01:37:849 (48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55) - 1/1 patterns cannot exceed 7 notes on a kantan.
I'd delete 01:38:816 (51).
I'd like to bring to your attention a couple of instances where you omit the kick and by doing so lose the chance to shake up the rhythm a bit. I believe this is important since sections remain mostly the same between each other (in terms of both density and patterning).
(I don't think I would apply these to your top diff to keep its density nor your futsuu cuz it cannot afford to. Would muzu be controversial?)
These could justify mapping doubles, 4plets or similar:
00:13:268, 00:13:399, 00:28:268, 00:47:312, 00:51:486, 01:08:573, 01:08:703, 01:23:573, 01:42:616, 01:46:790, 02:11:833, 02:19:138, 02:40:007, 02:44:181, 03:01:268, 03:01:399.
Even where you already have notes on, they're just not being emphasised.
There's no sound at 00:02:886 (22,23,24) unlike the previous 5plets.
Instead, I'd suggest you add a 'd' at 00:03:010 (that's snapped at 1/3). It keeps both flow to and emphasis on 00:03:109 which is where the stream starts.
You have 1/1's on your muzukashii and a full 1/3 stream on your inner oni. I don't think that simplifying said stream on your oni is the best decision since it disregards whatever the piano is doing. Instead, I'd suggest you separate it into 5plets and follow the piano.
As an idea:
00:11:660 (1,2,3) and 00:12:358 (4,5,6) are both 'kkd' but the pitch is higher on the last one.
I would do 00:12:358 (4,5,6) 'k k d' -> 'k d k'
If you apply this then I would also change 00:13:056 (7,8,9,10,11) into 'k k d d k' for constrast (00:13:404 is lower pitched)
Aditionally and to further follow this dynamic.
whatever change you end up doing remember to apply it to your second kiai as well!