^
01:02:449 (3) - ^
01:04:372 - Add circle ?
01:10:141 (2) - Allonge le d’un tick ?
01:11:295 - Add circle ?
01:12:065 (2) - Allonge le d’un tick ?
01:13:218 (3) - ^
01:20:911 (7,8) - Essaye de faire en sorte que tes sliders ne se chevauchent pas
01:22:834 (8) - Reverse le ?

- De plus, pense donc à revoir tes alignements et la forme ce certains de tes sliders


- CS +1 (voire même +2) ?
- Tu y verrais plus clair en mettant ton beat snap divisor sur ½ imo, vu que tu n’utilise pas les ¼ ^^
- Utilise le distance snap ! Avoir des notes mal espacées m’a vraiment induite en erreur plusieurs fois sur cette difficulté ^^
- Toujours quelques problèmes d’alignement ^^
- Et essaye encore de sculpter un peu plus tes sliders (comme ici 00:28:599 (1) - par exemple)

00:39:757 - Add cicle ?
00:46:865 (1,2) - La superposition m’a vraiment fait bizarre ici je trouve que ça ne s’y prête pas trop, d’autant plus que la distance entre le 2 et 3 n’est pas respectée ^^
01:03:412 (3) - Allonge d’un tick ?
01:04:372 - Add circle ?
01:08:218 - ^
01:08:604 (1,2) - Ici aussi je trouve que la superposition c’est pas top, car la durée entre les 2 notes semble vraiment longue pour un joueur en action ^^
01:22:835 (1,2) - Pareil pour la superposition, ton slider 1 cache le 2éme et perso je me suis un peu perdue parce que je voyais le point de départ du 2 mais pas la suite, qui en plus tourne ^^


- Toujours la même remarque pour le distance snap, certes en hard tu peux moins le respecter, mais quand tu ne veux pas faire de jump ou de superposition, ça reste quand même une base

00:08:796 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - Symétrie ?
00:12:450 (2) - 1 grid à gauche ^^
00:23:796 (4) - Le mettre droit ? De plus, si tu superpose le 2 et le 3 tu devrais superposer le 4 aussi, ou alors respecter le distance snap ^^
00:31:295 - Add circle ?
00:38:988 (3) - Droit ? ^^
00:39:757 - Add circle ?
00:42:834 (6) - Imo je l’enlèverais de là-dessous ^^
01:03:603 - Add circle ?
01:08:218 - ^
01:19:373 (6,7) - Symétrie ?
01:20:911 (8) - Forme du slider ^^

J’éspère que tout ça pourra t’être utile, et surtout je me répète mais ne néglige pas le distance snap, cela représente pour l’instant ton plus important travail à mon avis.

Mais persévère et bon courage ! :)
N’hésite pas à me PM si tu souhaite un recheck une fois que tu auras modifié cela ^^
Topic Starter
I have difficuties with the Snap, I'll contact you in-game
Frankly, I don't know if I fixed it or no ^^"

-The offset is strange with normal. To make it start at 7:065, I need to put the offset at 7066, instead of 7065 for Easy and Hard
-I deleted the CountDown, I thought I had already deleted it
-Name corriged
-Combo colors fixed
-End fixed (I didn't find anything than a Spinner :/ )
-Difficulty settings fixed in Hard and Easy
-I'll remap the Normal tomorrow, time isn't a problem
-Spacing fixed in Hard and Easy (I think :? )

Thanks for the star ^^
Topic Starter

Atema wrote:


- Passe ton grid level à 3, ça t’aidera à régler les quelques problèmes d’alignement qu’il y a ^^ Vu avant mais merci ^^
- Utilise plus le distance snap, surtout pour tes easy & normal diffs, je te conseille de revérifier chacune de tes notes car quand je l’ai fait, il m’a quasiment tout décalé. En cours de revérification, mais j'ai du mal avec le Snap, et ça se voit
- Rajoute des hitsounds, car s’il n’y en a pas, ta map n’est pas rankableJe m'en occupe dès demain, j'ai déjà attaqué ça sur le Hard


- / !\ Cette difficulté se termine plus tôt que les 2 autres, et ce n’est pas rankable Corrigé
- Le distance snap est primordial pour une easy diff, et là tu auras besoin de tout remapper (enfin, décaler) ou presque.Déjà prévu

00:08:988 (3,1,2) - Globalement c’est pas aligné ici, après si c’est voulu my bad ^^ Non voulu, et corrigé
00:12:834 (5,6) - Alignés avec le 4 ? Fait
00:13:218 (6) - Slider symétrique ? Fait
00:14:757 (7) - Reverse une fois de plus ?Fait
00:20:526 (2) 00:22:449 (1) - - Juste deux exemples pour te montrer que la distance c’est pas trop ça ^^
00:24:372 (4) - Allonge le d’un tick ? Je garde comme ça du fait que ça colle mieux , pour moi, avec les paroles
00:25:526 - Add circle ? Fait
00:27:065 (4) - Allonge le d’un tick ? Je garde comme ça du fait que ça colle mieux , pour moi, avec les paroles
00:31:295 - Add circle ? Fait
00:32:834 (3) - Allonge le d’un tick ? Je garde comme ça du fait que ça colle mieux , pour moi, avec les paroles
00:34:372 - Add circle ? Fait
00:36:680 (4) - Allonge le d’un tick ? Je garde comme ça du fait que ça colle mieux , pour moi, avec les paroles
00:37:834 (1) - Slider symétrique ? Fait
00:40:911 (3) - Alignement ? Fait
00:40:911 (3) - Je pense que pendant ce break il y aurait de la place pour des notes, surtout que la note avant le break est placée juste au début d’une parole ^^ Je m'en charge dès demain avec les hitsounds
00:48:988 - Add circle ? Fait
00:51:295 - ^ Fait
00:50:141 (1,2) - Je trouve les 2 formes pas très complémentaires, je pense que tu pourrais faire quelque chose de plus structuré, surtout si tu rajoutes une note entre les 2 comme je te l’ai suggéré.
00:51:680 (2) - Allonge le d’un tick ? Je garde comme ça du fait que ça colle mieux , pour moi, avec les paroles
00:59:372 (1) - ^ Même raison
01:00:911 (2) - ^ Même raison
01:02:449 (3) - ^ Même raison
01:04:372 - Add circle ? Fait
01:10:141 (2) - Allonge le d’un tick ? Même raison que les autres
01:11:295 - Add circle ? Fait
01:12:065 (2) - Allonge le d’un tick ? Même raison que les autres
01:13:218 (3) - ^ Même raison que les autres
01:20:911 (7,8) - Essaye de faire en sorte que tes sliders ne se chevauchent pas Fait
01:22:834 (8) - Reverse le ? Je l'ai transformé, du coup pas de reverse. Mais si je dois changer, je tiens cette idée en compte

- De plus, pense donc à revoir tes alignements et la forme ce certains de tes sliders


- CS +1 (voire même +2) ?
- Tu y verrais plus clair en mettant ton beat snap divisor sur ½ imo, vu que tu n’utilise pas les ¼ ^^
- Utilise le distance snap ! Avoir des notes mal espacées m’a vraiment induite en erreur plusieurs fois sur cette difficulté ^^
- Toujours quelques problèmes d’alignement ^^
- Et essaye encore de sculpter un peu plus tes sliders (comme ici 00:28:599 (1) - par exemple)

00:39:757 - Add cicle ? Fait
00:46:865 (1,2) - La superposition m’a vraiment fait bizarre ici je trouve que ça ne s’y prête pas trop, d’autant plus que la distance entre le 2 et 3 n’est pas respectée ^^ J'ai bougé les notes
01:03:412 (3) - Allonge d’un tick ? Toujours la même raison
01:04:372 - Add circle ? Fait
01:08:218 - ^ Fait
01:08:604 (1,2) - Ici aussi je trouve que la superposition c’est pas top, car la durée entre les 2 notes semble vraiment longue pour un joueur en action ^^ J'ai bougé les notes
01:22:835 (1,2) - Pareil pour la superposition, ton slider 1 cache le 2éme et perso je me suis un peu perdue parce que je voyais le point de départ du 2 mais pas la suite, qui en plus tourne ^^ J'ai bougé les notes


- Toujours la même remarque pour le distance snap, certes en hard tu peux moins le respecter, mais quand tu ne veux pas faire de jump ou de superposition, ça reste quand même une base

00:08:796 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - Symétrie ? J'ai bougé les notes
00:12:450 (2) - 1 grid à gauche ^^ Fait
00:23:796 (4) - Le mettre droit ? De plus, si tu superpose le 2 et le 3 tu devrais superposer le 4 aussi, ou alors respecter le distance snap ^^ Fait
00:31:295 - Add circle ? Fait
00:38:988 (3) - Droit ? ^^ Fait
00:39:757 - Add circle ? Fait
00:42:834 (6) - Imo je l’enlèverais de là-dessous ^^ C'est vrai que ça fait bizarre, mais je ne vois pas où le mettre
01:03:603 - Add circle ? Fait
01:08:218 - ^ J'ai eu du mal mais c'est fait
01:19:373 (6,7) - Symétrie ? Fait mais très moyennement, je m'en chargerai demain
01:20:911 (8) - Forme du slider ^^ Idem, c'est dans le même groupe
J'ai pas mal modifié l'alignement et une partie des Sliders, j'ai aussi déplacé pas mal de notes.

Merci de ton aide, tu l'as fait pendant que je modifiais sur les indications de Pereira mais pas mal de choses manquaient, donc merci ^^
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ JudgeTheDude ~ :)

Random check beatmap ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Close Letterbox pls.


