and as a result of this, i couldn't create a detailing layering scheme to prove all of this word vomit cause i've actually forgotten half of the stuff that i had in mind, that wouldn't of even been noticed to the average player and modder.
but thanks for this, it's kind of opened my eyes towards SV charting. x
if i were creating a solely SV map then the chart would be structured differently; i'd leave myself more room and create less interdependence to create a more impressive structure. but because this chart was a representation of how i viewed and wanted to represent the unique and different feel that the song has, i didnt do that. i do, however, understand your point of view, that it has more potential that hasn't been tapped into. but thats just a side effect of the way ive structured the map within itself. there is probably a shit ton of extra SV layering, reasoning and interdependence that i have completely forgotten purely because i finished the SVs on this a year ago and i've fallen out of the scene.
i mean, look at whiplash and tetsuo's redemption of mine - they use very simplistic design, often, or ever, never veering out of averaging or simple bumps and reverses, but it works in its own way, and have been praised for doing so. of course this map could be designed completely differently, have a completely different flow or feel, but then it wouldn't feel like mine. there are stutters during stuttery sounds, there are slow swoops during swoop-y sounds, there are bumps on loud percussion or hard small synths. this map was something i had never really tackled before; specifically because not every distinct change in the music could be displaying using LNs and normal notes.
my SV style has always been about simplistic but effective design. im not like other SV mappers; i dont create massively flashy maps that are very stand out and make everyones eyes go mental. like, my style doesnt follow suit of people like evening and couil (these are the first people that came to mind lmao ive been out of the scene for a while). so to compromise ive always put massive effect into the flow and feel of the whole final product, meaning that notes and SVs are so intertwined that they often rely on eachother in every instance. this does, and in the case of this map specifically, sometimes result in the reptitive nature of SV design; but thats not to say that the map becomes boring or repetitive.
nah there is a distinct enough sound here to have a note. it is feint but it felt off to not have anything there honestly. this defo aint a dump chart so its nothing like that
actually u know what scrap all this i found a way to fit in the pitch changes without ruining my idea of flow here so i have done that. and tbh it did feel off that it was the same with different pitches so yeah changed
oh i thought the pattern ran over the single note lol. regardless, i feel like a gradual fade thing wouldnt suit my vision cause theres quite distinct patters on each 1/4th snap here that warrant the usual bumps