Hiya, I think it's really important that these notes 00:06:402 -> 00:11:031 & 01:32:471 -> 01:37:100 for [Inner Oni] and [Personal Computer] are mapped equidistantly to match the sound and improve gameplay experience. The current snapping feels too unintuitive and random to play, and also doesn't match the consistent nature of the sound.
The easiest fix would be to place your first ka at 00:06:376 and distance every following note by 5/8ths. Same at 01:32:445. The start sounds a little bit early, but this could just be a byproduct of the sound design.
If you're certain about the sound starting at 00:06:402 (3) - then please place a BPM line there with a value of 58.324, and snap all following notes to 1/4th. This should make everything between 00:06:402 (3) and 00:11:031 (21) equidistant giving you a very near perfect... erm... 287 over 180 poly? I think? imo this solution sounds much closer to the sound.
If you or someone else comes up with a BPM / offset that you prefer more that's great, just wanna keep a constant pace and accurate sound. Use same red line trick at 01:32:471 (3).
Also, if you do use a BPM line, you can remove it after snapping if you want to make sv less annoying to fix. Unsnaps are fine as long as the notes were placed with a bpm line to begin with.
Hoping for a quick requal if changes are made, this will be one of my favourite ranked maps of the year :D
02:03:037 (1) - the slight spacing change here is overshadowed at jumps this large, it feels part of the jump pattern preceding it. Could definitely use a more concrete change in patterning for the louder drums.
02:50:701 (3,4) - this flow and grouping change comes at a bit of a strange time, when the toms start here 02:50:936 (1) -
I'd recommend continuing the uno-dos pattern for these two notes and breaking into the circular flow star pattern on the kickslider
02:53:054 (1,2) - doesnt really make sense to break the triangles pattern here so early, id suggest continuing the pattern and breaking shape at the 4 snares part. example: https://heatwave.s-ul.eu/quUlPCBY
03:07:883 (1) - might be good to make the start of the guitar riff stand out a little more. atm it kinda melds with the jumps before it.
Could try a breaking the rotational flow on the 1: https://heatwave.s-ul.eu/e1zsSEZZ - example but u can do this however you like
Also possible to just remove 03:07:765 (2) - and replace 03:07:647 (1) - with 1/2 slider
At the end of the day its up to iren to decide how they wanna solve this, but my personal opinion is that anything that would extend the map or reduce the songs length would make the mapset worse. The only good stopping point in the unedited sound file is where the map ends currently. Any longer would be dragging it on, the song outro is so passive here that even sliderart or spinners feel unwarranted. I think this is more than a good enough reason to make an exception to the guideline.
00:32:933 (5) - was accidental NC tbh, i think I'll remove that instead of putting one on the 4.
As for 00:32:761, I want to make the reverb clicky sound stand out more by having a rhythmic pause after it, the same reason I didn't map 00:31:381 actively.
Simplified ranking criteria? That's new...
Anyway, the actual ranking criteria says this is a guideline and not a rule, therefore it doesn't have be strictly followed in the same way drain time is. I personally think the interest of map quality greatly supersedes the need to save 96kb of file size in this case. Adding a spinner just doesn't make any sense and cutting or editing audio files should be avoided. It also says if the ending is occupied by fade-out this guideline doesn't apply, which there is an argument to be made for in this case as well, like iren said.
The other thing that I didn't mention in the previous reply is that Monochromatic Kaleidoscope is also a play on both of our aliases (kuroshiro meaning black and white, and a kaleidoscope being an object filled with mirrors that you look through)
It's meant to be a something that reflects the feel of the song. A monochomatic kaleidoscope, complex geometry but without the vibrant colours you would see in a typical one almost makes it more mystifying. It just feels right to me. But it also works as like.. a thing that we present as a conjunction of our aliases, if that makes sense.
Even though this is a small detail that will not get noticed by many if any people, I don't think its worth sacrificing its conceptual completeness just to make it a bit shorter. Especially when I don't even know what that would achieve for anyone if we did.