
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey Oh)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2010 at 17:30:29

Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Title: Snow (Hey Oh)
BPM: 103,79
Filesize: 2847kb
Play Time: 02:22
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (0,61 stars, 88 notes)
  2. Hard (4,43 stars, 242 notes)
  3. Normal (3,47 stars, 215 notes)
  4. soyah's Insane (4,63 stars, 289 notes)
Download: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey Oh)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
:D add a minha diff ai :D

nice song (;
There are still the a BPM fixes, ask a pro about that.
If you keep like you did on the beggining, the map may get nice.
For now a star for incentivation :]
[deleted user]
Esse mapa eh legalzinho mais ainda tem alguams coisas pra ajeitar
[deleted user]
:arrow: Caraca adoro Red Hot como falam aki no Brasil esse mapa eh mara

Damn I love Red Hot.How we say here in brazil, this is mara!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
you asked in #Mod if someoen could mod your map..

i would be happy to mod it, but you haven't done the changes vytalibus asked you to do
(like changed the BPM and Offset)

i tested the BPM he mentioned and it seems to work (also the offset)

after you change the BPM and offset go to the top tab and click on Timing - Resnap all notes - yes

then also go on on the top tab (after u have done the above) View - Grid Level - 3, this will help you move the notes around and place them more prcisely.

Pm me after you have changed the BPM vytalibus mentioned and i will re look at it (mod it)

Will Star! later :)

For now.. gl :)
Congrats once more...

It's a great map and a great song (RHCP RULEZ)

Keep up the work!!! :?
Muito Bom ;D
So long I've checked EASY difficulty, there are some mistakes:

1. (the most important) - BMP is not set properly! The ticks move in time over whole song, it's just matter of few BMPs more/less, don't know exactly, but it's not right. However, over most time of song BPM is right or almost right, it doesn't make that much difference, but...
2. In last part of song, since 4:09:326 (beginning on the black combo next to short break), there are 2 or 3 beats timed properly - all other are wrong.
3. Spinners are somewhat annoying. I'd rather try to avoid placing two spinners one after another or separated by only one combo, like in 0:37:230-0:52:807 or 2:50:077-3:08:102, but it's only my own feeling, don't know if it's generally bad.
4. Also, concerning spinners, the last two (beginning in 5:15:435 and 5:26:036) are bit too long. And the last one is annoying since the song is almost finished there, so it looks like just spinning for no reason.
5. IMO there are some beats that aren't spaced accordingly to their timing. I won't list them here since AIMod shows many spacing errors (try using Ctrl+Shift+A in editor). Also I believe someone has already told this :)

Anyway, good job, keep improving ;)
Awesome map, Dood \ob
Check it and move to Pending if it's complete.
Good song and beatmap, though the timing could be fixed and it would be better ^^
[deleted user]
vacano :lol: :lol:
Bota o offset e a BPM certos.

00:57:421 (4,5,1) - alinha essas beats aqui.
01:54:233 (6) - Seleciona essa beat e aperta new combo.
04:37:775 (5,6) - não é uma boa você fazer isso de voltar :/

Eu não achei mais nada depois, tirando o timing.

Ganha uma star :D
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
[deleted user]
Great Song I Like Red Hot
[deleted user]
NOSSA CARA e uadorei o beatmap eu adoro red hot chili pepers ^^


00:37:223 (1) - remove clap and add finish
00:58:034 (9) - new combo
00:58:323 (1) - remove new combo
02:13:074 (9) - this clap sounds weird here
02:20:592 (5) - remove whistle
02:40:061 (6) - remove whistle and finish
02:45:482 (10) - finish
02:57:540 (x) - hmm? empty spot? put a break or map this part
05:07:542 (1) - extend to 05:31:973


hmmm. till here. map is 5minutes long and i won't be able to mod it thoroughly atm.
BY AL2e10 mod mod ~

00:48:929 (1) - I think you should START to 00:49:073
01:02:514 (7) - To AFTER... the timing should have many problem.
PLease put your notes on White.
I'm not mod after, because it not good enought.

First, I should talling you, that is not Normal.
Becuase you put it like a Hard. But you are not make it fun.
Please make it again.

But I have a happy new for you.
That is , your sound is really good. That is what I love is .

Work Hard again~
00:41:269 (x) - add a note
01:14:220 (1,3,5) - remove clap
01:18:845 (1) - ^
01:31:563 (3) - add clap on the end of slider
01:35:979 (7) - remove clap
01:32:720 (1,2,3,4) - remove finish
01:32:720 (1,3) - add clap
01:35:683 (6,7) - remove clap
01:36:276 (8) - add clap on the start of slider
02:03:224 (3) - remove clap
02:33:499 (5,6,7) - put the same spacing with 02:33:214 (4,5)
02:50:046 (1) - remove clap
02:57:540 (1) - remove break
04:11:484 (8) - new combo
04:20:932 (1,2) - Crazy spacing.set the same spacing with 04:22:882 (4,5)
04:27:319 (5,6) - double spacing with 04:27:043 (4,5)
04:34:209 (x) - add a note
04:49:356 (7,8) - double spacing with 04:49:083 (6,7)
05:06:438 (8,9,10) - move 1 grid to the down~nazi~(level 3)
05:07:542 (1) - too long.shorten it.

