感謝 [CSGA]Ar3sgice 的mod~~[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:
from my queue
it's too easy i fc'd it- 00:02:616 (4) - make like this? http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/353898 flows better if not too much curved 因是跟6對稱的0 0
- 00:06:630 (5,6,7,8,1) - kinda random 5-note stream reserve
- 好吧我错了._. ><
- 00:34:306 (9) - 往左一格..? 不清楚用意=口=
- 00:43:179 (1) - 这样用个reverse http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/353914 reserve 這樣用應該也可以吧0.0
- 01:14:552 (9) - 往上两格 fixed
- 01:15:080 (2,3,4,5,6) - 这三角形没对齐... http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/353916 fixed
- 00:06:841 (5) - 放(184,56)这里 fixed
- 00:19:306 (5,6,7) - 和前面那个对称的长slider好像比较合适 fixed
- 00:32:193 (1) - 太弯了感觉 o.o reserve
- 01:14:869 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这形状不科学 半圓應該是還好
- 图还不错, 就是如上所说insane比较简单, hard相对jump稍多, 能不能再稍微简单些 果然還是被搓到了XD 我也覺得Insane沒什麼難度-.- Hard跳的部分基本上都不遠 有跳的遠也是滑條代替了 可能不改Hard 把Insane改一點距離吧 ._.
Good luck~
感謝ERT的MOD~~ertyukjh010 wrote:
Yo~ jessssssss Yooooo~~
Request from Modding Queue
- 預覽點不一致,您的Taiko難度與其他Solo難度不一樣 幫他改好了~
- Lead-in我覺得要2.5 我覺得2秒就等好久了
- 關於您的Offset,Normal是用292很好,只是Hard和Insane是292.123287671233 (?
也因此導致您放了note在第一條紅線前好吧其實這也不是重要 果斷改的跟Normal一樣了 .12328XXXXX刪了 -.- (因為會影響kiai的結束時間)
- 01:02:616 (2) - 這樣放被前面的300hit爆炸擋住太多, 閱讀上很困難 http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/354809 fixed 真的擋好大~
- 01:14:869 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 為甚麼不排成弧型? http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/354812 fixed
- 00:27:122 (5) - 不重要但是沒有對齊,搬到00:27:123 offset改了所以沒影響了
- 00:57:545 (7,8) - 嘛,根據我的經驗,某些玩家對於這種遠距離連點會給予低Rate~
雖然我第一張rankmap也是這樣放(炸額..不然真的沒難度~ 我也只有這張這樣放 ._.GJ 真心覺得做得不錯 Thx
- 00:29:552 (8) - 個人偏好刪掉比較好聽 fixed
需要Easy難度叫我真的有需要的一定call你 XD
Good Luck
Thanks popner mod ><popner wrote:
Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.
Just suggestions:
Use silent sliderbody sound? OK!!
Set LeadIn to 2000 in [Taiko]. fixed (I remember that I already fixed?)
Set PreviewTime to 55221 in [Taiko]. fixed
End Kiai at 01:23:109 in all diffs. offset fix to 292.00,is the same with Normal,and all diff. fix Kiai at 01:23:108
01:05:362 (5) - delete? reserve
01:20:468 (1) - end at 01:23:109 fixed to 01:23:108
00:08:109 (4,1) - the overlap doesn't looks good fixed
00:35:785 (1) - curve it to fit (4) better like this? http://puu.sh/EeSa fixed
00:36:418 (3) - ^ ^
00:56:066 (4,5) - make shape like this? http://puu.sh/Efr2 fixed
01:05:151 (7,8) - ^ curve (8) to a better shape ^
That's all I can find. GL~
172,140,19728,2,0,B|140:192|172:244,1,110,0|200:22:263 (1) - whistle on slider end
Thank for your mod (話說Normal & Tiako 要用英文 他解讀不能 =口=)iroseka wrote:
iroseka's modding from tha queue歌的最后突然停了……如果是MAT会怒戳泡吧 建议找个完整版什么的剪剪修修(如果本来就是剪的 那就多剪几拍,最后搞个渐出)這本身完整影片就是這樣了 我覺得這影響不大 ._.
