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The GB Cup 2024 Autumn (GBC 2024 Autumn) was a 3v3 captain draft–based osu!mania 4-key tournament hosted by Team GB. It was the seventh instalment of the GB Cup.
Registration phase |
2024-10-05/2024-10-20 (13:59 UTC) |
Qualifier showcase |
2024-10-20 (14:00 UTC) |
Qualifier stage |
2024-10-26/2024-10-27 |
Qualifier result showcase |
2024-11-03 (12:00 UTC) |
Drafting phase |
2024-11-10 |
Swiss I week 1 showcase |
2024-11-10 |
Swiss I week 1 |
2024-11-16/2024-11-17 |
Swiss I week 2 |
2024-11-23/2024-11-24 |
Swiss I week 3 |
2024-11-30/2024-12-01 |
Swiss II week 1 |
2024-12-07/2024-12-08 |
Swiss II week 2 |
2024-12-14/2024-12-15 |
Swiss II week 3 |
2024-12-21/2024-12-22 |
Knockout week 1 |
2024-12-28/2024-12-29 |
Knockout week 2 |
2025-01-04/2025-01-05 |
Profile badge, KanonBot profile badge, ¥450 CNY |
KanonBot profile badge, ¥400 CNY |
KanonBot profile badge, ¥350 CNY |
4th place |
¥300 CNY |
5–8 place |
¥250 CNY |
9–12 place |
¥200 CNY |
13–16 place |
¥150 CNY |
17–24 place |
¥100 CNY |
25–32 place |
¥50 CNY |
1–4 place |
¥40 CNY |
5–8 place |
¥30 CNY |
9–16 place |
¥20 CNY |
17–32 place |
¥10 CNY |

Profile badge,4 months osu!supporter tag for members |
2 months osu!supporter tag for members |
1 months osu!supporter tag for members |

The GB Cup 2024 Autumn was run by Team GB and various community members.
Host |
[GB]yobrevelc |
Staff |
[GB]Mafufu, [GB]GanyuAngel |
Mappool manager |
[GB]yobrevelc, [GB]Mafufu |
Mapper |
Hylotl, PORTTAYER, YuEast 2018, cherrychou, Xu seventeen, [Crz]Alleyne, -Deepdive-, Alptraum, Blue_Potion, ERA arccat, [GB]Oceanus, lovely_hyahya, [GB]Sanae, [GB]sherweifa, [GB]Azukisan, Livium, [GB]Mafufu, H1Pur, BlackyDay, RuleBlazing, MyZterioN- |
Mappool helper |
[GB]SuddenDeath, Paturages, Paraxia, [GB]Thaumiel, [GB]mmttyy233, [GB]Reisen, Saemitsu, FLeVI, OxalicAcid, [GB]R-Trigger, Ballistic, Revv-, Feraligatr, CrewK |
Referee |
[GB]yobrevelc, Apr4th, 80zero, [GB]Akamite, [GB]dotdot, fishbone2445, KitoriQAQ, Cris_DK, nyasunfanboy, Mrhbyy, LightingT, MidRed, [GB]Mafufu, [LS]Sagirium, FenggeTGOB, EpsilonMaiagare, bili_TYL, shizehao, -Deepdive- |
Referee helper |
[GB]YooLi, [GB]GanyuAngel, [Crz]Alleyne, Blue_Potion, Rync_, Mooos, akace100, nyawaa, yoshyap |
Additional referee |
ERA Xuste, --Glitchy-- |
Tester |
-Kita-, nyasunfanboy, MidRed, c6H8o6_, nobder, bili_TYL, yoshyap, MyAngelKokomi, minatoaquafan69, nyawaa, Shiki Natsume, SaltFalt, [GB]Akamite |
Additional tester |
Pleia_, Nyagato Yuki, [GB]Tyris, nick-haoran, neeeeeh |
Streamer |
[GB]yobrevelc, [GB]Tyris, [GB]dotdot, aiyulu, [GB]gluefly, 80zero, MidRed, EpsilonMaiagare, Icyyycrem, Mrhbyy, [GB]ChickenGold, YuEast 2018, [Crz]Alleyne |
