i figured people might get bored of stuff like that now
01:51:234 (111234|0) - why is this a single its even HSd the same as 01:50:874 (110874|1,110874|2,110874|3,110994|1,110994|2,110994|3) - these two chords
02:22:314 - onwards -- pay attention to when you strain the right/left hand (02:22:314 - 02:22:734 - 02:23:214 - 02:24:114 - 02:24:594 - are consecutively on the right). 02:29:934 - you seem to alternate it more cleanly (i.e., right for 4 measures then left for 4) in this section than in the previous.
02:52:374 (172374|0,172494|3,172614|0) - kinda misleading especially since only the final note has a loud snare - the rest is just percussive residue
02:56:874 (176874|0,176904|1,176934|2,176964|0,176994|3,177024|1,177054|2,177084|3) - burst sound is not the same as 02:58:314 - 02:53:034 - 02:54:474 -, more important here to pay attention to this because you're solely relying on ln visuals rather than your patterning (which is very bland & does not do the job of diverse representation well) to represent the wubs
03:01:914 (181914|2,181914|3,181914|0,182034|1,182034|0) - such an intense grating sound CANNOT be modeled the same as all the other measures (02:59:034 - 02:54:234 - etc.). again the patterning here is too plain to do anything your visuals need to step up to the plate
03:06:714 (186714|1,186714|3,186714|0,186834|1,186834|2) - odd this is the only set thats different in this section
03:13:194 (193194|3,193254|2,193314|3,193374|2) - only part in this section that has this trill on one-hand -- any reason why
02:54:714 (174714|3,174744|2,174774|1,174834|3,174864|2,174894|1,174954|3,174984|2,175014|1,175074|3,175104|2,175134|1) here's the thing about these lns -- if you follow the burst sounds it starts from, for e.g., 02:54:834 - to 02:54:894 give or take 10ms. this means that every space in between the ln bursts (https://i.imgur.com/BoxIsa0.png) is pretty much deadweight & has the player hold into pretty much nothing. u can say that its ok because its fast, which would make sense if not for the fact that u have like 15 of these back-to-back with no variation in their movement beyond their orientation; after playing it more than 2 times i could already tell that i was pressing into nothing with the bursts.
i personally dont really care that theyre overrated; its more like they just kinda suck, its boring to play, and it doesnt rly conform to the burst sounds in the music . u would thikn that with an empty canvas of burst sounds u would at least vary their size/texture/length according to the general melodic intensity of the music but instead we get the same 15 lines of lns with little to no character/personality (not to give the artist too much credit!! stop copying camellia drops!!).
04:57:834 (297834|0,297864|1,297924|0,298074|0,298104|1,298164|0,298314|0,298344|1,298404|0) - focuses left, 05:05:514 (305514|0,305514|3,305544|1,305574|2,305604|0,305634|3,305754|3,305754|0,305784|2,305814|1,305844|3,305874|0,305994|0,305994|3,306024|1,306054|2,306084|0,306114|3) - alternates? why the change?
im bored im jumping around
08:15:114 (495114|3,495114|0,495234|3,495234|0) - couldve been different since vocals r different
08:34:314 (514314|3,514344|0,514374|1,514404|2,514434|3,514464|0,514494|1) - why is this 1/8??
kinda goofy cute ending. honest to god this mapp is very inoffensive and for 9 minutes its impressive that nothing new happens between the slightly interesting ln burst section in the first kiai. i see some evidence of structure w/ the burst simplification & some hand strain focus and the ending while very stupid kinda follows frrom the body of the chart. u can say that it sucks to play since 9 minutes of this bs with that ending sucks but theres no changing anyones mind so w/e.
im opening this as an entry for others/the mapper to talk abt the ending strain & why its appropriately curved (and also to allow for external discussion on SR/'overrating', because both pertain to difficulty. for ref on my thoughts on the ln bursts see 1925721#3641370.)
take my entry and post as a mediatory stance -- i hope that you know that i truly dont have a skin in whether this thing goes through
i find it hard to untangle your position within the community for the last 5? years (can't care to check) and the push for your map, and while there appears to be almost upwards of a thousand of these charts you've made now it's difficult to say what sort of substance there is to the stuff you're making. perhaps it's exactly as you want it -- a fast food version of charting -- or perhaps you might read as an indictment of your efforts all these years. either way, given the reflexive impulse of whatever happened on twitter with you & other ppl & how people seem to engage 'community dynamics' as a way to deflect personal accountability, i doubt that the latter is the case here.