  1. 00:12:065 (1) - Move 2 grid up,looks much better.
  2. 00:59:372 - Add finish.
  3. 01:26:488 - ^


  1. 00:28:796 - Add a circle,sound much better here.
  2. 00:59:372 - Add finish.
  3. 01:26:488 - ^
  4. 01:26:296 (1) - This is unrankable bug,Add new combo to here.


  1. 00:13:218 (6) - Add new combo.
  2. 01:20:911 (7) - ^
  3. 00:59:372 - Add finish.
  4. 01:26:488 - ^

That's all ~

Good luck with rank ~
Topic Starter
Thanks, I'll fix the combos with the Hitsounds this evening, I saw you suggested lot of "Finish" hitsounds ^^
I'll also check the Grid problem in Hard and the circle in Normal.
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:


  1. Close Letterbox pls. Fixed


  1. 00:12:065 (1) - Move 2 grid up,looks much better. Fixed
  2. 00:59:372 - Add finish. Fixed
  3. 01:26:488 - ^ Fixed


  1. 00:28:796 - Add a circle,sound much better here. Fixed
  2. 00:59:372 - Add finish. Fixed
  3. 01:26:488 - ^ Fixed
  4. 01:26:296 (1) - This is unrankable bug,Add new combo to here. Fixed


  1. 00:13:218 (6) - Add new combo. Fixed
  2. 01:20:911 (7) - ^ Fixed
  3. 00:59:372 - Add finish. Fixed
  4. 01:26:488 - ^ Fixed

That's all ~

Good luck with rank ~
All beatmap's Hitsounds fixed ^^
Thanks for the help

If the song is short for television broadcast, add "TV Size" or "Short ver.".

Just my own suggestions. I hope they're helpful.


00:10:141 (1) - Move one grid down.
00:10:526 (2) - ^
00:12:065 (3) - ^
00:12:449 (4,5,1,2) - Highlight them all and move one grad down.
00:20:911 (3) - Why you need the whistle on this slider?
00:22:449 (1) - It's better if you move this one grid up.
00:32:834 (3) - As I said on 00:20:911 (3).


CS = -1? But oh well... But it's simalar to Hard.

00:19:373 (1) - Press "W" to remove the whistle.
00:38:988 (3) - I don't like that spacing...
01:09:758 (4) - Fix this spacing...
01:18:988 (3) - Same as 00:38:988 (3).


00:17:641 (5) - I found this weird, look at this.
00:38:988 (3) - Remove whistle.
00:12:065 (1) - Clap.
00:12:834 (3) - ^
00:14:757 (2) - ^
00:15:526 (4) - ^
00:15:911 (5) - ^
00:17:449 (4) - ^

That's it.
Good luck.
Topic Starter

Koro McAlpine wrote:


If the song is short for television broadcast, add "TV Size" or "Short ver.". Thx, I knew that but I totally forgot ^^"

Just my own suggestions. I hope they're helpful.


00:10:141 (1) - Move one grid down. Fixed
00:10:526 (2) - ^ Fixed
00:12:065 (3) - ^ Fixed
00:12:449 (4,5,1,2) - Highlight them all and move one grad down. Fixed
00:20:911 (3) - Why you need the whistle on this slider? I tried, I needed hitsounds, so I tried to put some where I thought it was good
00:22:449 (1) - It's better if you move this one grid up. Fixed
00:32:834 (3) - As I said on 00:20:911 (3). Said up


CS = -1? But oh well... But it's simalar to Hard. Fixed

00:19:373 (1) - Press "W" to remove the whistle. Fixed
00:38:988 (3) - I don't like that spacing... Fixed
01:09:758 (4) - Fix this spacing... Fixed
01:18:988 (3) - Same as 00:38:988 (3). Fixed


00:17:641 (5) - I found this weird, look at this. I remade the Slider
00:38:988 (3) - Remove whistle. Fixed, like the others hitsounds
00:12:065 (1) - Clap.
00:12:834 (3) - ^
00:14:757 (2) - ^
00:15:526 (4) - ^
00:15:911 (5) - ^
00:17:449 (4) - ^

That's it.
Good luck.
Thanks, I was a little lost on where to put the hitsounds, so thanks for the help.
And I'm very confuse for the "TV Size", I knew that and I totally forgot...
Your ideas were very goods, so thx ^^

Im trying to download you beatmap, but novideo link not working and another link showing 6kb file.....

Can you do fullsubmit plz <: ?
Topic Starter
Fixed, I put the audio and the video. But redownload it, that are the same audio and video, but not the same files. I had to re-encode them.
Yop, Alors voici mon petit mod pour l'instant :

General : Reduce hitsound at 40% they look better

Easy :
No problems for me

Normal : 00:32:449 (5) - Delete that imaginary circle
00:43:218 (3,4,5,6) - delete that part and modify the circles in
00:43:988 (3)
00:44:276 (4)
00:44:565 (5)
00:44:757 (6)
Topic Starter

Homura60 wrote:

Yop, Alors voici mon petit mod pour l'instant :

General : Reduce hitsound at 40% they look better

Easy :
No problems for me

Normal : 00:32:449 (5) - Delete that imaginary circle
00:43:218 (3,4,5,6) - delete that part and modify the circles in
00:43:988 (3)
00:44:276 (4)
00:44:565 (5)
00:44:757 (6)
On est bons, merci
so, this is m4m)~


00:24:853 (6) - drag it on white tick
00:45:141 (8) - maybe NC
00:45:141 (8,9,10) - not very suitable for the song
01:04:661 - add a note
01:07:449 (4) - ugly slider :(
01:10:718 (9) - finished it on a white tick
01:19:372 (6,7,8) - sorry, this is ugly x.x
01:24:372 (1) - hah, use NC?)

00:13:219 (4) - delete NC
00:39:758 (4) - not clap, use whistle
00:41:296 (1) - NC
01:11:008 - add a note

~ too much break time x.x
00:14:757 (2) - do not need as many reps for beginners
00:19:372 (1) - not use finish
00:27:065 (4) - ugly slider, fix it
00:30:141 (2) - ^
00:50:141 (1) - ^ ^ ^
01:02:449 (3) - ^ ^ ^ ^
01:07:064 (5) - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
01:14:757 (4) - many reps
01:20:911 (1) - ugly

p.s. you use 'clap', but i think it would be better if you use normal for this notes or find a more suitable sound^^
and use distance shap!
notes in your map does not match the required distance!

Good luck for you map!!!
Work, work, work!
Topic Starter

Nagisawa wrote:

so, this is m4m)~

Will be fixed tonight
00:24:853 (6) - drag it on white tick
00:45:141 (8) - maybe NC
00:45:141 (8,9,10) - not very suitable for the song
01:04:661 - add a note
01:07:449 (4) - ugly slider :(
01:10:718 (9) - finished it on a white tick
01:19:372 (6,7,8) - sorry, this is ugly x.x
01:24:372 (1) - hah, use NC?)

00:13:219 (4) - delete NC Fixed
00:39:758 (4) - not clap, use whistle Fixed
00:41:296 (1) - NC Fixed
01:11:008 - add a note Fixed
Everything resnapped

~ too much break time x.x Fixed
00:14:757 (2) - do not need as many reps for beginners Fixed
00:19:372 (1) - not use finish Fixed
00:27:065 (4) - ugly slider, fix it Fixed
00:30:141 (2) - ^ Fixed
00:50:141 (1) - ^ ^ ^ Fixed
01:02:449 (3) - ^ ^ ^ ^ Fixed
01:07:064 (5) - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Fixed
01:14:757 (4) - many reps Fixed
01:20:911 (1) - ugly Fixed

p.s. you use 'clap', but i think it would be better if you use normal for this notes or find a more suitable sound^^
and use distance shap!
notes in your map does not match the required distance!
excuse me? bpm offset 7016 please.. :?
Topic Starter

-Kirito wrote:

excuse me? bpm offset 7016 please.. :?
When I put 7016, it doesn't match anymore with the music. I think 7065 is the good offset.
Topic Starter

Nagisawa wrote:

so, this is m4m)~


00:24:853 (6) - drag it on white tick
00:45:141 (8) - maybe NC
00:45:141 (8,9,10) - not very suitable for the song
01:04:661 - add a note
01:07:449 (4) - ugly slider :(
01:10:718 (9) - finished it on a white tick
01:19:372 (6,7,8) - sorry, this is ugly x.x
01:24:372 (1) - hah, use NC?)
Everything fixed, and a lot of notes resnapped
Et ouais je voulais pas piquer la place a un autre dans ta queue donc vla un petit mod :P

Ton image de fond est de resolution 1080x768, tu devrais la redimentionner pour qu'elle fasse 1024x768.

00:48:988 (3) - met la à 00:49:084 -
00:49:372 (4) - met la à 00:49:276 - Sa suit mieux les paroles je penses.
01:16:295 (6) - Reverse arrow à 01:16:584 - ?

01:10:142 (5) - Arrète ce slider à 01:10:334 - sans reverse arrow et ajoute une note à 01:10:719 -

00:32:449 (5) - Supprime cette note
01:04:661 (7) - ^

Pas mal pour une première map, elle est bien mieux que ma première a moi tiens ^^' Bonne chance pour la rank :)
Topic Starter

Arnold0 wrote:

Et ouais je voulais pas piquer la place a un autre dans ta queue donc vla un petit mod :P

Ton image de fond est de resolution 1080x768, tu devrais la redimentionner pour qu'elle fasse 1024x768.

00:48:988 (3) - met la à 00:49:084 -
00:49:372 (4) - met la à 00:49:276 - Sa suit mieux les paroles je penses.
01:16:295 (6) - Reverse arrow à 01:16:584 - ?