Commentator |
[GB]yobrevelc, [GB]Tyris, PORTTAYER, [GB]dotdot, nick-haoran, [GB]V1do, MidRed, YuEast 2018, [GB]gluefly, 80zero, Silhoueska Elze, Mrhbyy, Icyyycrem, [GB]ChickenGold, Blue_Potion |
Designer |
[GB]GanyuAngel, [GB]Mafufu, Sakura006 |
Statistician & wiki editor |
[GB]yobrevelc, [GB]GanyuAngel |
Q1 |
玩尬的 |
DawnX, [GB]gluefly, [GB]Frozen moon, Ghost Neko, JFYS |
Q2 |
金戈铁马应援队 |
Tosai_, SakuraFish, 6XvX7, Chiral Cabbage, xxuurruuii |
Q3 |
漏勺挖洞 |
[Crz]Neri, TsukiyukiMiyako, [GB]Fomurz, chala_tea, zhangjunyan |
Q4 |
嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡 |
FoaMelt1, WLYMinato, MiTyRAin, jxy768, chiatsu |
Q5 |
我已进入天空之城 |
[GB]ParasolTree, ouxig, [GB]Lingyu, osuOsoiOto, frankgh3 |
Q6 |
重生之我是吃米糕手 |
[GB]QAQlingjiu, nyasunfangirl, Herb, ToukiM, luffyfri |
Q7 |
哭泣少女漏勺 |
LiangFenFan, Echo_XF, [Crz]ZeenZore, [SHK]Star2007, Endless fare |
Q8 |
DJ Yukm和动物朋友们 |
_Yukm, [GB]V1do, Kilawhale, DJ Sharpnel, mickeymouse |
Q9 |
稲葉曇 team |
Idontknowwhathi, queyue, Carpihat, MSOP5, 1atk |
Q10 |
Tenshi |
Pleia_, Tohru_LiGe, shenmeng, Bot114514, Jilingfeng |
Q11 |
新新炮台山の闪电五人 |
SilentParleHorn, vanposen, 2632264491, codenitro, nmksssd |
Q12 |
黑暗大fa师 |
[Crz]rebellion, beiyi, ATH_1gr, lxw200839, bwl |
Q13 |
小手手给你一拳 |
Shice2566, kissnolook, xibuniuzai, SomnusM Fanboy, cibuleng |
Q14 |
放课后甜点部 |
[GB]TakinaQwQ, aiyiku, majesticlegend, G1NYA, Orange0724 |
Q15 |
火力战队 |
[Necromancer], henry_in_out, KUHAKEwantbeCrz, [GB]LeavesAngel, NotepaOwO |
Q16 |
让金戈铁马在gbc起飞 |
[Crz]Namia, qeitp, Old Pigeon, casa001, BadFalled |
Q17 |
雾雨魔法小萝莉 |
[ Classic ], verysour, - Xiaoluoli -, Marisa233, -YumeYume- |
Q18 |
玩米的这辈子有了 |
WOEM2436, [Crz]Ha0201, WhatuLvfor, cryingcat133, Shiroomo |
Q19 |
比那波来啦 |
[Crz]Thirteen, [GB]ChickenGold, Molli, shiyu1213, hh27v9 |
Q20 |
RC兄弟 |
Kirchhoff123, [GB]Tyris, Postal0177, ShinkuNya, [AR]muknan |
Q21 |
走路人路走 |
[Crz]Riko, [Paw]Komane_63, FacDap, [Paw]INKINKINK, blackrose555555 |
Q22 |
嵐船长的海底小纵队 |
CaptainLan, [GB]THfairy, oid45, Ying_ZH, ringbot |
Q23 |
66我判定就没正过 |
[Crz]Yurucawaii, 1145810, [GB]Qindeng, Tomor1n, chy030_ft_pH5_6 |
Q24 |
Make PLANA Great Again |
My Angel Plana, Zyuuu, sHIROHA-v-, [GB]nnk, crazy438 |
Q25 |
cpδδ |
[quietly], 04343owo, NaNK, jxyyyds, xh1002 |
Q26 |
奶龙教派 |
yuishi2501004, [GB]KCINE, Takoke, macromacro, FuRoRan_RiaMei |
Q27 |
你先开的 |
eilander, [GB]Burger King, LittleWalker, rfsfreffr, guangmiao |
Q28 |
随机挑选几个人漏勺队 |
[Crz]anfish1013, nick-haoran, xc165543337, gouqi233, [GB]Color0 |
Q29 |
万键齐发 |
ComboPower, chana, NdAa1A0, Natori nasu, --ATRI-- |
Q30 |
翻斗幼儿园 |
FentaoOwO, Sirtian, YD_L, ME1KO N3KO, renyu2018 |
Q31 |
队名待商榷 |
