Hi im Shadow Leaderboard farmer, I also get SSes or Ranked Score but theyre just a side effect from leaderboard farming I like playing different mods to push high lb spots or sometimes for fun, tho im still a very average 5 digits -w- Tablet/kb mainly, but lately i play mouse/kb or even mouse only cause i feel like or hand left hurts
Ever since some pain ive had in my left hand since 2021 and recently lazer changing scoring so much (and still in a vague state), my approach for the game has changed and im no longer focusing on std or leaderboards anymore, now im focusing on clear all ranked maps in other modes, already finished catch, currently playing taiko, then i will play mania and finally std, wish me luck
Feel free to message me if you want, ill message back unless i forget <3
• +2.200 #1 ranks • +20.000 Top8 scores • +36.000 Top50 scores • +35.000 SS ranks • +32.000 Country #1 ranks • +400.000 replays watched • +90% Total Medals • Have 12 ranked maps • Most Top8s in the game • Most 4mod FCs in the game • 12th person with most playcount (peaked at #8) • 13th person with most playtime (peaked #11) • 19th person with most SS ranks (peaked #5) • Played every ranked/loved map on catch the beat (9232 maps at the time) • Be some people's inspiration <3
If u want mutual feel free to ask, i have enough slots now! Nvm I have very few slots left so ill add people on my own and remove inactive people over the time, if i happend to remove you and become active again pls dm me!
Completion convertless on Catch the Beat (100% on April 28th)
• Phase 1: DT all (or mostly) maps 0-1.99★ base [Done] • Phase 2: (Skip 2.00-2.29★) From 2.3★ SS every possible map playing by difficulty until hit a wall, skip the map if struggle [Done] • Phase 3: From 4.01★ one try every unplayed map going down by difficulty until 2.3★, must get above 98% [Done] • Phase 4: From 4.01★ S/SS on every possible map going up by difficulty until hit a wall [Done] • Phase 5: From 5★ get an A rank or above going up by difficulty, use NF if map is too complex [Done] • Phase 6: (Skip 5.56-6.19★) From 6.2★ just NF everything, use NFHT to avoid getting D ranks [Done] • Phase 7: From 6.19★ one try going down by difficulty, NF if others have used it [Done] • Phase 8: Finish the 120 remaining 2.00-2.29★ going down by length [Done] • Phase 9: The End. [Done]
~4-Mod Completion~
A proyect of 4-Mod FC every ranked/loved map under 2 stars with no mods applied There is some maps I have an HDDTFL score because max score is higher than 4-Mod SS I would just set a 4-Mod FC score anyway, you can find them in 4-Mod selected leaderboard
Current SR: 1.66★ Progress:13788/16883 (05 Dec 2022)
But also 4-Mod FC every ranked/loved map under 3 stars with HRDT mods applied Pretty much same as above, theres a lot of maps in common in these 2 proyects but also some are different
Current SR: 2.42★ Progress:14364/18410 (05 Dec 2022)
Missing so many people from giveways from Twitch sorry
Big shoutout to Grant for all the giveaways from his Twitch Also Big Mig for the couple of giveaways there c:
Thanks Emyrithe for one year of support >~< (27/03/2024) Thanks [-Julien-] for one month of support (26/01/2024) Thanks Random person for 4 months of support for 35kss (09/10/2023) Thanks Random person for a month of support (14/08/2023) Thanks Les Fleurs cutie for the month of support wo ai ni (09/07/2023) Thanks Random person for 4 months of support wtf (27/06/2023) Thanks Ul Haq for one month of support and the words <3 (12/05/2023) Thanks osu69 for one month for finding his first 5* fc (08/04/2023) Thanks Kheops for the support bounty ☻ (20/02/2023) Thanks qtsebas for the support gift sadjha (03/01/2023) Thanks Salamat for the xmas support and kind words <3(25/12/2022) Thanks random user for 1 month (19/12/2022) Thanks Kiyoflame for 5 months bingo giveaway xD (07/05/2022) Gracias nekzoh culiao lindo por el support de navidad :^)♡ (25/12/2020) Thank you Iceluin for support on my birthday! <333 (26/12/2019) Thank you -Scorch- for chrstimas support! I rlly needed lol! (24/12/2019) Thank you so much Lancien for 6 months of supp I rlly appreacite it <3 (Mid 2019) Thank you Domi for the TULA supp XD! (05/12/2018) Gracias Jasoke lindo por el supp♡ (23/07/2018) Thanks Tina for 1 month supp♡ (8/05/2018) Thanks you so much Andy for the supp! ♡ (15/11/2017)) Gracias Alpheratz por el supp♡♡♡♡♡ (14/11/2017)) Gracias xasuma weon por el supp! ♡ (25/09/2017)