it is in that context that i prod with these two questions:
what is your vision for your map? is it to create the "potentiality" of top players to fill -- i.e., it's like the (currently) unreachable sub-3 min gap that speedrunners can't do right now etc.? do you also see it as yet another attempt at garnering status? certainly it's not like that's a bad thing, but it's just unclear what you intend on accomplishing with the push for something this substantively hard.
is what you've created actually fulfilling your vision? i'd say for a song at the level of cbat-geometry-dash core, i'd be a little bummed if this is what pushed players over and then some. in fact, some might even argue that the song doesn't support this pushing at all.
cross-referencing 1313433#3032716 here as this obviously betrays this confusion that top level players may have when encountering the map -- which would be resolved if both those two questions are clarified. also note the ambiguous ending to that thread and the similarly ambiguous edits that supposedly made the map less manippable(?) -- like what's your point here? what exactly are you editing in response to? what do the edits serve to change to make the map better? in what sense is it better now? what helped with virtual's conversation, perhaps, is that you were in active conversation with the player, but even then that doesn't really qualify too much since the edits appear to have made the map less manippable (again, with a ?).
i think with a substantive enough answer to those two questions you (we) (not me though) can begin to go somewhere, but at this moment i suppose you can take this post as a open discussion board for other BNs and NATs to, erm, do their job(?) at mediating maps as contentious as this.
i also want to preempt against some pseudo-populism here -- like i'm not obviously doing this because bandwagon, and similarly a lot of people might support this because novelty too. that's not what i care about, however -- what i am asking is the why & how, which i feel hadn't really been addressed anywhere.
i don't think other people should answer before you do though, so do give it some thought.
another me cupcakke remix
00:17:848 (17848|0) - is a higher pitch than 00:17:991 (17991|0,18134|0) -, you moved 00:19:563 (19563|3) - to another column here too
00:47:705 (47705|3,47777|2,47848|3,47920|2,47991|3) - & 00:43:134 (43134|1,43205|0,43277|1,43348|0,43420|2) - since these are the same sort of sound i think you can mirror the trill patterning here
01:20:420 (80420|2,80420|0,80848|2,80848|0) - it looks like these two LNs are supposed to sound the same pitch wise since they land on the same col
02:14:991 (134991|0,135063|1,135134|0,135205|1,135277|0,135348|1,135420|0,135563|1,135634|0,135705|1,135777|0,135848|1) - 02:16:134 (136134|0,136205|1,136277|0,136348|1) - see the tricky thing about dense HS is how hard it is to vary things
02:17:063 - the quadstream is cute but i wonder if you could've primed the starting chorus stream such that it leads into the QS more organically (e.g., jacks in the handstream that's less dense than what you have rn, fixes the above problem and allows for more room to vary stuff https://i.imgur.com/4gZMYfa.png <very crude example). also allows for the difficulty to curve into the final part 02:21:991.
TLDR: jacks make the quad/handstream slightly more techy to hit and is a physically very different experience from dense handstream
02:39:063 (159063|3,159134|3,159348|3,159420|3,159634|3,159682|1,159705|3,159753|1) - for others to argue: are these bursts appropriate? for the record (+ and - for pros and cons):
i have a feeling gzd has a type of chart they like
i like this its funny and weird and the song is terrible it's the perfect trifecta
[beyond] part 2
00:28:696 (28696|1,28760|0,28824|1,28888|0,29080|0,29145|1,29209|0,29273|1,29337|0) - if you want to follow the alternation in the patterning (e.g., see 00:28:055 (28055|2,28055|1,28119|3,28119|0,28183|1,28183|2,28247|3) - and 00:27:670 (27670|3,27670|0,27734|1,27734|2,27798|3,27798|0,27862|1) - ) then i think you should move the second longer trill to the other hand. these trills stand out esp. since they land on the same hand, and i don't think it works well with the whole alternating-pattern idea you're trying to go for; while the patterns visually flip the physical motion to hit them doesn't.
