00:47:672 (2,3,4) & 00:48:777 (5,6,7,8) - Different spacing between sliderbody to circle vs circle to sliderbody.
DS 1.1x: 
00:35:525 (1,2,3,4) & 00:36:998 (5,6,7,8) - Different spacing between sliderbody to circle vs circle to sliderbody. Also, Same Rhythm different rhythm between: 00:21:353 (2,3,4) & 00:37:550 (6,7,8)
DS 1.1x w/ expressed 1.2: https://gyazo.com/13e5fd85db0c19e263e503faa0c45246 (including 00:38:470 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8))
We've made some modifications to aid the close gap in star rating between normal & hard.
Each difficulty introduces something i.e Normal introduces 1/4 rhythms, Hard introduces the Kick Sliders & Jumps, Insane introduces bursts, Top introduces variable SV.
Within the hard difficulty, we do introduce jumps throughout the map. Not to mention Kick sliders rhythms like 00:43:120 (3,4,5), 00:57:310 (2,3,4), 01:23:256 (1,2,3) & 01:35:012 (3,4,5) added to the mix.
I appreciate the feedback and if you have any concern, let us know.
You also have the option to duplicate the same rhythm you have right after: https://gyazo.com/ba8b20e944855cc7ba737a37938e9f36
(As seen in 00:43:941 (1,2))