KIRBY Mixmapped by Starrodkirby86
Logic AirforceP-Model
mapped by nullset
last updated
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Hello, beatmapping scene. It's been a while. I see you've grown. Good.

I mapped this little short Hirasawa thing because Hirasawa is awesome. It's called "Logic Airforce" and it was released under P-Model and I actually mentally debated whether I should credit Hirasawa or P-Model in the Artist tag but oh well.

My map includes 3 difficulties which I believe should be adequate in regards to having an actual challenge curve. I've tried to not have really high difficulty spikes or unintuitive hitobject patterns. I can always dream to include another higher, extreme kind of difficulty to this map, though... (coughcoughkirbymix).

Timing and hitsounds should be ok since I've gone over them a few times. It also has responded nicely to playtesting, but thoughts, mods and stars are always welcome... I almost forget! This map features some very awesome overrides because I like overrides. Credit for those goes to the people of (user ltibbits, I believe).

Thank you for your time. Enjoy.

update 1: Hushu (thanks!)
update 2: Thank you for all your contributions! This is an updated version with a reencoded mp3 @ 192 kbps and, most importantly... THIS MAP NOW FEATURES A VERY AWESOME KIRBY MIX (I'm endlessly indebted to starrodkirby86 for this...), it's amazing! Sorry it took so long to upload, the osu! interface just isn't meant to be navigated using mousekeys.
update 3: Small timing fixes due to reencoded mp3 (all offsets +30)
update 4: Updated them tags. Kirby represent and stuff!
update 5: Cleaned some of the roughest parts in [Easy] and [Normal]
update 6: thanks, Regou!
update 7: thanks kirby and fanzhen
update 8: cardnforce you are awesomeeee. Waiting for Kurisuchianu's taiko... didn't change kirby's timing because that's kirby's stuff. Notified.

SOOO what are you waiting for? GO TRY THIS MAP NOWWWW

Success Rate


Points of Failure


how the fuck this is not ranked