modder info

SparklyCupcake's Modding History

hey your wiki link goes to the chinese version when the user is from brazil - english link - brazilian portuguese link
hey your discord image links do not work
done and dusted!
Done, thanks!
nevermind i tried and it just rounded up
is it possible to put decimal offsets? if so then what about 546.5 as a compromise between the ones you hear
no but fr good map
that....actually seems to be it (or at least really close), thank you!
Study ranked maps around the target star rating. Look at how they approach jumps and style your jumps like them (not blatant copying them ofc).
it has fruit placement and a background, how can you not perceive this
im really late but i think its cause its using the 2009 mix instead of the 2018 mix
you're welcome, the song was legit great!