01:10:142 (5) - Arrète ce slider à 01:10:334 - sans reverse arrow et ajoute une note à 01:10:719 -

00:32:449 (5) - Supprime cette note
01:04:661 (7) - ^

Pas mal pour une première map, elle est bien mieux que ma première a moi tiens ^^' Bonne chance pour la rank :)
Tout corrigé ^^
Merci du compliment, mais ayant 7 ou 8 mois de jeu derrière moi, j'avais déjà vu un peu les bases, et beaucoup de modders m'ont aidé à l'améliorer. Elle à bien changé depuis le début.
R e v i v e
First mod, Just my all suggestion. >w<


- Add "Elements Garden" to your tag

BPM & Offset

- Your offset have a bit early, I find offset this map is 7015.

*note* : Don't forget "Resnap all notes" & move your green timing.


00:31:680 (1) - Add finish?
00:49:084 (3,4) - Move to forward red line (3) & white line. (4)
01:04:372 (4) - Maybe delete this note, coz need newbie player listen vocal of this song.
01:11:295 (3) - Same above.
01:15:718 (5) - Danger for new player it can make some confuse, so I suggest you move it away. ;)
01:22:449 (2) - You can delete this note or not, like same above reason :)


00:43:988 (1,2,3) - You can use slider with repeat instead of these 3 notes.
01:11:008 (7) - It's not suitable for rhythm, I suggest you delete it then add slider from 01:11:104 - 01:11:296.


01:20:141 (7) - End slider move to white line.

Great song & Good Luck ^^"
Topic Starter

R e v i v e wrote:

First mod, Just my all suggestion. >w<


- Add "Elements Garden" to your tag Fixed

BPM & Offset

- Your offset have a bit early, I find offset this map is 7015. Fixed, it has already been suggested, but I didn't think it was the good offset

*note* : Don't forget "Resnap all notes" & move your green timing.


00:31:680 (1) - Add finish? Fixed
00:49:084 (3,4) - Move to forward red line (3) & white line. (4) Fixed, with the resnap, osu put it on the blue lines
01:04:372 (4) - Maybe delete this note, coz need newbie player listen vocal of this song.I keep it, I don't think it's a problem. I let some newbie friends try it and they didn't have problems with it.
01:11:295 (3) - Same above.I keep it too, same reasons
01:15:718 (5) - Danger for new player it can make some confuse, so I suggest you move it away. ;) I keep it too, same reasons
01:22:449 (2) - You can delete this note or not, like same above reason :) I keep it too, same reasons


00:43:988 (1,2,3) - You can use slider with repeat instead of these 3 notes. Fixed
01:11:008 (7) - It's not suitable for rhythm, I suggest you delete it then add slider from 01:11:104 - 01:11:296. Fixed


01:20:141 (7) - End slider move to white line. Fixed

Great song & Good Luck ^^"
Thanks for your mod, more useful than a lot of mine :3
my first mod, so sorry if its not helpfull at all, but ill try at lest =)

Overall im not a fan of the whistlesound on long slidertracks. it sounds better if its only on one point, but thats up to you ^^

00:49:130 (3) - the space between that hit and the last feels to short. Once u know how the song goes it works quite well, but maybe get a bit more space between them

Since you used quite fast sliders mb space everything according to the slider-speed? it feels a bit odd, having that fast sliders and compared to that quite small spaces between the circles.
00:47:304 (2) - think it sounds and "feels" better if you increase the sliderlength by one tick

This difficulty feels best right now, but in fact there is the same problem as in normal, the speed of the sliders and the space between them feels just to different. Makes the map difficult to play.
00:28:553 - think it sounds and "feels" better if you increase the sliderlength by one tick (copypaste! ^^)
00:47:303 (2) - same as above, increase the lenght by one tick

thats what i noticed, hope it might help at least a bit =)
Topic Starter

Nathien wrote:

my first mod, so sorry if its not helpfull at all, but ill try at lest =)

Overall im not a fan of the whistlesound on long slidertracks. it sounds better if its only on one point, but thats up to you ^^

00:49:130 (3) - the space between that hit and the last feels to short. Once u know how the song goes it works quite well, but maybe get a bit more space between them It's correctly snapped, so it's good

Since you used quite fast sliders mb space everything according to the slider-speed? it feels a bit odd, having that fast sliders and compared to that quite small spaces between the circles.
00:47:304 (2) - think it sounds and "feels" better if you increase the sliderlength by one tick Yep, fixed

This difficulty feels best right now, but in fact there is the same problem as in normal, the speed of the sliders and the space between them feels just to different. Makes the map difficult to play.
00:28:553 - think it sounds and "feels" better if you increase the sliderlength by one tick (copypaste! ^^) Fixed
00:47:303 (2) - same as above, increase the lenght by one tick Fixed

thats what i noticed, hope it might help at least a bit =)
Thanks ^^
Hi from my mod Q~~


00:13:168 - end this slider on white tick and add 2 notes after
00:21:245 - replace on slider 1/1
00:33:553 - ^
00:22:976(2,3,4) - correct spacing
00:24:322(5,6) - stack better
01:01:245 - ^

• You have so many problems with spacing(( Plz check it all~


OD - 1

• Open AiMod and correct spacing

00:07:065 - put this note on Big white tick >.<


• Open AiMod and correct spacing

00:24:322(4) - prolong this slider and end on white tick
00:27:015 - ^
00:36:630 - ^
00:41:245 - ^
00:51:630 - ^
And all sliders on kiai time check it~~ ^^^

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Katty Pie wrote:

Hi from my mod Q~~


00:13:168 - end this slider on white tick and add 2 notes after
00:21:245 - replace on slider 1/1
00:33:553 - ^
00:22:976(2,3,4) - correct spacing
00:24:322(5,6) - stack better
01:01:245 - ^

• You have so many problems with spacing(( Plz check it all~
All fixed with AiMod's help


OD - 1

• Open AiMod and correct spacing

00:07:065 - put this note on Big white tick >.<
I just forgot to resnap it last time after changing the Offset, thx ^^"


• Open AiMod and correct spacing

00:24:322(4) - prolong this slider and end on white tick
00:27:015 - ^
00:36:630 - ^
00:41:245 - ^
00:51:630 - ^
And all sliders on kiai time check it~~ ^^^

Good luck~
Thanks a lot ^^
Random mod =w=~


Keep your claps consinstent, you should take every second white tick!

00:07:015 (1) add finish

00:08:553 (2) remove clap on end

00:08:938 (3) Clap on begin and end

00:11:630 (2) remove clap on end

00:12:015 (3) add clap

00:12:784 (5) add clap

00:13:168 (1) finish at start

00:14:322 (1) remove whistle on end

00:19:322 (1) finish on start

00:23:361 (2) remove this finish

00:25:091 (4) remove finish

00:25:476 (5) add finish

00:28:553 (1) You should not use 2 repeats in a Easy diff, so remove one and take a circle

00:31:630 (1) Finish

00:43:938 (1,2,3,4,1,2) These are fully different spaced, so take Distance snap, and correct this

00:52:784 Why this break? There is still sound and this is TV Size so you shouldn't take a random break.

Like I see this this has some work to do :? But I'm sure you can do it and improve it.

Good luck~~ :)
Topic Starter

Konei wrote:

Random mod =w=~


Keep your claps consinstent, you should take every second white tick!

00:07:015 (1) add finish

00:08:553 (2) remove clap on end

00:08:938 (3) Clap on begin and end

00:11:630 (2) remove clap on end

00:12:015 (3) add clap

00:12:784 (5) add clap

00:13:168 (1) finish at start

00:14:322 (1) remove whistle on end

00:19:322 (1) finish on start

00:23:361 (2) remove this finish

00:25:091 (4) remove finish

00:25:476 (5) add finish

00:28:553 (1) You should not use 2 repeats in a Easy diff, so remove one and take a circle

00:31:630 (1) Finish

00:43:938 (1,2,3,4,1,2) These are fully different spaced, so take Distance snap, and correct this

00:52:784 Why this break? There is still sound and this is TV Size so you shouldn't take a random break.

Like I see this this has some work to do :? But I'm sure you can do it and improve it.

Good luck~~ :)
Everything fixed, and thanks for the Hitsound Mod, I'm very bad with them :(
I deleted the break and replaced it too.
Thank you for request \(^^)/


Remove audio of the video.
W-wha...? 2 mp3-files in the song folder? Oo haven't seen this yet... Remove one of them (i think the copy)


00:15:476 - Add notes in this break, i see no real need for this >.<
00:19:322 - 00:59:322 - I think soft-hitsounds would fit better
00:29:707 (2) - delete note and repeat 00:28:553 (1)
00:41:245 (4) - slider end at 00:42:207
00:55:861 (4) - slider end at 00:57:399
00:57:784 (1) - slider end at 00:58:938


00:19:322 - 00:59:322 - Like easy
00:28:554 (1,2,3) - move them like this fix spacing after changing
00:38:169 (2) - i know what you wanted here, it has to end at 00:38:361
00:52:400 - add notes, wouldn't fit if Normal got more breaks as Easy ^^'


Very confusing spacing Oo maybe check this by yourself. And don't use 0,5x for Hard, i think 0,8x or 1,0x would fit much better ^^
Oh and add notes to the break (It's the same like normal)

Good luck :3 Let me know if you checked Hard, i will recheck it ^^
I got nostalgic when I played this mapset.

Tags need to be the same in all difficulties.

Source doesn't need to be in tags.
Artist doesn't need to be in tags.
Song's title doesn't need to be in tags.

Kiai should end here 01:16:822 - in all difficulties

Do you realize your combo colors are different in each difficulty?

Another thing that plagues this map is move points being off in sliders. You should make a habit of placing your move point exactly on the center of the slider end. There's a lot of sliders that have them off. You should go through and fix them.


This mapping brings me back to fond memories of 2010. It's mapped well.

