Some chains (with triplets) are extremely long that feel a bit straining not only to muzus in general, but relative to the rest of the diff as well. For example you can remove notes such as 00:49:173 (188) and have it a lot less overbearing. I can see this feeling a bit weird to omit a sound but part of a good map is knowing where to undermap.
01:38:011 (448) - recommend to delete. Pushing the difficulty for a muzkashii also having this note here takes away emphasis of 01:38:112 (449) -
I think the spread between Easy and Hard is a bit of a problem. Just on the surface the SR is 1.87* > 2.05* > 3.36*
SR doesn't define a spread but I think it accurately represents the gap between normal and hard is so much greater than easy and normal.
The Hard has big sections with no 1/2 breaks and a number of 1/4 patterns, meanwhile the normal is primarily built upon 1/1 beats with the occasional 1/2 beats, for example 01:00:183 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6)
I think the normal diff could use a bit of buffing and increasing the rhythm density to improve the spread, because at the moment it does feel like an easy in most places
00:38:459 (3,4,5) - Is this a mistake? This spacing isn't used in similar patterns like 00:21:907 (3,4,5) and 00:24:666 (3,4,5) etc
Can remove my upvote (kds) since rejected. it's what the doormat bn would do since the fucking humble searasp has made it explicit
the rhythm is artifical but just feels intuitive to me, i like to have it progressive from the rhythms mapped prior