At first I joined the Belgium Community, I do not remember from where I found it but guessing that it was on the OsuBelgium YouTube Channel. Half a year in the discord never saying a word I read an announcement about the Belgium Winter Meetup, hyped to go but to awkward to ask I stayed with shy and never sended a message. However when I was in hbu_'s stream I got the courage to send a chat message in his stream. He friendly replied and even that was a big hit for me ( see this from my point of view: I started this game when he stood on number 2 Belgium and DenObscure grey in 1st, not knowing many players if any at all and asking one of your idolized players something in his chat ) after 2 message's I asked if I could join the meetup. He replied with send me on Discord on DM with your osu profile so I can confirm you are from Belgium and you are added. I am still happy I sended that message of this day cause I met so many wonderfull people over there. Now knowing that people have seen me I try to be more active and talky with the community, still feeling social awkward at times but it gets less every day.
At the meetup I did not understand fluid French, and Helikaze did not like speaking english. I really thought at points the they were shittalking etc. But in the end he sended me a DM with 'Nice to meet ya, I do not like speaking english so I am sorry'. This made me feel at ease and since then I always liked to meet new people from the community.
hb, you might not know it but like I have written in the story that meetup was my kickstart in the community, I still remember everything clear on how it went and it might not have been a big thing for you but it really gave me the impression that even a low player is wanted in the community.
Skin --NycroFear-- Skin ++NycroFear 2020-2++ Keyboard - Red switches, Corsair Strafe, Buttons D F ( I use the extra grip buttons you get with the keyboard ) I broke one of my keycaps and after that I broke another so now I am using T Y Tablet - Drag over mousepad Now:
Tourneys: -Win a tourney (Obviously) -Being more reconized as a decentish player instead of a player that people will overlook. (This is how I feel and what actually happend I'm not kidding)
My biggest goal at this moment (1/11/2020) is to become a better tournament player. After the disappointment from my 5wc performance I won't be focusing my rank improvement but rather my skill improvement. I want to become a reliable player both mechanicly and mentally.