00:14:707 (2) - How about centering between previous slider?
00:19:322 (1) - This looks like it was supposed to end 1/2th later.
00:22:399 (1) - Slider point on end.
00:34:322 (4,1) - Move one unit to the left x should be 444. Also why is 3,4 1.1 instead of 1.0? Placing it at 1.0 doesn't seem to affect your patterns at all. You can move them all down to adjust for it.
00:36:630 (4) - Such a weird slider. I suggest you try this.
00:51:245 (2) - Remove clap? clap clap clap isn't really a hitsound pattern.
00:59:322 (1,2,3) - Nice placement of long sliders.
01:04:899 (1) - I don't suggest starting this combo on a red tick. Start the combo and the slider here 01:04:322 - . You can then end on that red tick.


Are you trying to bring back 2010? There are some adjustments that need to be made for this difficulty to play right. When you're making adjustments make sure that all the elements stay lined up and perfect. Here's my thoughts of this difficulty. It felt dated, and there is plenty of room for improvement. I can't really say that I got everything there is that could be made better in this difficulty as this map was exceptionally hard to mod. I would keep getting more opinions. If each person mentions a spacing adjustment that could be better then eventually all the spacings will be perfect.

00:07:015 (1,2,3) -0.65/0.66 exactly. alt + shift to change distance snap more accurately.
00:11:054 (3,1) - At least 0.6 snap.
00:20:861 (3,1) - I don't know why this has to be so close. At least 0.6 snap.
00:24:515 (6) - Use a more symmetrical L-slider.
00:27:977 (5,1,2,3) - Random transition pattern? It shouldn't abruptly change directions like that in my opinion. Also 1,2,3 is poorly mapped to the beat, switching oddly from vocal to beat. Please move 00:28:938 (3) - 1/2th forward. That's where it needs to be.
00:33:554 (3,1) - Too close.
00:36:631 (5) - Isn't this supposed to be pointing towards the next combo?
00:36:631 (5,1) - use 1.0.
00:46:054 (5) - bad vocal to start a slider on. start it here 00:45:861 - and end it in the same place. That vocal is not worth mapping.
00:50:861 (2) - This should be a mirror of 1 IMO
00:52:015 (4) - finish doesn't sound good on a red tick. I think it sounds better extended to the white tick. Still don't recommend ending with a finish.
00:59:708 (2,3,4) - 0.65 looks better.
01:01:246 (5,6) - 0.7?
01:02:400 (1,2) - 1.0 plays better IMO.
01:04:323 (4,1) - At least 0.6.
01:04:900 (1) - This is crooked.
01:10:092 (5,6,7) - Stack is off. Make it perfect.
01:11:054 (7,1) - Too far of a gap. I suggest reducing to 1.2.
01:18:938 (3) - Move down 1 unit. y should be 320


Definitely late 2009 to 2010. It has all the symptoms. Unusually close distance snap, notoriously mapping to vocals, sliders that are faster than the distance snap, lots of straight sliders/patterns. It's not entirely wrong, but it's exactly what this mapset is. I am more amused by this mapset because of how its mapped than worried. You should at least avoid overlap and bad flow; those are things from 2010 you should leave out of your beatmap.

00:21:245 (8,1) - At least 0.8. 0.5 may be good for streams, but it doesn't work for gaps. These types of things you should avoid.
00:24:899 (6) - Make symmetrical. Please keep spacing in the screenshot exactly like that. Gaps should be 0.8
00:29:707 (3) - x should be 404
00:32:784 (1,2,3) - Not straight
00:44:130 (2) - This is awkward to hit. Please delete. You can keep the rest of the notes. My reason is the vocal here 00:44:226 -. If you delete and i really recommend you do, you should unstack the triple from the single.
00:45:091 (6,7) - 0.8 would be better.
00:47:303 (2) - Line this up better by moving to x 397 y 62. Fix spacing after as necessary.
01:05:476 (4,5,1) - This is very hard to read. you should turn into a repeat slider, repeating on the blue tick. It wil end where 1 is. Add note here after 01:06:245 -. Highly recommended.
01:07:399 (5,6,1,2,3) - So cluttered....
01:10:668 (9,2) - Could you fix this overlap?
01:23:938 (4) - Move right until square is perfect.
01:25:284 (3,1) - too close.


Less stars, more getting this modded. That's my suggestion.
Topic Starter

kurohana wrote:

Thank you for request \(^^)/


Remove audio of the video.
W-wha...? 2 mp3-files in the song folder? Oo haven't seen this yet... Remove one of them (i think the copy)
Thanks, I thought it was deleted.


00:15:476 - Add notes in this break, i see no real need for this >.<
00:19:322 - 00:59:322 - I think soft-hitsounds would fit better
00:29:707 (2) - delete note and repeat 00:28:553 (1) The actual note was suggested just before, I keep it, sry.
00:41:245 (4) - slider end at 00:42:207 I made it just before, I think white ticks would be better for an easy too
00:55:861 (4) - slider end at 00:57:399 Fixed
00:57:784 (1) - slider end at 00:58:938 Fixed


00:19:322 - 00:59:322 - Like easy Fixed
00:28:554 (1,2,3) - move them like this fix spacing after changing Fixed
00:38:169 (2) - i know what you wanted here, it has to end at 00:38:361 Fixed
00:52:400 - add notes, wouldn't fit if Normal got more breaks as Easy ^^'Fixed


Very confusing spacing Oo maybe check this by yourself. And don't use 0,5x for Hard, i think 0,8x or 1,0x would fit much better ^^
Oh and add notes to the break (It's the same like normal) I have resnapped everything in 0,8x

Good luck :3 Let me know if you checked Hard, i will recheck it ^^
Thanks for your mod ^^

The VileOne, I'm checking your mod, I thought I was gaving a Kudosu to kurohana :?
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:

I got nostalgic when I played this mapset.

Tags need to be the same in all difficulties. Fixed

Source doesn't need to be in tags.
Artist doesn't need to be in tags.
Song's title doesn't need to be in tags.

Kiai should end here 01:16:822 - in all difficulties Fixed

Do you realize your combo colors are different in each difficulty? Fixed


This mapping brings me back to fond memories of 2010. It's mapped well.

00:14:707 (2) - How about centering between previous slider? Fixed
00:19:322 (1) - This looks like it was supposed to end 1/2th later. Fixed
00:22:399 (1) - You should make a habit of placing the last slider point in the middle of the end circle. You should do this especially when the slider is straight. Fixed
00:34:322 (4,1) - Move one unit to the left x should be 444. Also why is 3,4 1.1 instead of 1.0? Placing it at 1.0 doesn't seem to affect your patterns at all. You can move them all down to adjust for it. Fixed
00:36:630 (4) - Such a weird slider. I suggest you try this. Fixed
00:51:245 (2) - Remove clap? clap clap clap isn't really a hitsound pattern. Fixed
00:59:322 (1,2,3) - Nice placement of long sliders. Ironic or not ?
01:04:899 (1) - I don't suggest starting this combo on a red tick. Start the combo and the slider here 01:04:322 - . You can then end on that red tick. Fixed


Are you trying to bring back 2010? There are some adjustments that need to be made for this difficulty to play right. When you're making adjustments make sure that all the elements stay lined up and perfect. Here's my thoughts of this difficulty. It felt dated, and there is plenty of room for improvement. I can't really say that I got everything there is that could be made better in this difficulty as this map was exceptionally hard to mod. I would keep getting more opinions. If each person mentions a spacing adjustment that could be better then eventually all the spacings will be perfect.

00:07:015 (1,2,3) -0.65/0.66 exactly. alt + shift to change distance snap more accurately.
00:11:054 (3,1) - At least 0.6 snap.
00:20:861 (3,1) - I don't know why this has to be so close. At least 0.6 snap.
00:24:515 (6) - Use a more symmetrical L-slider.
00:27:977 (5,1,2,3) - Random transition pattern? It shouldn't abruptly change directions like that in my opinion. Also 1,2,3 is poorly mapped to the beat, switching oddly from vocal to beat. Please move 00:28:938 (3) - 1/2th forward. That's where it needs to be.
00:33:554 (3,1) - Too close.
00:36:631 (5) - Isn't this supposed to be pointing towards the next combo?
00:36:631 (5,1) - use 1.0.
00:46:054 (5) - bad vocal to start a slider on. start it here 00:45:861 - and end it in the same place. That vocal is not worth mapping.
00:50:861 (2) - This should be a mirror of 1 IMO
00:52:015 (4) - finish doesn't sound good on a red tick. I think it sounds better extended to the white tick. Still don't recommend ending with a finish.
00:59:708 (2,3,4) - 0.65 looks better.
01:01:246 (5,6) - 0.7?
01:02:400 (1,2) - 1.0 plays better IMO.
01:04:323 (4,1) - At least 0.6.
01:04:900 (1) - This is crooked.
01:10:092 (5,6,7) - Stack is off. Make it perfect.
01:11:054 (7,1) - Too far of a gap. I suggest reducing to 1.2.
01:18:938 (3) - Move down 1 unit. y should be 320
Everything fixed.


Definitely late 2009 to 2010. It has all the symptoms. Unusually close distance snap, notoriously mapping to vocals, sliders that are faster than the distance snap, lots of straight sliders/patterns. It's not entirely wrong, but it's exactly what this mapset is. I am more amused by this mapset because of how its mapped than worried. You should at least avoid overlap and bad flow; those are things from 2010 you should leave out of your beatmap.