因为soft的声音百分比设的大,Slider滑动音也太大 建议自定义声音把sliderslide用录音机程序减少2次音量 fixed
01:09:482 (6) - Clap fixed
这些只是hitsound的建议,如果你听几遍觉得不同意我的 完全可以不采用 就这样了 額..是真的都沒用到 ><
00:01:137 (5) - 去掉whistle
00:02:615 (4) - ^
00:04:306 (3,4,5) - ^, 用section增加音量
00:15:503 (1) - 去掉whistle
00:17:615 (2) - ^
00:17:932 (3) - whistle
00:20:362 (8) - clap
00:31:348 (3) - 去掉whistle
00:32:827 (2) - 滑条头whistle+clap
kiai都把whistle加上去比较好 不然反而感觉安静 這邊副歌跟前面整個音效做區別 也是OK的 這點保留~
no, I dont like hitsounds on those objects, this: 00:22:263 (1) - whistle on slider end; it already have whistle, didnt used code cuz 2 sliders are symmetrical and that is enough for me <: and those patterns are following some drum and that clap effect on the song, fits perfectlyiroseka wrote:
HP=OD=6 my usual settings are 5 on everything
sound volume: non-kiai=55% kiai=70% my usual is use the same volume on all map
SV=1.5 (then adjust slider lengths) my usual is 1.40
00:08:320 (1,1) - swap normalhit and clap nope :w
00:29:235 (1,1) - ^ ↑ :w
00:00:292 (1) - Finish; add new timing section, reduce volume to 60% and add another 80% section later on
00:12:122 (3) - Whistle
00:12:545 (1) - add a 60% timing section at spinner end. Spinner -> finish. (the part after the spinner should be 60 cause 80% is noisy)
00:19:728 (2,3,4) - not symmetric. code:172,140,19728,2,0,B|140:192|172:244,1,110,0|200:22:263 (1) - whistle on slider end
00:25:644 (4) - remove whistle on slider begin
00:37:475 (1,2) - add whistle on both ends of both sliders
00:42:122 (2,1) - move half a beat backward
00:43:813 (2) - move one beat backward (then fill the space XD)
Matoryoshika wrote:
- 00:02:404 (3) - add clap Im not using claps
- 00:03:249 (4) - ^
- 00:05:784 (3) - ^
- 00:06:630 (4) - ^
- 00:10:855 (1) - ^
- 00:11:700 (2) - ^
- 00:12:122 (3) - add finish sounds awful >:
- 00:15:925 (2) - add clap
- 00:16:770 (3) - ^
- 00:19:306 (1) - ^
- 00:20:151 (2) - ^
- 00:22:686 (1) - ^
- 00:23:531 (2) - ^
- 00:26:277 (4) - add finish already have finish
- 00:27:756 (2) - add clap
- 00:28:601 (3) - ^
- 00:29:446 (4) - ^
- 00:30:292 (1) - ^
- 00:32:827 (1) - ^
- 00:33:672 (2) - ^
- 00:37:897 (1) - ^
- 00:38:742 (2) - ^
- 00:39:799 (3) - add finish already have finish
- 00:42:122 (2) - add clap
- 00:43:813 (2) - ^
- 00:45:503 (2) - ^
- 00:46:348 (1) - ^
- 00:47:193 (2) - ^
- 00:51:841 (3) - add finish I cant listen a good sound here that support finish
- 00:58:179 (2) - add clap
- 00:59:024 (3) - ^
- 01:01:559 (2) - ^
- 01:02:404 (3) - ^
- 01:02:827 (1) - add finish, it would make the map more living
living wuut?
