mapped by CrumpetFiddler
This beatmap was ranked on 10 November 2018!
nominated by Shima Rin and Sandalphon
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wondering why Advanced diff using storyboarded hitsounds which even adjacent diffs don't use it like jeez's Hard and Normal's error. Maybe it's not too important but this has an effect on the game itself, which most people play with hitsound on and when they try to playing in Advanced diff storyboarded hitsounds, and when they try to diff next to each other (jeez's Hard and Normal's error) storyboarded hitsounds don't exist like Advanced. maybe this is called consistency, please consider.


Already spoken to sand about this. absolutely aware of its existence.
Having them there doesn't effect the game itself, albeit semi-inconsistent, it doesn't affect anything


you could of pasted a note lol

Marked as resolved by Crumpey