YouTube | Twitch | AniList if you've mutualed me please lmk I wanna know who my mutuals are T.T
ryoomfies collab!
have to keep name change until I fc ringing bloom it's so over I mean I did it but someone took my name... might change it to something kita related c:
✧ current project ✧ ➤ mapping all kessoku band songs in catch ⮜
I will map all of these in catch if it's the last thing I do!
after I finish the re:kessoku band album, I'm going take a bit of a break to map other songs I like. I still plan on finishing this by the end of 2025, or when season 2 releases!
✨ キターン〜 ✨ mostly a NM and HR aim player trying to become an all-mode player and a medal grinder kessoku band wannabe mapper farming all roselia and inori minase maps possible
Tournament History Sheetomg I did it I stopped being lazy anything not in the sheet will be forever lost to time current tournament status: unmotivated(this will change once I get approaching the summit, most likely in catch) nvm tournaments aren't fun
A mappack of openings and endings of the animes I've watched These will most likely be 6-7☆ and pretty generic, it's just for fun I'll map whenever I have the motivation to (basically when I'm demotivated from playing) and I'm too lazy to hitsound (jk ig the ones in bold are hitsounded)
BanG Dream! (OP) Bakemonogatari (OP2) Bocchi the Rock! (ED2) Kaguya-sama: Love is War (ED1) Nichijou (OP2) Nisemonogatari (OP3) Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (OP) Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (OP1) Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Season 2 (OP1) Your Lie in April (OP1) to be continued
currently learning how to map catch because I do kinda find it pretty fun and want to rank a map! my goal is to bring songs ranked in standard into catch, as well as songs I personally like that aren't mapped in catch yet ^^ yes, I know my mapping style rn is simple and generic, but that's just what I find the most fun and enjoyable I do want to branch out and experiment with more styles of mapping eventually though
Keyboard: standard: Wooting UwU | other modes: Drunkdeer G60 (.4 actuation, .2 press, .4 release) Tablet: Wacom CTL-480 | Area: 63.25mm x 60mm Mouse: Razer Viper Ultimate (1200 dpi, 1x sens) Monitor: HP x24ih (1080p, 144Hz) Headphones: Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro (250 Ohm) Skins:sheet(I tend to switch skins in standard a lot so I'll try to keep it updated)
Edwardidk - The person who introduced and locked me in this prison of a game (I will never forgive him for this). The only thing that motivated me through the first few months of being six-digit was trying to catch up to him and his scores, and talking to him about the game; otherwise, I probably would have never touched osu! again.
Ryo Yamada - My biggest weakness before 2023 was the HR mod; I could never farm it nor play picks of it in a tournament. In late 2022, I played in OT22, an Oregon-only tournament 3v3. This person was one of my teammates and was an absolute HR god during the tournament, and wanting to be a more well-rounded player, I started grinding a lot of maps with HR. Safe to say, it's become a main mod for me to play now.
Indy - My other teammate for OT22, and basically the pseudo-captain for our team since I had no idea what I was doing as captain LOL Now that I'm playing a lot of catch, I want to catch up to their skill level eventually.
BoshyMan741 - Forever Oregon #1 and objectively the worst player on the US OWC 2022 team. His scores are probably the only reason I've dabbled into playing reading, like EZ and <AR8 HD, and although he's more known for more gimmicky plays, I've always wanted the HR and stream consistency he has.
Librarian - I swear on literally every single map I'm trying to farm or set a score on, there's a wix HR play on the leaderboards. The HR consistency she has is unmatched, especially with aim, and I want to replicate some of those scores.
WhiteCat - How can I be an aim player without including the goat of raw aim? While my consistency on lower BPM jumps is pretty good, I still want to get better at those clip maps that are >240 bpm jumps, which this guy hits with no problem all the time.
Anyone who played/staffed OT22 - If you check my rank history, you'll see that ever since I hit 5k in 2019, I've been decaying with wavering activity. I never returned to my old activity levels until late 2022, when this local Oregon tournament was announced. For one reason or another, this reignited my motivation to play the game more and finally start pushing my skillcap.
