mapped by PISULINAC
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The density could be increased a bit to contrast more with the Salad difficulty.

The Salad has nearly double the note count and mapped every sound that's in the song, which makes it quite the large jump between the two difficulties on this set.

I suggest placing some notes on the red ticks at least, so things like:

00:00:564 -
00:01:626 -

00:09:060 -

et cetera.


A lot of problems with combo, I think you should reset them at least at each big white tick, I'll make you a list:

Add Combo 00:04:281 (6) -

Add Combo 00:08:529 (9) -

Add Combo 00:17:025 (4) -

Add Combo 00:21:272 (9) -

Remove Combo 00:22:069 (1) -

Add Combo 00:25:520 (4) -

Add Combo 00:29:768 (9) -

Remove Combo 00:30:564 (1) -



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