00:25:053 (25053|1) -
00:26:899 (26899|1) -
00:27:515 (27515|1) -
00:28:130 (28130|2) -
00:29:361 (29361|1) -
00:33:053 (33053|0) -
00:46:591 (46591|2) -
00:50:899 (50899|2) -
00:55:822 (55822|3) -
00:57:053 (57053|1) -
01:00:130 (60130|1) -
01:04:438 (64438|2) -
01:05:668 (65668|1) -
01:06:899 (66899|2) -
01:13:361 (73361|1) -
01:19:207 (79207|1) -
01:19:822 (79822|3) - 01:22:284 (82284|0) - according to the rules in the ranking criteria that at least a normal diff can't place more than 5 notes in 1/4 and you have more than 5 notes which this diff doesn't according to the ranking criteria. here is the link https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/en/Ranking_Criteria/osu!mania and I got this from this point "Avoid using more than 5 consecutive 1/4 notes."