- 01:03:461 (1) - ^
- 01:04:517 (2) - ^
- 01:05:151 (2) - ^
- 01:08:320 (5) - add clap
- 01:09:165 (5) - ^
- 01:10:221 (1) - add finish
- 01:11:277 (2) - ^
- 01:11:911 (2) - ^
- 01:13:390 (1) - add clap
- 01:14:235 (2) - ^
- 01:14:658 (3) - add finish
- 01:15:292 (3) - ^
- 01:16:770 (1) - add clap
- 01:17:615 (2) - ^
- 01:18:461 (3) - ^
- 01:19:306 (4) - ^
- 01:19:728 (1) - add finish
- 01:20:362 (1) - ^
- 01:20:996 (1) - add clap
- 01:21:841 (2) - ^
- 01:23:108 (1) - Lower the volume just like in [Hard] and [Insane] [Hard] n [Insane] are not mine <;
Thanks mod 0.0~Matoryoshika wrote:
SPOILERhello, M4M from Athena Tennos's queue o.0 Modding Queues » >_<moemoemoemoe~[1st-3rd pending beat♪~ & M4M~♪~]~
- it is strongly recommended that you combine the hitsounds with the song, besides it would make the beatmap feel more living IMO oh.. I think those sound more enough. (This song is feel comfortably.)
- 00:00:714 (2) - add clap This part I don't want to use clap
- 00:01:559 (4) - ^
- 00:03:249 (3) - ^
- 00:04:094 (2) - ^
- 00:04:939 (4) - ^
- 00:05:784 (2) - ^
- 00:06:630 (4) - ^
- 00:07:475 (2) - ^
- 00:08:320 (4) - ^
- 00:09:165 (2) - ^
- 00:10:010 (4) - ^
- 00:10:855 (2) - ^
- 00:12:545 (2) - ^
- 00:14:235 (1) - ^
- 00:15:925 (6) - ^
- 00:17:615 (6) - ^
- 01:09:376 (5) - move it up a little for good-looking streams owo OK fixed
[Insane]good luck with this song
- since you use smaller circle size then I suggest HPDrain -1 reserve
- 00:01:559 (7) - add clap Same with Hard
- 00:03:249 (6) - ^
- 00:04:939 (7) - ^
- 00:06:630 (5) - ^
- 00:08:320 (5) - ^
- 00:10:010 (6) - ^
- 01:03:461 (7) - add finish nope
- 01:04:517 (5) - ^ fixed
- 01:05:151 (7) - ^ nope
- 01:10:221 (2) - ^ ^
Thank you for mod!!~alacat wrote:
Hi :3
from my queue.
●00:19:728 - remove whistle.i dont think this whistle sounds that good fixed
●00:32:827 (2) - like this ? http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/359219 it'll look better imo fixed
●00:40:432 (5) - move to y:128 fixed
●00:47:615 (4) - replace with a slider to 00:47:615 (1) - fixed
●00:48:672 (3) - like this? http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/359231 same reason as previous one This part I want small jump ~
●00:59:235 (1) - too hard jump o.o fixed
●01:09:587 (7,1) - switch these newcombos? although i think the current one looks better. fixed
●01:16:348 - add finish fixed,well..same confuse with Insane
●01:16:348 (1) - add whistle on the slider's head ? fixed~ This is confuse me ..I delete finish before,but I add again now. If someone feel should delete it I will remove.
nice diff ! Thx
Sry that I can't find any suggestion. That's ok ><
good luck :3
296,268,6630,1,200:12:545 (2) - Same above. Instead to use new slider just flip vertically this one for symmetry: 00:12:122 (1)
Thank you mod again >w<Chewin wrote:
Hi jesse, from my queue ;3
00:05:996 (3) - Instead to use this slider just flip horizontally this one: 00:05:362 (1) for symmetry fixed
00:06:630 (5,6,7,8,1) - Why don't you center it and make this stream symmetric? http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/360201 fixed,but note 8 ,1 I move 1 gird right...0.61x is not better ><296,268,6630,1,200:12:545 (2) - Same above. Instead to use new slider just flip vertically this one for symmetry: 00:12:122 (1) ?? is the same
00:55:432 (1,2,3) - Mh, I wouldn't use claps here since the vocal's volume is increasing and so it sounds too loud. It's better if you start to use clap hitsounds from here 00:56:066 (4) fixed,change to whistle
Okay that's all, just insane as we decided in my queue ;3
Good luck!