neeeeeh, Na2He, a79, CLLbin, Lzq12345 |
Q32 |
SKT T1 |
kamladshold, GinaFujino, -Chiyoda Momo-, WingsOfRain, Layfolk |
D1 |
Konkawe |
--Pavin--, MatchaLatte-, Ricizus, [ID]Xenotia-, -Ainsel- |
D2 |
雪見だいふく |
MiniEgg_23, Fuyuneel, daihuku4649, beanlye, Jinkiii |
D3 |
GBC fan club |
Koishi Komeijie, Achino, [GS]Thanachot, Kaify, syamisu- |
D4 |
DC Team 4 |
Nubbo123, Babibelbleu, [SPNG] Sim0, Rotitza, Jerem[Monkey] |
D5 |
Migu |
flowerful, IWateh, Shadow_GM, Mahiru-No-Yo, -Mig- |
D6 |
Grand Blue Cheese |
-Veloce-, Silhoueska Elze, NeonDrakon, iSxga, SWADEEF |
D7 |
Lock In |
Plana_, Fubusan, Chordjack, [LS]Bluestone, ERA Yuh |
D8 |
kimmui femboys |
Naaaad, oyama mahiro, ERA medium kek, KimMui, Nolol |
D9 |
Welcome to rice fields |
[Zekken], Joki_, BC1_CI9, Kurokami_Fbk, P_F_C_PRO |
D10 |
芝士虾 |
Mill1424, AstalFanBoy, ZnowFanGirl, robrt, [AR]lv3plane |
D11 |
play tower battles |
Unitori-, Rxizuna, Darkhechiser, [DT] Lun1x, Johnney101 |
D12 |
Photon Worshippers |
moths, Netroo, happergamer, LazyGhost14, fanfale |
D13 |
bol |
Silicosis 2, JayLye, [Crz]raber, Yangga, ERDFS |
D14 |
The Vicious Cycle Of Cat |
AomDCO, bagjettka, panny, AdamAckerville, BronyaZaychik_ |
D15 |
Mania Rangers Dinoforce |
Selitation, lyvet, Alen-, aeko, PandaChee |
D16 |
okay² |
parponger, gaesol, [LS]Khu, [LS]Nemesis, yuukituk |
This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:
Q17: 雾雨魔法小萝莉 |
Q5: 我已进入天空之城 |
Q3: 漏勺挖洞, Q24: Make PLANA Great Againn |
D16: okay² |
D12: Photon Worshippers |
D13: bol |
Download the mappack here (172 MB)
Download the mappack here (141.9 MB)
Download the mappack here (116.8 MB)
Download the mappack here (99.6 MB)
Download the mappack here (75.0 MB)
Download the mappack here (87.1 MB)
Download the mappack here (38.5 MB)
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Saturday, 4 January 2025:
Q3:漏勺挖洞 |
5 |
7 |
Q17:雾雨魔法小萝莉 |
#1 |
Q24:Make PLANA Great Again |
5 |
7 |
Q5:我已进入天空之城 |
#1 |
Sunday, 5 January 2025:
Q3:漏勺挖洞 |
- |
- |
Q24:Make PLANA Great Again |
match cancelled |
Q17:雾雨魔法小萝莉 |
7 |
2 |
Q5:我已进入天空之城 |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Saturday, 28 December 2024:
Q3:漏勺挖洞 |
7 |
3 |
Q1:玩尬的 |
#1 |
Q24:Make PLANA Great Again |
7 |
6 |
Q15:火力战队 |
#1 |
Q17:雾雨魔法小萝莉 |
7 |
2 |
Q23:66我判定就没正过 |
#1 |
Q7:哭泣少女漏勺 |
3 |
7 |
Q5:我已进入天空之城 |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Saturday, 21 December 2024:
Q2:金戈铁马应援队 |
4 |
6 |
Q23:66我判定就没正过 |
#1 |
Q18:玩米的这辈子有了 |
3 |
6 |
Q1:玩尬的 |
#1 |
Q21:走路人路走 |
5 |
6 |
Q5:我已进入天空之城 |
#1 |
Sunday, 22 December 2024:
Q16:让金戈铁马在gbc起飞 |
4 |
6 |
Q15:火力战队 |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Saturday, 14 December 2024:
Q3:漏勺挖洞 |
6 |
5 |
Q2:金戈铁马应援队 |
#1 |
Q16:让金戈铁马在gbc起飞 |