Decrease circle size?
00:40:113 (1) - make it end on 00:43:581 and remove the break
00:48:929 (1) - make it start on 00:49:073
unresnapped from 01:02:514 to the end.

lag agian...
hihi :3

Volume 60%~70%
So many random claps redo them as gdeath said.
Notes are not snap, please do this.
Map needs a preview point.

00:40:113 (1) - end at 00:43:581 will be better.
00:48:929 (1) - start at 00:48:784
resnap from 01:02:514

good luck
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Thank :D
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Thanks for all :D
I only see normal difficulty?

Weird... checking other mod posts i can clearly see that a Hard used to exist at least.. Anyways, you do realize that if you want this map ranked you will need at least 2 difficulties? Also, the lenght of this map is kinda borderline, if not unrankable.
Another thing is your stack leniency, the current one its also unrankable as far as i know
189d9_snow.jpg doesnt exists, full upload your map. Or delete your .osb file.


Use grid level 3. There are some spots where distance snaping might tell you its okay, but actually the difference is very notable. Example:
00:24:505 (3,4,5). This is just ONE example, there are others too.
00:50:518 - I really expected another spinner here
01:19:712 (4) - Im sure this small jump is not on purpose... is it? If not, please, distance snap it accodingly, if yes, please distance snap it accordingly too, Its non sense, besides looking ugly. The same for others that are similar too, so i wont mention them
04:05:938 (4) - Distance snap please.
04:13:980 (9,1,2,3) - Has no rymth. If it were me, i would delete 1, 2 and 3 and add at: 04:13:980 , 04:14:811 , 04:15:366 , 04:15:921
04:20:932 (1) - This kind of slider may cause problems with its lenght if you were to change anything related to timing in the future. I would extend the ending dot at where it should be.
04:28:697 - Add circle here and 04:29:248, and then delete 04:28:972 (10) -
05:07:542 (1) - ~25 SECONDS SPINNER? NO THANK YOU.
Card N'FoRcE
Yep, if you're going for ranked you'll need another difficulty.

Anyway, you need one more timing section:
BPM: 103,789 Offset: 55690

Also You have to fix other sections:
From 92720 to 92690 BPM: 101,05
From 106900 to 106900 BPM: 106,72
From 133919 to 133900 BPM: 107,798
From 152073 to 152063 BPM: 105,153
From 202956 to 202966 BPM: 107,067
From 229855 to 229845 BPM: 108,18
From 256475 to 256466 BPM: 107,68
From 265390 to 265385 BPM: 108,854
From 274209 to 274206 BPM: 109,31
From 291813 to 291825 BPM: 108,71

About the map itself:
04:20:932 (1,2) - cruel and unexpected.
Longspinner at the end is long xD
Also, this seems a Hard difficulty.

Anyway, not bad, really.
Make another difficulty and try to go for rank, it micht be a good experience for improving your modding skills ^^
add another difficulty?

increase the circle size by 1?
00:34:332 (1) - shape this a bit better?
00:45:605 (1,2,3) - spread these out, maybe like this?
00:49:073 (1,2,3,4,5) - try something like this?
01:19:712 (4) - needs to be closer to the (3)?
02:50:046 (1) - start at 02:50:332
02:55:522 (1) - start at 02:55:810 ?
03:04:749 (1) - start at 03:05:037 ?
02:58:694 (x) - try something like this?
04:13:425 (8,9,1,2,3,4) - spread these out a bit?
04:16:475 (5) - new combo?
04:23:997 (8) - ^
04:27:594 (6) - ^
04:29:799 (11) - ^ (will be (6) if you do ^)
04:37:502 (8) - ^
04:41:619 (7) - ^
04:44:383 (7) - ^
04:48:537 (4) - ^
04:49:902 (9) - ^ (will be (6) if you do ^)
04:53:192 (8) - ^
04:56:228 (5) - ^
05:00:643 (4) - ^
05:04:506 (4) - ^
05:07:542 (1) - end this at 05:09:473 rather than amking so long?

needs a bit of touching up, but not bad
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roflninja wrote:

add another difficulty?

