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Resurrection Cup 2024

Resurrection Cup 2024

Resurrection Cup 2024 was a 4v4, double-elimination osu! tournament hosted by Phreel and Hoaq. It was the third instalment in the Resurrection Cup series. Resurrection Cup 2024 also introduced the Resurrection Cup mascot, Serenity.

Tournament schedule

Event Timestamp
Registration phase 2024-05-11/2024-06-01
Screening phase 2024-06-01/2024-06-08
Qualifiers showcase 2024-06-09
Qualifiers 2024-06-14/2024-06-16
Round of 32 2024-06-21/2024-06-23
Round of 16 2024-06-28/2024-06-30
Quarterfinals 2024-07-05/2024-07-07
Semifinals 2024-07-12/2024-07-14
Finals 2024-07-19/2024-07-21
Grand Finals 2024-07-26/2024-07-28


Placing Prize(s)
Gold crown Unique profile badge, 70% of the prize pool, exclusive profile banner
Silver crown 20% of the prize pool, exclusive profile banner
Bronze crown 10% of the prize pool, exclusive profile banner
"4th place" Exclusive profile banner

Resurrection Cup 2024 winner badge


Position Member(s)
Host Phreel, Hoaq
Lead GFX Len_licht
Serenity design team Len_licht, Mimiliaa, RedcXca, Yumeyo
Serenity's voice Ethereal_Winter
Main theme design OsuMe65
Animation design Len_licht, Polytetral, Rose Quartz, Secondoverthree
Storyboarders Himada, Ningguang
Illustrators _Xyris_, [Zeth], Iyouka, MM, Mimiliaa, Polytetral, Raytoly, RedcXca, sh0wtime, TheFunk, Urition, Yumeyo
Developers [Boy]DaLat, Ningguang
Mappool quality assurance -Haruki, Alvearia, darkos, Luminous Sky, Mimiliaa, Phreel, Yumerios
Custom song quality assurance _Xyris_, Krimek
Mappers -Eresh, -jordan-, [Boy]DaLat, 9ami, AirinCat, Alvearia, Amamya Kokoro, Anxient, Arushii09, Astrolis, bad boy, bIG data, Blacky Design, Castiello, Cocoyu, Creepattack, Daycore, Ducky-, espii, Esutarosa, Flame Haze, FrenZ, Garden, GranDSenpai, h1dron, Himada, Hollow Wings, IntegerTempest, Judge1st, Karliah, KnightC0re, knowledgeking, kowari, Krimek, Kurashina Asuka, Lako, LeCandy, lewski, lit120, Local Hero, Log Off Now, maot, Mattay, melon boy, Mimiliaa, Nao Tomori, Night Mare, Nozhomi, nyarvis, Nytrocide_, Okoratu, OKSY, Orkay, oTwinkle, Pho, quantumvortex, Reiji Maigo, rollpan, Rtyzen, Ryuusei Aika, Sakurauchi Riko, Sayuka, Seamob, Shiirn, Shurelia, Soraka, TNTlealu, Tycani, Typ4, Urition, Vermasium, xidorn, xLolicore-, yaspo, Yumerios
Playtesters chiv, glass2wave7, MimiliaaMyMommy, niqht, plee2, Rose Quartz, rundyyy
Referees [GB]Rush_FTK, affirmedcheese, Aidown, AnjoK, Bastaku, Discord, Dragoncurve, Mimiliaa, Phreel, Poity, raven_waffles, real cute, rock-on, ShiruoX, ThatAvocado_Boi
Streamers [GB]Rush_FTK, affirmedcheese, Bastaku, D I O, ilw8, Kahli, Knightcakes, Phreel, SIay, SSScotty, ThatAvocado_Boi
Commentators - Juno -, BlankTap, cavoeboy, Crystal Enjoyer, D I O, ExiaXD, gwk, I-Flame, Luminous Sky, Phreel, SadShiba, Subaru_Arima, thogg, Tycani, verto, Vordi