00:37:606 (37606|2,37606|1,37798|2,37798|3) - why are these doubles? the entire handstream section here has these bass notes as triples
00:41:516 (41516|1) - why is this not doubled? sounds pretty similar to 00:41:709 - to me. similar snare sound occurs at 00:41:901, which is a single
00:49:209 (49209|3,49209|2,49273|1,49337|3,49337|0,49401|2,49465|0,49465|1) - for a "Beyond" chart i think you can afford to make these 1/8 bursts...
01:00:875 (60875|0,60875|3) - no kick sound (specifically the kick sound is syncopated and falls later than the red tick)
01:00:555 (60555|0,60683|3) - 01:04:786 (64786|1,64914|1) - not sure if i hear the hihats here
01:11:516 - for a "Beyond" chart this JS section is far too easy (almost manipulably easy), depending on where your priorities are i think it's whatever, it's just a shame that a boss song like this one is just syncopated JTs at its most rhythmically complicated section.
01:19:764 (79764|3) - burst starts later (& 01:19:850 (79850|1,79850|0) - any reason why this is doubled too)
01:37:414 (97414|0,97414|2,97414|1,97798|1,97798|3,97798|2) - so here's the big question for the BNs & QATs: are the SVs here justifiably as "strong" as the following dense HS section? for the record (+ and - relate to pros and cons):
01:41:773 (101773|1,101837|0,101901|1,101965|0,102157|0,102221|1,102286|0,102350|1) - im not hand bias police here but for this section i feel like there's more left hand trills than right hand trills, see also 01:41:132 (101132|1,101196|0,101260|1,101324|0) - 01:42:862 (102862|0,102927|1,102991|0,103055|1) - 01:43:824 (103824|1,103888|0,103952|1,104016|0,104209|0,104273|1,104337|0,104401|1) - 01:45:106 (105106|0,105170|1,105234|0) - )
01:49:978 (109978|0,109978|1,110042|2,110106|0,110106|1,110106|3,110170|2,110234|3,110298|0,110362|1,110427|2,110491|1,110491|3,110491|0,110555|2,110619|3) - idk about you but it feels weird that these two patterns are almost the exact same, even the previous section varied it up a little 01:41:709.
02:01:003 (121003|3,121132|3,121260|3,121388|3,121516|3,121645|3,121773|3,121901|3,122029|3,122157|3) - 02:05:234 (125234|0,125362|0,125491|0,125619|0,125747|0,125875|0,126003|0,126132|0) - see the tricky thing about dense HS is that it gets really boring without having to use long anchors like these
02:09:721 (129721|0,129786|3,129850|0,129914|3) - arguable, but i don't hear these notes as trills
these affect hitsounds too:
02:10:811 (130811|3,130811|2) - 02:13:503 (133503|1,133503|0) - 02:14:529 (134529|3,134529|2) - 02:16:580 (136580|1,136580|0) - 02:17:286 (137286|3,137286|1) - only a slight snare sound here. no bass beat. refer to 02:23:760 -
02:11:452 (131452|2,131452|1) - 02:15:555 (135555|2,135555|1) - 02:17:093 (137093|1,137093|0) - no discernible bass beat. only really hear a syncopated one that comes after the blue tick
02:19:721 (139721|0) - 02:20:811 (140811|1) - 02:21:132 (141132|2) - starts on the next 1/8 tick
02:24:422 (144422|2,144422|1,144508|3) - the rhythms don't seem right. beats fall on 02:24:422 - 02:24:465 - and 02:24:529 -
i don't enjoy participating in rhetoric but i enjoy giving people the benefit of doubt -- i'm happy to discuss some of these points and i certainly understand how annoying a DQ might be (for whatever reason), but if i catch wind of any funny stuff i won't hesitate to hedge any bets for your sake and mine. also i can read chinese
im here to ruin the fun <-- apparently people took thisseriously so /s!!!!!
oh andi didnt know problems r now only for unrankable stuff so
[beyond] part 1
00:20:875 (20875|1,20875|0,20971|3,21003|2,21003|1,21132|0,21132|3,21164|1) - im not sure if the simplification of the sounds here is appropriate; while i can understand the first two being clap sounds the next downbeat is stronger at 00:21:068 - than 00:21:003 (21003|2,21003|1). it's a similar bassy sound to 00:20:491 (20491|1,20491|3,20491|0) - , which you emphasized as a triple
00:18:055 (18055|3,18119|2,18183|3) - throughout the first js this seems to be the only one-hand trill, im just curious if you have a structure or logic to the way in which you patterned the JS according to the synth wiggles, because if u compare the first two JS waves i don't really see any discernable logic to it (e.g., 00:20:042 (20042|1,20106|3,20170|1,20234|3) - appears to be the only 4 note trill in both sections, 00:23:311 (23311|2,23375|3,23439|2) - and 00:24:209 (24209|3,24273|2,24337|3) - both land on the right hand, etc.)
