while it can work for consistency idk, i think the 1/6 kkkk gives it a nice way to contrast the wub from the previous sound it was going for (+ it's a bit more engaging to play imo)
added kkkdddk bc with reworked 1/6 i think it plays a bit nicer, instead of adding something to 03:03:863 i removed 02:58:377 instead so the pattern is not as brutal
00:53:406 00:54:777 00:54:777 done
for 00:54:349 00:55:292 i kinda prefer how it plays as it is rn so i'll keep kkd, kkk k k is a bit jank and kdk has the pattern happen twice in a row which i'm not too fond of
i'll just stick with the ones i had on previous sections, it's kinda hard to make it consistent and not janky at the same time so i'm not gonna think too hard on it
i agree with nevqr here, even though it might not be as dense in instruments the drum solo is kind of the highlight of the song and taking away the stream doesn't do it enough justice
i find the 02:50:014 stream on both diffs are a lot more anchored compared to the other 2 so i personally think it's enough justification to have the improv stick around tbf
the album is called ``The New Normal! (The Normal Album 2024 Edit)`` but the tags are as is to avoid being redundant (someone correct me if i'm wrong tho)
the outro is already 10 seconds of pure 4/1 notes i don't think placing 20 more seconds of nothing but that adds anything to the map as a whole so i think it's justified as well