6 |
3 |
Q4:嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡 |
#1 |
Q12:黑暗大fa师 |
4 |
6 |
Q5:我已进入天空之城 |
#1 |
Q17:雾雨魔法小萝莉 |
6 |
1 |
Q1:玩尬的 |
#1 |
Q21:走路人路走 |
6 |
3 |
Q29:万键齐发 |
#1 |
Q26:奶龙教派 |
3 |
6 |
Q15:火力战队 |
#1 |
Q7:哭泣少女漏勺 |
6 |
1 |
Q23:66我判定就没正过 |
#1 |
Q18:玩米的这辈子有了 |
5 |
6 |
Q24:Make PLANA Great Again |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Saturday, 7 December 2024:
Q2:金戈铁马应援队 |
6 |
3 |
Q26:奶龙教派 |
#1 |
Q4:嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡 |
2 |
6 |
Q18:玩米的这辈子有了 |
#1 |
Q12:黑暗大fa师 |
5 |
6 |
Q1:玩尬的 |
#1 |
Q24:Make PLANA Great Again |
6 |
5 |
Q21:走路人路走 |
#1 |
Q7:哭泣少女漏勺 |
6 |
1 |
Q29:万键齐发 |
#1 |
Q23:66我判定就没正过 |
6 |
5 |
Q16:让金戈铁马在gbc起飞 |
#1 |
Q5:我已进入天空之城 |
2 |
6 |
Q17:雾雨魔法小萝莉 |
#1 |
Sunday, 8 December 2024:
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Friday, 29 November 2024:
Q17:雾雨魔法小萝莉 |
5 |
3 |
Q19:比那波来啦 |
#1 |
Saturday, 30 November 2024:
Q29:万键齐发 |
5 |
3 |
Q20:RC兄弟 |
#1 |
Q1:玩尬的 |
5 |
3 |
Q27:你先开的 |
#1 |
Q22:嵐船长的海底小纵队 |
4 |
5 |
Q15:火力战队 |
#1 |
Sunday, 1 December 2024:
Q21:走路人路走 |
5 |
4 |
Q11:新新炮台山の闪电五人 |
#1 |
Q18:玩米的这辈子有了 |
5 |
2 |
Q32:SKT T1 |
#1 |
Q14:放课后甜点部 |
3 |
5 |
Q16:让金戈铁马在gbc起飞 |
#1 |
Friday, 6 December 2024:
Q26:奶龙教派 |
5 |
3 |
Q8:DJ Yukm和动物朋友们 |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Friday, 22 November 2024:
Q2:金戈铁马应援队 |
5 |
3 |
Q16:让金戈铁马在gbc起飞 |
#1 |
Saturday, 23 November 2024:
Q1:玩尬的 |
5 |
1 |
Q25:cpδδ |
#1 |
Q20:RC兄弟 |
3 |
5 |
Q12:黑暗大fa师 |
#1 |
Q8:DJ Yukm和动物朋友们 |
3 |
5 |
Q24:Make PLANA Great Again |
#1 |
Q23:66我判定就没正过 |
5 |
3 |
Q32:SKT T1 |
#1 |
Q29:万键齐发 |
5 |
4 |
Q6:重生之我是吃米糕手 |
#1 |
Q14:放课后甜点部 |
5 |
2 |
Q30:翻斗幼儿园 |
#1 |
Q9:稲葉曇 team |
2 |
5 |
Q26:奶龙教派 |
#1 |
Q18:玩米的这辈子有了 |
5 |
4 |
Q13:小手手给你一拳 |
#1 |
Q5:我已进入天空之城 |
5 |
3 |
Q15:火力战队 |
#1 |
Q19:比那波来啦 |
4 |
5 |
Q4:嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡 |
#1 |
Sunday, 24 November 2024:
Q22:嵐船长的海底小纵队 |
5 |
3 |
Q10:Tenshi |
#1 |
Q17:雾雨魔法小萝莉 |
5 |
4 |
Q31:队名待商榷 |
#1 |
Q21:走路人路走 |
5 |
0 |
Q28:随机挑选几个人漏勺队 |
#1 |
Q27:你先开的 |
1 |
5 |
Q3:漏勺挖洞 |
#1 |
Q7:哭泣少女漏勺 |
5 |
1 |
Q11:新新炮台山の闪电五人 |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Saturday, 16 November 2024:
Q2:金戈铁马应援队 |
5 |
1 |
Q31:队名待商榷 |
#1 |
Q3:漏勺挖洞 |
5 |
2 |
Q30:翻斗幼儿园 |
#1 |
Q8:DJ Yukm和动物朋友们 |
5 |
1 |
Q25:cpδδ |
#1 |
Q1:玩尬的 |
4 |
5 |
Q32:SKT T1 |
#1 |
Q12:黑暗大fa师 |
5 |
4 |
Q21:走路人路走 |
#1 |
Q13:小手手给你一拳 |
0 |
5 |
Q20:RC兄弟 |
#1 |
Q4:嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡 |
5 |
2 |
Q29:万键齐发 |
#1 |
Q7:哭泣少女漏勺 |
5 |
1 |
Q26:奶龙教派 |
#1 |
Q5:我已进入天空之城 |
5 |
0 |
Q28:随机挑选几个人漏勺队 |
#1 |
Q10:Tenshi |
1 |
5 |
Q23:66我判定就没正过 |
#1 |
Q15:火力战队 |
5 |
4 |
Q18:玩米的这辈子有了 |
#1 |
Q9:稲葉曇 team |
3 |
5 |
Q24:Make PLANA Great Again |