00:24:721 (24721|3,24721|1) - this is way too soft to be doubled, compare the sound to all the other snare sounds in this section: 00:24:850 (24850|0,24850|1,25042|3,25042|0,25234|3,25234|2,25298|1,25298|0) -
did somebody say imperialism
preppy white leftist band kiind of sounds like what a student from my college would make. while im not a buig fan of the wizzer style my bf is and hes poc so i guess i can give it some concession(s)
[diff name]
while im one for the tongue-in-cheek repetition of the name, i wonder if it's too blatant in its handling of the subject matter at hand -- a cursory read of the song and its genesis from (i think) J (the lead singer) themselves 'glass beach' [neo]classically talks about the midwest emo tradition of aimlessness (especially after college) and the alienation felt by whatever the cause may be (family strife/lgbtq stuff are the usual suspects).
what i'd suggest is you do a bit more reading on what the song is and how it came to be (rather than what it means); going through https://genius.com/Glass-beach-glass-beach-lyrics and *maybe* a bit of band history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_Beach_(band) might help.
glass beach is a reference to the beach at fort bragg, CA, which is down highway 1 (which, again, the song mentions). there's curiously another one at massachussetts which i will now go to with my boyfrirned thank you.
im not one to suggest actual diff names cause i like keeping my own intellectual property sacred but i think the theme of change and travel-with-no-destination in escape? loss? of something is what you should be thinking about.
you mgiht also want to include band socials in the desc. (the twitter at least)
Let us go then, you and I
When the Eleven-Day Empire eats the sky
Like a humanoid melting like clams upon the breakfast table.
00:23:887 (23887|1,23987|3,24087|2,24187|1) - u follow the start of the guitar here but u 00:20:720 (20720|3,20820|0,20920|1,21053|2) - follow the peak of the strums here
00:18:587 (18587|0,18587|1,18787|0,18787|1,18987|3,18987|1) - y is the last chord different
00:21:387 (21387|1,21420|3,21687|0) - sounds like the rhythms here are more compl,icated than just 3 notes, on 100% it sounds like a guitar ripple. 00:27:787 (27787|1,27820|2,28087|3,28137|2) - sort of remedies it. also not sure why theyre different. 00:28:087 (28087|3,28137|2,28187|3) - makes the second one slightly tighter
00:28:953 (28953|3) - i think u can afford to snap this to 1/4. like the prior lns already do the visual work for the guitar already and i think having this floater doesnt rly work. also if u think abt it 00:28:987 - should be a triple
00:29:720 (29720|1,29787|0,29787|2,29853|3,29887|2,29987|1) - wayyyy too many notes for such a simple strum; refer to 00:23:387 (23387|0,23453|1,23587|2) -
01:10:387 - dont rlly get the chording
01:14:587 (74587|1,74587|0,74787|0,74787|1,74987|0,75187|0,75187|2) - not sure how this works for e.g.