Thanks for sounds mod~KersiTyan wrote:
Hi~ from my queue
Hitsound mod from me as always ~ sorry That's ok 0.0
00:11:277 - remove whistle fixed
00:11:911 (6) - ^ ^
00:21:630 (6) - ^ ^
00:23:108 - ^ nope ~
00:33:566 (4,9) - ^ fixed
00:36:630 - ^ nope ~
01:18:038 - maybe finish? ^
01:19:728 - ^ ^
01:02:615 - maybe finish? nope ~
01:04:306 - ^ ^
Good luck~
Thank you for mod !!meiikyuu wrote:
00:36:418 (6) - make slider a neater blanket around 4? o.o like this: http://puu.sh/FC90 fixed
00:29:658 - add a note to fit rhythm reserve
00:02:510 - add a note here to make a triplet? (so that it matches with parts like at 00:00:925 (3,4,5) - ) nope (white line make triplet is not better,if make triplet 00:02:721 - this place is better)
00:49:306 (1) - new combo? starts new line of vocal..i think.. I think this part is not NC.. reserve ~~
01:18:038 (6) - add whistle at beginning of slider fixed
01:19:728 (3) - ^ ^
that's all i guess, nice song ^^ good luck
Thanks ykcarrot for modykcarrot wrote:
- I wonder why you didn't capitalize 'i' on the source. OK,I change~
http://akbstrip.jp/1st/information.html- Add tag "ACQUIRE" Add~
00:27:334 (5) - NC fixed
00:27:968 (1) - Remove NC fixed
00:28:813 (4) - NC here or next note fixed
01:15:292 (3,4) - Switch position? Flow would be better imo. fixed
01:20:256 (1) - Start from 01:20:362 to fit lyrics. fixed
Good luck
Thank you for mod~- t e n n y a - wrote:
hello from n y a -'s queue
Black means suggestion
the bg seems LQ, consider to change it?
i suggest to use muted slider slide I have already add the mute sliderslide...I full submission again~
nothing o.o
- 00:02:510 : add circle? fixed
- 00:23:320 : move the 2nd point to x56 y96 ? not big problem..
thats all I can find, rank good luck
@Shameimaru- Thank star!!
@jesse, kds the mod post when it is helpful <_<Nagisawa wrote:
00:08:742 (2,2) - maybe symmetry what?
00:14:658 (1,3) - ^ what?
00:34:094 (1) - remove whistle the whistle on next slider become unconcistant, also I like this whistle 3:
00:52:686 (1) - end spinner here 00:55:221 - no, where your suggest is supporting to?
00:56:066 (1) - no whistle, finish finish sounds awful for me
Thanks h-728's mod and star >w<h-728 wrote:
Thank you for request
- fix the source of Insane(AKiBA'S TRiP → AKIBA'S TRIP) fixed
add "ACQ UIRE" to the tags. fixed[Insane]
- 00:23:953 (1,2) - why the rhythm become so simple though you put sliders at 00:20:573 (1,2)? I feel here lonely.fixed. same rhythm with 00:20:573 (1,2)
00:47:404 (3) - a bit close to previous slider. 1 grid left. fixed. but is move previous slider.
01:02:193 (1,2) - the flow of cursor is suddenly curved, and I feel it not so good. how about put (2) on an extension line of (1) ? nope~
01:03:883 (1,2) - according to previous section and melody, this jump is a little unnatural. how about to do Ctrl+R to (1) ? fixed
01:06:418 (2,3) - this angle may be difficult, because the direction of the large jump and the slider are different. fixed. remap this section.
