IamKwaN wrote:
i m.. ah.. kwan
Qualified on the day the last episode was released.
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php? ... d=53402618Ex: Me
Extreme: ProfessionalBox
(The Real Hardest Diff)Expert: Fycho
Extra: Fuccho
Extra: Rizia
Extra: Meyrink
Another: toybot
Insane: Kinshara
Insane: Kanau
Hard: DreaM117er
Normal: Me
Easy: Me
video: Meyrink (thank no.1 mapper morroco)
mp3: Kocari
looking forIf you show me something amazing i might go out of my way to add it to the set. but if not then prob not :S.ok i really dont need any more diffs now LOL