01:17:587 (77587|3,77587|2) - why is this the only chord in this vocal section
i think the second half 01:22:787 - is more intelligible since there's now snares that help audibly guide the stream
but thrs still stuff like 01:27:987 - which dont rlly have the snare sound as compared to 01:27:587 (87587|1,87587|3) -
and u start the vocal stream here 01:29:787 - with a chord when u typically dont
i get the whole polyrhythm thing but 02:03:581 (123581|2,123613|1,123645|0,124151|0,124183|1,124214|2) - these dont rlly work, esp since u established the whole grace as impactful chord thing prior (e.g. 02:02:600 (122600|3,122632|2,122664|1) - ) so seeing the same grace movement NOT be impactful is a bit weird
relatedly; for 02:07:366 (127366|0,127399|1,127432|2); i know its for the vocals but a three note grace for such a short sound like a snare too is pushing it. only at the end of this section would it work imo (02:19:166 (139166|2,139199|1,139232|0) - )
02:36:166 (156166|0,156166|1,156366|0,156366|1,156566|1,156766|1,156766|0) - recall above, this one works a little more becoz of the slight tune in guitar in the background but still
no complaints abt the guitar solo
certain parts in this section -- dont think combinign the guitar 04:11:807 (251807|3) - with the hihat sounds 04:11:944 (251944|3,252080|3,252216|3) - in a jack work, i think thats why this section plays funny to me cause i came in with the expectation that stacked noets meant consecutive hihats. the polyrhythm thing is cool but i think u need more work parsing out the hihats from the guitar sounds. either commit to stacking only hihats or make the separation more visible
05:21:751 - might be radical to make all the notes here just normal notes, held presses sort of makes this section slightly too intense kinesthetically in relation to how soft and subtle the song gets here
05:41:995 - might want to rethink how u chord the snare and the bass hit here, like 05:42:260 (342260|3,342466|0) - isnt chorded but 05:40:593 (340593|2,340593|3) - is even tho all the snare sounds here r this subtle
05:54:684 (354684|1,354784|1,354884|3,354984|3) - dont rlly understand the jacks here, esp the second stack
05:54:884 (354884|3,354984|3) - should this be a chord instead of grace? i think this section could benefit from a moer consistent demarcation of what constitutes a chord -- specificially making chords refer to more short bursts of sounds (like drum beats) makes more sense here given how varied this section gets. same for stuff like 06:41:150 (401150|1,401184|3,401217|0) -
idk abt the ending vocal section, u have parts where u use chords for vocals 06:26:584 (386584|0,386584|1,387184|2,387184|3) - even tho most of this chart uses graces for vocal sounds, the jumpjack sections 06:28:884 - also dont seem to negotiate the vocal sounds too well (why is 06:28:884 (388884|1,388884|3,388984|0,388984|3) - jumpjacked? if ure doubling snares then 06:30:184 - should be a double too, etc.) i like the frenzied nature of the section but i think if u want this to work out kinesthetically then the way u separate instantaneous movements (i.e. chords) from more glissando-like movements (i.e. graces) is vry important.
i can hear the gerard way-MCR inspired vocals but i feel like with the divestment of midwest emo from the death of emo might help with the direction of the song itself; in a way the whole comment abt Society and People are Bad is already so trite as to be dead in itself and im still waiting for a revolution in emo-like sound
^ notes for unsnaps (look here before pointing out unsnaps!) ^
other general assumptions that i approach this chart with:
00:23:887 (23887|1,23987|3,24087|2,24187|1) - u follow the start of the guitar here but u 00:20:720 (20720|3,20820|0,20920|1,21053|2) - follow the peak of the strums here
00:18:587 (18587|0,18587|1,18787|0,18787|1,18987|3,18987|1) - y is the last chord different
00:21:387 (21387|1,21420|3,21687|0) - sounds like the rhythms here are more compl,icated than just 3 notes, on 100% it sounds like a guitar ripple. 00:27:787 (27787|1,27820|2,28087|3,28137|2) - sort of remedies it. also not sure why theyre different. 00:28:087 (28087|3,28137|2,28187|3) - makes the second one slightly tighter
00:28:953 (28953|3) - i think u can afford to snap this to 1/4. like the prior lns already do the visual work for the guitar already and i think having this floater doesnt rly work. also if u think abt it 00:28:987 - should be a triple
00:29:720 (29720|1,29787|0,29787|2,29853|3,29887|2,29987|1) - wayyyy too many notes for such a simple strum; refer to 00:23:387 (23387|0,23453|1,23587|2) -
01:10:387 - dont rlly get the chording
01:14:587 (74587|1,74587|0,74787|0,74787|1,74987|0,75187|0,75187|2) - not sure how this works for e.g.