00:21:245 (8,1) - At least 0.8. 0.5 may be good for streams, but it doesn't work for gaps. These types of things you should avoid.
00:24:899 (6) - Make symmetrical. Please keep spacing in the screenshot exactly like that. Gaps should be 0.8 Fixed
00:29:707 (3) - x should be 404
00:32:784 (1,2,3) - Not straight
00:44:130 (2) - This is awkward to hit. Please delete. You can keep the rest of the notes. My reason is the vocal here 00:44:226 -. If you delete and i really recommend you do, you should unstack the triple from the single. Fixed
00:45:091 (6,7) - 0.8 would be better.
00:47:303 (2) - Line this up better by moving to x 397 y 62. Fix spacing after as necessary.
01:05:476 (4,5,1) - This is very hard to read. you should turn into a repeat slider, repeating on the blue tick. It wil end where 1 is. Add note here after 01:06:245 -. Highly recommended.
01:07:399 (5,6,1,2,3) - So cluttered....
01:10:668 (9,2) - Could you fix this overlap?
01:23:938 (4) - Move right until square is perfect.
01:25:284 (3,1) - too close.


Less stars, more getting this modded. That's my suggestion.
I know it has to be more modded. But I'm actually in the modding queues and that are noob mappers who don't want beatmap with 3 or + mods, or modders who want Bubbled maps. There are few normal beatmap queues (but there are some, i know).
I can't use all of your mod for "Hard", I was remapping it when you modded, sorry.
Thanks for the mod :)
Topic Starter
Please redownload, i've done a full sumbmission.
Re-check \(^^)/


00:52:976 (1) - spacing
01:04:899 (1) - hidden under slider, move it
01:25:284 (3) - stack correctly

The slider are often very straight, maybe try some curves? But it's up to you.

Spacing is better now :3 good luck ^^
Topic Starter

kurohana wrote:

Re-check \(^^)/


00:52:976 (1) - spacing
01:04:899 (1) - hidden under slider, move it
01:25:284 (3) - stack correctly

The slider are often very straight, maybe try some curves? But it's up to you.

Spacing is better now :3 good luck ^^
Everything fixed, thanks ^^
I'll take my chances with my regular version with this recheck. I hope I helped.


Really should get this timing looked at.

Remove kyoukai senjou no horizon from tags.


Spacing to 0.8 didn't remove that 2010 feeling that the straight sliders create. It's not a bad thing. It does play a lot better now.

00:09:707 (5) - Add clap.
00:14:322 (1,2,3,4,5) - Move 2 grid 4 units to the left. Lines it up with 00:13:168 (4) -
00:32:784 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - This could be better. Here's what i suggest:
00:32:976 (2,3) - Remove claps.
00:33:553 (4) - Remove the clap on the end.
00:34:322 - Add note with clap.
Place notes like this. The position of 5 is to create a triangle pattern with next two notes. I know there's some overlap and that perhaps may be fixed, but for right now get the pattern in place.
00:34:707 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is fun. It's works.
00:45:091 (5,6) - You should space 1.0. Stacking doesn't play well IMO. you should also start the next combo here 00:46:630 -. Look at this
00:46:630 (1,2) - This can also be a jump. You can probably space 2 any distance 2.0 snap and lower from 1.0. Space where it works best.
00:52:976 (1) - why start this pattern so close to the previous one? Before you do anything. Add a note here 00:52:784 - . Place it at x 436 y 40. You should start the next combo by stacking on this note.
00:57:591 (1) - You should start on the long white tick IMO. replace 00:58:391 -
01:00:284 (3) - Clap
01:00:861 (5) - ^ (Remove finish)
01:01:822 (7) - ^
01:06:630 (2,3,4,5) - Move two grid 4 units to the right to line up with 1.
01:08:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Awesome pattern
01:24:899 (2,3) - Not stacked right.


Your hitsounds should be a lot better after this mod.

00:07:015 (1) - Start combo in the exact center of the screen.
00:07:015 (1,2,3) - 0.65 spacing. In other words, spacing should be exactly equal.
00:10:092 (1,2,3) - spacing should be equal. Turn grid snap off and make it all 0.65
00:11:054 (3,1) - Try 0.8. And space it more like a corner.
00:13:169 (4,5) - 0.8 too.
00:22:400 (1) - start this combo is an area that doesn't overlap with a slider.
00:27:400 (4) - end with whistle
00:27:977 (5) - ^
00:29:323 (4,5,6) - It looks better if this was exactly vertical
00:30:669 (7) - Replace first finish with whistle.
00:33:554 (3) - Remove finishes- they sound bad. Just have a whistle on the start instead?
00:37:784 (1,2,3,4,5) - Do this?
00:38:938 (3) - How about remove the whistles and only add a clap to the start?
00:39:708 (4) - ^
00:40:092 (5) - End with whistle or finish?
00:41:246 (1) - Replace first whistle with finish?
00:45:861 (4) - start with clap.
00:46:631 - Add note with clap
00:46:823 (1) - Delete and add note here 00:47:015 - instead?
00:47:304 (2) - whistles don't fit. Remove?
00:49:131 (5) - Remove whistle from start?
00:50:092 (1) - whistle start, clap on end?
00:50:861 (2) - whistle start, finish on end?
00:51:631 (3) - whistle
00:52:015 (4) - reduce by 1/2th, whistle instead of finish to start.
00:52:784 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:53:169 (2) - New combo. Claps on both of those notes?
00:54:515 (4) - whistle
00:55:092 (1) - line up with 4.
00:55:861 (2) - whistle on body?
00:57:784 (1,2) - add finishes to this.
00:59:708 (2) - Add whistle to end?
01:00:284 (3) - replace finish with whistle.
01:01:438 (6) - Replace finish from start and add clap to start?
01:02:400 (1) - Line up with end of 6.
01:03:361 (3,4,1) - Awkward. Increase spacing please.
01:04:900 (1) - This is awkward coming off of previous note. You should move it half back. It plays a lot better there.
01:10:669 (6) - Unstack?
01:11:054 (7) - Slider just doesn't sound right since it's mapped to the beat. I think you should just delete and fix spacing with next combo.
01:16:823 (3) - Add clap


I did this hitsounding in a rush. I can't guarantee that I didn't make a mistake somewhere.

00:14:707 (2) - You could adds a whistle on the end if you add a note with whistle here 00:15:861 - and add whistle to the start of 00:16:245 (2) -
00:23:361 (2) - whistle?
00:24:322 (4) - whistle on start
00:26:245 (2) - ^
00:27:015 (4) - ^
00:28:553 (1) - whistle on both ends?
00:32:784 (3) - start with whistle?
00:35:668 (3) - Perhaps reduce to the red tick?
00:35:091 (2) - add whistle to start?
00:35:668 (3) - add whistle to end if it's on that red tick.
00:41:245 (4) - add finish to start.
00:50:091 (1) - start with whistle?
00:53:168 (1) - end with finish
00:55:091 (2) - New combo? It just seem fitting to me.
00:55:476 (3) - Whistle?
00:55:861 (4) - Start with whistle?
00:57:784 (1) - start with finish
01:00:861 (2,3) - You can remove the finishes from the end.
01:10:091 (2) - Start with whistle? also sounds better if you reduce to the red tick and add a repeat.
01:19:322 (5,6,1) - I think a straight transition is best
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:

I'll take my chances with my regular version with this recheck. I hope I helped.


Really should get this timing looked at.

Remove kyoukai senjou no horizon from tags.


Spacing to 0.8 didn't remove that 2010 feeling that the straight sliders create. It's not a bad thing. It does play a lot better now.

00:09:707 (5) - Add clap.
00:14:322 (1,2,3,4,5) - Move 2 grid 4 units to the left. Lines it up with 00:13:168 (4) -
00:32:784 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - This could be better. Here's what i suggest:
00:32:976 (2,3) - Remove claps.
00:33:553 (4) - Remove the clap on the end.
00:34:322 - Add note with clap.
Place notes like this. The position of 5 is to create a triangle pattern with next two notes. I know there's some overlap and that perhaps may be fixed, but for right now get the pattern in place.
00:34:707 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is fun. It's works.
00:45:091 (5,6) - You should space 1.0. Stacking doesn't play well IMO. you should also start the next combo here 00:46:630 -. Look at this
00:46:630 (1,2) - This can also be a jump. You can probably space 2 any distance 2.0 snap and lower from 1.0. Space where it works best.
00:52:976 (1) - why start this pattern so close to the previous one? Before you do anything. Add a note here 00:52:784 - . Place it at x 436 y 40. You should start the next combo by stacking on this note.
00:57:591 (1) - You should start on the long white tick IMO. replace 00:58:391 -
01:00:284 (3) - Clap
01:00:861 (5) - ^ (Remove finish)
01:01:822 (7) - ^
01:06:630 (2,3,4,5) - Move two grid 4 units to the right to line up with 1.
01:08:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Awesome pattern
01:24:899 (2,3) - Not stacked right.

Lots of thing fixed, but I don't remember exactly what :?


Your hitsounds should be a lot better after this mod.

