Fijate que cada vez que actualices el mapa, la descripción se colapsa toda y donde habian palabras con tildes te lo reemplaza por &, yo tendría siempre la letra o el texto que pongas ahí en un bloc de notas así siempre que actualizes el mapa, cambies la desc, por el resto, muy buen mapa y espero que lo termines! :D
Really friend, every time I play this map I enjoy it more and more, please don't stop working on this map uwu
This map is pretty good in general, a suggestion that I can give you is that you can squeeze the sv a lot, I know the map is wip, but I wanted to clarify that. (If you have no idea where to start, you could stalk Evening's maps a bit, as he does it quite well.)
Another thing that I can suggest is that you do not leave breaks, the only rest there is you can squeeze something like some ln accompanying the background of the theme, in general it is fine but there are still things to squeeze
00:03:792 (3792|1) - This ln starts early if you are timing that fade in ->