increase the circle size by 1?
00:34:332 (1) - shape this a bit better?
00:45:605 (1,2,3) - spread these out, maybe like this?
00:49:073 (1,2,3,4,5) - try something like this?
01:19:712 (4) - needs to be closer to the (3)?
02:50:046 (1) - start at 02:50:332
02:55:522 (1) - start at 02:55:810 ?
03:04:749 (1) - start at 03:05:037 ?
02:58:694 (x) - try something like this?
04:13:425 (8,9,1,2,3,4) - spread these out a bit?
04:16:475 (5) - new combo?
04:23:997 (8) - ^
04:27:594 (6) - ^
04:29:799 (11) - ^ (will be (6) if you do ^)
04:37:502 (8) - ^
04:41:619 (7) - ^
04:44:383 (7) - ^
04:48:537 (4) - ^
04:49:902 (9) - ^ (will be (6) if you do ^)
04:53:192 (8) - ^
04:56:228 (5) - ^
05:00:643 (4) - ^
05:04:506 (4) - ^
05:07:542 (1) - end this at 05:09:473 rather than amking so long?

needs a bit of touching up, but not bad
THank you very much :D
Hi! :)


Nice song ;)


Decrease circle size by 1, i see circles too small for normal o.o


Is it the same that normal but changing the place of the notes? :S

Decrease circle size by 1 :)

Not more to say, i see it well ;)
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choche wrote:

Hi! :)


Decrease circle size by 1, i see circles too small for normal o.o

Not more to say, i see it well ;)

Ok Thanks

Done ~* ;)
AdRon Zh3Ro
Bem, parece legal mas o BPM ainda parece errado...

Tente achar alguem que seja melhor nisso (eu sou péssimo en timing "T.T).
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adron zhero wrote:

Bem, parece legal mas o BPM ainda parece errado...

Tente achar alguem que seja melhor nisso (eu sou péssimo en timing "T.T).

Obrigado vou pesquisar
Vou dar uma star so pra ajudar, não so fã da banda...
Achei nesse site: ... %20Peppers
Parece ter bastante informação...

:D ae, fico legalzim mas tem q ajeita
Ahn mais uma dica:
Aperta Ctrl+Shift+A, e vai dar um AIMod, que fala os problemas do mapa... Ele é ainda em testes, ta prestes a mudar, mas ja ajuda
Cyril Scarlet
fight ~ XD
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Thanks for all :D
Modding legend:

Major issues in the map: it is highly recommended to fix them.
Minor issue in the map: you don't have to follow them exactly, but I recommend you to.
Suggestions: those are personal opinions, feel free to follow them or not.
Possible fix suggestion.
If there's one black bold line in the whole mod post, I won't star the map. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DOESN'T MEAN I WILL STAR THE MAP IF THERE IS NO BLACK BOLD LINE. Learn to mathematical implication.

00:09:474 - add a timing section here, that's your actual offset. YOU WILL NEED TO RESNAP YOUR NOTES MANUALLY ONE BY ONE.

*sees Hard*
*deletes mod post*

Dude... the Hard diff is just the Normal flipped horizontally with higher difficulty settings...
Delete that Hard, rename Normal to Hard, and map a NEW Normal diff (and a Easy diff if necessary).
Ok, I'll just point general things things over here to make your map flow much better than it actually does.

-Easy, Normal and Hard, they all have sliderspeed 1.4! Go check the alredy ranked maps and look at their sliderspeed. Easy usually has a lower sliderspeed than all the other diffs, and it increases as you make the diff harder. My suggestion: Keep easy at 1.4, make normal use something like 1.5 or 1.6 (you'll have to check your sliders after you do this), and if you do are planning to remap Hard as Odaril sugested (wich I strongly recomend too), use slider speed around 2.0 or maybe even higher

-Hitsounds: Use this pattern, no exceptions if you want to keep it safe.

This means: clap on the 2nd and 4th beat. You must also add finishes at the start/and of a chorus or a verse (to give emphasis to the change) and you may want to add whistles everynow and then whenever they fit, but make your claps as I stated above and you'll be ok.

-Grid snap: Try to use it at lvl 3.

-Stack your notes. To stack a slider/circle, just create the slider/circle directly under the place you want for it to stack.
Try to avoid this:
And do this:

Ok, try to avoid using notes on the red ticks. Beginners won't hit them as much as you'd expect.
Also, why does this end at 01:58:720 ?? It's a really akward place to end the map.
00:40:113 (1) - This slidershape is really confusing to newbies imo.
01:11:523 (1) - What? This note is not snapped either to a red tick nor to a white tick.

I warn you, this is too long and won't get ranked, just approved. If you want this ranked, end this earlier (on a place that makes sense) and then cut the mp3.
00:50:518 - Why did you place a break here? be consistent, if you added spinners before, add one here.
01:19:712 (1) - spacing
04:14:534 (1,2,3,4) - Patterns like this don't make any sense
04:57:607 (6) - avoid hiding your sliders under combobursts

I won't mod Hard, as it is a "Hard rock" version of normal.
Also, I won't star this, even though I LOVE the song and the band, because it needs a lot of work.
nice song,star~
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Oh Thanks
add 8.925 timing section to it and it's perfect :)
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