Name: Sam Born: 19th March 1999 Gender: I'd like it to be a mystery Home: Born and raised in Wolverhampton, moved to Telford age 19. Interests: Games, music, learning, animals.
I'm a pretty open person so if there's anything you would like to know feel free to ask. I won't turn you down if you want to try get to know me. If you just want a general idea of who I am though I'd suggest following both my twitter accounts. You can get a good idea of what i'm like if you have a look on there. ⠀
At heart i'm just a casual player. Fun trumps everything. I'm not a competitive person, i don't care how good or bad i am in comparison to anyone else and i don't care about being better than anyone, i just care about bettering myself. I want to improve and i want to get good, because it's enjoyable and fulfilling.
One of my main objectives is to be well rounded. I don't want to be a one trick, i don't want weaknesses, i want to be good at everything. I want to be able to do literally anything you could throw at me really. ⠀
First off, the reason i'm putting this here is because it's very rare to hear osu players talk about disabilities. I just want to put a section on here talking about my health, because i think it might be quite interesting to read, and possibly even a little inspiring to some people.
I have hEDS, or Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Basically, all the joints in my body suck. I don't know how or why, but literally not a single joint on my body works quite right. It causes me to be in some form of pain or discomfort at pretty much all times, it makes dislocating joints extremely easy, it severely limits my strength and physical capabilities, it causes chronic fatigue, and it can develop into other problems, such as arthritis, which i have in my knees. I had to spend my last few years in school in crutches because of that.
There's tons of people who are much healthier than me who think the reason they're bad is because of age or genetics or something, but i promise you that isn't true. I'm literally disabled and feel limitless. It isn't easy, but it's doable. Getting good isn't about the state you're in, it's about how hard you're willing to work. Nothing is out of your control, even if it might feel like it some times. Believe in yourself, and put in the work and you will definitely see results. ⠀
Crossed out maps have reached loved or ranked status since i added them Crossed out hearts (♥) beside the map mean the map doesn't have enough favourites These are listed in order of how many favourites the maps had when i added them
First of all, check out this spreadsheet, because it has my opinions and ratings on a ton of maps submitted to the loved sheet. I'd like to see all the maps i've given a 9+ rating to get loved. Also, if you want to get in on this journey of searching for maps worthy of loved, check out huu's profile for more information. We do a multi lobby every couple weeks that anybody is free to join. And if you know of any great graveyard maps with less than 30 favs, you can also submit them for us to play in the lobby! They've all been a ton of fun so far!
A rank leaderboard I'm currently top 15 global, and fighting over 1st in the UK with koiishi Top 50 (3497) - 25th Mar 19 Top 25 (4301) - 26th May 19
1000 hours total - 15th Aug 18 (1.95hrs daily avg) 2000 hours total - 11th May 19 (3.72hrs daily avg) 3000 hours total - 24th Aug 20 (2.13hrs daily avg) I changed the launch options of McOsu on steam to launch the official osu! client, as steam tracks time more accurately than this website
8 star pass - ✓ Ranked 8 star pass - ✓ 9 star pass - ✓ Ranked 9 star pass - ✓ 10 star pass - ✗ Ranked 10 star pass - ✗ ⠀
eiri- Fav map: Everything she ranked in 2019 First off, i know that answer is a bit of a cop out, but hear me out. The challenge i set myself of playing through all the maps of 2019 was not easy. I dealt with a lot of maps that i absolutely hated. At times, it was a dreadful and soul sucking experience that i did not want to finish. eiri- is part of the reason why i kept going as long as i did. There were a few mappers who i grew to adore, as they would always lift my mood, and eiri- was the one who helped the most. I found myself genuinely looking forward to her new maps, and i would hold onto some of them for when i was in a bad mood, because i knew it would help lift me out of it. She helped with my mood and my motivation so damn much throughout that entire year, and i am extremely grateful for it.
huu Fav map: maki ligon - Monika No. 5 huu is the man who introduced me to the graveyard. His map of disperagioia was the first graveyarded map i ever played, and it really shaped my opinions on this game on much bigger scale than he probably ever expected. This map made me realise that the graveyard isn't for bad maps, it just has a few in it. The status of a map doesn't determine the quality of it, and huu has proven that. I spend a large amount of my time now playing unranked maps, and searching around to find what the graveyard has to offer, because sometimes it offers a masterpiece. I've found so many of my favourite maps ever in the graveyard, and i owe it to huu for giving me such a great introduction to it. Thank you.