00:07:015 (1) - Start combo in the exact center of the screen.
00:07:015 (1,2,3) - 0.65 spacing. In other words, spacing should be exactly equal.
00:10:092 (1,2,3) - spacing should be equal. Turn grid snap off and make it all 0.65
00:11:054 (3,1) - Try 0.8. And space it more like a corner.
00:13:169 (4,5) - 0.8 too.
00:22:400 (1) - start this combo is an area that doesn't overlap with a slider.
00:27:400 (4) - end with whistle
00:27:977 (5) - ^
00:29:323 (4,5,6) - It looks better if this was exactly vertical
00:30:669 (7) - Replace first finish with whistle.
00:33:554 (3) - Remove finishes- they sound bad. Just have a whistle on the start instead?
00:37:784 (1,2,3,4,5) - Do this?
00:38:938 (3) - How about remove the whistles and only add a clap to the start?
00:39:708 (4) - ^
00:40:092 (5) - End with whistle or finish?
00:41:246 (1) - Replace first whistle with finish?
00:45:861 (4) - start with clap.
00:46:631 - Add note with clap
00:46:823 (1) - Delete and add note here 00:47:015 - instead?
00:47:304 (2) - whistles don't fit. Remove?
00:49:131 (5) - Remove whistle from start?
00:50:092 (1) - whistle start, clap on end?
00:50:861 (2) - whistle start, finish on end?
00:51:631 (3) - whistle
00:52:015 (4) - reduce by 1/2th, whistle instead of finish to start.
00:52:784 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:53:169 (2) - New combo. Claps on both of those notes?
00:54:515 (4) - whistle
00:55:092 (1) - line up with 4.
00:55:861 (2) - whistle on body?
00:57:784 (1,2) - add finishes to this.
00:59:708 (2) - Add whistle to end?
01:00:284 (3) - replace finish with whistle.
01:01:438 (6) - Replace finish from start and add clap to start?
01:02:400 (1) - Line up with end of 6.
01:03:361 (3,4,1) - Awkward. Increase spacing please.
01:04:900 (1) - This is awkward coming off of previous note. You should move it half back. It plays a lot better there.
01:10:669 (6) - Unstack?
01:11:054 (7) - Slider just doesn't sound right since it's mapped to the beat. I think you should just delete and fix spacing with next combo.
01:16:823 (3) - Add clap

Lots of thing fixed, but I don't remember exactly what :?


I did this hitsounding in a rush. I can't guarantee that I didn't make a mistake somewhere.

00:14:707 (2) - You could adds a whistle on the end if you add a note with whistle here 00:15:861 - and add whistle to the start of 00:16:245 (2) - Fixed
00:23:361 (2) - whistle?
00:24:322 (4) - whistle on start
00:26:245 (2) - ^
00:27:015 (4) - ^
00:28:553 (1) - whistle on both ends?
00:32:784 (3) - start with whistle?
00:35:668 (3) - Perhaps reduce to the red tick? I prefer keep it on the white, easier to play
00:35:091 (2) - add whistle to start?
00:35:668 (3) - add whistle to end if it's on that red tick.
00:41:245 (4) - add finish to start.
00:50:091 (1) - start with whistle?
00:53:168 (1) - end with finish
00:55:091 (2) - New combo? It just seem fitting to me.
00:55:476 (3) - Whistle?
00:55:861 (4) - Start with whistle?
00:57:784 (1) - start with finish
01:00:861 (2,3) - You can remove the finishes from the end.
01:10:091 (2) - Start with whistle? also sounds better if you reduce to the red tick and add a repeat. Same reason as above.
01:19:322 (5,6,1) - I think a straight transition is best Fixed
I put your hitsounds too, it sounds better for me, but idk if it's the same for everyone. We'll see with next mods, I can't judge that by myself.

Thanks for this mod very helpful, as the previous ^^

Please find better MP3, even if this is 128KBS, it sounds bad..?
Kiai ends kind of randomly, consider ending at 01:20:861 - or 01:22:399 - or 01:23:938 - ?

No spinner in this diff. Please consider adding one like the one in Easy to add variation in score.
AR+1 please! It gets confusing with such low AR!
00:47:303 (2) - Extend end till 00:47:591 -
00:38:938 (3) - This design makes more sense
00:44:226 (2,3,4) - Dont stack. Unstack (2) from (3) and (4) atleast.
00:48:553 (5,6) - Spacing dosen't fit music
00:57:784 (1) - Change to

AR-1 OD-1
00:14:708 (1) - Extend till 00:17:592 - and add finish
00:29:227 (3,4) - Don't use 1/4 in a Normal diff please.
01:10:092 (5) - Extend till 01:10:381 -


00:19:322 (1) - Extend till 00:20:091 -
00:28:553 (1,2) - Don't stack like this in an Easy diff
00:49:130 (3,4) - Change to a slider
01:05:476 - Need note

Hi, JudgeTheDude

My mod from your request

Red = Unrankable
Biue = You should modified
Black = My suggestion


  1. Kiai time in Normal diff is little different. Should move a green line in 00:59:323 to 00:59:322.


  1. 00:19:332 (1) - move slider end at 00:20:019
  2. 00:29:707 (2) - It shouldn't overlap with slider repeat of (1), because may make new players is surprise here.
  3. 00:49:130 (3) - It's hard for Easy diff. Remove it.
  4. 01:04:899 (2) - Slider start at 01:05:091.


  1. 00:28:554 (1,2,3) - Use slider follow this.
  2. 00:47:015 (2,3) - Same as 00:28:554 (1,2,3) -
  3. 00:54:708 - Add a note?
  4. 01:10:092 (5,6) - Same as 00:28:554 (1,2,3) -
  5. 01:15:169 (3) - Don't overlap with slider end of (2).


  1. 00:44:514 (3,4) - Don't overlap with (2)
  2. 00:47:303 (2) - Slider end at 00:47:591

That's all that I can find them.

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Kiiwa wrote:


Please find better MP3, even if this is 128KBS, it sounds bad..?The only problem was the voume, and if I take an other Audio file, it'll not fit with the background video, sorry. I have better quality, but it's FLAC and when I reencode it, it becomes like the actual audio file.
Kiai ends kind of randomly, consider ending at 01:20:861 - or 01:22:399 - or 01:23:938 - ? Fixed

No spinner in this diff. Please consider adding one like the one in Easy to add variation in score.
AR+1 please! It gets confusing with such low AR! Fixed
00:47:303 (2) - Extend end till 00:47:591 - Fixed
00:38:938 (3) - This design makes more sense Fixed
00:44:226 (2,3,4) - Dont stack. Unstack (2) from (3) and (4) atleast. Fixed
00:48:553 (5,6) - Spacing dosen't fit music Fixed
00:57:784 (1) - Change to Fixed

AR-1 OD-1 Fixed
00:14:708 (1) - Extend till 00:17:592 - and add finish Fixed
00:29:227 (3,4) - Don't use 1/4 in a Normal diff please. Fixed
01:10:092 (5) - Extend till 01:10:381 - Fixed


HDR+1 Fixed
00:19:322 (1) - Extend till 00:20:091 - Fixed
00:28:553 (1,2) - Don't stack like this in an Easy diff Fixed
00:49:130 (3,4) - Change to a slider Fixed
01:05:476 - Need note There's already the Slider's end here
Thanks for your mod ^^

Nitch, I'll check it tonight, I'm going to work now.
Topic Starter
Audio file changed.
The offset should be good, I cut it with Sonar to have the same offset as the previous audio file.
Some alignements fixed too while checking the offset.
Topic Starter

nich95 wrote:

Hi, JudgeTheDude

My mod from your request

Red = Unrankable
Biue = You should modified
Black = My suggestion


  1. Kiai time in Normal diff is little different. Should move a green line in 00:59:323 to 00:59:322.Fixed, it was a problem with the offset, everything was Snapped with offset+1


  1. 00:19:332 (1) - move slider end at 00:20:019 I prefer keeping it as the previous Slider. With placing them on white ticks, it's easier to play. Rythm is easier to take
  2. 00:29:707 (2) - It shouldn't overlap with slider repeat of (1), because may make new players is surprise here. Fixed
  3. 00:49:130 (3) - It's hard for Easy diff. Remove it. Fixed, I put a note at 00:49:322
  4. 01:04:899 (2) - Slider start at 01:05:091.Fixed, better like that


  1. 00:28:554 (1,2,3) - Use slider follow this. Fixed
  2. 00:47:015 (2,3) - Same as 00:28:554 (1,2,3) - I prefer keeping the actual notes.
  3. 00:54:708 - Add a note? Fixed
  4. 01:10:092 (5,6) - Same as 00:28:554 (1,2,3) - Fixed
  5. 01:15:169 (3) - Don't overlap with slider end of (2). Fixed


  1. 00:44:514 (3,4) - Don't overlap with (2) Already Fixed
  2. 00:47:303 (2) - Slider end at 00:47:591AlreadyFixed

That's all that I can find them.

Good luck~
Thanks for the mod, some things were said before but thanks ^^
Hopefully last recheck


This mod will require considerable restructuring. You may want to keep a backup of your difficulty.

00:15:861 (3) - Not aligned vertically. x > 320
00:16:245 (1) - You should fix the overlap with 00:14:707 (2) - Raising the point where the slider curves should do it. (These 00:17:784 (2,3,4,1) - will need to be repositioned, which isn't that big of a deal. You have plenty of room to place them. I even have a pattern in mind, but I think it will be better for you to figure a pattern here). Hint: Pick a pattern where this 00:19:322 (1,2,3) - starts and ends on the vertical line.
00:22:399 (1) - You shouldn't start this in that position, it isn't fitting for this reason. The vocal here 00:21:630 - is extended through the gap. So this often indicates a forward movement. there's a much more complicated reason as well, but it's much harder to explain. Let me suggest you remap it a bit.


00:22:399 (1) - Move this here 00:22:784 - , replacing 00:23:361 (2) -. With that done, add a repeat to 00:20:861 (3) -. You could position it like this. After that it's just a case of repositioning the notes until the spacing evens out.

Hitsound adjustments
00:20:861 (3) - Add whistle to the repeat just so it doesn't sound empty.

00:30:091 (3) - Add finish to start. Sounds like a significant beat.
00:36:660 (4) - Add whistle on end. A change of shape is in order. You should try this, so that the end works better with the next slider.

00:53:198 (1) - finish on start.
01:04:352 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This is formless. You should remap this with more interesting patterns.
The combo after see what you can do with this

01:12:044 (2,3) - I think it would be better if you managed to reverse the position to right to left if you can....
01:14:737 (4) - new combo.
May I suggest that you not have a red tick transition here 01:14:737 (4,5,6) - . It doesn't sound the greatest. Try this?


Edit: I don't think I will ever stop rechecking this. I must be overstaying my welcome.

I just want to make sure everything I'm instructing is making things better.


