It's not, 'cause the first note is not part of the pattern, so the NC seperates it from the triangle >//<
00:06:416 (2) - i still think this should be ctrl g because only like 00:06:735 (3,4) - should be a jump imo
Aswell as you NC'ed 00:10:884 (1) - , I think you could do the same for 00:11:362 (5) - to emphasize the finish
00:11:841 - 00:11:921 - you might want to add notes here as there's audible drums and you went already intense at previous parts 00:07:213 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,4,5) -
Tbh I'd expect this triplet to be mapped tbh. Like it's really similar to what you already did on other parts (00:19:900 (2) - for example)
I didn't really do that simply because I don't make obvious regular triples throughout the whole map (I removed the 19:900 part with the rework)
Regardless, the 1/4 jumps wouldn't be the same as a typical triple
00:21:894 (1,2,3,4,1) - The spaced doubles work really well elsewhere, but I don't think two of them in such rapid succession plays well, nor does it really fit what the song is doing. Additionally, having 1 share the same slider design lessens the impact of 3. Maybe try something like this?
1/4 jumps feel way better there tbh - having the two 1/2 jumps seems underwhelming for this intense part
00:23:011 (3,4,5,6) - shouldn't this pattern be back and forth? how about CTRL+G these 00:23:011 (3,4) -
00:23:969 (2) - This isn't spaced enough proportional to SV so it feels super underwhelming.
00:26:043 (5,1) - this feel a little overemphasized considering there r double vocal things like at 00:22:533 (1) -
00:27:001 (1,2) - Don't think this is intense enough to warrant the same treatment as 00:01:469 (1,2,3,4,1) - .
00:27:639 (1) - These slow sliders are cool, but I don't think this is the right time to introduce them. If the first slow slider in the entire map was 00:53:171 (1) - , I think the pre-chorus would feel even more climactic. Furthermore, saving the slow sliders for the kiai exclusively will differentiate the kiai from the rest of the song which is always a plus.
00:27:639 (1,1) - personally, I would like if it was like
since you'd get tension from staying still and then moving out (I find them unbelievably sexy)
but I'd almost understand if you'd like to keep it
ditto for 00:28:916 (1,1)
00:30:192 (1) - meh I don't like the fact that not only it goes that fast but the curving is so sharp :\ maybe change the slider shape to something more predictable
It's pretty funny 'cause more often than not, people get 300 on it 'cause they're trying to get to 00:30:511 (1) - which makes the cursor be close enough to the slider-tail (00:29:713 (1,1,1) - this build-up also indicates it pretty well
00:32:107 (1,2) - I honestly think this'd be better if you just did 1/4 sliders like so:
00:37:852 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This isn't necessarily bad, I just think it's odd you suddenly ignore everything but the drums.
00:38:331 (3) - unstack it, then stack the 00:38:969 (1,2) - instead for keeping all 1/1 rhythm stacked on that section?
00:40:405 (1,2,3,4) - tbh I think you could go all out with this part. Maybe this?
Low spacing just before the high SV sliders gives off a better impact when you play them imo
00:47:905 (4,1) - The flow here is honestly pretty poor imo, I know you've structured it to be a specific way, but I think redesigning 00:48:065 (1,2,3,4,5) - so that the flow to the start of this pattern would be extremely ideal
I disagree with this one - the massive jump before the linear stuff is a nice transition imo because it goes back towards it on 00:48:065 (1,2) -
I didn't even realize that the big jump wasn't the downbeat i'll try to fix that in some way xddd (resolving when I did it)
00:52:533 (1,2) - Reading is a bit uhh, consider something like this if you deem it a problem
Considering everything is 1/4 in that part, i'd be surprised if people expect a 1-way reverse only in that part owo - the first reverse is easy enough to spot, so I don't expect that to be a problem for people if they've passed untill this part
00:54:128 (1,2) - also still think one of these or both should be ctrl g so that it stands out from 00:53:809 (1,2) - with the vocals
00:54:767 (3,1) - When stacked, cursor movement stops after 3, but it seems like you want to emphasize 1 with the slowdown. I think this would work much better if there was significant distance between 3 and 1 so that the player can actually feel the sudden slowdown on 1. Consider doing these arranges more like 01:00:831 (1,2,3,1) - . Obviously this applies to the entire kiai.
00:59:235 (4,5,6,7) - inserting this kind of pattern this late in the map is kinda weird.. it doesn't fit the theme of the map which is hi speed sliders and movement overall.. this pattern is more about snapping to 1/4 in an awkward way, I'd suggest doing ultra speed two 1/4 sliders instead, would fit better to the theme of the map.
00:59:394 (2,1,2) - I think the back and forth 00:59:235 (1,2,1) - is kinda weird cuz the a new line in the vocals start, but it's mapped as if it was the same intensity according to the jumps. I'd even say that 00:59:554 (1) - ctrl+g'ing this would be pretty interesting, and then obviously 00:59:793 (2,3,1,2) - and onwards would have to be modified accordingly
01:02:107 (1) - 01:02:426 (1) - 01:02:745 (1) - 01:03:065 (1) - Double greenlines (Check AImod, there are also two unsnapped sliders)
01:04:899 (2) - stacking this where the head of 01:04:182 (6) - was might make this area look better overall, slightly messy with all the overlaps rn
01:05:937 (1,2,3) - Why ended up doing something so simple for this when you already did 00:55:724 (1,2,3) - this?
Similar to 01:06:735 (1,2,3) - where you decrease spacing if we compare it with 00:56:522 (2,3,4) -
01:07:213 (1,3) - im wondering werent these supposed to be stacked? if you really want you could also move 01:08:490 (1,4) - into a triangle to be cute
Made 1:07 a back n' forth and made the triangle before 1:07 less symmetrical so it's consistent !
For 01:14:235 (1,2,3,4) - and 01:21:256 (1,2,3,1) - I feel like that spacing is way too high for a 1/4. They are streams but considerable harder, to the point where they will stand out for making people lose their combo. Maybe 01:14:235 - is fine cause it's the end of the kiai, but for 01:21:256 (1,2,3,1) - can't really understand the purpose of it. Like it's extremely hard for no real reason (from what I could understand)
The stream would feel really bad to play if it was ctrl+G'd, and the non-existent spacing imo makes it feel nice (think of the slider as a stopping motion)
Considering the slow sliders pretty much all being straight (after rework), this wouldn't work i think
01:17:426 (1,3) - kind of expected that they'll get some edgy sliders for those strong vocals lol
Every slider has a vocal in the beginning of it, so I just wanted the shapes to be consistent xd
The thing here is that on the entire diff you don't map 90° linear sliders. If you map with linear sliders, you add some angles to make them stand out more. Imo 01:17:426 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - all this pattern doesn't really match with the concept on your diff I guess. Would suggest to either add some angles on it, or just do some crazy ass shit slider you were doing xD
map is reworked from the time when this was done, so i'll resolve - if it still applies, feel free to reopen
01:21:416 (2,3,1) - arranging the triangle triple something like this: (unpolished aesthetic, but the idea is for 2 to be on the red anchor of 01:22:213 (2) - ) would make it look nice while also flowing better, as I think 01:21:256 (1,2,3) - the angle from the slider to (2,3) is kinda iffy
01:28:118 (1) - actually stackable with 01:27:799 (2) - for being less messy at the end