04:13:444 - uh, here the guitar is like WAY more intense then before in 04:04:555 - (u even put kiai on the second one lo) but they mapped the same basicly, I'd personaly suggest to make sum contrast there and liek for example 04:13:444 - make here no repeat sliders and small jumps between the streams or higher spacing or something idk
04:05:444 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - mayb small spacing increasement would help emphasize better how the guitar goes higher in pitch? ;w;
04:04:999 (1) - mayb its a good idea to make this 2 repeat slider cuz the guitar sounds kinda like its doing like a pattern or idfk how its called every 1/2 ;o;
02:38:999 (5) - ik players will just aim at the sliderstart but that shape might make a player expect the next object to be at the left side of the screen not on the right one 02:39:222 (1) -
01:07:888 (1,2) - this seems to be a bit too much of a jump so that 01:08:111 (2,1) - kinda loses emphasize at least spacing whise imo
03:49:191 (1,2) - osu.ppy.sh/ss/12345114 mayb looks a bit cooler when u stack sliderends like that, also looks more consistent with 03:41:138 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - or idk lol
03:25:034 (2,3,4,5) - triple doesnt stack with 03:25:034 (2) - properly cuz eh.... autostack sux lol