01:17:587 (77587|3,77587|2) - why is this the only chord in this vocal section
i think the second half 01:22:787 - is more intelligible since there's now snares that help audibly guide the stream
but thrs still stuff like 01:27:987 - which dont rlly have the snare sound as compared to 01:27:587 (87587|1,87587|3) -
and u start the vocal stream here 01:29:787 - with a chord when u typically dont
i get the whole polyrhythm thing but 02:03:581 (123581|2,123613|1,123645|0,124151|0,124183|1,124214|2) - these dont rlly work, esp since u established the whole grace as impactful chord thing prior (e.g. 02:02:600 (122600|3,122632|2,122664|1) - ) so seeing the same grace movement NOT be impactful is a bit weird
relatedly; for 02:07:366 (127366|0,127399|1,127432|2); i know its for the vocals but a three note grace for such a short sound like a snare too is pushing it. only at the end of this section would it work imo (02:19:166 (139166|2,139199|1,139232|0) - )
02:36:166 (156166|0,156166|1,156366|0,156366|1,156566|1,156766|1,156766|0) - recall above, this one works a little more becoz of the slight tune in guitar in the background but still
certain parts in this section -- dont think combinign the guitar 04:11:807 (251807|3) - with the hihat sounds 04:11:944 (251944|3,252080|3,252216|3) - in a jack work, i think thats why this section plays funny to me cause i came in with the expectation that stacked noets meant consecutive hihats. the polyrhythm thing is cool but i think u need more work parsing out the hihats from the guitar sounds. either commit to stacking only hihats or make the separation more visible
05:41:995 - might want to rethink how u chord the snare and the bass hit here, like 05:42:260 (342260|3,342466|0) - isnt chorded but 05:40:593 (340593|2,340593|3) - is even tho all the snare sounds here r this subtle
05:54:684 (354684|1,354784|1,354884|3,354984|3) - dont rlly understand the jacks here, esp the second stack
05:54:884 (354884|3,354984|3) - should this be a chord instead of grace? i think this section could benefit from a moer consistent demarcation of what constitutes a chord -- specificially making chords refer to more short bursts of sounds (like drum beats) makes more sense here given how varied this section gets. same for stuff like 06:41:150 (401150|1,401184|3,401217|0) -
idk abt the ending vocal section, u have parts where u use chords for vocals 06:26:584 (386584|0,386584|1,387184|2,387184|3) - even tho most of this chart uses graces for vocal sounds, the jumpjack sections 06:28:884 - also dont seem to negotiate the vocal sounds too well (why is 06:28:884 (388884|1,388884|3,388984|0,388984|3) - jumpjacked? if ure doubling snares then 06:30:184 - should be a double too, etc.) i like the frenzied nature of the section but i think if u want this to work out kinesthetically then the way u separate instantaneous movements (i.e. chords) from more glissando-like movements (i.e. graces) is vry important.
00:20:875 (20875|1,20875|0,20971|3,21003|2,21003|1,21132|0,21132|3,21164|1) - im not sure if the simplification of the sounds here is appropriate; while i can understand the first two being clap sounds the next downbeat is stronger at 00:21:068 - than 00:21:003 (21003|2,21003|1). it's a similar bassy sound to 00:20:491 (20491|1,20491|3,20491|0) - , which you emphasized as a triple
00:18:055 (18055|3,18119|2,18183|3) - throughout the first js this seems to be the only one-hand trill, im just curious if you have a structure or logic to the way in which you patterned the JS according to the synth wiggles, because if u compare the first two JS waves i don't really see any discernable logic to it (e.g., 00:20:042 (20042|1,20106|3,20170|1,20234|3) - appears to be the only 4 note trill in both sections, 00:23:311 (23311|2,23375|3,23439|2) - and 00:24:209 (24209|3,24273|2,24337|3) - both land on the right hand, etc.)
00:24:721 (24721|3,24721|1) - this is way too soft to be doubled, compare the sound to all the other snare sounds in this section: 00:24:850 (24850|0,24850|1,25042|3,25042|0,25234|3,25234|2,25298|1,25298|0) -
00:28:696 (28696|1,28760|0,28824|1,28888|0,29080|0,29145|1,29209|0,29273|1,29337|0) - if you want to follow the alternation in the patterning (e.g., see 00:28:055 (28055|2,28055|1,28119|3,28119|0,28183|1,28183|2,28247|3) - and 00:27:670 (27670|3,27670|0,27734|1,27734|2,27798|3,27798|0,27862|1) - ) then i think you should move the second longer trill to the other hand. these trills stand out esp. since they land on the same hand, and i don't think it works well with the whole alternating-pattern idea you're trying to go for; while the patterns visually flip the physical motion to hit them doesn't.
