Hi! I'm YogurtSG, I started osu! in August 2015 as a casual I took improving more seriously in late 2019. I enjoy playing Stream maps, EZ mod <3, and gimmicky stuff (farmer at heart)
In some way shape or form, these players shaped me to become the player I am today. I look up to a lot of players, but these are the ones that have a huge impact on me
Hiro and I known each other a long time and we've always played different rhythm games together (most notably Guitar Hero series) and osu! is no different. He's helped me stay motivated when it comes to osu! and he also was the reason why I started playing HardRock. If it wasn't for his recommendation to try HR, I wouldn't be the player I am today. I owe it all up to him, He pulled me together when I was on the verge of quitting for good. He's a cracked player in my eyes, Y'all should like watch him play. I'm mostly inspired by his : Speed skill, Streaming abilities and aim.
Ryo and I met around early 2020 and we became best friends online while maintaining some sort of rivalry. Although our playstyles are the complete opposite, it's fun to have the competitive drive with someone no matter the type of map it is. Ryo inspires me to practice harder than I have ever before. I am truly grateful to have him as my best friend who I can always talk to (serious or surface level), discuss the game with, and also play with as well. He's my favorite under-ranked player. I'm most inspired by his : DT Speed, Alternating and Hidden.
Yumi and I are fun fact, brothers. I won't be afraid to admit that despite him being my younger brother, He's miles ahead of me when it comes to osu! I vividly remember when we we're 6 Digit Players (100k-150), I was playing really slow and boring stuff but he'd already be moving into the 6*-7* range and getting really cool passes early into his osu! journey. It was the coolest thing and that's the thing I respected most about Yumi. 'Til this day he has some of the coolest passes that I dream of having. To add even MORE credibility, His recent improvement in late '22 has been the most INSANE I've ever seen. I've always had a mental rivalry with Yumi and even if he doesn't see it that way with me or not, It still inspires me to improve as much as I possibly can. We started osu! not too far off from each other and I'm happy that we both still play. If it weren't for our differences in preference I wouldn't be the player I am today. There will always be something to talk and discuss about. Outside of osu! he's been a great brother and he's been there for me which I am extremely grateful for. Anyway, my favorite skills from him are : Tech Map abilities, Speed Skill, and Hidden
THE MAN. The way that Boshy plays always amazes me. I found Boshy around mid 2022 when I discovered he was a fellow Oregonian. To add credibility, He competed in OWC'22 Which obviously, I enjoyed watching. However, I think it's cool that someone from my home state was able to compete in such an elite setting with all the Greats. I've always dreamed about becoming a player similar to Boshy because of how versatile his playstyle is. He's shown me that I want to take on the challenge being able to play almost anything thrown at me. I am most inspired by his : Flow Aim, Gimmick, EZ Mod and Hidden + Hardrock
I've always loved watching Koa play so much because of how well he plays Stream maps. I discovered Koa when I was a pretty low point in my life but his twitch streams always brought me enjoyment even though I didn't chat much. I guess I was more busy observing the plays he was making and laughing uncontrollably during the pepega moments. I vividly remember watching him hit his major milestones in his osu! career and I'm happy I got to witness them be made. His improvement from when I originally found him to how far he's come now is crazy and inspires me to go crazy too. My absolute favorite skills from Koa are : Hardrock abilities, Stream Aim and Stream Consistency
Having someone like Ed in the community is truly a blessing because of how passionately he feels about the game itself and it's members. I enjoy watching Ed because of how funny he is, how well he's able to play my favorite stream maps / songs, and overall the cool and unique things he's done for the community. (ROUNDTABLE) I'm happy that he's the big face of osu! because gyze honesty... I wouldn't have met this many cool people from a video game let alone A CIRCLE CLICKING GAME?? Aside for what he's done for the community, I'm most inspired by his : Hardrock, Stream Aim, Stream Consistency and Stream Speed ( ALSO I STREAM SNIPED HIM IRL<-- )
Honorable Mentions - Rektygon = HR and Streams - Rafis = DT and Aim (also nostalgia) - Cookiezi = HD, Aim, Consistency and Streams (also nostalgia) - Trail Mix = My Favorite Leaderboard Player (HDHR) - Wincen = No Mod Aim (bro hops on for 20 mins, FC's then logs off)
Peripherals - Wacom 472 Tablet / Wacom 480 ( I alternate between ) - NovelKeys 65% Keyboard with Akko CS Silvers - Sim Pad 2 with Speed Silvers - Some random 144hz montior
Long Term - Reach 4 Digit - Be able to Play all mainstream mods ( HR, DT, HD, DTHD, HDHR ) - Set a unique / long lasting #1 on a map - Play any Stream map in existence - Pass Bookmaker Short Term - Stream 200-230 BPM - Train speed for DT - Learn HD - Get better at Tech - FC Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan (Sky Arrow) for 300pp PEAK 42,540 STD Dec'23
-DnB Enjoyers Cup '22 DNQ ( Team Ball ) <-- I love these guys ( Ghosty, Mass, FrozenTea ) - Oregon Osu 3v3 2023 LAST PLACE ( Team Seed 27 ) ( HiroFMS ( Rinko Shirokane ) and Yumi012 )