modder info

KKipalt's Modding History

did 2nd
actually im not feeling this one
i hate drums
not a big issue, made slightly closer, doesnt rly impact momentum much either way
idk what this was tbh so
this is like wen ur parents ask u why they dont have grandkids yet
tbh i disagree here cus I'd pool this pretty low but I also don't rly care enough so if yall decide its actually too easy lmk (changed)
nvm i changed the wrong diff fixed
the 2nd and 4th timestamps r both alr drum sampleset, changed the other
just rotated
didnt change
not necessary cus I don't do gaps like that & da nc there is anti phrasing if I do it
i think its a Mild inconvenience thats not worth changing cus there exists players that will figure it out + its done in easier ways else where (00:27:031 (2,3) - )
did I never resolve this
somewhat true but im treating da sectioned off part as an isolated build up
its passive cus I wanted to section off this
I don't think this is a bad way to go about it given the variance in the expected momentum + mayb I cud change 03:42:846 (3) - if u think da sudden exit on movement type makes it kinda awk relative to the rest
repeats also move in a way that's undesirable here in general; da current highlight the most intense sound and also makes the swap over to mapping something slightly different on the (2) more justified
definitely no, I strongly prefer mapping less lines of music n putting the important tappable things (esp in something as low difficulty as this) on sounds that I want to highlight to the player -- mixing everything dilutes the representation needlessly
I don't rly wanna have a 1/2 -> 1/4 rhythm that also has no movement in da map -> the current makes the player want to flow with da intended movement more
da pause is cus of the melodic transition + that's wot my hand decided to do there /shrug
sup kodama.
dude howth fok r u so damned fast How
wtf hapened.
Right Angle
no idea.
oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (i will consider but that only compensates for the peak density, u would end up with the issue of awkwardly low density in lower density parts with 8, which is a real reading thing as well that i didnt really want to target)
there are readable numbers now sad!
indeed; i was too lazy to put timesigs in