Don't know who needs it but please always take care of yourself, life's too short to think about all the stuff you can't do anything about anyways. Go enjoy life (and game) <3 (01/08/2025)
- Discovered osu! through seeing clips come by on my twitter/reddit (mainly from Ed aka "BTMC") - Got into the game during quarantaine (2020) thanks to it being a very good passtime - Took a liking to the ranking system and interacting with the community <3
* Aim oriented player Trying to be an all-round tournament player now * Playing for fun, be it farming or not (:
Old goals: - Have fun enjoying the game with friends
- 400 pp play [x] - 4 digit [x] - top 50 BE [x] - Be happy with tournament performances [ ] - 500 pp play [x] This was Zan'ei xd - actual 500pp play [x] - Top 25 BE [x]
Verre (Introducing me to communites, really chill person) Eribriel (love you man <3, got me into tournaments + GIGACHAD) Lipo (PETTHELIPO, one of the earliest friends) Dutch (meneer. chillest dude ever, always there when needed, vibe)
People in here either inspire me to play the game and learn new things, or I just admire their mindset towards the game and especially towards improving \o/
Tournaments: Bubbleman, Hanori
Mindset: DigitalHypno, Xootynator, RyuK (THE KWAN GRINDSET)