perfect map
00:00:015 - congrats- you now know everything about pp mapping
00:09:945 (1) - move this somewhere around x:120 y:200 for a less awkward pattern
nothing to say- great mapset
absolutely stunning beatmapset on the higher diffs, want to see this ranked
ready for ranked. wow !
00:31:404 (1,1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - this seems really hard to play. nerf this a bit?
00:26:415 (2,1,2,3) - oh hell nahhhh. first of all 00:42:591 (2) - isnt even snapped correctly and next, why do you put a triplet on a hard diff ??
^^ mb
it's kinda frowned upon but you can change kiai for a specific diff, if you also change timings completely
will check
istg bro
yeah i know my job .
only maps meant for dt. besides, it doesnt match the music
it's not.
yep should be suggestion :P
00:52:168 (3,4,5) -