Tablet+Keyboard Tablet: GAOMON S620 Area Keyboard: Custom keyboard, Gateron SMD Clear or Durock Koala 62g switches depends on my mood Fingers: Ring finger (actually trying Middle finger again sometimes) and Index finger (full alt since come back from army) Monitor: LG 27GP850-B 180 Hz osu!Resolution: 25600x1440 Main skin Folder with skins that I used
Decided to do document with all tournaments where I played so it's easier to show teammates, do some commentaries about tournament and etc. Can find document here
[centre]SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, roughly 1.9 meters in height, which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor. While SCP-049 appears to be wearing the thick robes and the ceramic mask indicative of that profession, the garments instead seem to have grown out of SCP-049's body over time1, and are now nearly indistinguishable from whatever form is beneath them. X-rays indicate that despite this, SCP-049 does have a humanoid skeletal structure beneath its outer layer.