written by Maxus A renowned member of the community for his hitsounding capability and flexibility to adapt his hitsounds to any instrument present within various type of songs, dudehacker surely doesn't fall short when it comes to charting prowess that extends to any keymode. Although most of his ranked charts are quite simple for lower skilled players and are more focused towards accuracy, he is still capable of mapping even anti-keymodes which is rare in today's ranking which deserves quite a recognition on its own. With the astounding 4 new beatmaps that he ranked in 2018, we can expect an even greater product for him to produce in the future.
written by Tofu1222 dudehacker is always known as one of the best hitsounders in osu!mania. Besides self-made hitsounds for lots of maps, he also developed many useful hitsound tools that helped countless mappers with hitsound problems. In mapping, he aims to help beginners familliarize with 7K with his maps. Featuring smooth patterns all the way through the song, his 7K ranked maps become one of the first choices for 7K beginners.