00:47:035 - You should raise volume to at least 60% here.


Your Easy will be a lot better after this mod. I don't think I will need to recheck.

00:30:111 (3) - I accidentally ended this on a blue tick. Actually I have another idea. You can reduce to here 00:30:881 - . This is similar to how you originally had it. Make sure you shift all the note patterns to fix distance snap afterwards. (This is how I have the next part ) When you get here 00:32:804 (3,4,1) - , instead of having 4,1 directly above the end of 3, you should have them off to the side like this The notes after can be fixed. Make sure 00:36:650 (4) - is still exactly lined up with previous note.

00:36:650 (4) - I've made this slider a bit better. Try using these points.

  • 1. x 60 y 192
    2. x 160 y 192
    3. x 140 y 268
    4. x 240 y 268
Notice the symmetry in the points 60 and 160 and 140 and 240 are both 100 apart. A good trick for making nice sliders, if to note how many units two points are in a slider, and then making sure the exact same is done for the other side of the shape. You don't need to worry about whether the shape fits in the timeline. You can scale the shape so that it fits.

00:40:111 (2,3,4) - When you move these, you should move them all at the same time. Position them so that 3, is roughly centered between the slider ends of this slider 00:37:804 (1) -. It would be a nice touch.

00:47:034 (1) - Replace end clap with whistle.
00:49:342 (3) - Add whistle
00:51:265 (2) - ^
00:51:650 (3) - Replace clap start with whistle- fits better.
00:53:188 (1) - whistle + finish on start and end
00:53:188 (1) - I have a nice fix to your slider overlap issue. Afterwards you can reposition 00:55:111 (1,2) - and then move this forward to the long white tick. You'll need the gap to properly position the notes. This seems to work pretty good. Notice I slanted the slider to fit better with 00:57:804 (1) - . It will shift where you start the sliders more to the right than where you originally had it. You'll need to fix the spacings and symmetry of the parts after it. When you get to 01:02:419 (3) - I realized it's crooked. Make sure you move the slider so the middle point is exactly on the vertical line or x 256. You will see that the points on the left and right are at different heights. Move the right point to match the left point. Keep fixing the distance snap by moving the notes over. You will be able to even out the distance snap during this transition 01:10:111 (2,1,2) - .
01:13:188 (3) - You can fix this slider's shape a bit by changing the points like this.

  • 1. x 116 y 192
    2. x 168 y 24
    3. x 344 y 40
Fix spacing afterwards. You should move 01:17:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1) - All at once. Try to center 4,6 on the vertical line. Even after centering 01:22:419 (2) - this still isn't centered. This indicated a symmetry problem with previous slider. I fixed your points, but the slider is slightly more compact. I hope that's alright.

  • 1. x 356 y 72
    2. x 472 y 72
    3. x 472 y 276
    4. x 356 y 276
Just mirror this slider over.


This difficulty still needs some restructuring here and there. The difficulty should be a lot better after this mod.

00:07:996 (3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - Move all of these up 1 unit to perfectly center them.
00:12:035 (1,2,3,4,5) - Center these? Move the whole pattern until 00:12:035 (1) - is at x 388
00:19:342 (1,3) - Sliders could be better. Make the points the same distance apart. Also I think you could use more symmetry in the pattern itself, and the overlap is unnecessary.
00:22:419 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This pattern could be a lot better. I came up with this
Hitsound adjustments.
00:22:804 (2) - Replace finish with whistle?
00:23:381 (3) - Move finish here.
00:23:765 (4) - Replace finish with whistle
00:24:535 (6) - Add whistle to start
00:27:035 (3) - whistle
00:25:496 - Add note.
00:28:573 (1,2,3,4) - Move right 1 unit if the spacing didn't change. 1 is not lined up with 00:27:996 (5) -. Keep moving notes over until you find a place to even the spacing.
00:29:342 (2) - Add whistle
00:30:111 (4) - Add finish.
00:41:265 (1,2,3) - Isn't straight or perfectly lined up with previous note. (I lined them up below)
00:41:265 (1) - Move to x 228, y 292. move second point to x 188 y 252
00:41:842 (2) - x 132 y 200
00:42:227 (3) - x 80 y 144

00:41:265 (1,2,3) - remove whistle from end of 1, replace with finish, add finishes to other notes too.
00:42:804 (4) - It sounds better if you moved it here 00:43:188 - and made it 1/2th long. you can fix the spacing with this pattern. Remapping 00:46:650 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - shouldn't be too much of a problem. I would have recommended you use a better pattern here anyways. Try seeing what you can do with this.
00:43:958 (1) - Whistle on start. (There's a sound there)
00:50:111 (1,2) - The asymmetry bothers me. How about this pattern instead? It's a lot less 2010. If you find you can't figure out how to respace the next part 00:52:804 (5) - can be deleted.
00:55:881 (2) - Move 1 unit to the right.
00:58:381 (2,1) - Spacing doesn't need to be so close. You have the whole screen to start the combo. Move the snap closer to 0.7 and you should space the notes like this in the timeline. It will be easier to make a good pattern with that timeline.
01:04:342 (4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Move all these up 1 unit to fix alignment.
01:04:727 (1) - Clap spam. I would only have a clap on the second repeat and a whistle at the very end. The whistle is so the next part can be whistle, clap whistle.
01:10:111 (5) - Soft finishes sound better IMO.
01:15:688 (3) - Fix overlap.
01:16:265 (1,2,3) - You know you don't always have to maintain distance snap when you change combo. You could center this regardless of distance snap.
01:17:804 (1) - Whistle
01:18:188 (2) - whistle on end
01:18:958 (3) - end with finish
01:20:881 (5,1,2,3,4) - Claps aren't the best here. 01:20:881 (5) - finish, 01:21:265 (1) - whistle, 01:21:650 (2) - finish, 01:22:034 (3) - whistle, 01:22:419 (4) - finish.


Again, still some things you should fix. But it's not far away from being a solid difficulty. You're almost there.

00:16:842 (2) - Finish
00:19:919 (4) - Remove clap from end
00:20:881 (6) - whistle?
00:23:381 (3) - ^
00:24:919 (6) - Isn't symmetrical. Change middle point to x 440, y 208, and last point to x 340 y 88
00:25:881 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This plays surprisingly well.
00:40:496 (2) - Add clap.
00:41:842 (5) - Replacing start whistle with finish
00:43:958 (1,2,3,4,5) - Bad looking curve. also in the screenshot, note the timeline. I suggest you use that configuration. It plays a lot closer to the vocals.
00:47:804 (3) - start and end with whistle
00:49:150 - Plays better if this was a single note and this 00:49:342 - was a slider that ends here 00:49:727 - . you probably don't need to fix the spacing with the combo after.
00:51:650 (5) - Replace clap with whistle. Whistle should be audible. So if you can't hear the whistle raise the volume. See General comment.
00:52:034 (6) - Remove claps. Only have whistle on the end.
00:52:804 (7) - Delete. Doesn't fit.
00:52:996 (1) - Move this note out of the corner. also consider starting where 7 was. Ends on long white tick. Add finish to the end. Also the timeline is weird through here. I suggest a 1/8th transition. This plays more closely to the vocals IMO. also look at this pattern
00:56:458 (3) - whistle
00:56:842 (5) - finish?
00:57:419 (8) - whistle
00:57:804 (1,2) - Add finish
00:57:804 (1,2) - Move two units left to fix alignment with previous note.
01:01:265 (6) - Remove finish from end and add whistle?
01:12:996 (5,6) - 1.2 snap would be better here.
01:20:881 (8) - Okay. This just throws me off. also I think it would be better if it didn't overlap with 7. You could remove the slowdown and do this.

Paste this into your .osu under hit objects


01:22:419 - Add note at x 420 y 192 It will fall right into the next combo's pattern.
01:24:919 (2,3) - Stack better please.


I've spent the time to make this beatmap perfect. I want this ranked. Don't give up.
Topic Starter

TheVileOne wrote:

Hopefully last recheck


This mod will require considerable restructuring. You may want to keep a backup of your difficulty.

00:15:861 (3) - Not aligned vertically. x > 320
00:16:245 (1) - You should fix the overlap with 00:14:707 (2) - Raising the point where the slider curves should do it. (These 00:17:784 (2,3,4,1) - will need to be repositioned, which isn't that big of a deal. You have plenty of room to place them. I even have a pattern in mind, but I think it will be better for you to figure a pattern here). Hint: Pick a pattern where this 00:19:322 (1,2,3) - starts and ends on the vertical line.
00:22:399 (1) - You shouldn't start this in that position, it isn't fitting for this reason. The vocal here 00:21:630 - is extended through the gap. So this often indicates a forward movement. there's a much more complicated reason as well, but it's much harder to explain. Let me suggest you remap it a bit.


00:22:399 (1) - Move this here 00:22:784 - , replacing 00:23:361 (2) -. With that done, add a repeat to 00:20:861 (3) -. You could position it like this. After that it's just a case of repositioning the notes until the spacing evens out.

Hitsound adjustments
00:20:861 (3) - Add whistle to the repeat just so it doesn't sound empty.

00:30:091 (3) - Add finish to start. Sounds like a significant beat.
00:36:660 (4) - Add whistle on end. A change of shape is in order. You should try this, so that the end works better with the next slider.

00:53:198 (1) - finish on start.
01:04:352 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This is formless. You should remap this with more interesting patterns.
The combo after see what you can do with this

01:12:044 (2,3) - I think it would be better if you managed to reverse the position to right to left if you can....
01:14:737 (4) - new combo.
May I suggest that you not have a red tick transition here 01:14:737 (4,5,6) - . It doesn't sound the greatest. Try this?

