The Project Loved Team are members of the osu! community who manage Project Loved, the voting platform that promotes beatmaps to the Loved category. They are distinguished by their candy pink user group badge that reads LVD
The Project Loved Team mainly consists of captains for each game mode. Captains are responsible for nominating beatmaps to the Loved category and act as representatives for the community in having a good sense of which maps to choose. They also write short descriptions about the nominated maps to help readers get a feel for each map in case they have not seen or played them before, which can be seen in Project Loved news posts.
Other important positions in the Project Loved Team are:
The Project Loved group page lists all of the team members. A more detailed member listing for all of the various roles within the Project Loved team, as well as previous members, can be found on the Project Loved website.
Most new team members are selected through an application process held for specific roles in the Project Loved Team to fill empty positions or to assist with workload. Application forms are announced in Project Loved news posts, and successful applicants are announced to the public in the subsequent month's post.
Some team additions may be added manually on a case-by-case basis in order to fill in positions that require certain skills or permissions. (e.g. the content moderator position, which is exclusive to Global Moderation Team and Nomination Assessment Team members)
The criteria for joining the team vastly differs from role to role, but proficiency and community presence is always sought after.
Project Loved Team members are given a tenure profile badge that displays the number of years they have been helping run Project Loved.