Seed Team Members
1 kotomiler ninerik, maliszewski, gnahus, tomasz chic, Mathi, Intercambing, criller, worst hr player
2 fresh off the boat hydrogen bomb, Xxx_C4L3B_xxX, decaten, tekkito, WindowLife, FlyingTuna, Kamensh1k, mcy4
3 NRG FiNESSE enri, ASecretBox, RyuK, TTv_UFO, lolol235, Dwagon, oPixay, EthantrixV2
4 Bobik Skrowell, Welter, RafGPio, Markrum, GATmoneyTJ1994, JackPaX, A N T O N I O, Lexu2S
5 Financial Advisors rng_, BoshyMan741, onetabby, Cuckweezy, Jakson, ur cute, FlashoFoSho, Twilight
6 Grease Monkey ArmaniDilbo, Bunnylikemoney, Rebo, Melvr, YokesPai, Andros, Hundur, Pinguinzi
7 << TIDAL WAVE >> -izzy, Kurumiw, VitorSkull, MontemorU, Nyash, HyIu, dasdwqdf, uatzap
8 swaglords Too Slow, pretty girl, daanit, Saryi, Vespirit, noncycle, GENDER BENDER, Sp1cyy
9 ruyunation taro, ruyu, Laser__, Kama, Gabey, Talullah, RhythmicRS, NathanRam1918
10 ALL-IN IÑAKI suntanCTM, Siiphs, DaiiCTM, xXChokgamerXx, AR9, tfge, Gonzah, BATBALL
11 together we are terrific Birchman, Rykaii, nanawo, Sepid, Tsfury, PikaPwn, Pezz, -Arko
12 im actually crying right now polski1, Jontea, xtremeities, Ohio, SHADOW FREAK, Ophiz, Pieris, Tatze
13 Caramba Chile Lirumin, Coreanmaluco, kagiura, Uchirrod, YukariSmug, Nekore, Alfiu, Am_iHyper
14 rich penguins karomi, haunte, Stixe, Umbre, Jeong Woo Yeong, rudj, Flaro, fieryrage
15 Nipis Madu EzChock, Hakui Koyori, LightsOut, Hanori, Wispy, Spinesnight, Lunasa, Hexikey
16 Brzęczyszczykiewicz Tartis, laroxPL, M4T1K, Kosiarek, hedayo, cyanai, BMG_, young leosia
17 7 fedotoff 1 turk LyeRR, Raikouhou, edizberkserbest, heyronii, Clutchx, Ievi-, Shinkiro, fedotoff
18 DJ Ramon Sucesso lonq noir, Fiaee, golem de caca, -Atour-, Asckar, Nessy, -Wum-, Qumania
19 cute kittens gecseboti, csaba21123, defii, Ditch_, Indicolite, Wekkl, CIash of Clans, Lexonox
20 rusticks vljoy209, Inchainz, Nailer91, DaHuJka, EPEMA, flover1ss, UserPidoa, KyKu3u
21 fajny bambule -semi, Flameztear, Bae Suzy, winz, Endura, PaintedKoaIa, Mejiro Ramonu, Yip
22 Germany owc B Sai1kou, ruirui, wuk, Christiaaan, Kaanfickels, Kokuban, Anroyz, SERBIATRUCKER13
23 super hamburger wessel_osu2, skiatzo, [ Nano ], headstack, mode, Scheinii, Matt4132, AlexBelea
24 kailburn pirates kailburn, ch0co, myhan3, wjddjs, [ ] [ ], Gambler, Lujeol, Lysitea
25 RX 5600 xt soft kitty, soft kitten, Ryzeren, Neinja, Donksities, - deston -, soft bunny, Sdot
26 Cowabunga Mejiro McQueen, Redzy, SilenceSuzuka, Daitaku Helios, Fwuffy, flowers, Mejir0 McQueen, FishySquidMan
27 Gente Seria: die Fortsetzung Cochinomori, -PloX, SaintSFT, Fleh, EndlessRhythmic, Yesew, P r a h, - Koshiin -
28 el hambre y las ganas de comer AlexKito, viciobylike, Pipipupu997, Kaoshii, _Fefe, iisobeyan, lacto
29 Mannheimer Among Us Peti, mort, Blad_D, wooting, -lion, Lukiii, Menoji, Shiragi
30 시발Aim Merucy, toti, netnesanya, jakk, EulaFootEnjoyer, qstronaut, Redap, Drakkles
31 doge Sirny, YinlinMyBeloved, GSBlank, WhatSkill, Vitya1437, arqx, moyai_gaming, niantasan
32 cabaré sasoriosu Daf0nz, revoken, Ragningo, Yelan, zStormk19, - Sasori, Lineu, vinicius


This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:


Grand Finals




Round of 16

Round of 32


Match results

Grand Finals

Sunday, 28 July 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
kotomiler 7 0 Bobik #1
fresh off the boat 3 7 kotomiler #1
kotomiler 7 4 fresh off the boat #1


