I'm far from being a professional mapper but you should probably fix the last drop of the map, some of the notes are not synced and your missing double/triples for the beat of the drop. Try to keep your usage of quads, doubles and triples as well. Correct me if I missed or said something that was incorrect.
01:05:330 (65330|1,65780|2) - is a continuation of the synth at 01:04:580 (64580|0) - they switch columns because the pitch changes, and it can also represent the sound fading out, so I think it's fine. Fixed the missing melody notes and other problems.
I don't think it'd be right, 00:11:780 (11780|0) has the guitar a lot more audible, while 00:11:780 is barely there. As for consistency 00:11:780 has a diferent rhythm because it starts a tick earlier than 00:11:780 so I personally don't think it would make much sense. (I'll resolve this mod for now, feel free to reopen again if anybody understands the first mod or has something to add)