00:37:606 (37606|2,37606|1,37798|2,37798|3) - why are these doubles? the entire handstream section here has these bass notes as triples
00:41:516 (41516|1) - why is this not doubled? sounds pretty similar to 00:41:709 - to me. similar snare sound occurs at 00:41:901, which is a single
00:49:209 (49209|3,49209|2,49273|1,49337|3,49337|0,49401|2,49465|0,49465|1) - for a "Beyond" chart i think you can afford to make these 1/8 bursts...
01:00:875 (60875|0,60875|3) - no kick sound (specifically the kick sound is syncopated and falls later than the red tick)
01:00:555 (60555|0,60683|3) - 01:04:786 (64786|1,64914|1) - not sure if i hear the hihats here
01:19:764 (79764|3) - burst starts later (& 01:19:850 (79850|1,79850|0) - any reason why this is doubled too)
01:37:414 (97414|0,97414|2,97414|1,97798|1,97798|3,97798|2) - so here's the big question for the BNs & QATs: are the SVs here justifiably as "strong" as the following dense HS section? for the record (+ and - relate to pros and cons):
01:41:773 (101773|1,101837|0,101901|1,101965|0,102157|0,102221|1,102286|0,102350|1) - im not hand bias police here but for this section i feel like there's more left hand trills than right hand trills, see also 01:41:132 (101132|1,101196|0,101260|1,101324|0) - 01:42:862 (102862|0,102927|1,102991|0,103055|1) - 01:43:824 (103824|1,103888|0,103952|1,104016|0,104209|0,104273|1,104337|0,104401|1) - 01:45:106 (105106|0,105170|1,105234|0) - )
01:49:978 (109978|0,109978|1,110042|2,110106|0,110106|1,110106|3,110170|2,110234|3,110298|0,110362|1,110427|2,110491|1,110491|3,110491|0,110555|2,110619|3) - idk about you but it feels weird that these two patterns are almost the exact same, even the previous section varied it up a little 01:41:709.
02:01:003 (121003|3,121132|3,121260|3,121388|3,121516|3,121645|3,121773|3,121901|3,122029|3,122157|3) - 02:05:234 (125234|0,125362|0,125491|0,125619|0,125747|0,125875|0,126003|0,126132|0) - see the tricky thing about dense HS is that it gets really boring without having to use long anchors like these
02:09:721 (129721|0,129786|3,129850|0,129914|3) - arguable, but i don't hear these notes as trills
02:10:811 (130811|3,130811|2) - 02:13:503 (133503|1,133503|0) - 02:14:529 (134529|3,134529|2) - 02:16:580 (136580|1,136580|0) - 02:17:286 (137286|3,137286|1) - only a slight snare sound here. no bass beat. refer to 02:23:760 -
02:11:452 (131452|2,131452|1) - 02:15:555 (135555|2,135555|1) - 02:17:093 (137093|1,137093|0) - no discernible bass beat. only really hear a syncopated one that comes after the blue tick
02:19:721 (139721|0) - 02:20:811 (140811|1) - 02:21:132 (141132|2) - starts on the next 1/8 tick
00:17:848 (17848|0) - is a higher pitch than 00:17:991 (17991|0,18134|0) -, you moved 00:19:563 (19563|3) - to another column here too
00:47:705 (47705|3,47777|2,47848|3,47920|2,47991|3) - & 00:43:134 (43134|1,43205|0,43277|1,43348|0,43420|2) - since these are the same sort of sound i think you can mirror the trill patterning here
01:20:420 (80420|2,80420|0,80848|2,80848|0) - it looks like these two LNs are supposed to sound the same pitch wise since they land on the same col
02:14:991 (134991|0,135063|1,135134|0,135205|1,135277|0,135348|1,135420|0,135563|1,135634|0,135705|1,135777|0,135848|1) - 02:16:134 (136134|0,136205|1,136277|0,136348|1) - see the tricky thing about dense HS is how hard it is to vary things
02:17:063 - the quadstream is cute but i wonder if you could've primed the starting chorus stream such that it leads into the QS more organically (e.g., jacks in the handstream that's less dense than what you have rn, fixes the above problem and allows for more room to vary stuff https://i.imgur.com/4gZMYfa.png <very crude example). also allows for the difficulty to curve into the final part 02:21:991.