Meg - For always impressing me with the quality of their maps Lasse - For making so many great maps and dedicating so much to this game Settia - For being one of the best graveyard mappers Yusomi - For their old graveyard maps which are outstanding ohad1881 - For making so many fun maps GoldenWolf - Demetori rock, and so does goldenwolf for mapping them Shifu Touka - For all their jumpy maps which i have grown to adore
Honestly, mappers, i love all of you guys. You make this game what it is, and even though i may dislike individual maps or even individual mappers, i am so damn grateful you exist, and i respect you all so much for making your maps. Whether you make the most basic jump maps, or the most complex aspire maps, you're all awesome for giving us something to play ♥ ⠀
Kingling, Seven, Toy Accuracy is currently one of my biggest weaknesses. I would love to be a very well rounded player, so one of the things on my to do list is to improve my acc, and these guys all motivate me to do it. If i see any of them on a leaderboard, i can almost guarantee i'll be really self conscious about my acc. I look up to Toy for many reasons, but his HDHR scores fucking blow me away. I've only ever had one hdhr ss and it was on a bloody 30 second map, but Toy can somehow get them on maps as long and demanding as united. I love Kingling for the same reason. The scores he just casually posts on his twitter are fucking ridiculous. Hopefully some day i will be able to get such amazing acc on more challenging maps too. And Seven. Me and him are around the same rank while i'm writing this, but his acc is just so fucking far ahead of mine. I have the sort of mindset that if someone so close to me can do it, i should be able to as well. His scores probably motivate me the most when it comes to acc.
Plz Enjoy Game Getting good is hard work, it's tedious and exhausting, and at times frustrating; but if you enjoy what you're doing, it stops feeling like a chore. If you can find the enjoyment in the game, and find enjoyment in improvement, then it almost becomes easy. Seeing someone who clearly prioritises enjoyment over competition get so far has really solidified the importance of having a good attitude.
Vaxei I think anyone would love to be so good at something that almost nobody believes you are legit. Vaxei has such mindblowing skill, that nobody believed that he wasn't a cheater. It seemed too crazy. But he was legit. He was quite literally unbelievably good at the game. I could most likely never reach that point, but knowing it's possible to be so good that nobody believes it is just inspiring.
xasuma Whenever i truly love a game, i try to complete it as much as possible. I really struggle to do that usually, because it is such hard work and requires a lot of dedication towards the game. It is harder to "complete" osu than maybe any other game in existence, but xasuma has actually done it. He has played every single ranked standard map. That dedication is unbelievable, and i have so much respect for him. I could only dream of having that much perseverance.
Toy - For showing what it means to be a well rounded player Ekoro - Dude is an absolute legend Spare - For the mind blowing amount of amazing DT scores he has Pengrio - Because i'm beginning to think he can pass absolutely anything sut_son - For being an all around great guy, and an outstanding HDHR player Cookiezi - For inspiring so many of us by continuously pushing the limits of what was thought possible ⠀
Peppy I love you. This game is amazing. You've acknowledged in the past that people use this game as an escape from the real world, and I'm one of those people that does that. I've mentioned it elswhere on my profile that i have a bucketload of health issues, and that honestly makes the real world a bit of an unenjoyable place for me. Games like this are where i find comfort, and this is how i manage to stay sane. I can't express how truly grateful i am for you, and by extension all other passionate game devs, for giving so many of us that extra little boost we need to keep going. Games like this give so much to so many different people, and it's wonderful that people like you care enough to make them. Whether it's just a nudge to help get through the day, a way to unwind, an escape from the world, a creative outlet, or a social hangout, this game provides a home for all of us, and i cannot thank you enough for that. I'm sure you have helped so many people on a much larger scale than you probably ever imagined when you first made this game. Thank you so much.
Seven I don't know what exactly to say here without sounding cheesy as shit, but i wanted to add Seven here because he's been such a great friend. There's a bunch of people i've met through this game that i'd consider friends, but Seven is the only one who's like a best friend. It's nice. You're a great guy, and i really appreciate you <3
Duskyui Duskyui, i really look up to you man. You're so damn good, and crazy dedicated to the game. It's honestly pretty inspiring watching you. It's really awesome having someone i look up to be so friendly to me too. I appreciate it a lot. It might be silly, but when i failed to complete every map in 2019, it made me really happy watching you see it through to the end and i was really proud of you once you completed it. You didn't even stop there though, you're still going. You're a very admirable player and an amazing person
Kirika Sam, you're so friendly and kind and supportive and just a damn pleasure to know. Thanks for being such a nice person <3
Pishifat I don't want to put pishi in the mappers list, because I'm honestly not a fan of his maps. I'm a fan of who he is as a person. He has gone out of his way to help the entire community learn and develop their mapping abilities, and i don't think this game would have grown quite as beautifully as it currently has if it weren't for him. He has really helped shape the growth of this game and I just want to thank him for caring so much. ⠀
Here's BTMC's review If you'd rather read that over my own, but here's mine if you're curious. This thing is infinitely better than any sort of mechanical keyboard imo. Faster response, no actuation, and reduces the strain on your fingers an unbelievable amount. I honest to god cannot see a single benefit to using a mech keyboard over this for osu. There's more to it than just how effective it is and doing its job though. The creator seems like a bit of an ass, the price of the current model is literally more than twice as much as the original models price and 3 times as much as similar products, delivery time is a joke, and build quality is imperfect. At least, the build quality of the original was. For example, i'm pretty sure the usb port was just stuck in place with a hot glue gun. Fiddle the cable too much and the port will come out. But despite the issues, this is an absolute must imo. I can not imagine playing this game without this.
