ok i dont think having "youtube" as a source is acceptable for ranking (the source thing would be if it was from soundtracks, think movies/tv shows, games, internet works and stage productions)
03:40:544 (28) - the note is too fast to judge properly and relies upon the player already knowing its there (which kills chances of sightread FCs)
May need an explicit tag due to its subject matter (for those who somehow don't know, its about the phenomena in some countries of babies being left in coin lockers, usually dying brutal deaths).
hey your wiki link goes to the chinese version when the user is from brazil
https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/en/Ranking_criteria/osu%21taiko - english link
https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/pt/Ranking_criteria/osu%21taiko - brazilian portuguese link
is it possible to put decimal offsets? if so then what about 546.5 as a compromise between the ones you hear
Study ranked maps around the target star rating. Look at how they approach jumps and style your jumps like them (not blatant copying them ofc).