im gonna disagree here since these vocals have a huge contrast with the previous part (key change, louder, 180bpm) and i think the large spacing helps emphasise this
ok it was a different problem (basically the diff owner name at 00:04:477 broke) and i tried explaining but it got super unnecessarily long but anyways its fixed now (i could explain if u want)
removed some unnecessary 1/2 sliders in the kiais and 1st buildup, but i decided to keep some for emphasis (cymbals and high vocals, i think 1/2 sliders provide better emphasis to cymbals)
also i think relatively high density shouldnt be too much of a problem here since there's an easy diff
also 02:17:668 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) is a bit hard to read since its a different shape than the others, theres nothing in the song distinguishing this from the others so i'd just make it the same curved shape