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Language Surveillance Division

For the modern team of moderators, see: Global Moderation Team.

Language Surveillance Division (colloquially known as the LSD) was a usergroup responsible for the moderation of language-specific communities inside osu!. Each of its members had a dedicated area of focus: a language channel where they were mainly present, and respective forum sections that they could manage (such as places like Help or Off-Topic).


Members of LSD were hand-picked by the osu! team from the community to act as moderators for lower-traffic communities and subforums. Unlike Global Moderators, they did not have features like coloured nicknames, or custom forum titles. On IRC, however, they were operators and could apply silences.

The LSD also served as an intermediary group for promising members pending admission into the Global Moderation Team at times, as the two groups generally shared a common goal and similar skill sets.


Profile page of a chat moderator in 2013

After a staff restructuring in 2013, the Language Surveillance Division was renamed as the Chat Moderators and received its own members listing.

On August 20, 2015, the Chat Moderators and Global Moderation teams were merged, effectively giving all moderators distinctive red nicknames in chat and management power over the whole forum.