#1 |
Sunday, 17 November 2024:
Q11:新新炮台山の闪电五人 |
5 |
3 |
Q22:嵐船长的海底小纵队 |
#1 |
Q14:放课后甜点部 |
2 |
5 |
Q19:比那波来啦 |
#1 |
Q6:重生之我是吃米糕手 |
2 |
5 |
Q27:你先开的 |
#1 |
Q16:让金戈铁马在gbc起飞 |
5 |
3 |
Q17:雾雨魔法小萝莉 |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Sunday, 5 January 2025:
D15:Mania Rangers Dinoforce |
1 |
7 |
D13:bol |
#1 |
D16:okay² |
7 |
2 |
D12:Photon Worshippers |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Sunday, 29 December 2024:
D16:okay² |
7 |
5 |
D13:bol |
#1 |
D15:Mania Rangers Dinoforce |
6 |
7 |
D12:Photon Worshippers |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Sunday, 22 December 2024:
D12:Photon Worshippers |
6 |
2 |
D1:Konkawe |
#1 |
D13:bol |
6 |
FF |
D11:play tower battles |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Saturday, 14 December 2024:
D12:Photon Worshippers |
6 |
1 |
D10:芝士虾 |
#1 |
Sunday, 15 December 2024:
D15:Mania Rangers Dinoforce |
6 |
5 |
D1:Konkawe |
#1 |
D16:okay² |
6 |
5 |
D11:play tower battles |
#1 |
D13:bol |
6 |
2 |
D5:Migu |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Saturday, 7 December 2024:
D11:play tower battles |
6 |
4 |
D12:Photon Worshippers |
#1 |
Sunday, 8 December 2024:
D13:bol |
5 |
6 |
D1:Konkawe |
#1 |
D16:okay² |
6 |
3 |
D10:芝士虾 |
#1 |
D5:Migu |
4 |
6 |
D15:Mania Rangers Dinoforce |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Saturday, 30 November 2024:
D12:Photon Worshippers |
5 |
FF |
D3:GBC fan club |
win by default |
D4:DC Team 4 |
1 |
5 |
D10:芝士虾 |
#1 |
Sunday, 1 December 2024:
D1:Konkawe |
5 |
2 |
D2:雪見だいふく |
#1 |
D15:Mania Rangers Dinoforce |
5 |
3 |
D8:kimmui femboys |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Saturday, 23 November 2024:
D6:Grand Blue Cheese |
4 |
5 |
D15:Mania Rangers Dinoforce |
#1 |
D2:雪見だいふく |
4 |
5 |
D11:play tower battles |
#1 |
D7:Lock In |
2 |
5 |
D12:Photon Worshippers |
#1 |
D5:Migu |
5 |
2 |
D10:芝士虾 |
#1 |
Sunday, 24 November 2024:
D4:DC Team 4 |
5 |
0 |
D9:Welcome to rice fields |
#1 |
D14:The Vicious Cycle Of Cat |
4 |
5 |
D1:Konkawe |
#1 |
D8:kimmui femboys |
3 |
5 |
D13:bol |
#1 |
D3:GBC fan club |
3 |
5 |
D16:okay² |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
Saturday, 16 November 2024:
D8:kimmui femboys |
5 |
1 |
D9:Welcome to rice fields |
#1 |
D2:雪見だいふく |
5 |
1 |
D15:Mania Rangers Dinoforce |
#1 |
D6:Grand Blue Cheese |
4 |
5 |
D11:play tower battles |
#1 |
D5:Migu |
5 |
1 |
D12:Photon Worshippers |
#1 |
D7:Lock In |
3 |
5 |
D10:芝士虾 |
#1 |
Sunday, 17 November 2024:
D3:GBC fan club |
5 |
2 |
D14:The Vicious Cycle Of Cat |
#1 |
D1:Konkawe |
2 |
5 |
D16:okay² |
#1 |
D4:DC Team 4 |
4 |
5 |
D13:bol |
#1 |
Detailed statistics for this round can be found here.
