A lot of hard work went into this, and it's unfortunate that people are giving it flack because there's "too many difficulties."
Such a fun map and flows very well! Definitely of rankable quality, this mapper clearly knows what they're doing.
01:37:171 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - The 1/4 sliders and the tightness of these sliders feels rough to work with. I'd suggest making more space between sliders if you wish to do the slider every note.
01:28:771 (4,5,6) - Extremely jarring and unfitting for the map and its style. I would redo this to something completely different, maybe circles instead.
01:02:885 (2,3,4,5,6) - The irregular rhythm combined with the equal short spacing makes this difficult to read. I would suggest increasing its intensity a little and making the rhythmic change easier to notice.
Although Bot suggests the first one is okay, I personally disagree and feel it jarring for a Normal. I think a spinner would feel a lot more natural here.