Saturday, 20 July 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
kotomiler 6 7 fresh off the boat #1
Bobik 7 2 Financial Advisors #1
NRG FiNESSE 5 7 ruyunation #1

Sunday, 21 July 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
ruyunation 1 7 Bobik #1


Saturday, 13 July 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
ruyunation 6 0 Nipis Madu win by default
fresh off the boat 6 2 NRG FiNESSE #1
<< TIDAL WAVE >> 6 1 swaglords #1
together we are terrific 2 6 Financial Advisors #1

Sunday, 14 July 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
kotomiler 6 4 Bobik #1
im actually crying right now 0 6 Grease Monkey win by default
Financial Advisors 6 1 << TIDAL WAVE >> #1
Grease Monkey 5 6 ruyunation #1


Friday, 5 July 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Financial Advisors 6 2 DJ Ramon Sucesso #1

Saturday, 6 July 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
swaglords 6 3 cute kittens #1
Nipis Madu 6 2 fajny bambule #1
rich penguins 6 5 RX 5600 xt #1
Caramba Chile 6 0 super hamburger win by default
ALL-IN IÑAKI 6 3 Mannheimer Among Us #1
Brzęczyszczykiewicz 5 6 Germany owc B #1

Sunday, 7 July 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
swaglords 6 4 Germany owc B #1
Grease Monkey 6 0 cabaré sasoriosu #1
ALL-IN IÑAKI 1 6 Nipis Madu #1
Bobik 6 0 im actually crying right now win by default
kotomiler 6 1 ruyunation #1
Financial Advisors 6 1 Caramba Chile #1
NRG FiNESSE 6 2 together we are terrific #1

Monday, 8 July 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
fresh off the boat 6 1 << TIDAL WAVE >> #1

Tuesday, 9 July 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Grease Monkey 6 4 rich penguins #1

Round of 16

Saturday, 29 june 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
Cowabunga 1 5 super hamburger #1
시발Aim 0 5 cute kittens #1
cabaré sasoriosu 5 3 7 fedotoff 1 turk #1
RX 5600 xt 5 0 kailburn pirates win by default
Financial Advisors 3 5 im actually crying right now #1
fresh off the boat 5 2 Nipis Madu #1
Mannheimer Among Us 5 0 rusticks win by default
doge 2 5 DJ Ramon Sucesso #1
Gente Seria: die Fortsetzung 2 5 Germany owc B #1

Sunday, 30 June 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
swaglords 1 5 ruyunation #1
kotomiler 5 1 Brzęczyszczykiewicz #1
Bobik 5 0 Caramba Chile #1
NRG FiNESSE 5 1 rich penguins #1
el hambre y las ganas de comer 0 5 fajny bambule win by default
Grease Monkey 1 5 together we are terrific #1

Round of 32

Saturday, 22 june 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
swaglords 5 0 RX 5600 xt win by default
NRG FiNESSE 5 1 시발Aim #1
Bobik 5 0 Mannheimer Among Us #1
kotomiler 5 0 cabaré sasoriosu #1
Caramba Chile 5 3 rusticks #1
Brzęczyszczykiewicz 5 2 7 fedotoff 1 turk #1
together we are terrific 5 1 Germany owc B #1

Sunday, 23 June 2024:

Team 1 Team 2 Match link
ruyunation 5 0 kailburn pirates #1
im actually crying right now 5 2 fajny bambule #1
ALL-IN IÑAKI 5 0 super hamburger win by default
rich penguins 5 2 cute kittens #1
Nipis Madu 5 1 DJ Ramon Sucesso #1
fresh off the boat 5 0 doge #1
Grease Monkey 5 1 Gente Seria: die Fortsetzung #1
Financial Advisors 5 0 el hambre y las ganas de comer #1
<< TIDAL WAVE >> 5 3 Cowabunga #1


Seeding results are calculated by ranking each team by their sum of Z-scores, normalised to a scale of 0 to 1. The results of the Qualifiers can be found in this spreadsheet.


General information

  1. All matches will be played with ScoreV2 in Head-to-head mode.
  2. 32 teams will qualify for the bracket stage, chosen through Qualifier Stage.
  3. All maps will be played with No Fail enabled, in addition to the appropriate mods.


  1. The minimum team size is 4 members, and the maximum team size is 8 members.
  2. The team captain must be present in the Discord until the end of their team's tournament run. If none of the team members can be contacted by any means, it results in a forfeit.
  3. Staff members and former staff members (before registrations opened) who participated in the production of this iteration are not allowed to participate, with the exception of commentators.

