00:27:684 (27684|0) - 00:28:315 (28315|0) - 00:28:947 (28947|3) -
00:29:894 (29894|1) -
00:30:210 (30210|2) -
01:05:579 (65579|2) - 01:08:105 (68105|2) -
01:10:631 (70631|1) - according to the rules in the ranking criteria that at least a normal diff can't place more than 5 notes in 1/4 and you have more than 5 notes which this diff doesn't according to the ranking criteria. here is the link https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/en/Ranking_Criteria/osu%21mania and I got this from this point "Avoid using more than 5 consecutive 1/4 notes."
00:16:868 to 00:20:658 is mapped way differently than 00:11:816 to 00:16:553 even though they are similar sections of the music. i think you should decide whether or not you want to keep it like the first part or the second part, or maybe even a combination. but i think you should consider remapping a section so that it is consistent