
[Mapping Contest] Osu!Mania 4K Galge Mapping Contest #2

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Contest Overview

1. This is mapping contest for 4K Mania, an galge song is chosen by me.
2. Galge has many good songs, pls map them.


Winner: PianoLuigi -> beatmapsets/1860259#mania/3824395
Special award: Akasha- -> beatmapsets/1860224#mania/3824154

feedback below:

Previous Contest



Mapping period: August 10, 2022 to September 30, 2022
Judging period: depends how many submissions

late submission will not be accepted


There will be only 1 winner. Winner will get 2 rewards:
  1. I can be your 1st BN, and help you find 2nd BN, but no guarantee can rank
  2. 1x high quality dakimakura (50cm x 160cm) about $300 USD worth (cover + pillow) for a character of your choice (pre-order is fine). Will DM winner directly for more details. or you can take cover + keyboard, cover is must.
You must be at least age of 18 to claim the dakimakura, if not I will give it to 2nd place. You also agree to provide me with your personal information for shipping purpose. I will not give you cash.
there's no guarantee I will be hosting more contest, so take your chance now!

Map download

click here to download the beatmap, it's already timed.
紬ヴェンダース (CV:岩井映美里) - 紬の夏休み -Sunset Lighthouse Version-
Source: Summer Pockets

Judging Criteria

Just me alone

I do not judge consistency, or RC stuff, this is to allow mappers not familiar with ranking to also participate, and small issues can easily be fixed, no need to spend 10h to self mod details.
Just make sure you have a clear concept, not random map
I'm too lazy to give score to each submission, but I will post result of top 5 maps, and feedback for them.

How to Submit

Send me your finished map (.osu file) on Osu PM

Submission Criteria

  1. Make a 4 Key single difficulty, no requirement on SR, try to express yourself to the max without making it too hard for no reason.
  2. Don't make HS or SB.
  3. Put your osu username as the difficulty name, but don't worry I will run a program to replace it with a random hash, so I don't know who made which map when judging.
  4. Only 1 submission per person, mapped by you alone without consulting anyone else.
  5. Plagiarism is forbidden.
  6. Forbidden to submit map anywhere online before the results are out
  7. Only use the map provided above.
Keep in mind the results will be very subjective to my preference, it doesn't mean other maps are bad.

Good luck everyone!
If you have any questions, post below
may i know what character daki, sir.
Leon Brigido
They are good prizes, but I don't know how to mapping, good luck to the participants
can I see the daki pls
Topic Starter

_Seth wrote:

can I see the daki pls
ancul's got stuck in poste office he need pay custom, u can dm him for pic, i cant post for privacy reason

Drum-Hitnormal wrote:

_Seth wrote:

can I see the daki pls
ancul's got stuck in poste office he need pay custom, u can dm him for pic, i cant post for privacy reason
it's actually clear now. it's just currently sitting on a post office near my dorm (which is like 150km from where i am currently at.) will show once i get there on september

AncuL wrote:

Drum-Hitnormal wrote:

_Seth wrote:

can I see the daki pls
ancul's got stuck in poste office he need pay custom, u can dm him for pic, i cant post for privacy reason
it's actually clear now. it's just currently sitting on a post office near my dorm (which is like 150km from where i am currently at.) will show once i get there on september
hmu ong
Now that's a unique reward for a mapping contest i haven't seen yet.
Nice one :D
18+ contest
Noch Einen
Does restricted person allowed to join? In this case, Ainer would like to join

But i see osu pm, sooooo i guess he's not allowed (?) Since he's restricted
Topic Starter

Noch Einen wrote:

Does restricted person allowed to join? In this case, Ainer would like to join

But i see osu pm, sooooo i guess he's not allowed (?) Since he's restricted
sure just DM me on discord, i just dont want accept a scam/bot on discord by accident
is it a daki of you? if so, i wanna participate
I wonder how you will send dakimakura to me in Russia
the song selection literally calling me to join this contest mugyu

how do i start mapping this while listen to the song already got my eyes bawling
high quality daki that i wouldnt be able to claim even if i won mmmm
Topic Starter

keksikosu wrote:

I wonder how you will send dakimakura to me in Russia
idk, if ur country cant be shipped, u have to wait?
this mugyuu thing keeps ringing on my mind, send help.
Satoko Hojo
idk if there's a higurashi dakimakura so
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judging started

heres all entries: 6 total

if your entry is not in here, pls let me know ASAP. i hope i didnt do a dumb mistake
Good luck to all participants!
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Results are out!

thanks everyone for participating, it was better than i expected, given i picked somewhat repetitive and boring song to map

feedback below:

added extra reward for the 2nd entry that is very close to winning.

will contact winners on PM regarding rewards.

Winner: PianoLuigi
Special award: Akasha-

hope you all had fun, and maybe see you again next time! (nothing planned as of now)
interested to see which cover this round's winner will choose. congrats!
Topic Starter

AncuL wrote:

interested to see which cover this round's winner will choose. congrats!
just placed order, not sure if he wants to reveal who, but you can DM him
biggest pog of the year lets go
Pics will be shared when things arrive :)

PianoLuigi wrote:

Pics will be shared when things arrive :)
It's here, thanks to Dudehacker for arranging all of this!
Topic Starter
gratz PianoLuigi!

stay tuned for next one... sometime next year maybe
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