Qualifier procedure

  1. The referee will create the lobby around 10 minutes before the scheduled match time, ping all assigned team captains in the Discord server, and send out the invites shortly after.
  2. Teams have 5 minutes to gather enough players in the lobby. If a team cannot gather 4 players, they can reschedule for a different, already existing lobby.
  3. Each map will be played in order as they are shown on the mappool sheet. There will be one playthrough of the pool.
  4. If there is a disconnect, the player(s) that disconnected will be allowed to replay the map at the end of the lobby.

Bracket stage procedure

  1. The referee will create the lobby around 10 minutes before the scheduled match time, ping both team captains in the Discord server, and send out the invites shortly after.
  2. Teams have 10 minutes to gather enough players in the lobby. If a team fails to gather 4 players in the lobby on time, the match will be counted as a win for the opponent.
    • If neither of the teams show up, they will be able to reschedule to a different time. If no suitable time can be found, the team with the higher qualifier seeding will be given the advantage.
  3. In case of a disconnect, a team will be able to replay the map if the disconnect happened within the first 45 seconds of the map. A team is only allowed to replay one map during the whole match, any additional disconnects will not be taken into consideration and the opponent will win the point.
    • The referee may allow additional replays at their discretion and with confirmation from the opponent. If you are having major internet issues causing you to keep disconnecting every map, you should not play.
  4. You may select a warmup map with a maximum length of 4 minutes. Warmups can be skipped if both team captains agree to it.
  5. Both captains will be asked to roll. Whoever rolls higher will be given the choice of either first ban, second ban, first pick, or second pick. If the winner of the roll chooses the pick order, the loser chooses the ban order, and vice versa.
  6. Free Mod requires both teams to have a player picking HD and a player picking HR, the remaining two players can pick any of the following mods: HD, HR, FL, or EZ (x1.75). All players must have a mod.
  7. During the Tiebreaker, Free Mod is allowed without limitations, meaning you can pick a mod if you feel like it, but it is not required. Permitted mods are HD, HR, FL & EZ.

Stage information

Stage Best of Ban count
Qualifiers 11
Round of 32 9 1
Round of 16 9 1
Quarterfinals 11 2
Semifinals 11 2
Finals 13 2
Grandfinals 13 2


Stage Star Rating NM HD HR DT FM TB
Qualifiers 7.5★ 4 3 3 3
Round of 32 6.7★ 4 2 2 3 3 1
Round of 16 7.0★ 4 2 2 3 3 1
Quarterfinals 7.3★ 5 3 3 4 4 1
Semifinals 7.5★ 5 3 3 4 4 1
Finals 7.8★ 5 3 3 4 4 1
Grandfinals 8.0★ 5 3 3 4 4 1



  1. Qualifier lobbies can be scheduled in the Discord server in the #scheduling channel. Rescheduling a qualifier lobby can be done here as well.
  2. If a team doesn't show up to their qualifiers lobby, they may reschedule to any other lobby provided there is free space in that lobby. The hosts should be contacted if this is the case. If the team is able to play in the very next lobby, and there is space for them to do so, they should additionally contact the referee of that lobby.
  3. If a team fails to show up to any qualifiers lobby, they will be disqualified.
  4. If it is not possible for a team to make any of the scheduled lobbies, they may request a custom time for their lobby subject to staff availability and host's discretion.

Bracket stage

  1. If the assigned time does not work with your team's schedule/you do not like it, please reschedule your match using the format found pinned in the #scheduling channel on Discord.
  2. Reschedules will be accepted until 12 hours before the original time of the match, and only if you reschedule to a later time. If you reschedule to an earlier time, reschedules will only be accepted until 12 hours before the new time of the match.
  3. If you post a reschedule later than 12 hours before the original/new time, approval is subject to staff availability and host's discretion. If no referee can be found for that time, the reschedule may be declined and your match will be played at the original time. Attempts at rescheduling to a different time are permitted.

Conditional matches

  1. The same rules as for normal bracket stage matches apply, however, it is not possible to reschedule a conditional match to a time before your first match of the respective weekend.
  2. There are NO exceptions to any conditional match being played before the first match.
  3. Any reschedules sent either through DMs, in a different channel, or otherwise, will not be taken into consideration.
  4. Any reschedules should follow the provided format in Discord. Reschedules that do not follow this format will not be accepted.


  1. Teams will only be given one playthrough of the qualifiers. 
