Who are you? Hi i'm Somay 287 you can call me Somay, May, Som, or whatever you like.
How did you found osu? I actually started playing osu at 2013, i found the game at one of internet cafe near my Junior High School back then, i saw one of my senpai playing it, and i'm curious about it, so i tried it myself, and ended up copying the entire osu folder from the internet cafe to my own pc and playing it offline at home because on the old osu client (when you still need to log in outside the game) there's an option to actually play offline and im so happy with it because my old internet was horrible and expensive, so it was a miracle to found a new game that time, i played offline until i made my account at April 2014, and i'm only using it to download beatmaps, so im still playing offline and rarely logging in until 2016 for the same reason, Indonesian internet was a real pain in the ass back then ngl.
Did you actually using mouse? Yes i do play with mouse, i've been known for using the Logitech B100 mouse (that office mouse) and being able to set some scores like Sidetracked Day SS with it, but i recently switched to Logitech G102 (Around July 2021) which is basically the same mouse with the same grip but looks more cool and has faster response time (this was my main reason switching to it)
Why don't you try playing with tablets? I do have a tablet, and i've tried playing with it, i'm just not that comfortable playing with it compared to mouse, and i'm too lazy to adapt into it, so please stop asking me to play with tablet.
How can you be so good at the game, whats your secret? Nasi Padang
How can you tap and stream so consistent? Because i was playing on my comfort speed, im actually considered slow for my rank, i can only stream 220bpm at the max, and it was helped alot by my keyboard (Yes this game is pay to win imo kek) I choke alot
How to play Hard Rock? The key in playing HR is basically not caring about the map stats (AR,OD,HP) because when you play HR, all of those stats would cap on 10 nothing more, as long as you can make those as your comfort zone, you're good to go, and then the circle size, if you still complain about cs 6 being too small, you won't be able to play HR, you're holding back yourself, my HR plays were played on a 16 inch monitor with 5ms delay mostly, if you're excusing yourself with your screen being too small, you're just bad.
How did you get such low unstable rate and good accuracy? 1000hz polling rate keyboard, 100% Effect volume, 40% Music Volume, 60% Master Volume, you need to hear the notes, not the song, song only help you with how the rythm of the song goes, timing is all about the notes.
How to stream? Chill out, don't use force to stream, the more pressure you use to tap, the higher chance it would fucked up, start from lower BPM first.
How do you remain calm and not shakes alot while playing No, you don't, shakes are normal especially when you're about to pass or FC the map or in a tournament matches. You can't make it go away, but you can reduce the effect by forcing your hand to be able to play at those shaky moment, just keep playing on that kind of situation, you'll eventually get used to it.
Do you still play tournaments? As of right now, probably not, i'm too busy with my college and irl stuff.
- Reached 9k pp at 11 March 2021 - Reached 10k pp at 23 July 2021 - Reached 11k pp at 19 September 2021 - First 600pp play 22 July 2021 - Reached 3 digits at 17:24 WIB, 3 September 2021 - Peak rank: #691