*Update after trying the new model* It feels great, it's all the same as before but a little prettier to look at, but unfortunately i'm already having input detection issues after just a few months. Considering my old one died from the connection port falling out of place, so i went with magnetic cable for this one, which may be the issue. I'll see if i can switch the magnet for a normal cable and if that fixes the issue, at which point i'll post another update.
I've tried thnikks keypad too, so i'll give a comparison. thnikks is MUCH cheaper, but it performs like it too. Slightly higher input delay (no more than a few milliseconds compared to the prox when it's working properly), and it's so ridiculously small that it's barely usable, but i did order the small one so that's on me. I don't know which i'd recommend right now since i need to test more with the prox, but i think i'm leaning towards suggesting choosing thnikk over prox.
I do not recommend this btw. Absolutely awful ghosting. It makes hidden easier since sometimes the notes will take longer than they should to fade out, but for general use this is not good. 144hz is a must though, definitely get yourself a 144hz or higher monitor if you don't already have one. ⠀
Current headset - Turtle Beach Recon 50x Old headset - ocday gaming headset The ocday headset is falsely advertised btw, it's not noise cancelling at all. It's literally just hollow plastic, which actually makes outside noises echo in your ears. I almost went deaf when my dog barked near me.
I tried to play every map that got ranked this year. Here, you can see my progress, and lists of what i think are the best maps from each month. Shoutouts to Xasuma
Shawn Mendes - Stiches (Speed Up Ver.) by Hantrik This isn't interesting enough to make it into my favourites, but it is easily one of the most enjoyable sets i played this month. I was dancing my way through these maps. Very high energy upbeat song, with maps that compliment it perfectly, and a really nice storyboard to top it off. Great set.
TrySail - adrenaline!!! (TV Size) by SonnyC I tend to avoid putting maps/sets focused on one gimmick in my favourites because they can be kinda controversial, but that's why i have a special shoutout section! This was SO DAMN FUN. THIS is how you make a slider map. THIS is how you do something gimmicky. THIS is absolutely amazing.
Will Stetson - Hidimari no Uta by Seto Kousuke Look at the artist and song, this is just begging to be the most overweight map in the game, but no, it's a genuinely good map instead. I love it. Seto is honestly one of the greatest people on this game.
(numbers may be inaccurate due to bugs with the client, and my own math errors)
Receptor - Redstar by Raikozen Way to come back swinging man. This is such a great map, and i'm genuinely looking forward to see what else Raikozen plans on making in the future now. He's always been known for great graveyard maps, so seeing him rank a map so quickly after getting unbanned has got me excited to see what else he has in store for us.
Culprate - Acid Rain by SnowNiNo_ It feels unfair to put this in the same list as everything else, but it is phenomenal map that got ranked this month, so i'll add it here. What an outstanding work of art. This, and Firis Mistlud's entry were my personal favourites from the aspire competition, and i'm happy one of them won.
(numbers are likely very inaccurate, as i switched to a new pc and lost a lot of data)
Li Rong Hao - If I Were Young by bossandy This song melts my heart. It is so beautiful, and it is really nice to see something so calm and relaxing getting ranked. There are tons of easy maps, but they never really stand out. They seem to only exist for the purpose of fitting the rules about having a difficulty spread. This set is actually amazing, and it really shows just how good easy maps can be. This is really a wonderful set, and it provides a much needed break from all the difficult maps.
(numbers might be inaccurate due to bugs with the client, and my own math errors)
Akatsuki Records - Shout It Out Loud!!! by Hailie Unfortunately didn't quite make it into my favourites, but this is extremely fun, which is not something i say about Hailie's maps very frequently. It's not something i say about her maps ever actually. It's really nice to see something from her that i really enjoyed playing. Noxy's gd in particular is outstanding too.
(numbers might be inaccurate due to bugs with the client, and my own math errors)
It's too hard limiting this to 20, so screw it. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 Shoutouts to eiri- and Lasse, for making so many great maps.
Special shoutout:
IC3PEAK - Grezy by PandaHero This is beautiful. The maps and storyboards work so well together, and they capture the song remarkably well. It's like this song was made for this mapset.
(numbers might be inaccurate due to bugs with the client, and my own math errors)