Will update with other difficulties. I wanted to get the Easy out early.
Fixed a lot of things, you were here with me to check it, thanks ^^
I'll suggest HP6 for this hard.
00:08:765 (5,1) - swap new combo as the new phrase starts at 00:08:573 - actually
00:21:265 (8) - clap at the end corresponding to 00:19:919 (4) - , you may also want to curve the sldier with (4) as well:
01:10:111 (7) - align with (5,6), left 1 grid
01:12:611 (4) - again left 3 grids so that (1,2,3,4) gives a rectangle
like 1:10 above some details can be improved in the diff. On the other hand, the hitsound actually make sense but sometimes we're not sure whether their logic is consistant or not, like 00:27:419 (3) - with finishes and 00:29:150 (2) - without it.

00:43:381 (4) - fit the music and sounds smoother if you move this 1/2 later
00:57:804 (1) - actually this is inaccurate but using a single 3/4 slider would be too hard. Try to use repeating 3/4 slider then
00:59:342 (1,2,3,4) - they're too close each other (not in terms of spacing), it's hard to determine the spacing of (2,3) blablabla you can make better use of the area on the right...
The same hitsound questioning with hard, mostly about claps.

Some mappers/modders don't like linear mapping but this is not bad, and the song sounds nice as well. Good luck~
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

I'll suggest HP6 for this hard.
00:08:765 (5,1) - swap new combo as the new phrase starts at 00:08:573 - actually
00:21:265 (8) - clap at the end corresponding to 00:19:919 (4) - , you may also want to curve the sldier with (4) as well:
01:10:111 (7) - align with (5,6), left 1 grid
01:12:611 (4) - again left 3 grids so that (1,2,3,4) gives a rectangle
like 1:10 above some details can be improved in the diff. On the other hand, the hitsound actually make sense but sometimes we're not sure whether their logic is consistant or not, like 00:27:419 (3) - with finishes and 00:29:150 (2) - without it.

00:43:381 (4) - fit the music and sounds smoother if you move this 1/2 later
00:57:804 (1) - actually this is inaccurate but using a single 3/4 slider would be too hard. Try to use repeating 3/4 slider then
00:59:342 (1,2,3,4) - they're too close each other (not in terms of spacing), it's hard to determine the spacing of (2,3) blablabla you can make better use of the area on the right...
The same hitsound questioning with hard, mostly about claps.

Some mappers/modders don't like linear mapping but this is not bad, and the song sounds nice as well. Good luck~
Everything's done, I'm finshing checking the hitsounds. Thanks ^^

Deleted or replaced some claps.
It's special mod from my que

~HP + 1
~1/8? Why?
~use distance shap.

00:17:419 (4) - finish
00:24:727 - add note + clap
00:39:727 (4) - delete note this and add here + whistle
01:03:381 (4,5,6) - hidden. fix it
01:16:265 (1) - nc
01:22:804 (1) - hidden. fix it

and so, comboburst

good luck)
Topic Starter

Nagisawa wrote:

It's special mod from my que

~HP + 1 Fixed
~1/8? Why? For that: 00:52:996 (1) - Move this note out of the corner. also consider starting where 7 was. Ends on long white tick. Add finish to the end. Also the timeline is weird through here. I suggest a 1/8th transition. This plays more closely to the vocals IMO. also look at this pattern
~use distance shap.

00:17:419 (4) - finish Fixed
00:24:727 - add note + clap A bit weird, we'll see with the next mod, but I put it.
00:39:727 (4) - delete note this and add here + whistle I didn't understand wha you want
01:03:381 (4,5,6) - hidden. fix it Fixed
01:16:265 (1) - nc Fixed
01:22:804 (1) - hidden. fix it Fixed

and so, comboburst

good luck)
Thanks for the mod and the comboburst ^^
Some sugestion.

00:20:496 (2) - End this slider at 00:21:650 ??
00:49:342 (3) - clap
00:50:111 (1) - remove whistle on secound circle
00:51:265 (2) - clap
01:06:265 (5) - add whistle to secound circle
01:07:035 (6) - remove whistle on first circle
00:59:342 - inherited point audio 50% ?

00:07:035 (1) - remove finish add whistle
00:07:419 (2) - add whistle to first circle
00:08:958 (1) - clap
00:09:342 (2) - ^
00:09:727 (3) - ^
00:10:111 (1) - remove finish add whistle
00:10:496 (2) - add whistle to first circle
00:12:035 (1) - clap
00:12:419 (2) - ^
00:12:804 (3) - ^
00:14:342 (5) - whistle
00:44:150 (1) - start slider at 00:43:958
00:47:035 (2) - add clap to secound circle
00:47:804 (3) - ^
00:48:958 (5) - add clap to slider

ok :)
Topic Starter

pyransc wrote:

Some sugestion.

00:20:496 (2) - End this slider at 00:21:650 ?? Fixed
00:49:342 (3) - clap I keep the actual
00:50:111 (1) - remove whistle on secound circle There aren't any whistle on the second circle
00:51:265 (2) - clap I keep the actual
01:06:265 (5) - add whistle to secound circle Fixed
01:07:035 (6) - remove whistle on first circle I keep the actual
00:59:342 - inherited point audio 50% ?

00:07:035 (1) - remove finish add whistle I keep the actual
00:07:419 (2) - add whistle to first circle Fixed
00:08:958 (1) - clap Fixed
00:09:342 (2) - ^ I keep the actual
00:09:727 (3) - ^ Fixed
00:10:111 (1) - remove finish add whistle I keep the actual
00:10:496 (2) - add whistle to first circle Fixed
00:12:035 (1) - clap Fixed
00:12:419 (2) - ^ I keep the actual
00:12:804 (3) - ^ Fixed
00:14:342 (5) - whistle I keep the actual
00:44:150 (1) - start slider at 00:43:958 Fixed
00:47:035 (2) - add clap to secound circle Fixed
00:47:804 (3) - ^ Fixed
00:48:958 (5) - add clap to slider I added clap only on start and end

ok :)
Thanks ^^
Nothing to say :o it seems PERFECT!
you already got mod from professional i think

beats seems to be in place
just put soud effect and everything will be good!

tha's all i can mod
i think your beatmap will be ranked soon :)
Topic Starter

shojimeguro wrote:

Nothing to say :o it seems PERFECT!
you already got mod from professional i think

beats seems to be in place
just put soud effect and everything will be good!

tha's all i can mod
i think your beatmap will be ranked soon :)
Thanks, but I have to admit it, I got a lot of helpful mods, especially from TheVileOne wo helped me InGame too.
I'll add some sounds in hard, I'll see where I can put some.

Thanks ^^
Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:

00:51:650 (3,1) - try to avoid the overlap

00:17:611 - delete the break
00:59:727 (2) - end at wrong position
01:04:727 (1) - keep reverse no more than 4 times in Normal

General suggestion: Use more various patterns/sliders. Putting circles and sliders horizontally or vertically makes the map lack creativity and playability. One of the best way to improve patterns in your map is open other's map in editor and see how they put notes, and this is what I did when I made my first map.

Topic Starter

popner wrote:

Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:

00:51:650 (3,1) - try to avoid the overlap

00:17:611 - delete the break
00:59:727 (2) - end at wrong position
01:04:727 (1) - keep reverse no more than 4 times in Normal

General suggestion: Use more various patterns/sliders. Putting circles and sliders horizontally or vertically makes the map lack creativity and playability. One of the best way to improve patterns in your map is open other's map in editor and see how they put notes, and this is what I did when I made my first map.

Everything fixed, I'll se what I can do in Hard, but it'll be hard ^^
Thanks for your mod
Hi, mod time~

Not much to found, only tiny stuff that can be improved and some can be ignored (sorry if something looks nazi >_<), here we go~


Unsnapped inherited timing points (green lines), some volume changes, and kiai time may be affected by this.


00:16:287 (1) - 1 grid left
00:41:287 (4) - This may be covered by the HP bar.


There's a lot of spacing changes, but as there's the same spacing in a same combo, I think that's fine.
00:08:018 (3) - Maybe align this with the end of previous slider (x:388 y:116)
00:14:364 (5) - 1 grid left
00:44:749 (2) - This looks better

Took the original slider, reversed (Ctrl+R/Edit -> Reverse selection) and rotated by 180°, putting it in x:64 y:184
00:55:903 (2) - 1 grid left
01:00:326 (3,4) - 1 grid down
01:22:826 (1) - You can make it like this:

1: x:96 y:88; 2: x:160 y:96; 3: x:172 y:160.


No spinners? I couldn't find a nice spot to put one, so I think it's fine.
00:53:787 (3) - Make this end in 00:53:980

That's all, good luck c:
Topic Starter

DakeDekaane wrote:

Hi, mod time~

Not much to found, only tiny stuff that can be improved and some can be ignored (sorry if something looks nazi >_<), here we go~


Unsnapped inherited timing points (green lines), some volume changes, and kiai time may be affected by this.


00:16:287 (1) - 1 grid left
00:41:287 (4) - This may be covered by the HP bar.


There's a lot of spacing changes, but as there's the same spacing in a same combo, I think that's fine.
00:08:018 (3) - Maybe align this with the end of previous slider (x:388 y:116)
00:14:364 (5) - 1 grid left
00:44:749 (2) - This looks better

Took the original slider, reversed (Ctrl+R/Edit -> Reverse selection) and rotated by 180°, putting it in x:64 y:184
00:55:903 (2) - 1 grid left
01:00:326 (3,4) - 1 grid down
01:22:826 (1) - You can make it like this:

1: x:96 y:88; 2: x:160 y:96; 3: x:172 y:160.


No spinners? I couldn't find a nice spot to put one, so I think it's fine.
00:53:787 (3) - Make this end in 00:53:980

That's all, good luck c:
Everything modified, I also resnapped the Timing points.
Why isn't this map ranked yet?
All honesty i couldn't find anything wrong
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