
SS Tournament 2018

SST 2018 logo

The SS Tournament 2018 (SST 2018) was a 3v3 open-rank double-elimination osu! tournament organised by Sparhten, NeonLights, and FrozenPheonix. It was the second instalment of the SS Tournament.

Tournament schedule

Event Timestamp
Registration phase 2018-01-02/2018-01-20
Qualifiers 2018-01-27/2018-01-28
Group stage 2018-02-02/2018-02-04
Round of 16 and Losers round 1 2018-02-16/2018-02-18
Quarterfinals and Losers round 2 2018-02-23/2018-02-25
Semifinals and Losers round 3 2018-03-02/2018-03-04
Finals and Losers round 4 & 5 2018-03-09/2018-03-11
Grand Finals 2018-03-16/2018-03-18


The SS Tournament 2018 had a prize pool of USD 200.

Placing Prize(s)
Gold crown 50% of total prize pool, unique profile badge
Silver crown 30% of total prize pool
Bronze crown 20% of total prize pool

SST 2018 winner badge


Position Member(s)
Host Sparhten, NeonLights, FrozenPheonix
Head of staff Californian, HaruHong, dblade, Kasumii-sama
Head of mappools Dada, _p0ke_
Mappool selector Nightlys, Anopob, ailv
Referee KuraresaCupcake, noctisv_v, clayton, -GN Junior, Deadpulse, ImNotBrandon
Streamer xenonius, cavoeboy
Commentator SiYes, xenonius, AmateurMonkeyYT
Statistician YoshiLover456


Team Members
!roll Xilver, Toke, Kaifin, Ritzeh
Content is Hot Apraxia, Monko2k, Toy, Cookiezi
Anime was a mistake Ayke, Alien, - Tanakimaru -, Nexo C17H17Cl2n
Happy New YEAR Clamati, Vakeros, Kaishen
Cool Grills [-Neon-], Yumbtah, Megatron is bad, Lazer
333333333333333333333333 Squilly, Aireu, he rack, fieryerage
Lexion Fanboys Lexion, RatinA0, csaba21123, Jugment
ReedBestPlayerAndNoobTeam Reedkatt, Its Wicked, Mercyremix
Free Flowing Gongs meltz, Morbid, Obese
Holy Saints beyondpb OnePixel1, Stevci, Peastro
Kotyatki kTN, SadnessWillSear, LimyY, Avernus
CaptainKiznaryTech Kizmah, CaptainEChan, Binarytech
EROLOLI [ Haruka-chan ], erOL0liSENSei, Poofin
mode is a loli - M o D e -, -Tynamo, trey-, conradmittn
Yaong Futomomo Yaong, Shirasaka Koume, Angel Arrow, benki
Triple A WubWoofWolf, Rafis, Bubbleman
arth is babysitting arth, chezbananas, explosionboom, [Xenon]
odeio nxgxxs favela, Texats, MrPotato, GiraffekNuL
Dream XD -Natezi, Lasseh, Crissa
HalfPing GranDSenpai, Ezipie, TheOmyNomy, Rairiku
Sleeping Accommodation Flask, Totoki, Flaven, DigitalHypno
Sad Nibba Association Alfonso, ScrimShaw5, Joeeey
Vladimir Putin koteyka20, YaVOR, Byrilo, Chayokkofeyok
Da Wae mindovermanners, Setnom, Nefariouz
MinecraftDabMod Gifted, ryyushi, WillCookie, HaruTachi-
Marbs Reddd, Naaise, [Lethal], MangeHD
caipirinha hamburger Tell, Mystia, Woey, Sickoh
Noobs1337_ Darko234, Sagas08, MrNobody1337s
nada Trooper-, -Kisaki, Butlergunner, Frost
carpal tunnels IBhop
very nice -Revoh, Tommicrayon, Carbone
Floating up Gomo Pslvarh, Pring, Pray, Neta
$100 no give me Nakano-, Elegant Loli, GSBlank, Koltay
Acchu ma Seishun 5joshi, Jodehh-, Bastia, - Markus -
Los Sudacas #GAMERS Arnold24x24, Kumagai Eri, Fiorela, crisco13
MFWPTG Corim, Exarch, Noname0, ChronoNig
` Trigonoculus, moosepi, Landegre-, Jolene
Die Augen Refrum, Auge, Xenorin, tagorin
Pszne Rzybki MajsterDeeJay, -Mario-, Hatiso, LowAccDeadMan
Jorge - Emerald, Crimson Dragon, Astris
Adrenaline Rush Xoul, [ Scarlet Red ], Arsene, Tobirama Senju [Swegloerd], Amanion, prhtnsm, Sandwich
jenny tools Chamosiala, Auji, yotampoco, Koba
interatlantic baguettes DivineRose, Hichinoro, Cornfield
Tsutaerarenakatta Reifa, -Sylvari, Cypriane, ChainedTomb
Squeaky clean Janssen, mniminwoo, -Hebel-, Mlaw22
669955 alkalde, -Kurisu, WagnerWarrior
[UWE] hallowatcher, Vyshus, Veth, Risiing
Imperium ABERON, zin, _Forse, Sawagi
Bildungsabwendungspramie _demo, Malolat, Wakson, c00kiezechy
BonelessCarry Joryan_Inkling, mcgen, Veniry, rih23
Manu Ginobili Conyoh, SlimeDrippy, Pein, Enhu
Meme team SiYes, Spartan Plume, MechJar
HIDOWR -Miruku-, iok144, Enns
Childhood Issues -Hwangbo, Anroyz, Shiku, Shiguri
Sas(so) SIMONETRAPANI, -Hideki-, _Akio, -Katsuo-

