00:01:020 (1) - 00:58:620 (1) - 01:11:420 (1) - Consider making these into kick sliders, sounds better to me
00:54:720 (2,2) - I can't really hear these two middle notes in the triples in the song. The later part of the song feels a lot smoother without the triples around 01:23
00:57:020 (6,1,2,3,4,1) - It's a little difficult to see that single note after the stream. Maybe make the 4th single into a slider that ends where the first note of the next combo would be like this https://imgur.com/a/WuoOV1u
00:01:948 (2) - Putting a slider that starts where you marked at 00:01:754 and ending it at 00:01:900 fits the drums a lot better (may require you to move the starting slider to where the piano begins 1/2 earlier
00:02:338 (1) - Might just be me, but this note sounds 1/8th too late. The other notes sounds fine so I wonder if it's just the intro.
00:00:585 (1,1,2,3,4) - These fast reverse sliders seem off for the piano here. Sounded a bit smoother using two single sliders instead of the one reverse slider. Or maybe add a finish on those notes to soften the sound.
00:08:377 (6) - Might just be personal preference, but this note is really easy to miss under here, especially with 7 coming so soon after.
Oh I'm sorry. I didn't ignore what you said even though it came off that way. I have another two maps I'm working on now in addition to this. I know there are more issues than just note placement, I'm just playing around with stuff, one issue at a time (though I shouldn't really bother uploading the changes, force of habit).
Should also mention that I just put that remapping stuff in the description just so it's clear I'm not going for ranked any time soon.
Yeah...I can tell the maps feel weird in a lot of areas, I just didn't want to admit that I was doomed to fail from the start. I still want to rank this song. I don't care if I have to remap the whole thing, I don't want people's mods and my own effort to be for nothing. Though that being said, how much do you think is actually rankable? Does it need to be fully remapped or just a lot of problem areas looked at?