try to variate more the circles and dont put notes in the same place to being less repetitive
the style i m mapping in requires back and fourths in like a forward backwards sidewards direction so it may seem repetetive but i will see to improve that
00:05:380 (9) - remove this slider and put 2 1/1 circles or a 1/1 slider
in 00:04:018 (6,7) - reverse the position to get closer on vocals
Remember that if you want to rank a map someday you have to add custom colors and hitsounds xD
There's concerns with readability I have throughout the map... namely the jump patterns that double back onto themselves.
(disclaimer: i'm not the be all end all of beatmap advice, get a second opinion)
Study ranked maps around the target star rating. Look at how they approach jumps and style your jumps like them (not blatant copying them ofc).
i kinda like the concept of back and fourth jumps hence i applied it to the map. i will def take into consideration the point of studying ranked maps . this is my second map so pl dont expect much. i improved the reading issue and also had some1 testplay it so i think it is okay. other than that i would also like some feedback on the patterns