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i unironically love this map
I passed this with ONLY 5.27% acc and without NF
good for fixing fingerlock and bad rhythm sense
not good for fixing fingerlock because strain is 0, rhythm is very simple as well
for me it helps
very relaxing to play
man can't even get a D rank how is this possible to even pass wtf
That's impossible! Can't pass this map......cuz i fall asleep every time i try
I whish there was a harder version :( (1SS)
Very Easy!!!
this was so hard I got an F rank
man i got Z rank
Ivan was here with SS.
I failed on no fail. That's how hard this is.
through the fire and flames is easier than this..............
i can't even pass it with RX wtf?
how can i fc this?
Really >_<
wtf dis is insanely easy
too high ar
love the song <3
HT and I failed
k den
This shouldnt be ranked...
your face shouldnt be ranked/
finally a dragonforce song i can play on osu!
this is so easy that i choked an ss and lost 700 ranks
Success Rate: 29.0% (8704 of 30005 plays)
It's clearly overmapped
Monstrata op
https://gyazo.com/c96d1a370... retry intensifies
so hard
cookiezi didn't play this i wonder why
Hardest beatmap ever made.
ok kurwa, kto to kurwa ranknął
what da hell LOL really?
i still choked wtf
Every DragonForce Map
ES la única canción de Dragonforce lenta XD
good map
someone“Who EZHDDTFL this map“ -GN"Done!"
Holy 668 pp record
p h u c k y o u