01:07:263 (4,5) - ^ ^
01:18:038 (1) - how about rotate like this? I think it will get better flow. nope~01:20:468 (1) - I think it's cool if you cut this slider at 01:22:897 and add finish at volume of 40%. fixedthat's all. sorry for delay It's OK ><
- 00:26:489 (1) - remove NC to be symmetric with 00:12:968 (3). fixed
00:30:714 (1,2) - according to the previous flow, this short slider is unnatural for me. how about this rhythm like this? fixed00:59:446 (1,3) - remove grid snap and stack them perfectly. fixed
01:16:348 (1) - I think this straight slider doesn't match with the flow, how about change like this one? fixed01:20:362 (1) - same as Hard's last spinner. fixed
many mods are already here, and there are nothing left for me to say. good luck
h-728 wrote:
[Normal]sliders you made look pretty nice. but newbie players may feel difficult to follow them that were curved in a right angle like 00:07:052 (1). nah
- 00:05:362 (3,4) - this step between sliders may not be kind for newbie players. how not? its spaced correctly
00:12:545 (1) - how about start spinner at 00:12:334 or remove 00:12:122 (3) and start at 00:12:122 ? this spinner seems too short for the lowest diff. you said something about newbie players upthere, I think the space between last note and spinner should be this way
00:27:756 (2,3) - same as 00:05:362 same
01:18:883 (4,1) - ^
01:22:263 (3) - I think the song is end at 01:22:897. how about cut this slider at that time? someone suggested to make it longer, and Im according to it
All fix ~ thanks your mod
ikari_kyon wrote:
wow!! your reply so fast ><
>> changes on normal here <<Byakugan249 wrote:
italic is annoying =w=
00:00:292 (1) - that whistle isn't loud enough to emphasize the instrumental. replace it for a finish instead. it'll give off a nice introduction to the song as it matches the instrumental nicely.[/i] beginn of instrumental is so loud that even finish gets covered by it, anyways added ;x
00:10:432 (1) - ]hmm consider making this a curved slider to blanket the m-shaped slider. yes it disappears, but i feel that by doing this, it'll be consistent with the blankets in this part since almost every note here is blanketed.[/i] will consider if its pointed again~ you said it, the m-shaped has disappeared till here
00:12:545 (1) - you forgot a finish on this spinner. add it to match the cymbals in this part of the song. though I dont like it at all added =v=
00:20:573 (3,4) - i can see why this isn't a NC because of the pattern, but make (3) a NC because the lyrics there. do this pattern instead as it follows the vocals accurate and it flows to the song during gameplay IMO.[/i] no new combo due placement
00:42:122 (2) - replace the whistle for a clap. it'll match the "clap" in the background music.[/i] sorry, dont want to use claps ><
00:43:813 (2) - ^[/i]
00:45:503 (2) - ^
00:46:770 (2) - same as above, but at the end.[/i]
00:51:841 (3) - make this slider look like (2). the lyrics do change, but since the melody in the vocals is the same, i think this combo would make sense as it emphasizes the feeling in the vocals during gameplay.[/i] not so according with explain but changed since it just looks better
01:02:827 (1) - replace the whistle for a finish. i feel that it'll represent a new pattern since the lyrics change to the point that a new verse in the lyrics change.[/i] k
01:04:517 (2) - make this slider look like (1). i see the blanket to (3), but since the vocal tone is the same although the lyrics change, it gives off that flowy feeling to the map since the vocal tone is the same. not to mention it should make the blanket nicer during gameplay IMO.[/i] o: dunno
01:16:348 (1) - ]same as 01:02:827, but if you don't add a finish, add a whistle for consistency with 01:02:827.[/i] vocal is not so high on this part~
00:11:489 (2,3,1,2,1,2,3) - i feel that this should be kkkkddd. the k's follow the snare drums in the song.[/i] yes, Im following the drums, but they are not on the same scale, also 4 katsu and 3 dons then is not so soft to hit, this pattern feels better on the drum variation and is more soft to hit
00:27:122 (1,2) - make this dd instead of kk. if you're following that sound in the instrumental, it gradually decreases in this. the k's follow the crescendo in this and the d's follow the decrescendo in the instrumental part of the song.[/i] I know about decreasing and increasing sounds for notes, that is basically my style /o/ but I feel that on this pointed part that effect is having a lower increase and that is why I used them here
Thanks for your mod >w<Byakugan249 wrote:
Alright let's get started...mod requested on my queue.
Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.
00:09:799 (4,5) - i feel that a repeat slider fits here since the instrumental pauses for a half beat and it's connected in this part since there's a 1/2 hold in the instrumental. ok! use slider with the instrumental is better~
00:12:968 (3) - maybe you can make this a NC because the vocals start here? (1,2) is following the instrumental while (3-6) follows the vocals. I think 00:25:432 - is the same
00:18:461 (3) - i think it'd be easier and the flow would be somewhat smoother if you can stack this note on (4). the transition plays oddly during gameplay for me. fixed
00:48:672 (3) - i see the jump, but the transition plays to the point that i felt uncomfortable during gameplay. do Ctrl+R for this. it'll be easier as the transition is smoother and the jump from (3,4) would be easier for players to clear during gameplay. fixed
00:50:996 (3) - maybe you can replace the whistle for a finish to emphasize the vocals in this part of the song? ok already added.
00:57:968 (1,2,3,4,5) - re-arrange these notes to a diamond like this. i think doing this would be somewhat easier as the notes are fully visible for players and nothing is being covering the hitbursts in this combo for this diamond. fixed,this mapset should be easy to read map.
01:05:573 (6) - instead of stacking this on (4), align it instead. same reason as above. ^
01:19:306 (5) - same as above, but align this to (3). I think this part is not more hard for this difficult.
00:05:362 (1,3) - i feel that these sliders can look a lot nicer if it's symmetrical. it'll also flow a lot smoother during gameplay IMO. ok.try re-map sliders. should be better ._.
00:11:277 (3) - you're missing a whistle at the beginning of this slider. add it to keep the consistency in the whistles going. fixed
00:12:968 (3) - same as hard. same with hard too~
00:15:503 (1,2) - same as 00:05:362. fixed
00:52:686 (1) - move this spinner back 1/4. it'll follow up the long hold in the vocals. ok!
01:06:207 (1) - replace the clap for a finish for a new pattern in the vocals since the lyrics change. if you don't add the finish, add the whistle. the clap doesn't fit with this part at all during gameplay. already changed
01:18:038 (6) - make this a NC. it should be consistent with the hard diff in the combos. fixed
01:18:883 (1) - remove the NC if you follow the suggestion above. same reason as above. ^
01:19:728 (3) - same as 01:18:038. ^
I guess that's it. GL
Normal 是 GD 要英文MOD忘了說..Snowy Dream wrote:
Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
[Inconsistency in Kiai Times: Keep the kiai time the same]
- [Hard] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:56:066, ends on 01:22:897
- [Insane] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:56:066, ends on 01:22:897
- [Normal] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:56:066, ends on 01:23:108
- [Taiko] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:56:066, ends on 01:23:108
Normal fix~ Taiko 01:23:108 have a note
00:37:263 (1) - 跳错了 不应该这里跳 这里按照原距离摆 然后这个做一个跳00:37:475 (2) fixed~
01:20:468 (1) - remove finish 最後面還有1/2拍的餘音 這用finish感覺剛剛好 :>
00:02:510 (4) - delete 一直覺得這個circle很斟酌 好吧砍了 QAQ
01:20:362 (1) - remove finish 同Hard
这真的是你第二张图么=-= 其實有坑了3-4張啦..
太不科学了 怎么这么神..
Wonderful Mapset
thanks for mod~BeatofIke wrote:
Mod Request. Here's what I've found:
-> I recommend an Easy Difficulty, due to difficulty spread! I think Normal is easy enough in whole difficultiesI will Consider to make the Easy difficulty ..thanks
00:03:249 (3,1) - This felt weird to me. I don't know the reason that it felt weird ><
-> Good Enough!