The GB Cup 2024 Autumn is a captain draft–based team tournament, played in the osu!mania game mode.
The GB Cup 2024 Autumn is divided into three stages: Qualifier, the regular phase and the elimination phase.
Beatmap scoring is based on Score V2.
The maps for each round will be announced by the mappool selectors on the official stream, on the Sunday before the actual matches take place.
The match schedules for each round will be announced by the host on this page, as well as the information sheet, on the Sunday before the matches take place.
Use of the Visual Settings to alter background dim or disable beatmap elements like storyboards and skins is allowed.
If a game ends in a draw, it will be nullified and the map will be replayed.
Teams may ask for a rematch if a team member encounters technical difficulties while playing.
"Lag spikes" will not be considered as a valid reason to nullify a beatmap.
If a rematch happens, the original roster for each team during that particular beatmap must remain the same. If that is not possible, e.g. by virtue of a technical issue, both teams will be allowed to swap rosters.
This rule should not to be abused. Referees may veto a rematch request if they find that this is the case.
Disconnects within 30 seconds or 25% of the beatmap length (whichever happens first) can be rematched, at the referee's discretion, as long as it is clearly communicated in the chatroom.
If a player disconnects, their scores will not be counted towards their team's total, unless adequate proof of said score is provided. The following are considered as acceptable proof:
Player point-of-view live stream snippets (commonly referred to as "clips" or "VODs"). The entirety of the play, along with the results screen must be clearly visible along with the affected player's score.
Replay files of the play, taken directly from the "Local scores" tab on the affected player's client (the timestamps must exactly match the time at which the game took place, as seen on the multiplayer lobby link).
Screenshots from other players taken directly in-game that show the affected player's score.
Screenshots from the results screen must clearly show the affected player's score. This is the preferred method.
Screenshots taken in-game at the time of disconnection may be accepted. Note that this method does not provide a one-to-one representation of that player's score. Using this method is not encouraged and it may be denied at the referee's discretion if the information provided is not sufficient to identify the player/score.
All screenshots MUST be taken using the game itself (using Shift
+ F12
), that is, they must be hosted on the
domain. Any other form of screenshot will be denied.
Player scores may be derived from the official stream as a last resort, in cases where the match is streamed.
If less than the minimum amount of required players are present at match time, the match can be postponed for up to 10 minutes. If, after this period, there are still not enough players for either, a
win by default will be declared for the team with the most members present.
Exchanging players during games is allowed without limitations, except tournament-specific rules. See the
match instructions for details.
The size for a team is 5.
Players are expected to keep the match running fluently and without delays. Excessive match delays from the players' side may result in penalties being applied at the referee's discretion. Disrupting the match by foul play, insulting or provoking other players or staff, delaying the match, or other deliberate inappropriate misbehaviour are strictly prohibited, and will be punished accordingly at the interpretation of the referee.
All players and staff must be treated with respect. Instructions of the referees and the host are to be followed. Decisions labelled as final are not to be objected.
The multiplayer chatrooms underlie the
osu! community rules. All chat rules apply to the multiplayer chatrooms, too.
