A very big thank to [https://osu.ppy.sh/users/4138746 Hareimu] for very big mod on this set ♥
Sources sources:
: Nasquour Battle - Pokémon Colosseum (original rip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlIGnUecZi4xgzzSd )
Who Will Eat The Ultravore? : Tank 2 - Insaniquarium Deluxe (original rip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9M9gK4CRzU )
Hi @everyone : Ringtone - Discord (original rip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfsUO-iO_kc )
Are You Sure She Can't?! : Kana's Theme - My Little Sister Can't Possibly Have A Hemorrhoid?! (original rip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DduKVsqz5p4 )
Bunny Restocking : Golden Riverbank (OST Version) - Rabi-Ribi (original rip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs8X6XmvC6I )
Vavilonskiy Sad : Babylon Garden - Sonic Riders (original rip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL9ra9k2T90 )
No joke BG on this one, it's SAO so I'll put Yuuki! Fuck you, Yuuki is the best! : Crossing Field - Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (original rip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gvlqwxs67w )
Cuter Panties : Cutie Panther (In-Game Version) - Love Live! School idol festival (original rip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXimtZ-y_Nk )
Zelda is a Boy : Horse Race (Extended Mix) - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (original rip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIvJtvIX7DU )
Clap Clap 64 : Dream Land N64 - Super Smash Bros Melee (original rip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTVqQFj2sR0 )
Hi, sorry for the late reply but I don't feel like I can say anything about the map except for the background wich isn't Satori, good luck with ranking, I send a Hype instead since I really like the map o/
Good luck with your mapset, I hope my mod helped you, sorry that I can't help more with the Cup, I'm quite bad with lowers difs >,<
hi, here's the hitsounds, I edited the hitsound file on the folder so that why I sent as .osz. Feel free to tell me if anything is wrong with them https://fichieralacon.s-ul.eu/sAAlPwdQ
Mom get the camera, I'm on TV!
I hope a StoryBoard is planned owo
All done
Also you'll need to copy the slidertick file again and rename it to normal-slidertick61 because objects on that sampleset are audible still <= I didn't wanted to remove all ticks sounds, only the disturbing ones from calm parts/where there's no sounds like you mentionned on your 1st post, but I will do that if that's really a problem and remove the inherited points that I added for that
00:12:528 (5) - Clap <<= Slider tail or slider head?
00:34:414 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - Remove all claps, add extra finishers on 00:35:151 (1) and 00:35:397 (3) <= what do you means by "extra finisher"? There's already finisher here
01:28:143 (4,1) - ^ <= at slider end? Slider head? Both?
01:32:446 (1) - ^^ <= at slider end? Slider head? Both?
01:36:012 (6,1) - ^^^^ <= at slider end? Slider head? Both?
Also a silent slidertick sample would be a lot better with feedback on 3/4 sliders and the sliders in the beginning as they cause quite a bit of unnecessary feedback <= I don't really like the use of silent notes (even for sliderticks) because I like having a sound when I catch something but I see what sliders you are talking about and I might do an exception, I will just have to find the file for this