[ ] Comfortably stream 200 bpm [ ] Increase bursting speed and stamina (240 bpm+) [✓] Get a 500pp play (hopefully this is quick) Achieved January 12 [✓] Get a 550pp play (2 in 1 holy fk) Achieved January 12 [✓] Get a 600pp play Achieved July 2 [ ] Get a 650pp play [ ] Get a 700pp play [✓] 8* FC medal Achieved October 15 [✓] Become better at HR (500+ pp HR plays?) going to finally cross this out September 12, feel like I can comfortably read AR10 and am a lot better at high CS, the acc has been improving but still needs some work [ ] Become better at DT (500+ pp DT plays?) [✓] 9k pp Achieved March 19 [✓] 9.5k pp Achieved April 11 [✓] 10k pp Achieved April 28 [✓] 10.5k pp Achieved May 21 [✓] 11k pp Achieved June 23 [ ] 3 digit (stretching it a little bit but gotta have something to play for) [✓] Win a tournament (have to get back into playing tournaments first tho lol) (ok this isn't happening tournaments aren't really fun for me anymore) just kidding I love Oregon thank you team
This is on hold until I reach 3 digit in standard jk standard sux [✓] 3* FC Achieved July 6 [✓] 4* FC Achieved July 18 [✓] 5* FC Achieved October 22 [✓] 5* Pass Achieved September 21 [✓] 6* Pass Achieved December 21 [✓] Get a 100pp play Achieved July 11 [✓] Get a 150pp play Achieved July 18 [✓] Get a 200pp play Achieved September 21 [✓] Get a 250pp play Achieved October 14 [✓] Get a 300pp play Achieved December 21 [✓] 5 digit Achieved July 15 [✓] 2k pp Achieved July 15 [✓] 2.5k pp Achieved September 21 [✓] 3k pp Achieved October 2 [✓] 3.5k pp Achieved October 13 [✓] 4k pp Achieved October 17 [✓] 4.5k pp Achieved November 4 [✓] 5k pp Achieved December 21
[✓] 12k pp Achieved March 19 (thanks ppy) [✓] 3 digit (giving up on this)NO I'M NOT WTFFFFF Achieved November 11 [✓] 650pp play Achieved September 14 | IOSYS feat. Nanahira - Judgment Day Has Come [Celestial Judgment] (-Tynamo) 98.99% FC (665pp) [✓] 700pp play Achieved October 31 | t+pazolite - Oshama Scramble! (IOException Edit) [Special] (IOException) 97.34% 2xmiss (783pp) xd [✓] top 100 all >500pp Achieved April 23
[✓] 1k pp Achieved January 5 [✓] 1.5k pp Achieved January 9 [✓] 2k pp Achieved January 13 [✓] 2.5k pp Achieved January 16 [✓] 3k pp Achieved February 3 [✓] 3.5k pp Achieved March 19 (thanks ppy again) [✓] 4k pp Achieved April 13 [ ] 4.5k pp [ ] 5k pp [✓] 4 digit Achieved April 3 [ ] top 7.5k [ ] top 5k [✓] 4* FC Achieved January 13 | C418 - Aria Math (Mqx's Sickkunt Remix) (Ultra Rare Hardstyle) [Muzukashii] (Hivie) 99.32% FC (4.07*) [✓] 5* FC Achieved August 17 | Nekrogoblikon - The Skin Thief [Muzukashii] (radar) 98.27% FC (5.03*) [✓] 150pp play Achieved January 13 | C418 - Aria Math (Mqx's Sickkunt Remix) (Ultra Rare Hardstyle) [Muzukashii] (Hivie) 99.32% FC (158pp) [✓] 200pp play Achieved April 1 | Sagara Kokoro - Hoshizora no Ima [ReySHeL's Oni] (Star Stream) 98.77% 2xmiss (205pp) [✓] 250pp play Achieved August 17 | Nekrogoblikon - The Skin Thief [Muzukashii] (radar) 98.27% FC (253pp) [ ] 300pp play [✓] top 100 all >100pp Achieved February 3 [✓] top 100 all >150pp Achieved October 1 [ ] top 100 all >200pp
[✓] 6k pp Achieved February 1 [✓] 6.5k pp Achieved February 2 (yes you're reading that right. I gained 750 net pp in ~24 hours) [✓] 7k pp Achieved February 5 [✓] 7.5k pp Achieved February 28 [✓] 8k pp Achieved March 20 [✓] 8.5k pp Achieved April 28 [✓] 9k pp Achieved June 8 [✓] 9.5k pp Achieved June 30 [✓] 10k pp Achieved September 3 [✓] 3 digit Achieved March 1 [ ] top 500 [✓] 7* pass Achieved January 31 | Shigure Ui (9-sai) - Shukusei!! Loli-Kami Requiem* [KeyWee's Extra] (Vararaup) +HR (7.92*) sorry not sorry [✓] 8* pass Achieved June 11 | MisoilePunch ~Takenoko Soe~ - Fin.ArcDeaR Long ver. [Finale] (Verti) (8.02*) [✓] 7* FC Achieved July 10 | VINXIS - Sidetracked Day [Deviated] (Verti) (7.32*) [ ] 8* FC [✓] 450pp play Achieved February 5 | t+pazolite - Refactoring Travel (feat. Nanahira) (Cut Ver.) [Travel] (My Angel RangE) 100.00% SS (454pp) [✓] 500pp play Achieved March 1 | CustomiZ - COOLEST (TV Size) [COOLEST: THE FINALE] (Ascendance) 99.67% FC (511pp) [✓] 550pp play Achieved June 8 | Rish feat. Choko - Punai Punai Sensou [Lacrima's Punaidose] (Kukkai) 99.85% FC (568pp) [✓] 600pp play skipped [✓] 650pp play skipped [✓] 700pp play Achieved July 10 | VINXIS - Sidetracked Day [Deviated] (Verti) 99.93% FC (722pp) [ ] 750pp play [ ] 800pp play [✓] top 100 all >200pp Achieved February 6 [✓] top 100 all >250pp Achieved March 16 [✓] top 100 all >300pp Achieved June 5 [ ] top 100 all >350pp [ ] top 100 all >400pp
[✓] 3k pp Achieved April 7 [✓] 3.5k pp Achieved April 12 [✓] 4k pp Achieved April 13 [ ] 4.5k pp [ ] 5k pp [✓] top 50k Achieved April 12 [ ] top 25k [ ] 4 digit [✓] 4* FC Achieved April 10 | Hanatan - Attakain Dakara [[4K] Soup Tabetai] (Paran) 97.22% 914k FC (4.24*) [ ] 5* FC [✓] 200pp play Achieved April 7 | typeMARS - Triumph & Regret [[4K] Regret] ([ A v a l o n ]) 93.74% 787k (203pp) [✓] 250pp play Achieved April 21 | typeMARS - Triumph & Regret [[4K] Regret] ([ A v a l o n ]) 96.72% 879k (263pp) [ ] 300pp play [✓] top 100 all >100pp Achieved April 13 [ ] top 100 all >150pp [ ] top 100 all >200pp