Content submitted to the Beatmap Nominators (BN), Global Moderation Team (GMT) and the Nomination Assessment Team (NAT) for review undergoes a special voting process as outlined below.
The voting is tallied using a simple cascading system as described below:
Once a result has been achieved, the outcome is final and cannot be contested by any means save for intervention from the support team.
Ultralazer420 finds a background for his new beatmap that he wants to use, but is unsure if it is allowed. Following the process above, he puts it up for vote.
After 3 days, the vote has concluded, and the results come back.
52% of the GMT and NAT agreed that the image was okay. 48% did not.
This means that the BN votes are now merged into the total votes, and those are used to determine the outcome.
After factoring in the BN votes with the GMT and NAT votes, 67% of the vote agrees that the image is okay, 33% do not.
As this does not reach the 70% threshold required for the image to pass, the image is considered unacceptable and Ultralazer420 is asked to find another one to use instead.