Thank you Rika !Kawayi Rika wrote:
OK ~ Good job ~
Good luck with rank ~
jesse, if you want to change it on Normal, change on Hard too please. Because making a tick rate all the same in all diffs is better.Saturos-fangirl wrote:
I suggest a tick rate of 2 given the number of 1.5 beat sliders you are using.
Thank SFG for the mod!Saturos-fangirl wrote:
I suggest a tick rate of 2 given the number of 1.5 beat sliders you are using. Fixed
00:10:432 (1) - I think this would flow better if you didn't place jumps between combos in this section I think the jump is follow front part.
00:37:475 (1) - ^ The jump is follow the vocal and music.
01:18:672 (2,3,4,5) - the constant back and forth here feels awkward, see if you can find a better home for some of these notes OK,I change those place. And let those not back and forth too many.
00:01:982 (1) - again, I think the flow would be better here if you didn't jump, since the music here is so smooth Same with Hard
Thank you Suzully!!Suzully wrote:
Speaking of a taiko BG, it has a blank under the playing field.
Can you fix it? I think this is ok. Because the Taiko mapper also use the same BG with blank in his ranked map 0.0
- 00:31:348 (3,4) - To follow the vocal here is not that good idea, since you're following a simple 1/4-beat basically.OK. I make the slider end to 00:31:559 -
- 00:52:580 (1) - IMO it's better to start the spinner from 00:52:686, to follow the vocal, as well as other diffs. Right. Fix it the same with other diffs.
jesse, if you want to change it on Normal, change on Hard too please. Because making a tick rate all the same in all diffs is better. Already fix Normal and HardSaturos-fangirl wrote:
I suggest a tick rate of 2 given the number of 1.5 beat sliders you are using.
Make change about both SFG's and mine, then call me back.
Thank Garven for the modGarven wrote:
Since there might be tick rate changes going on, I may as well throw in my two cents as well:
New combo progression feels kind of random. Try to set it every 2 tall white ticks, so a new combo should be at 00:17:615 (4) - instead of 00:18:038 (1) - , a new combo at 00:20:573 (3) - , remove at 00:22:263 (1) - etc. Follow that pattern please. Yeah..I see the NC problem and all fixed.
A lot of the sliders felt poorly constructed as well. :o
Take 01:22:263 (3) - as an example. Making blankets with your curves will lead to a much better looking pattern, like this:
This fixed
See what you can find in here that you can improve to make a more satisfying visual experience! Hmmm...I try to find and fix a little part ~"~
00:03:883 (2) - 1 grid down to line up with 1 Fixed
00:11:911 (5,1) - Surprised there wasn't a jump here jump!!
Saturos-fangirl wrote:
Naming this Taiko Oni might be a bit more informative to playersk~change the name with Oni
00:07:897 (5) - see how you like a k here? fixed
00:32:827 (4) - ^ fixed. this hit with vocal will nice
00:57:756 (2) - kat to match the high pitch in the vocals I think fix those could not harmony in kiai
01:03:038 (1) - ^
01:04:728 (2) - ^
01:11:277 (2) - ^
hmmm...I try to fix Taiko with your Taiko mod.Garven wrote:
00:54:799 (4,5,6,1) - Delete for a much better effect going into the chorus ok! All delete.
01:14:658 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1) - You know, I came across these rhythms earlier, and seeing them here as well... they don't really fit the phrasing of the song that well. For a descending progression like this, maybe a suspended rhythm such as this will work better:
D kd d D kd d agree,and nice rhythm ~
Actually, that's another thing: there were very few finishes used in this map. Maybe see if you can use some to emphasize more phrases better? I find a few part add finish to follow the music!
01:22:792 (1,3,1) - Delete fixed,and I think 01:22:792 - add a note is good in the end.