TLDR: jacks make the quad/handstream slightly more techy to hit and is a physically very different experience from dense handstream
02:39:063 (159063|3,159134|3,159348|3,159420|3,159634|3,159682|1,159705|3,159753|1) - for others to argue: are these bursts appropriate? for the record (+ and - for pros and cons):
01:51:234 (111234|0) - why is this a single its even HSd the same as 01:50:874 (110874|1,110874|2,110874|3,110994|1,110994|2,110994|3) - these two chords
02:22:314 - onwards -- pay attention to when you strain the right/left hand (02:22:314 - 02:22:734 - 02:23:214 - 02:24:114 - 02:24:594 - are consecutively on the right). 02:29:934 - you seem to alternate it more cleanly (i.e., right for 4 measures then left for 4) in this section than in the previous.
02:52:374 (172374|0,172494|3,172614|0) - kinda misleading especially since only the final note has a loud snare - the rest is just percussive residue
02:56:874 (176874|0,176904|1,176934|2,176964|0,176994|3,177024|1,177054|2,177084|3) - burst sound is not the same as 02:58:314 - 02:53:034 - 02:54:474 -, more important here to pay attention to this because you're solely relying on ln visuals rather than your patterning (which is very bland & does not do the job of diverse representation well) to represent the wubs
03:01:914 (181914|2,181914|3,181914|0,182034|1,182034|0) - such an intense grating sound CANNOT be modeled the same as all the other measures (02:59:034 - 02:54:234 - etc.). again the patterning here is too plain to do anything your visuals need to step up to the plate
03:06:714 (186714|1,186714|3,186714|0,186834|1,186834|2) - odd this is the only set thats different in this section
03:13:194 (193194|3,193254|2,193314|3,193374|2) - only part in this section that has this trill on one-hand -- any reason why
02:54:714 (174714|3,174744|2,174774|1,174834|3,174864|2,174894|1,174954|3,174984|2,175014|1,175074|3,175104|2,175134|1) here's the thing about these lns -- if you follow the burst sounds it starts from, for e.g., 02:54:834 - to 02:54:894 give or take 10ms. this means that every space in between the ln bursts (https://i.imgur.com/BoxIsa0.png) is pretty much deadweight & has the player hold into pretty much nothing. u can say that its ok because its fast, which would make sense if not for the fact that u have like 15 of these back-to-back with no variation in their movement beyond their orientation; after playing it more than 2 times i could already tell that i was pressing into nothing with the bursts.
i personally dont really care that theyre overrated; its more like they just kinda suck, its boring to play, and it doesnt rly conform to the burst sounds in the music . u would thikn that with an empty canvas of burst sounds u would at least vary their size/texture/length according to the general melodic intensity of the music but instead we get the same 15 lines of lns with little to no character/personality (not to give the artist too much credit!! stop copying camellia drops!!).
04:57:834 (297834|0,297864|1,297924|0,298074|0,298104|1,298164|0,298314|0,298344|1,298404|0) - focuses left, 05:05:514 (305514|0,305514|3,305544|1,305574|2,305604|0,305634|3,305754|3,305754|0,305784|2,305814|1,305844|3,305874|0,305994|0,305994|3,306024|1,306054|2,306084|0,306114|3) - alternates? why the change?
08:15:114 (495114|3,495114|0,495234|3,495234|0) - couldve been different since vocals r different
kinda goofy cute ending. honest to god this mapp is very inoffensive and for 9 minutes its impressive that nothing new happens between the slightly interesting ln burst section in the first kiai. i see some evidence of structure w/ the burst simplification & some hand strain focus and the ending while very stupid kinda follows frrom the body of the chart. u can say that it sucks to play since 9 minutes of this bs with that ending sucks but theres no changing anyones mind so w/e.
im opening this as an entry for others/the mapper to talk abt the ending strain & why its appropriately curved (and also to allow for external discussion on SR/'overrating', because both pertain to difficulty. for ref on my thoughts on the ln bursts see 1925721#3641370.)
map is snapped to double time (so 1/10s, 1/18s 1/14s, etc. are used) and due to funky editor artifacting if you double the bpm and save the map it throws up 1ms errors -- if you double the bpm without saving however it should show that all the notes are properly snapped https://i.imgur.com/KFXc2m8.png probably due to the way oss processes milisecond timings