SST 2018 bracket


SST 2018 podium





Round of 16

Group stage



General info

  • Teams may consist of 4 Members.
  • There is no rank range the higher the rank (1 being highest) the more likely you are to avoid being cut off from a rank cut off of overflow sign ups.
  • Seeding will take into account all Players PP (formula being <Member 1 PP> + <Member 2 PP> + … / <# of players on team>).
  • The tournament will be held in 3v3 double-elimination format with Groups having one top high mid low and bottom seed selected from the tournament drawings client.
  • Brackets will then be made with the top placing team in group A vs the second top placing seed in group H, the second seed of group A facing the top placing team of group A, Group B will match up G and so fourth.
  • The matches will be played using Score V2 and TeamVS.
  • Map pools will be released The Monday before the stage starts.
  • Teams must reschedule 12 Hours in Advance to the start of the current stage. If for whatever reason a team needs to reschedule during the stage, it will be done on a case by case basis with the opposing team being prioritized if a reschedule cannot be arranged.
  • Staff is not allowed to play excluding commentators and streamers.
  • Group Stage Matches will be best of 5.
  • Round of 16 will be best of 7.
  • Quarter Finals and Semi Finals will be best of 9.
  • Finals will be best of 11.
  • Grand Finals will be best of 13.
  • In the case of a tie in group stage, team advancement will be based off a team's [map wins - map losses = Points] where higher points advance. If the score is equal, the score of Team A Vs Team B will be taken into account, i.e. Team A and Team B both have 6 wins and 6 losses, but Team A beat Team B 3-2 Team A will advance. If there is still a tie it will be average score difference gathered by the formula [Team A's scores of all played maps - All opposing teams scores / maps played]. If there is still a tie after this, it will be based off seeding.

Match rules

  1. The designated referee will have the lobby open using the format SST: (blue team) vs. (red team).
  2. The referee will message the team captains or anyone online from the team.
  3. Teams will join here. Once all 6 players are in the referee will ask for their warm ups. Order in which they are played is irrelevant. (this step is skipped for group stages).
  4. Both teams will user !roll, the higher number rolled will be the team who will ban first.
  5. Both teams will alternate banning maps until both teams have banned out 2 maps.
  6. The team that lost the roll is the team that picks first and it it alternates from there.
    • Example: BLUE rolls 67 RED rolls 10 the order would be Blue BAN Red BAN Blue BAN Red BAN : Red MAP Blue MAP Red MAP Blue MAP …
  7. Teams have 60 seconds to pick a map and 120 seconds to ready up.
  8. Referees will use !mp timer to keep time.
  9. If a team doesn't pick in the first 60 seconds, the opposing team will pick instead.
  10. If the players are not ready after 120 seconds, the referee will at their discretion start the match. Referees are in full control of any leniency here and may choose not to enforce this until Semifinals at which point enforcement will be mandatory.
  11. Once a map has been picked and everyone is ready the map will start after 5 seconds using !mp start 5.
  12. If a player disconnects within the first 15 seconds of a map the referee will abort the match and the map will be restarted. Anyone found abusing this will be disqualified from the tournament. This may only happen once per team per match after the first dc the referee is not to abort.