Unexpected incidences will be handled by the host. Referees may allow higher tolerance depending on the given circumstances. This is up to their discretion.
Penalties for violating the tournament rules include, but are not limited to:
Exclusion of specific players for one beatmap.
Exclusion of specific players for an entire match.
Declaring the match as forfeited, or as a win by default for the other team.
Disqualification from the entire tournament.
Disqualification from current and future GBC series.
Disqualification from current and future official and community tournaments, until appealed.
Referees may allow, at their discretion, lower or higher tolerances for timers.
The host may request liveplays or recordings of individual players or teams at any point.
The host reserves the right to modify these rules at any moment. Any such changes will be announced in advance.
Players who are suspected of undermining the competitive integrity of the tournament, such as by
sandbagging or
match fixing, may be reported to the
Tournament Committee for case-by-case review.
Please fill
this form to register.
Players need to choose a division according to their chat software, i.e. the Discord division or QQ division. The QQ division and Discord division will each have an independent tournament, but use same mappool.
Players must state their time zone when registering.
To ensure valid and serious registrations, every registered user will be manually checked by the host.
A list of all successfully registered players will be published after the registration phase, and will then participate in the drafting phase.
In the Qualifier stage, all players will play a specific mappool designed by the mappool selectors and mappool helpers.
All players will be ranked in the Qualifier together. Based on the total number of applicants, the organiser will allow a number of top players from the Qualifiers to enter the drafting phase, and the other players will be eliminated. If a qualified player quits, they may be replaced by someone else.
The Qualifier mappool contains 8 maps, all of which will use
FreeMod rules, organised as such:
Rice: 3 beatmaps
LN 2 beatmaps
Hybrid: 2 beatmaps
SV: 1 beatmap
Players will play the mappool at least once (and up to twice) at a designated time. Their best combined score, meaning the total of each beatmap's best score, will be the final result.
The mappool will be played in the following order: SV1, RC1, RC2, RC3, LN1, LN2, HB1, HB2. Players may not ask to play the pool in any other order.
There will be an optional 5-minute break in between the first and second playthrough of the mappool.
We suggest players not to broadcast or share their results to avoid seed manipulation.
Qualifier stage results will be used for seeding and for choosing captains.
Some best-performance players will advance to drafting phase.
Players will use same multiplayer rooms if they select same time to play the Qualifiers. It is prohibited to abort a match with the reason of a technical problem, in which case the score will be recorded as is.
Following the Qualifier stage, all players will participate in a phase to form teams, called the drafting phase. Both divisions will have independent drafting phases. All unpicked players will be eliminated from the tournament.
Following the drafting phase, a Swiss stage will be played in both zones, called the regular stage. Teams from the two divisions will play 6 rounds of the Swiss round to determine 8 teams each to advance to the knockout round, with the other teams eliminated.
Following the regular stage, a single-elimination stage will be played in both divisions.
All teams that lose in the knockout rounds will be eliminated from the tournament and the last team will be the winner.
The host will declare one captain for each team 24 hours before the drafting phase.
Drafting order will also be declared by the host.
Captains are selected by performance and preference.
Non-captains will join a group of players waiting to join a team, herein called a "player pool".
The drafting phase for the two divisions will be held separately, and the number of teams will be determined by the number of players who have passed the Qualifier round in corresponding division.
Captains decide their team members during the drafting phase.
There will be a 120-second planning phase before the picking phase starts.
During the picking phase, the pick order consists of 2 phases that repeat twice, such that every captain gets to choose 4 players.
During phase 1 and 3, picks start in increasing order, from the 1st to the 24th captain.
During phase 2 and 4, picks start in decreasing order, from the 24th to the 1st captain.
This might change depending on the number of incoming registrations.
Each captain has 60 seconds to pick one player from the player pool on their turn.
If the captain picks a player, the pick time still has to elapse before the next captain's turn starts.
After each phase, there is a 60-second break before the next phase starts.
At all times, the captains may communicate with each other via multiplayer chatrooms or voice chat.
After the drafting phase, captains may choose, with the approval of the host, to delegate their role to other prospective team members.
Captains may also choose to rename their team name after the drafting phase.
The default name of team is: Team {X}
, with {X}
being an abbreviation of the captain's name.
Team names cannot be longer than 24 characters (a Chinese character is considered as 2).
Bad behaviour during the drafting phase will be seen as disrupting the match by foul play.
To prevent draft manipulation, players are strictly prohibited from contacting captains before the draft phase.
The regular phase will be divided into two divisions, the Discord division and the QQ division.
Following the drafting phase, two 3-round Swiss stages will be played. This means teams with same match record will face each other.
The number of teams in each division to enter the elimination phase is 8 or 4, which depends on the number of registrations.
Every 3-round Swiss stage will eliminate half of the teams. Teams that win twice will advance, and teams that lose twice will be eliminated. If a team wins in the first 2 rounds, then they will skip the 3rd round.
The final ranking of the Swiss round will be determined by the following criteria in order:
Most matches won
Highest beatmap difference (beatmap wins - beatmap losses
Highest Buchholz score
Head-to-head result (if possible)
Most beatmaps won
Fewest beatmaps lost
Sum of all score differences of each beatmap (∑(total score - opponent's total score)
for each beatmap played in the regular stage)
Dice roll
The top 8 teams will advanced to the knockout stage, while the remaining players get eliminated from the tournament.
The results from the regular stage will also be used for seeding teams.
In the Qualifier stage, players need to rank high enough to advance.
In the drafting phase, players need to be picked into a team or become captains to advance.
In the regular stage Swiss I, teams need to win 5 maps to win a match (best of 9).
In the regular stage Swiss II, teams need to win 6 maps to win a match (best of 11).
In Quarterfinals, Semifinals, and Finals, teams need to win 7 maps to win a match (best of 13).
A referee will create a multiplayer room 10 minutes before the scheduled match time. Players must join the lobby in that period.
The room settings are Game mode: "osu!mania"
, Team mode: "Team Vs"
and Score mode: "ScoreV2"
. The room name must follow the pattern of GBC 2024 Autumn: ({TeamRed}) vs ({TeamBlue})
The team mentioned first in the room name must be the red team, and the team mentioned second in the room name must be the blue team.
Each captain can protect one beatmap from the pool. These beatmaps cannot be banned. Then, each captain can ban one beatmap from the pool. These beatmaps cannot be picked by any team for the entire duration of the match.
Both captains will alternate picking a beatmap from the mappool.
Each captain must use
once in
After each pick, both captains
may ban
one of the opposing team members from playing the beatmap in a match,
except during tiebreakers.
Any player can only be banned like this once per match.
Only players who have already played in the match can be banned.
The team that picks beatmaps first cannot ban players during the first 2 rounds.
Picks and bans should be sent in the same message. If the ban is delayed, or the message causes a disagreement or misunderstanding, the referee has the right to ignore the ban.
Teams will have 2 minutes to pick a beatmap and ban an opposing player, and 2 minutes to get ready.
A team can request a timeout when they are picking a map. The timeout lasts 2 minutes and will be used after the map pick timer.
No matter which team needs to timeout after their pick, it can only allowed with the consent of both captains.
The tactical timeout may be called on a tiebreaker.
If a team takes more time than allowed, the procedures adopted will be as follows:
There will be six separate mappools.
Each mappool consists of a fixed amount of maps each stage which will all be played under
FreeMod conditions. This means that there is a unique FreeMod bracket.
The mappool sizes are as follows:
Each mappool has one tiebreaker, except for the Qualifiers. The tiebreaker will be played under FreeMod conditions.
Possible mod choices for the FreeMod bracket are NoFail
, Hidden
, Fade In
, Flashlight
, and Mirror
Mappools for each week are structured as follows:
Swiss I week 1 |
A |
Swiss I week 2 & 3 |
B |
Swiss II week 1 |
C |
Swiss II week 2 & 3 |
D |
Knockout week 1 |
E |
Knockout week 2 |
F |
Each stage will be held on a single weekend.
Matches in Qualifiers will be held during specific time slots proposed by the tournament staff. Each player is free to choose a time slot in which they want to play.
All matches will be held between Friday 18:00 and Sunday 23:59 (UTC+8).
Scheduling will be handled by the host. Schedules will be released on the Sunday before the first match of the stage. The host will try to create a schedule that respects all participants' preferences.
Reschedules will only be considered if both teams agree to a time and communicate it to the tournament staff, before Wednesday 23:59 UTC+8 of the week the match is to take place on.
Captains are responsible for their team's availability.